1957-02-18 Regular Meeting131 , Wilmington, N. C., February 18, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Iiall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and John Bright Ilill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. 'Phe meeting was opened with prayer by the 12everend R. B. Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of February 11, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the;same were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst approved after cor- rection was made in the date of February 28 referred to as the date of the City's pro- posal that the County take over the expense of Community Hospital and Board of Health, which was corrected to read "January 28". i Pir. John C. Wessell, Jr., appeared for the residents of Hanover Heights to complain of the dumping of trash at nigpt. No evidence was found to lead to the identification of ? the guilty parties, he said, and the matter was received for handling with the Sheriff. Upon motion of Mr. BroaclYiurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Carolina Poti*er and Ligl'lt Com- ?-? pany was granted a right-of-way easement over the County's Hugh PiacRae Park land bounded by lands of Rena N. MacRae on the south and west, I,atke Street on the north anil Winter Park to Shipyard Iiighway on the east, for the purpose of relocating the existing electric line across land described above made necessury by Highway construction. The poles for said electric line shall be located not more than fifty-one (51) feet from center line , of said Highway, except adjacent to Highway curve. Application to admit Charles K. Bounelis to the County Home which was referred back to Mr. Hollis at the last meeting for clarification of his citizenship, was upon motion of Mr. flolton, seconded by Mr. Williams granted admission to the County Home as an emergency case under circurostances stated by Trr? Hollis that he has been in this Country for 20 years; was an A.1'.T.D., recipient and was in the County eight (8) months prior to admis- ' sion to the Hospital for having suffered three heart attacks. Ae is a lone persori and was discharged February 8, 1957, but the lloctor refused to let him live alone. He was placed in the County Home as an emergency and as an economy measure. With reference to a communication received from St. Afary's Yarent-Teachers Association protesting the vulgar advertisements of some motion pictures carried in the local news- papers and to the showing of such as are advertised at theatres. The Board thanlced the ladies for this letter and felt such conditions were deplorable, but there was nothing I they could do about it. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board voted to cooperate with the Azalea B'estival Committee in their request for permission to erect bleacher seats, 11 ???-.•R seats high in front of the Court House, 3rd Street side, subject to the City approval. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadl3urst, seconded by'Mr. Mayhan, the County Auditor was authorized - -„??,? to appropriate $225.00 out of the County Home Emergency Ftiznd for repairs to Mattresses and _ purchase of Bed Linen under the County Home Budget, and upon motion or Mr. Holton, second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst, authority was given to appropriate $1,476.37 out of the General Fund Emergency for the purcliase of one-half ton Chevrolet Truck under the Hugh MacRae Park and Uak Grove Cemetery Budget. A request of Airs. M. P: Bucleley for dragline drainage in the Prince George-Pumpkin Kiln area, Cape b'ear Townskiip, was referred to the pr•agline Committee for consideration as the next project after completion of previous project committals. With reference to our drainage work set-up, Mr. Williams suggested that the Clerk and Coun- ty ALtorney look into the matter to ascertain if we are operating according to Lata and that the Courity Attorney sit in on drai.nage requests as to legality and justification. Mr. Mayhan said developers put taxes on our tax books, but not so as to farm lands, drainage would therefore be to our advantage. P1r, liall felt the IIoard qualified to determine the best cause. , Mr. Williams said, "Think it over until the next llrainage meeting next Dionday." As to the Crews-All drainage set-up, Mr. fiall said Crews' plan is entirely different, would ' dump water on otYiers, and suggested start in the Pond area at Park Avenue and on to the Willetts' llitch below the T. B. Hospital which runs into 13radley Creek, and contact Mrs. Ali for necessary grade stakes. Mr. Broadhurst recommended that if Pirs. All doesn't fur- nish grade stakes, that we do it and go on thru with it. Thereupon Mr. Holton moved that ? Mr. 13roadhurst and the Clerk be given authority to proceed with the All drainage project to the best advantage to the County. The motion was'seconded by Tfr. Mayhan and carried; Mr. Williams not voting. "-" A statement of tax collections was received from Mr. C. R. Morse, the Tax Colleetor, for T? the years 1951 thru 1955 showing: ? Total Uncollected Back Taxes 94,414.80 Total collected 26,774.93 Balance due as of February 1, 1957 $ 67,639.87 Collected on 1956 taxes for October, ATOVember, llecember and January $802,841.12. Upon motion of bir, liolton, Mr. Morse was complimented on his report of collections. A report of the Wilmingtoii Colored Library and Board of Health for January wer•e received ,?j? ?I??- -? and filed. A request received from Captain J. H. Hayes, Raleigh Police De.partment, that two (2) houses on the corner of US-421 and Ocean Boulevard, Wilmington Beach, dama,ged by the hurricanes brt Ue condemned and moved off the property Por sanitary and safety reasons, was reFerred to -,,^R,. , the Health llepartment to handle inasmuch as we have no legal authority in the matter. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Ma,yhan, the Board authorized the observance ? of Wasliington's Birthday, I'ebruary 22, 1957, as a holiday for County employes. ? I r cri) fl ? Meeting of February 18, 1957 - Continued A petition of nine (9) property owners f'or improvements to Tdhite's Road in Harnett Town- ship which runs from Gordon Road to Gum Branch on which six (G) houses are located, by oc- casional dragging and scraping the road, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, approved and referred to the State liighway and Public Works Commission for consideration. O.A.A. LIliN - INA MAE TAYLOR RESOLUTION ??•?6??'"" - The following Resolution was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, adopt- ed: WHEFiE,AS, New Hanover County is holder of an Old Age Assistance lien again- st the property of Ina Mae Taylor located at 612 South Second Street, Wilmington, N. C., in the amount of $2,467.00 lien Docket #2, Page 303-1 in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of New lianover County, and • W1iEREA5, the said Ina Mae Taylor has agreed to sell this property and pay said lien in the following manner -$1,817.0o in cash and $650.00 in paid-up stock certif- icates in the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association, and Wtl]?REAS, the purchaser has secured a loan of $2,150,00 from the said Coopera- tive Savings and Loan Association with the understanding that he get $1,500.00 in cash and paid-up stock certificates in the amount of $650.00 to be held by the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association until tie has reduced his indebtedness by $650.00. The paid-up stock to be issued in the name of the County of New Ilanover but held by the Association, NOW THEkliPORE, the I3oard of County Commissioners of New Hanover County in / regular meeting assembled do hereby authorize,empower and direct T. D. Love, County Auditor T?? to sign the name of New Hanover County and endorse the said paid-up stock certificates over to the Cooperative Savings and lioan Association to be held by said Association until the $650.00 has been pai.d on said indebtedness at iahich time the paid-up stock will be re- turned to New Hanover County. A request of the Superintendent of Yublic Welfare for $5,000.00 additional appropriation to meet the need for increased nwnber of individuals for aid for De,pendent Children and ??• new Aid for Totally and Permanently llisabled cases, for tlie remainder of the fiscal year, was upon motion of Mr. Holton taken under consideration until next Monday. ? Mr. Mayhan reported that at a recent meeting at Community Hospital, it was agreed to adopt a polzcy of talcing a lien on the property of patients admitted to the Hospital to insure a ment of the3r Hos tal ex enses, There are 54.there on the p y pi p payroll and three shifts. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board voted to approve the recom- ?_mendation of the Sheriff to increase in salary Leon Tioore, lleputy Sheriff in transferring C?? him from Jail duty to Outside duty froro $265.00 per month to ?275.00. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Playhan, bfrs. Ema Parker Walton Carroll an 80-year old lone citizen, physically unable to live alone and no one to care for her, was -? upon recommendatioil oY the Superintendent oi' County Welfare admitted to the Counisy Home. e, A letter was received from Mr. J. b'rank Collier, Playor of Carolina Beach, advising that the City Council of Carolina ]3each at a meeting held N'eUruary 13, unanimously adopted a ? Hesolution of appreciation for our endorsement of a four-lane Highway from the City of Wil- mington to Fort Pisher. A proposed Bill that would include the ABC Board members in Lhe local County Employes Re- tirement System was received from our Representative Addison Hewlett, Jr., for the Board's n ? study and recommendations. The same was read by the Chairman anrl referred to the County Attorney who was authorized anfl directed to confer with Mr. Hewlett for clarification of certain portions of the proposed Bill and as to what effect it would have on out local He- tirement System, and that introduction of the Bill be delayed for the time being pending receipt of the County Attorney's opinion and for further study of the same by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. ltroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board directed the preparation af a Resolution to rir, D. S. Coltrane of the State Advisory Commission, expressing its en- abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against a tax foreclosure Lot in Block 280 he purchased from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner, whicli was previously referred to the County Attorney for opinion, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, secozided by Mr. Williams, declined on opinion of the County Attorney that the Conunissioners have no legal right to abate the taxes. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, 8econded by Mr. Broadhurst the meeting was then adjourned. dorsement:and approval of a survey report recommending the expenditure of ?P 12.6 million , and to that end offers its fullest support anil cooperation in every way possible in the prosecution of this undertalcing to a successful conclusion. dollUponarsmotifor on of improMr.vemeHoltnts on, and se decovelndedopmebynt Mr. of Wil the liams, a Wilmington request Port o of Mrver. . a F'red perill'od of Lugin yearfosr an Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., February 25, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. Pi: Iiall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Heverend C. E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Luthern Church. Copies of the mi.nutes of the meeting of February 18, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Dlayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. ?