1957-02-25 Regular Meetingr cri) fl ? Meeting of February 18, 1957 - Continued A petition of nine (9) property owners f'or improvements to Tdhite's Road in Harnett Town- ship which runs from Gordon Road to Gum Branch on which six (G) houses are located, by oc- casional dragging and scraping the road, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, approved and referred to the State liighway and Public Works Commission for consideration. O.A.A. LIliN - INA MAE TAYLOR RESOLUTION ??•?6??'"" - The following Resolution was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, adopt- ed: WHEFiE,AS, New Hanover County is holder of an Old Age Assistance lien again- st the property of Ina Mae Taylor located at 612 South Second Street, Wilmington, N. C., in the amount of $2,467.00 lien Docket #2, Page 303-1 in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of New lianover County, and • W1iEREA5, the said Ina Mae Taylor has agreed to sell this property and pay said lien in the following manner -$1,817.0o in cash and $650.00 in paid-up stock certif- icates in the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association, and Wtl]?REAS, the purchaser has secured a loan of $2,150,00 from the said Coopera- tive Savings and Loan Association with the understanding that he get $1,500.00 in cash and paid-up stock certificates in the amount of $650.00 to be held by the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association until tie has reduced his indebtedness by $650.00. The paid-up stock to be issued in the name of the County of New Ilanover but held by the Association, NOW THEkliPORE, the I3oard of County Commissioners of New Hanover County in / regular meeting assembled do hereby authorize,empower and direct T. D. Love, County Auditor T?? to sign the name of New Hanover County and endorse the said paid-up stock certificates over to the Cooperative Savings and lioan Association to be held by said Association until the $650.00 has been pai.d on said indebtedness at iahich time the paid-up stock will be re- turned to New Hanover County. A request of the Superintendent of Yublic Welfare for $5,000.00 additional appropriation to meet the need for increased nwnber of individuals for aid for De,pendent Children and ??• new Aid for Totally and Permanently llisabled cases, for tlie remainder of the fiscal year, was upon motion of Mr. Holton taken under consideration until next Monday. ? Mr. Mayhan reported that at a recent meeting at Community Hospital, it was agreed to adopt a polzcy of talcing a lien on the property of patients admitted to the Hospital to insure a ment of the3r Hos tal ex enses, There are 54.there on the p y pi p payroll and three shifts. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board voted to approve the recom- ?_mendation of the Sheriff to increase in salary Leon Tioore, lleputy Sheriff in transferring C?? him from Jail duty to Outside duty froro $265.00 per month to ?275.00. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Playhan, bfrs. Ema Parker Walton Carroll an 80-year old lone citizen, physically unable to live alone and no one to care for her, was -? upon recommendatioil oY the Superintendent oi' County Welfare admitted to the Counisy Home. e, A letter was received from Mr. J. b'rank Collier, Playor of Carolina Beach, advising that the City Council of Carolina ]3each at a meeting held N'eUruary 13, unanimously adopted a ? Hesolution of appreciation for our endorsement of a four-lane Highway from the City of Wil- mington to Fort Pisher. A proposed Bill that would include the ABC Board members in Lhe local County Employes Re- tirement System was received from our Representative Addison Hewlett, Jr., for the Board's n ? study and recommendations. The same was read by the Chairman anrl referred to the County Attorney who was authorized anfl directed to confer with Mr. Hewlett for clarification of certain portions of the proposed Bill and as to what effect it would have on out local He- tirement System, and that introduction of the Bill be delayed for the time being pending receipt of the County Attorney's opinion and for further study of the same by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. ltroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board directed the preparation af a Resolution to rir, D. S. Coltrane of the State Advisory Commission, expressing its en- abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against a tax foreclosure Lot in Block 280 he purchased from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner, whicli was previously referred to the County Attorney for opinion, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, secozided by Mr. Williams, declined on opinion of the County Attorney that the Conunissioners have no legal right to abate the taxes. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, 8econded by Mr. Broadhurst the meeting was then adjourned. dorsement:and approval of a survey report recommending the expenditure of ?P 12.6 million , and to that end offers its fullest support anil cooperation in every way possible in the prosecution of this undertalcing to a successful conclusion. dollUponarsmotifor on of improMr.vemeHoltnts on, and se decovelndedopmebynt Mr. of Wil the liams, a Wilmington request Port o of Mrver. . a F'red perill'od of Lugin yearfosr an Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., February 25, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. Pi: Iiall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Heverend C. E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Luthern Church. Copies of the mi.nutes of the meeting of February 18, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Dlayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. ? 133` Mr. T. A. Crews appeared with Mr. J. B. Davis, Engineer,.to discuss his drainage problem at Oak Crest off Wrightsville Avenue near Winter Park, in connection with the proposed drainage request by P1rs. All. After a lengthy discussion it did not appear feasible to tie the Crews' drainage in iaith the All project as apparently no outlet is available to drain the property without cutting too deep a canal that would not be practical. However, after further discussion it was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, agreed that inasmuch as Mr. Crews 11as had his project surveyed for right-of- way and grades established and ready to hegin operation, that be the next drainage pro- ject on the agenda and that operation begin as early as practical. In the meantime, if the All drainage project has met all requirements to provide the necessary,right-of- way and grades, that be the next project after completion of the Crews' job, otherwise the Market Street project will be the next in order for drainage. . ? With reference to a request of the Superiritendent of Public Welfare for $5,000.00 addi- tioizal appropriation to meet the needs of increasing number of individua.ls for Aid to llependent Children and for Totally and Permanently llisabled for the remainder of the.fis- cal year which was continued from last Monday, was discussed further and upon motion of vu T1r. idilliams, seconded by Mr. Holton, an appropriation of $2 500.00 was granted out of the Emergency N'und toward that expense, and the Superintena;e1n4! oi' Public Idelfare, and a member of the Board if necessary, was authorized and directed to go to Raleigh or Washing- ton, whichever is necessary, to arrange with the proper authorities to'supplement this appropriaLion to continue the program through the ba2ance of this fiscal year, in consid- eration of the above additional appropriation. ? Mr. Hollis further informed the Board that the Legislative Committee of ATorth Carolina Superintendent's Association had aslzed for $600,000.00 for the Tiospital Pool Plan which would provide $10.00 per day for liospital careof indigents, which costs $15.00 per day, but the appropriation was cut to $330,000.00 per qear. Originally the Counties receiv- ed $6.00 per day per patient, but this caas cut to ?4.00 per day effective July 1, 1956. The appropriation recommended by the Budget Commission will pay $6.00 per day, but due to increased cost of.Hospitalization this amount is inadequate. Increased appropria= tion has also been t°equested for Administration. Pir. Hollis was instructed to incorpor- ate the facts:in a letter to the Board for such action the Board finds best to take to assist in the matter. At the invitatiou of the Board, Afessrs Lambeth,•Bowen and Stimpson, Soil Conservationists Service appeared to discuss our drainage problems ana what they may tiave to offer to as- sist the County in this service. They made it clear that under instructioitis from the Secretary of Agriculture they would not be permitted to perform any engineering service other than:for agriCUltural drainage, but would be permitted to go thru other lands to reach the agricultural area. By this ruling, they said would encourage the employment of private engineers in cases wliere agricultural land was not involved and the Depart- ment caould not furriish the service. It therefore appeared that the County will have to confine its dragline drainage to agricultural lands if assistance is expected from the Soil Conservation llepartment. Upon motion of D1r. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board agreed to purchase a full page advertisement in the Charlotte Observer Vacation Guide jointly wit11 the City of Sdilvungton at a cost of $220.50 to the County, and page advertisement in the State Magazine at a cost of ?100.00 to the County, subject to approval by the City. Same to be paid for out of next year's budget after July 1, 1957. ' 1? „i ? r _. Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Education and. Mr. H. M. Roland, Secretary, preserited a petition'of the }3oard of Education under the provisions of Article 14 of ? Chapter 115 of the General Statutes of'North Carolinn, petitioning the County Commission- ers to call an election to vote on an issue of ?1,550,000.00 New Hanover County School ? Improvement Bonds. ' Inasmuch as it appears that the establishment,of a technical College here under authority now pending in the Legislature, recommended by the State Budget Bureau, which may require an election that may be tied in with the School Bond election Therefore, on suggestion of Dr. Hoggard, the request of the Board of Education to call an election to vote on the School Improvement IIonds, was upon motion of Air. Broadhurst, seconded by P1r. Piayhan, held in abeyance until such time we receive further instruetions from the Board oP Education to proceed to take action on the request. ?--q ? Dr. Hoggard extended an invitation to the 13oard to attend an organizational meeting of the Citizens Committee for the A3vancement of Better 5chools in the Communit,y, 8:00'o'clock P.AS., at the High School. ' ? A communication was received from Congressman Alton A. Lennon, enclbsing a copy of a ter from the llistrict Engineer advisi.ng progress being made in the clearing of Smith Creek and Prince George streams. Acknowledgement was received from General Edward F. Griftin, State Civil Defense Direc- tor, of our final report to substantiate our claim for clearing streams clogged by the hurricanes of 1955. c???.e- n`?•,.? A financial statement of Community Hospital as of January 31, 1957, was.received and filed. • • . ; Recor.imendations received Prom Otis Elevator Company to install couterweighL guard in the jail elevator pit, and replace oil immersed brake magnets with DC rectifier type, was re- ceived for investigation. - ? . . . f. A letter was received from Charlie H. Stanland stating thaL by reaswl of his physical and economic condition he was forced to commit himself to the County Farm Prison as an in- C,)A'a? ebriate the same day he completed a previous sentence, and aslted that he be transferred ? to the County Home. No action was taken, feeling it would be best for him to remain where he is. , Monthly'reports were received from Harry J. Everett, County Electrical Inspector covering the calendar year, 1956. • A letter received from General Edward F. Griffin, State Director oF Civil llefense, con- cerning change in Civil llefense plaivling, was referred to Mr, E. L. White, City-Count,y Civil Defense llirector, and was assured of our cooperation. ' e -,-? R In view of information received that contracts will Ue awarded February 26, 1957, by the State Highway Commission for i.he construction of the 2 3rd Street Highway Extension, thru the County Narm land which will necessitste the erection oP a new fence along the High- way on each side where it crosses the Courity Farm land for a distance of approximately one (1) mile, and in order to meet the situation when it arises, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Iiolton, authorizeci and directed that necessary funds be appropriated and made available out of the County Farm emergency fund to meet the ex- pense for the_construction of the said fence and that such funds be reimbursed by receipt ? F g' ? ek, ?l Meeting of February 25, 1957. - Continued of payments from the State Highway Commission for this expense occasionefl by the con- struction of the Highway. ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the County Attorney was directed to draw.a Bill to enable the County to appoint a Building Inspector and set up Zoning regulations for the County similar to the llurham County Act, Chapter 1043 Session Laws of 1949, and present the same to tlie Board at the next meetinb for study. Mr. Williams brought up for discussion with the view of reaching a solution to the pro- blem between the City and County on the support of Community tiospital an(9 the Con;soli- dated Board of liealth. Mr. Williams said, our Schools and h'elfare programs are sup- ported firiancially on a County-wide basis without aid from the Incorporated areas. The Health Department and Community Hospital should be on the same basis, provided County-wide revenues are furnished on the same basis; and moved: 1. That the County of Mew Hanover accept the offer made by the City of Wilmington to deed its share in Community Hospital and that the County assume full re- sponsibility for its operation. 2. That New Hanover County accept (subject to Legislative approval) full responsibility for the operation of the Health Department. Offer to contract with municipalities within New Hanover County for the provision of services which are not County-wide in scope, said municipalities paying full cost for special s ervices requested. 3. That the Commissioners of New tIanover County request our State Repre.sta- tive to offer an amendment to the A.B.C. Revenue Bill, increasing by twenty-five (251) percent the A.B.C. Revenue received by New Hanover County from the stores located in the various Municipalities,within the County of New Hanover. 4. That the approval of the provisiuns of the first two sections of this motion be contingent upon Legislative approval of the third section of the motion. Amendment to the abuve Mr. 1lolton, "the City to,pay its part of deficit of Community liospital as of date of transfer". 'Phe foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and c arried. See below - The following good and lawful persons were d rawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the two (Z) weeks term beginning March 11, 1957: R. E. Pittman, 2208 Gibson Avenue John A. Gresham, 9 Morningside Drive Jas. W. Henrick, 91 Pinecrest Pkwy.` tlarry F. Fryer, 2612 Wrightsville Avenue B. Rhodie Perry, 1319 Urange Street L. E. Benton, 1222 Diarket Street J. R. llavis, 1816 Perry Avenue Joseph Glod, CaStle Hay?ie, N: C. Graham Q. Harward, Jr,, IIox 659 Car. Bch. Jas. A. Barrett, 2835C, Jefferson Street CYa rlie Wallace, 1033 S. Lincoln Court I. J. Hoilges, 9-Di Lalce' Yillage G. W. Melton, Rte.2-Boz 80 J. B. Campbell, 518 Market Street C. S. Ruark, 1511 South 4th'Street Clyde lienderson; 113 Vance Street Gus G. Leloudis, 2314 Brandon Hoad Hobert S. LeGwin, 812 Chestnut Street R. C. Beeman, 102 Barden Avenue D. L. Lanier, 2214 Chestnut Street A. E. Cooper Rte.2-Box 230 0. P. Baird, 125 Colonial Circle Geo. A. Brown, 3901 Oleander Drive C. H. Bowen, 236 Calhoun llrive C. C. Aoward, Box 142, Carolina Beach Wm. W. Murrell, 109 Victoria Drive C. H. Jewell,Box 120 Gordon Road LeRoy Norman, Rte.3-Box 470. George Black, 1217 Sdooster Street G. L. Hewlett, Rte.2 - Box 99 P. W. Graham, 65 Lee llrive Robert M. Jordan, 529 Castle Hayne Road H. P. Cooper, 2850-E. Adams Street L. C. LeGwin, Jr., 307 Sunset Avenue J. H. Mobley, Rte.l - Box 163 Castle Hayne BerL W. B1ake, 2532 S. b'ront Street F'or the second week beginning March 18, 1957: F'red McRae, 12 Pauline Avenue E. G. Fountain, Carolina lieach W. R. Paterson, 206 South 46th Street F. B. LeGwin, 202 Northern Dlvd. F. I. Hussell, 3201 Market Street J. W. Peebles, G-2 Oleander Court J. L. Ashley, 60 Lee llrive Fred M. Lehrscall, 1603 Castle Street J. G. Thornton, W.S.& T.Co. R. J. Lehrscall, 2114 IClein Road E. D. Barnhill, 314 llavie llrive Josep h J. Lynam, Jr., 31 Pinecrest Pkcay. C. K. Morgan, 2871E Jefferson Street F. W. Dorteh, Rte.3-Box 432 J. E. 61oan, 1806. Nun Street B. Y. Carver, Jr., 37 Lee llrive J. E. Moore, 17 Barnard Drive J. W. Narron, 3508 Van Buren Street J. U. Barnhill, 236 Vance Street Georg e Rhodes, 2102 Hydrangea Place Rudolph Gertz, 11 Yinecrest Terrace W. R. Honeycutt, 2617 Marizet Street Geo. W. Tiecken, 406 Castle Street W. E. F'ree, 1911 Ann Street llonald E. Goi°e, 2525 Jefferson Street C. C. Gilbert, 2020 Pender Avenue D. A. Flzlghum, Jr., 28022 Chestnut Street John W. Guthrie, Jr., P. 0. Box 642, City R. F. Burton, 7-Piile Ogden C. C. Parmenter, 230 Vance Street Everett E. Erb, Jr., 20812 South 17th Stree t Rober t A. Hahn, 8-H Lake Village John J. LeGwin, 501 Park Terrace A. R. Lytton, 510 Dfarket Street A. A. Everett, 3810 Wri ghtsvilZe Avenue Rufus J. Casteen, 1201 South 5th Street Mr. Williams recommended drainage work in the County.be limited to main large ditches or can- als; right-of-way's and neaessary grades"be furnished without cost to the County and pi^ioritp be observed; that weelcly drainage reports be made and no private drainage be handled by the County. Same was received fot° study. Upon mo 'on of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting was then adjourned. .. ie,9<! ol Clerk Wilmington, N. C., March 4, 1957. The regular weekl eeting of the Board was held tliis day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, Jawes E. Holton, Jr.' and Berry A. Williams, 7ohn Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. -- " The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same,were upon riotion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ' \