1957-02-11 Regular MeetingMeeting of Pebruary.4, 1957 - Continued 1-27' An inuitation was received from the Institute of Uovernment for County Accountants to at- C? tend a one-week course in County Accounting planned to begin Monday'. February 25 and run- ning through March lst. The same was referred to the County Auditor who in his discretion was authorized to send a member of his Office staff or attend himself as he sees fit. A copy of the Veterans' Service Officer's report for January was received and filed. A request of the Veterans' Service Officer for a new Underwood Typewriter for his Office at a net cost of from $145.63 to $167.50, to replace his present 17 year-old typewriter, was declined for the reason the same was not provided for in the Budget, and instructions were given to include the same in next year's Budget. A bill for $100.00 received from Taylor Exterminating Company for treatment of the CounLy Farm Dairy Barn for termites in addition to the cost of $$360.00 charged on other buildings at the County FIome, which would raise the present cost to $460.00, was referred to Mr. Broad- hurst for investigation and report back to the Board at the neat meeting. ? A letter was received from Major Francis G. Moffit, U. S. Army Advisor Group, thanking the Commissioners for their past cooperation and courtesies, and look forward to the continua- tion of a pleasant relationship in 1957. , , A copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Commwiity Hospital for November 16, 1956 was received and filed. ' Surety Bonds for Wilbur Lee 13est and John Edward Griffith as Justices of the Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 each with the National Surety Corporation as surety, the same having been approved by the County Attorney as to form, were approved by the Board. A communication was received from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, advisin that ? Rossie Thompson who rents two rooms upstairs in the Airport Terminal Building at $0.00 per month including lights and water (no electrical power) has since installed additional electrical equipment including a hot water booster at 6000-watts, two deep 'freezers, elec- tric ovens, deep fryer and five electric refrigerators, Mr. Westbrook notified him that due to increased use of electrical equipment he would have to pay for his own electric ser- vice. This was dotie January 30th, and a meter was installed. PSr. Westbrook recommends that hi.s rent continue at $50.00 per month, including water, which was agreeable to the Board. A report of funds deposited by the Airport, January 31; 1957 received from rents, sale of gasoline and miscellaneous receipts in the amount oP $1,234.73 was received and filed. Mr. Holton reported he was approached by two boys who want to build their own hangar at the Airport were referred to Mr. Westbrook for recommendations. Mr. Williams inquired as to who set the rentals at the Airport and if not already arranged should get some one who is qualified to set up a rental scale. Would be best for an ex- pert to handle, he said. Mr. Hall fel.t it would be best to leave that up to the Airport Manager. No action was taken. ' Mr. Broadhurst urged the Commissioners to go out with him to investigate the 23rd Street HigY?way right-of-way through the County Farm land. He said we will have to have a new fence on each side of the Highway for a distance of half mile which will require one..mile , of fence construction. Mr. Mayhan also suggested we look into a potential trash dump in that territory. Dfr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, presented a bill for $7,200.00 he received From Cole-Layer- 'Prumble Company for payment on account of the revaluation work in January. Pfr. Love said four (4) men were working on the job, and based on installment progress rate would not justify that amount at this time. The same was referred back to Mr. Love for checking and recommedations. A request of I'red D'Lugin Por an abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against a tax fore- closure Lot in Block 280 he purchased from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner September 8, 1952, subject to the payment of the 1951 and 1952 taxes without reference having been made to the 1950 taxes at the time of sale. The matter having previously been referred to the County Attorney for opinion he ruled that he taould not recommend abatement of the 1950 taxes, i The County Tax Supervisor said we have no legal authority to abate the taxes. Thereupon -? Mr. Williams moved that in view of the Law and what the Tax Supervisor said, the abatement 6,??'•`"-? be declined. The motion wasiseconded by Mr. Holton, but the motion failed on the negative vote of Commissioners Mayhan, $roadhurst and the Chairman, and the matter was referred to the County Attorney to investigate the matter with the City Attorney and come back to the Board with recommendations a t the next meeting. Mr. Williams said he failed to get an answer to a phone call he made to this ofPice one day last week between one and two o'clock, and suggested the Clerk be authorized to employ a secretary to help him and to have someone in the Office when he is attending to outside ?P ""°• duties. 'lhe matter was received for future consideration. ' No further business appearing, the meeting was upon motion of PSr. Ho7.ton, seconded by Mr. Williams, adjourned. Clerk • ? Wilmington, N. C., FeUruary 11, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissionei°s Ernest R. M,Eyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holtdn, Jr., BePry A. Williams, and John Bri ght Hill, County Attorney and T. ll. Love, County Auditor. I i The Meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend llr. E. D. Witherspoon, Paster of S.t. Andrews- ' Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of February 4, 1957, having previously been mail.ed to each ' member of the Board the same were upon motion,of Mr. Diayhan, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, approved. i ? r128 l?. ?? 1001? Meeting of February 11, 1957 - Continued At the request of the County Attorney, opinion and recommendations in the Fred D'Lugin request for an abatement of the 1950 taxes on a tax foreclosure Lot in Block 280 he pur- chased from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner was continuea until the next meeting, to give the County Attorney an opportunity to confer with the City Attorney who has been out-of- town over the past week. Upon mation of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the following Resolutions were unani- mously adopted: R E S 0 li U T I 0 N A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CfIUNTY COMMZSSIONERS OF NEW HANUVER COUNTY TO PROVIUE F'OR A f2EFERENllUM BY THE COUNTX'S ELIGIBLE rEriBEas UNDER PRUVISIONS OF ARTICLE 2 OF CHAPTER 135 OF THE GENEltAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAR- OLINA ANll UIQDER PROVISIUNS OF THE GOVh:RNOR.I.S_EJii:CUTIVE ORDliR OF DECEMBF:R 17, 1956. BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RLSOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Netia Hanover County as follows: Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of ATew Hanover County hereby applies to the Agent designated in the Executive Order, dated December 17, 1956, by the Governor of North Carolina, to hold, on May 15, 19570 a referendum to determine wheth- er or not the New Hanover County Emnloyees Retirement System as it applies to eligible mem- bers of this'governmental unit;'shall be'coordinated with the Old=Age and Survivors Insur- ance provisions of the l+ederal Social Security Act. Coverage under the Social Security Act will become effective on the'lst day of January, 1956, for all general employees of the"County of Aew Hanover in service on the date that the agreement is executed by the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. ? Section 2. It is further resolved by the IIoard of County Commis- sioners of New Hanover County that no vote will be held under this resolution unless the Board of County Commissioners is successful in obtaining Legislation that will freeze the present pension system to those persons now covered by said pension system. . Section 3. That the Board of Cormnissioners of New 1[anover County agrees,'in consideration of the acceptance of'this application, that it will designate an election official Loaerve as such without compensation under the supervision of and in ac- cordance with instructions of the Agent of the Governor and that it will notify the eligi- ble voters not less than 90 days prior to Afay 15, 1957, date of referendum. This the llth day of February, 1957. Isl J. M. Hall, Jr. . chairrnan - iioara oi' County Commissioners /s/ James E. Holton, Jr. c:ommissioner Isl E. R. Mayhan , L`ommissioner Is/ L. E. Broadhurst Commissioner /s/ Berry A. Williams l:onunissioner R E S 0 L U T I 0 N N A RESULUI'ION BY TliE, BOARD OF COUNTY COtP1ISSI0NliR5 OF NEW HAnOVM COIINTY TO PRUVIDE I+'OR A REFEREMllUP1 BY Tllli COtTNTY'S ELIGIBLE MEAIBERS UNDhR PHOVISTONS OF ARTICliE 2 OF CHAPTliit 135 OF' TIiL+' GENliRAL STATUTES ' OF NOHTIi Ctll-tOLIAiA ANll UNllER PROVISIONS OF T}lE GOV- ' ERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER Of' DECEPiBER 17, 1956. `BL IT ANll IT IS HP.ktESY RESOLVEll by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County as follows: Section 1. • That the Board of Commissi.oners of New Hanover County here- by applies to the Agent designated in the Executive Order, dated llecember 17, 1956, by the Governor of North Carolina, to hold, on May 15, 1957, a referendum to determine wheth- er or not the North Carolina Law Enforcement Off'icers Benefit and Retirement Fxnd as it applies to eligible members of this Governmental unit, shall be coordinated witla the Old- Age and Survivors Insurance provisions of the b'ederal Social Security Act. Coverage un- der the Social Security Act ivill become effective on the lst day of January, 1956, for all North Carolina liata Enforcement Officers Benefit and Retirement Pund in service on the date that the agreement is executed by the Secretary of Fiealth, Education and SJelfare. ' Section 2. It is further resolved by the Board of County Commission- ers of New Hanover County that no vote will be held under this resolution unless the Board of County Commissioners is successful in obtaining Legislation that wil.l freeze the present pension system to those persons now covered by said Pension system. a L ? ???? Meeting of b'ebruary 11, 1957 - Continued Section 3. That the Board of Commissioners of Aiew Hanover County agrees, in consideration of the acceptance of this application, that it will designate an election official to serve'as such without compensation under the supervision of and in accordance with instructions of the Agent of the Governor and that it will notify the eligible voters not less than 90 days prior to May 15, 1957, date of referendum. This the llth day of Pebruary, 1957. ' /s/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Cnalrman - Hoard oi' County Cownissioners Is/ James E. Holton,'Jr. t;ommissioner /sl E. R. Mayhan Commissioner Isl L. E. Broadhurst Commissioner /s/ Berry A: Williarus Commissioner Mr. Garland Thompson, Secretary and Treasurer of the New Hanover County nremans' Assoc- iation appeared to announce;.two (2) vacancies on the Rural b'iremans' Fire Inspection Com- mittee to be filled, and'said the Rural Firemans' Association recommended the appoint- ment of Mr. H. A. Hall to fill one of the vacancies occasioned by the resignation of Mr. S. E. 13rown which was upon motion of Mr. IZilliams, seconded by Mr. Holton, a,pnrnvPd. C The other member appointed by the County Commissioners, was Berry A. Williams as the aral?l??? ? County's Representative on the IhsPection Cottunittee to succeed Mr. Rai or lrask. i ? In view of the urgency to secure the services of a Dragline Operator for the County drain- age work, and it appearing that after diligent effort made, none was found to be avail- able locally, Mr. J. D. Ellis, Bolton, N. C., was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by tir. Broadhurst, employed as a County llragline Operator on an hourly basis at $1.75 per hour. Mr. Mayrian voted "no" for the reason Mr. Ellis is a brother-in-law of Mr. Williams. Aowever, this information was not ascertained until after Mr. Broadhurst and the Clerk had interviewed Mr. Ellis and had tentatively employed him, and relationship was not consider- ed in the transaction. The motion was carried. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, $98.43 ipated Funds to damage to fence under the Airport Budget in amount of funds received from the Insurance Company. was appropriated from Unantic- ? order to disburse the said ? , ? A letter was received from the State Highway and Public SJorks Commission advising that the following roads were added to our County Highway System at its meeting held January 24, 1957: Blossom Street•0,35 mile'- Willander llrive - Canal Street - Peachtree Avenue, 0.1 - ' Rose Avenue - Masonboro lioop Road to Carolina Beach Road, and road from 39th Street and Park Avenue to Wr^ightsville Avenue. The gddition of the following roads were not approved at this time: Blossom Street 0.05 mile, Peachtree Avenue 0.4 mile and Flemming Street and Second Avenue in Flemmington , Vil la ge . ' Reports for the month of January were received from the County Home Agent, County N'arm Agent and Colored Home Demonstration Agent, and filed. A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolanobile for Sanuary was received and An applicatiou of Mr. Charles K. Bounelis, 62-year old totally disabled recipient for mission to the County Home was referred back to the Superintendent of Public Welfare his citizenship status when he was drawing A.P.T.D. Assistance. ? f filed.i4^110?. ad- s to ,brcl-, ? Mr. Williams reported on his attendance upon the Cape Fear River IIasin Flood Control hear- ing at Fayetteville, February 8. Other than what has been reported by the Press, he said , the majority was in favor of a dam for flood control for depth and malaria control. Chat- , ham Cowity objected largely to flooding by the dam and some people who would be affected don't want to have to move out; others would be protected from flooding. A numper of homes are not protected by Insurance and it was reconunended the Congress provide that pro- t.ection. • Upun motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, payment of $$100.00 to the Taylor Termite Exterminating Company for treatment of the County N'arm Dairy'Barn for terinites and vermin under a previous contract of May 25, 1956 was approved, and authority was given to appropriate a like amount out of the County Home Unanticipated l+unds to meet that ex- Pense. ' A petition of 22 property owners for the State to take over for maintenance; Azalea Drive and Churchill llrive iei Highland Hills, Plasonboro Totanship which runs from liighland Drive ? thru Clzurchill llrive a distance of'3/4 mile on which 30 houses are located, was upon motion '_9LIoP" of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Sailliams, anproved and referred to the State Highway aiid Public Works Commission for consideration. ? ? With reference to the City's proposal at a meeting of January 28, that the County ta]ce over ? the expense of Qommunity liospital a nd Board of Health to which the Board promised to give ?-? an answer at this meeting. Mr. Williams suggested that in view of havi.ilg just received from the Institute of Government copies of a report on thestudy of seven (7) large Counties and Cities Financial Relationships, caithin the State, two (2) weeks additional time be giv- i en to enable the Commissioners to study the reports. The same was therefore continued un- til N'eUruary 25, 1957. ? In view of the approaching Summer Season and the proposed Ferry service between Port Fisher and Southport to be put into ef.fect in approximately two (2) moriths, together with the pres- ent traffic congestion over the inadequate two-lane fiighway US-421 from Wilmington to trie Southern 13eaches and which will increase and become a greater hazard when Lhe Perry is put ' into operation, Mr. Williams moved that the Board urge the State Highcaay and Public Works Commission to widen US-421 from Wilmington to Fort F'isher Nerry Boat landing to relieve , traffic congestion and malce it safe to travel. His motiort was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously carried. ` I ??30 r -? Meeting of N'ebruary 11, 1957 - Continued The Clerk was instructed to check on the Battle Acre premises at b'ort Fisher from time to time to keep the grounds clean and in good cocidition. A motion offered by Mr. Mayhan to instruct Mr. Hewlett, our Representative in the Leg- islature not to introduce a Bill to raise the County Commissioners' salaries, failed of a second. His prepared statment follows: "February 11, 1957. c- yr'"" _ ? 61 "I read in the paper where Aepresentative Hewlett is going to introduce a Bill to raise the salaries of the County Elected Officials. "We all know the terrible damage done by recent hurricanes to our Beaches, and the fact ttiat the property owners cannot ger proper financing because it is im- possible to get complete Insurance Coverage puts these property owners in a position where their values have been seriously affected, and they should receive every consid- eration for a reduction in taxes. We all know that the decision on the part of the A.C.L. to leave has seriously aff'=ected our economy, and we will be some years before we can overcome this. Also, President Isenhour and former President Hoover have call- ed for rigid economy both on the part of business and labor because of the inflation that is running away in this Country. "The proposed salary raises for the ,public off'icials is the responsibility of Representative Hewlett, but as to the raise for the Commissioners, I amopposed to it, as I have always felt that being a County Commissioner is an honorary position and I would like to see it remain that way; and i feel that any Commissioner who feels that the job requires too much of his valuable time should resign. "The Commissioners should set an example of economy, and if this proposed raise becomes effective then every County employe will be entitled to a 50 percent raise, or more. I certziinly feel that you gentlemen should not reguest or accept any larger increase percentage-wise than you would be willing to give to the County employes. "While I am talking about salary raises, let me make it clear that I do feel that our School Teachers should kiave an increase, and this should come first. /s/ Ernest A. Mayhan" The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Juro"rs?in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for two (2) weeks term beginning February 25, 1957: C. E. Mobley, 618 North 4th Street Joel Bell, 815 South 6th Street Martha F. Emmanuel, Rte.3-Box 91 W. D. Hu;hes, P. 0. Box 358, City H. S. Hufham, 55 Pinecrest Pkwy. Charles Crosby, 1410 Nun Street Charles F. Lucas, P. 0. Box 91, Castle Hayne,NC. ]3en H. Brown, 118 Bryan Avenue Clarence L. Holliday, 54 West Drive,Lake Forest Raymond Best,2118 klein Road R. L. Crabes, Sr., P.O.Box 52,Tdrightsville Bch. T. B. Freeman, 3403 1'rincess Street ltoad S.J. Cockrell, 1921 Princess Street Joe Elekes, Rte.l Castle Hayne, N.C. ne-Robert B. Buck, 5006 Oleander llrive Charles E. Nance, P. 0. Box 1482, City Harry A. Burr, 11 North 23rd Street Wright Grady, Jr., Rte.l 13ox 188 Castle Hayne D. K. LeGwin, 112 Central Blvd.' Judson K. George, Kure Beach W. H. 13atson, Box 172, Carolina Beach Clay Bullard, 9 Woodlawn Avenue Walter Isreal, 511 Prices Alley J. G. Surratt, P. 0. Box 124, City Ernest P. Jones, 2722 Monroe Street Jean Bostian, 109 Aiorth Audubon Blvd. Joseph M. Block, 1618 Princess Street C. A. Sikes; P. 0. Box 603, Carolina Beach Walter Ash, 6 Lincoln Court L. C. Odom, 2861 Adams Street James Southerland, Jr., P. 0. Box 37,Castle Hayne-R. H. Long, 2537 Burnett Blvd. ldillie B. Long, 2726 Van Buren Street C. D. Wells, P. 0. 13ox 94, Carolina Beach liouston N'ield, 212 Maryland Avenue llolphus G. Spivey, 306 llavie Drive J. M. kleadon, Rte.l-Box 170 L. E. Allen, 1813 Princess Street T. F. Scruggs, Rte.l - Box 487 Stanley G. Cheek, Kure Beach C. F. Carr, 2512 Jackson Street Wm. Henry Grady, Rte.l Castle 1layne,AiC. B. E. Newkirk, 2009 Metts Avenue Wm. F. Caulder,Ct. 8-N,Lake Forest Stanley Cecil Paulk, 102 Morningside Dr. B. L. Lewis, 2915A Jefferson Street. Geo. P. Batson, 503 PSarltet Street John Wm. Baldwin, 503 north 23rd Street Thomas Gaines, P. U. Box 123, Castle liay Carl W. Fulford, 3r,, 2709 Harrison St. For LJeek March 4, 1957: - G. V. Larson, 7r., Rte.3 D. P. Xanthos, 480:ATorth F'ront Street D. G. Raines, Rte.l - Box 526, City 14. J. Robinson, Rte.l - Box 224-C A. F. Gibson, Jr., 2525 Washington Street -Joseph M. Watkins, 120 Castl.e Hayne Road K. M. Hall, 1507 Rankin Street William R. Zimmer, 2710 Arden Road G. H. Aarker, C33 Box 343-E Earl M. Stevens, 118 Newton Lane J. M. Brite, 2849 L. JefPerson Street M. J. McLeod, 1238 Fairway Drive E. N. Loftin, Sr., 2012 Woolcott Avenue Ernest E. King, 20 Bernard llrive J. F. Council, 211 South 16th Street D. C. Howard, Sr., 2724 Monroe Street W. T. .Croom, 419 Ldrightsville Avenue Wilmer J. Barefoot, 1519 Casi:le Street F. R. Farmer, 402 Sunset Avenue Curtis W. Elliott, 1921 Church Street Thoma s W. Bird, 125 ldard Street W. H. Tatum, 2417 Monroe Street F. J. Aatley, 3800 Peachtree Street C. V. Butler, 139 Sumter llrive L. J. Willett, Rte.3 Box 234 F. M. Hickman, 214 Kenwood A=venue J. Al len Lewis, 24 North 23rd Street Harlee R. Williams, Rte.l Box 178 T. E. Murrell, I3ox 105 Victoria Drive Charles W. Ruark, 2431 Afonroe Street John Lewis, 915 Sou1:h 3rd Street John W. Elsea, 15 Jackson Drive L. W. Humphrey, 104 Colonial Drive M. R. Blalock, Box 167, Carolina Beach Franklin S. Taylor, 2209 Barnett Avenue Howard A. Aanby, P. 0. Box 89, City W. R. Hadley, 152 Colonial Drive J. E. Soles, 4025 Cherry Avenue Ivey Batson, WrighLsville Avenue Harold L. Cag1e, 2496 Adams Street Harri ss L. Taylor, 712 Gentral Blvd. L. F. Jones, 306 Northern Blvd. Carl S. Ferger, 4015 Wrightsville Avenue W. F. F'lowers, 409 Walnut Street A. C. Anderson, 2510 WasPiington Street J. H. Mills, Jr., 15-A Lake Village Henry W.C.Habenicht, 1907 Pender Avenue W. H. Carter, 1022 South Front Street R. D. Pearsall, 115 South 15th Street M. P. Mattocks, 2520 Jefferson Street Upon motion of D1r. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting was adjourned. / Clerx