1957-03-04 Regular MeetingF g' ? ek, ?l Meeting of February 25, 1957. - Continued of payments from the State Highway Commission for this expense occasionefl by the con- struction of the Highway. ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the County Attorney was directed to draw.a Bill to enable the County to appoint a Building Inspector and set up Zoning regulations for the County similar to the llurham County Act, Chapter 1043 Session Laws of 1949, and present the same to tlie Board at the next meetinb for study. Mr. Williams brought up for discussion with the view of reaching a solution to the pro- blem between the City and County on the support of Community tiospital an(9 the Con;soli- dated Board of liealth. Mr. Williams said, our Schools and h'elfare programs are sup- ported firiancially on a County-wide basis without aid from the Incorporated areas. The Health Department and Community Hospital should be on the same basis, provided County-wide revenues are furnished on the same basis; and moved: 1. That the County of Mew Hanover accept the offer made by the City of Wilmington to deed its share in Community Hospital and that the County assume full re- sponsibility for its operation. 2. That New Hanover County accept (subject to Legislative approval) full responsibility for the operation of the Health Department. Offer to contract with municipalities within New Hanover County for the provision of services which are not County-wide in scope, said municipalities paying full cost for special s ervices requested. 3. That the Commissioners of New tIanover County request our State Repre.sta- tive to offer an amendment to the A.B.C. Revenue Bill, increasing by twenty-five (251) percent the A.B.C. Revenue received by New Hanover County from the stores located in the various Municipalities,within the County of New Hanover. 4. That the approval of the provisiuns of the first two sections of this motion be contingent upon Legislative approval of the third section of the motion. Amendment to the abuve Mr. 1lolton, "the City to,pay its part of deficit of Community liospital as of date of transfer". 'Phe foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and c arried. See below - The following good and lawful persons were d rawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the two (Z) weeks term beginning March 11, 1957: R. E. Pittman, 2208 Gibson Avenue John A. Gresham, 9 Morningside Drive Jas. W. Henrick, 91 Pinecrest Pkwy.` tlarry F. Fryer, 2612 Wrightsville Avenue B. Rhodie Perry, 1319 Urange Street L. E. Benton, 1222 Diarket Street J. R. llavis, 1816 Perry Avenue Joseph Glod, CaStle Hay?ie, N: C. Graham Q. Harward, Jr,, IIox 659 Car. Bch. Jas. A. Barrett, 2835C, Jefferson Street CYa rlie Wallace, 1033 S. Lincoln Court I. J. Hoilges, 9-Di Lalce' Yillage G. W. Melton, Rte.2-Boz 80 J. B. Campbell, 518 Market Street C. S. Ruark, 1511 South 4th'Street Clyde lienderson; 113 Vance Street Gus G. Leloudis, 2314 Brandon Hoad Hobert S. LeGwin, 812 Chestnut Street R. C. Beeman, 102 Barden Avenue D. L. Lanier, 2214 Chestnut Street A. E. Cooper Rte.2-Box 230 0. P. Baird, 125 Colonial Circle Geo. A. Brown, 3901 Oleander Drive C. H. Bowen, 236 Calhoun llrive C. C. Aoward, Box 142, Carolina Beach Wm. W. Murrell, 109 Victoria Drive C. H. Jewell,Box 120 Gordon Road LeRoy Norman, Rte.3-Box 470. George Black, 1217 Sdooster Street G. L. Hewlett, Rte.2 - Box 99 P. W. Graham, 65 Lee llrive Robert M. Jordan, 529 Castle Hayne Road H. P. Cooper, 2850-E. Adams Street L. C. LeGwin, Jr., 307 Sunset Avenue J. H. Mobley, Rte.l - Box 163 Castle Hayne BerL W. B1ake, 2532 S. b'ront Street F'or the second week beginning March 18, 1957: F'red McRae, 12 Pauline Avenue E. G. Fountain, Carolina lieach W. R. Paterson, 206 South 46th Street F. B. LeGwin, 202 Northern Dlvd. F. I. Hussell, 3201 Market Street J. W. Peebles, G-2 Oleander Court J. L. Ashley, 60 Lee llrive Fred M. Lehrscall, 1603 Castle Street J. G. Thornton, W.S.& T.Co. R. J. Lehrscall, 2114 IClein Road E. D. Barnhill, 314 llavie llrive Josep h J. Lynam, Jr., 31 Pinecrest Pkcay. C. K. Morgan, 2871E Jefferson Street F. W. Dorteh, Rte.3-Box 432 J. E. 61oan, 1806. Nun Street B. Y. Carver, Jr., 37 Lee llrive J. E. Moore, 17 Barnard Drive J. W. Narron, 3508 Van Buren Street J. U. Barnhill, 236 Vance Street Georg e Rhodes, 2102 Hydrangea Place Rudolph Gertz, 11 Yinecrest Terrace W. R. Honeycutt, 2617 Marizet Street Geo. W. Tiecken, 406 Castle Street W. E. F'ree, 1911 Ann Street llonald E. Goi°e, 2525 Jefferson Street C. C. Gilbert, 2020 Pender Avenue D. A. Flzlghum, Jr., 28022 Chestnut Street John W. Guthrie, Jr., P. 0. Box 642, City R. F. Burton, 7-Piile Ogden C. C. Parmenter, 230 Vance Street Everett E. Erb, Jr., 20812 South 17th Stree t Rober t A. Hahn, 8-H Lake Village John J. LeGwin, 501 Park Terrace A. R. Lytton, 510 Dfarket Street A. A. Everett, 3810 Wri ghtsvilZe Avenue Rufus J. Casteen, 1201 South 5th Street Mr. Williams recommended drainage work in the County.be limited to main large ditches or can- als; right-of-way's and neaessary grades"be furnished without cost to the County and pi^ioritp be observed; that weelcly drainage reports be made and no private drainage be handled by the County. Same was received fot° study. Upon mo 'on of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting was then adjourned. .. ie,9<! ol Clerk Wilmington, N. C., March 4, 1957. The regular weekl eeting of the Board was held tliis day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, Jawes E. Holton, Jr.' and Berry A. Williams, 7ohn Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. -- " The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same,were upon riotion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ' \ 1 03 Q? Meeting of March 4, 1957 - Continued Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, an appropriation of $50.00 out .--of the County Advertising Fund for use of SENCland Area Development Association to-G??,?,,,,,(?G-- ward its operating expense in furthering Industry, Agriculture,,etc:, in this area o? requested by Mr. Robert H. Tate, was granted. • , A sealed letter received from Taylor Exterminating Company concerning treatment of the Court liouse Basement for termites and repairs to the termite damageibaseboards was held in abeyance, unopened pending further investigation and estimate of repairs to be made together with repairs to the Court House Roof, and securing of bids for the same. A request of the Board of EduCation presented by the County Auditor, to transfer $287.92 T??-?? from Insurance under the Regulat Budget to Capital Outlay Por the purchase of addition- . al fire extinguishers for new buildings,was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Tlayhan, granted. A request of the Clerk of Superior Court to transfer $200.00 under Jury Pees to trans- portation of Insane and Inebriates, recommended by the Auditor, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, granted. I • A letter was received from the Wilmington Contractors Association endorsing again the appointment of a_proposed County Building Inspector. They said they were in accord with the thinking of the New Hanover County Commissioners in that better building will ' result from having a County Buil.ding Inspector.. Instructions were given to forward a copy of the letter to our Representative Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr, On recommendation of the County Attorney, the Clerk was instructed to get out notices to all County employes that a meeting will be held in Lhe Superior Court Room 7:30 P.M., Friday March 15, 1957, with the State Director of Social Security, District Director, an d Area llirectors present to explain Social Security and its advantages to County employes, , In view of recent inquiries indicating a desire to purchase the old Red Cross Sanator- C.?'°""'?°? ' ium site for commercial business consisting of approximately four (4) acres land on the Gordon Ftoad west of tkie Airport, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion on the ? legal procedure•as to the sale of tiie same. Instructions were also given to have the local Real EsLate ]3oard appraise the land for sale price. ' Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, payment•of $250.00 to William M. Cameron, Jr., Attorney for services rendered aames T. Little charged with murder in the -4?.?--?- Superior Court, Febr-uary Term 1957, was approved on order of the Judge presiding.' . A report of the Grand Jury for the Pebruary Term 1957 was received and filed. No recom _? - mendations were offered by the Ge^and Jury. A list and dates of annual series of one-day District meetings for County Commissioners, ? County Accountants and County Attorneys to be sponsored by the Institute of Government during the last three (3) weelcs in March at eight (8) locations throughout the State, , was received. A copy of F'antuscope, a bi-weekly analysis of current events.affecting Industrial DeVel- C,ih=, opment was received from Pantus Area Research, Inc., of New York City and referred to Mr . Clark, llirector of Bureau of Industry and llevelopment and Committee of One Hundred, for, cunsideration and follow-up. ? A report was received from Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Home Boiler NC 37250, February 19, 1957, advising that to warrant recommendations at this time. Company on inspection of County no adverse conditions were noted Battle Acre Grounds at Fort Fisher were reported to be in good condition with exception of the fence which is down in certain places and authority was given to replace the same with barbwire where needed, which will last longer and answer the purpose of the hog-type of f'ence. Mr. Holton brought up for further diacussion the advantages of an enabling act to auth- orize the Commissioners to appoint a Building Inspector and set up certain rules and reg- ulations governing building restrictions in the unincorporated areas of the County that may appear to be to the best advantage and acceptable to the people of the CoQUnunity, and to that end the County Attorney was instructed to:continue with the preparation of y ? such a$ill along the lines.indicated, using the llurham County Act, Chapter 1043 Session Laws of 1949 as a guide, and submit the same for the fixrther consideration of the Board. Mr. Broadhurst voiced his resentment to remarks reported in the Press to have been made e. by Mayor llan D. Cameron that the County Commissioners were "sly and unethical" in the aiiministration of certain Ilospitalization F'unds for the Community Hospital. He said, "Mr. Cameron has misrepresented the facts, and he did not believe the Mayor understood what we have done in acquiring and administering the Funds," and moved to go on record ? in adoption of a letter in the form as prepared and read by the County Auditor, directed to Mayor Cameron forcefully stating our positiori and clarification of an apparent mis- i understanding as to the recent County's agreement to assume responsibilities of the Com- munity Hospital and the Consolidated I3oard of Health, and that copies of the letter be sent to the Citv Council and to Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., our Representative in the Leg- i islature. The motion was seconfled by Mr. Mayhan. ' A substitute motion was offered by Mr. Holton to give the letter the Board's sanction aft@r it has been re-edited by Mr. Love, leaving out personal or caustic remarks direct- ' ed at Pir. Cameron. The substitute motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and adoj2l&d_.p ' • ' 1? I The County Attorney reported that he had conferred with Dir. Hewlett about a proposed Bi11C'.afjw,v.? submitted by the A13C Board to include its members in the County Retirement System, and was assured no Legislative action would be talcen until he hears further from us on the question. I Mr. Love, Tax Supervisor, reported 13 to 14 men were working on the Revaluation job, and he was keeping check on the progress of the work. Mr. Holton asked if consideration has been given to persunal property assessments. It was felt best to defer this until ' further progress is made in the Revaluation pattern. 'A 3o Meeting of Pfarch 4, 1957 - Continued With reference to the practice of indiscriminate parking of cars in the Court House lot by unauthorized persons, taking up space provided for County employes and persons hav- f% ing business in the Court House, was referred to the Clerk to work out a policy to the best advantage. Alotion was made by Mr. Holton and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst to adjourn. 1s» .; Clerk • '0001? L4ilmington, N. C., March 11, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Mr. J. M. Hall, 7r., Chairman and Commissioriers L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinity Meth- odist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board the same were upon motion of Mr. IIroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. Pfessrs. C. W. Piiller, 109 Sebrell Avenue and D. R. llexter, 142 N. Hinton Avenue, Seagate, representing the 5eagate Volunteer N'ire lleparLment, appeared in the interest of clarify- ??w,?•?v ing the area within the boundatv,lines their Department is to serve as defined in a Resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Fire Inspection„Committee, as adopted and recorded in the minutes of January 16, 1956, to enable them to meet requirements of the North Carolina Insurance Rating Bureau for reduced Insurance Rate benefits, and to that J end the Clerk was, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst seconded by Mr. Holton, instructed to write the State Fire Insurance Bureau at Haleigh, giving them all the facts in the mat= C,Cr,.vr+ ter with the view of qualifying the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department area for reduced Insurance ltates benefits. A Mrs. Clemmons, 1206 South 2nd Street aPpeared to complain of the Superintendent of Pub- ` lic Welfare holding up her ADC check on account of she having purchased a truck. She said her husband purchased the truck to haul fish and vegetables, but the truck is not in her name and he is now serving a road sentence. The matter was received for inves= tigation with Mr. Hollis. The Chairman recommended the purchase of bulldozer blades for use on the Airport 3'rac- tor and a tractor that the Board of Education would be glad to turn over to us for bull- J' dozer work in connection with garbage disposal, rather than purchase a new bulldozer at a cost of from 8 to 10 thousand dollars. _ Dir, l3roadhurst advised that the block in the Airport Tractor is cracked, and recommended burning the rePuse. Aowever, ttiis matter, Mr. Idilliams said has tieen assigned to the Committee to report its reconunendations on procedure, and gave instructions to notify the Couunittee of its meeting to be held 7:00 P.M., March 21. It was agreeable to the Board to use the and correct the drainage grade levels in about the Baptist Church location to the Seagate Cemetery to improve the drainage State Highway Maintenance Engineer. Th? correct grades and reset all culverts. dragline, if practical, to clean out the bumps the Winter Parlc-Car-line right-of-way canal from Wrightsville Beach Highwaq crossing near the recommended and requested by Mr. A. K. Afallard, a State Highway Commission i.rill establish the With reference to the ditch the County cut thru Mrs. All's land at near Winter Park, Cktuc,rr•-which she claims was unauthorized and damaged her property, it appears that the ditch has been partially filled up for some time and has therefore not flooded the lower part ?--?^ of her land for several months. However, Mr. Williams suggested the Clerk confer with Mrs. All, with the assistance of the County Attorney, iqnecessary, to ascertain her atti- tude in the matter and what she expects the County to do about it, inasmuch as the drain- age .of her land as requested, does not appear to be feasible, and report to the Board at the next meeting. 007 A petition submitted by 16 property owners for grading and surfacing Magnolia llrive in Avondale Subdivision, Harnett Township, which runs from the Wrightsville Beach Highway t at llixie Pig No. 2, to he old Tide Water right-of-way a distance of 1000 feet on which 4 houses are located, was upon motion of Pir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approv- ed and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. Air. Holton reported Jaclcsonville Avenue which leads off the Market Street Road beyond Kerr Avenue cr8ssing, is in a deplorable condition and needs draining and scraping to make it passable. The same was referred to the Clerk to follow thru with the State Highway,Commission to make the improvements requested. ? Mr. Broadhurst reported that the City has agreed to correct a bad drainage condition at the end of Jefferson Street in Sunset'Park, just outside the City limits caused by in- adequate drainage of the s treet at that location.' Upon motion of Mr. Holton; seconfled by Mr. Williams, permission was granted the Wilming- ton Azalea Festival Committee and the City of Wilmington to put on a display of Fire- works in New kianover County in coeinection with and during the Annual Azalea Festival , during the period of March 28 thru the 30, 1957, under the supervision of experts as re- quired andin accordance with Chapter 210 of the Session Laws of North Carolina, 1947, and that the Eire Department in that area be notified. --? An offer of Mr. Kirby Bass to paint the County flag pole for $15.00 was referred to the ?))A Clerk with the power to act. L,