1957-03-11 Regular Meeting3o Meeting of Pfarch 4, 1957 - Continued With reference to the practice of indiscriminate parking of cars in the Court House lot by unauthorized persons, taking up space provided for County employes and persons hav- f% ing business in the Court House, was referred to the Clerk to work out a policy to the best advantage. Alotion was made by Mr. Holton and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst to adjourn. 1s» .; Clerk • '0001? L4ilmington, N. C., March 11, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Mr. J. M. Hall, 7r., Chairman and Commissioriers L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinity Meth- odist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board the same were upon motion of Mr. IIroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. Pfessrs. C. W. Piiller, 109 Sebrell Avenue and D. R. llexter, 142 N. Hinton Avenue, Seagate, representing the 5eagate Volunteer N'ire lleparLment, appeared in the interest of clarify- ??w,?•?v ing the area within the boundatv,lines their Department is to serve as defined in a Resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Fire Inspection„Committee, as adopted and recorded in the minutes of January 16, 1956, to enable them to meet requirements of the North Carolina Insurance Rating Bureau for reduced Insurance Rate benefits, and to that J end the Clerk was, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst seconded by Mr. Holton, instructed to write the State Fire Insurance Bureau at Haleigh, giving them all the facts in the mat= C,Cr,.vr+ ter with the view of qualifying the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department area for reduced Insurance ltates benefits. A Mrs. Clemmons, 1206 South 2nd Street aPpeared to complain of the Superintendent of Pub- ` lic Welfare holding up her ADC check on account of she having purchased a truck. She said her husband purchased the truck to haul fish and vegetables, but the truck is not in her name and he is now serving a road sentence. The matter was received for inves= tigation with Mr. Hollis. The Chairman recommended the purchase of bulldozer blades for use on the Airport 3'rac- tor and a tractor that the Board of Education would be glad to turn over to us for bull- J' dozer work in connection with garbage disposal, rather than purchase a new bulldozer at a cost of from 8 to 10 thousand dollars. _ Dir, l3roadhurst advised that the block in the Airport Tractor is cracked, and recommended burning the rePuse. Aowever, ttiis matter, Mr. Idilliams said has tieen assigned to the Committee to report its reconunendations on procedure, and gave instructions to notify the Couunittee of its meeting to be held 7:00 P.M., March 21. It was agreeable to the Board to use the and correct the drainage grade levels in about the Baptist Church location to the Seagate Cemetery to improve the drainage State Highway Maintenance Engineer. Th? correct grades and reset all culverts. dragline, if practical, to clean out the bumps the Winter Parlc-Car-line right-of-way canal from Wrightsville Beach Highwaq crossing near the recommended and requested by Mr. A. K. Afallard, a State Highway Commission i.rill establish the With reference to the ditch the County cut thru Mrs. All's land at near Winter Park, Cktuc,rr•-which she claims was unauthorized and damaged her property, it appears that the ditch has been partially filled up for some time and has therefore not flooded the lower part ?--?^ of her land for several months. However, Mr. Williams suggested the Clerk confer with Mrs. All, with the assistance of the County Attorney, iqnecessary, to ascertain her atti- tude in the matter and what she expects the County to do about it, inasmuch as the drain- age .of her land as requested, does not appear to be feasible, and report to the Board at the next meeting. 007 A petition submitted by 16 property owners for grading and surfacing Magnolia llrive in Avondale Subdivision, Harnett Township, which runs from the Wrightsville Beach Highway t at llixie Pig No. 2, to he old Tide Water right-of-way a distance of 1000 feet on which 4 houses are located, was upon motion of Pir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approv- ed and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. Air. Holton reported Jaclcsonville Avenue which leads off the Market Street Road beyond Kerr Avenue cr8ssing, is in a deplorable condition and needs draining and scraping to make it passable. The same was referred to the Clerk to follow thru with the State Highway,Commission to make the improvements requested. ? Mr. Broadhurst reported that the City has agreed to correct a bad drainage condition at the end of Jefferson Street in Sunset'Park, just outside the City limits caused by in- adequate drainage of the s treet at that location.' Upon motion of Mr. Holton; seconfled by Mr. Williams, permission was granted the Wilming- ton Azalea Festival Committee and the City of Wilmington to put on a display of Fire- works in New kianover County in coeinection with and during the Annual Azalea Festival , during the period of March 28 thru the 30, 1957, under the supervision of experts as re- quired andin accordance with Chapter 210 of the Session Laws of North Carolina, 1947, and that the Eire Department in that area be notified. --? An offer of Mr. Kirby Bass to paint the County flag pole for $15.00 was referred to the ?))A Clerk with the power to act. L, ? ?7"1 Meeting of March 11, 1957 - Continued A request received from Mrs. William R. Lane, and on behalf of several families on Long Leaf Hills Drive to have the County burn the grass and underbrush at Hugh MacRae Park 4 which she says is harbor for snakes and mosquitoes, was referred to Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Park Custodian ta have the Park premises cleaned up with prison labor, and also the trash dumped on the grounds near the pond cleaned up. Preston McN'arland, who was in the Hospital 43 days and is still unable to work, and for C,l-+e?? whom aid for the Disabled has been applied for, has no relatives so was put in the Coun- ? ty Home temporarily by the Superintendent of Public Welfare as that is Cheaper than rent- ' ing a room and giving him food orders, was upon rootion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by A1r. Williams, approved. I With reference to the matter of the County and the City getting together on an agreement _,?.. on participation in the expense of the operation of the Community Hospital, Consolidated J-? ? Board of Health, and readjustment of the distribution of.ABC profits, Mr. Williams sug- ? ; gested that it would be best to get together with our Reoresentative Mr. Addison liewlett, Jr., in an effort to reach some solution of the problem, rather than obligate one man (Mr. Aewlett) to make the decision. Mr. Holton said we should work out something equit- ' able to the benefit of the taxpayers, and suggested a Committee of two from the County Board, two from the City, County and City Attorneys and arrange a meeting wit h Mr. Hewlett this week-end, with the view of reaching some definite proposal, which was agreeable to the Board, and it was so ordered. Upon motion oP rir. Williams, secoiided by Air. Holton, the Board approved the paymenti of $25.00 to Dr. Hubert Eaton for services as an expert witness for the State in the case of State vs Walter Bennett, charged with Rape, and also $100.00 special Attornep fees to N„l+d.°- W. K. Rhodes, Jr., Attorney for services rendered the said defendent in this case, on or- ? der of the Honorable M. C. Paul, Judge Presiding. Authorit,y was granted to transfer such Funds necessary from the Emergency b'und to Witness and Special Attorney Fees under the Superior Court Budget to meet this expense. A statement of tax collections was received from Mr. C. R. Morse, Tax Collector, for the 7° years 1951 thru 1955 and 1956 tax collections thru February 1957, as shown below: Total Uncollected Back Taxes due as of June 30, 1956 Coll ected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance due as of February 1, 1957 Colleeted February 1957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance due Collected on 1956 Taxes - October, November, llecember & January $ 802,841.12 Collected Pebruary . . . . . . . . . 54.017.22 $ 856,858.34 $ 94,414.80 26,774.93 $ 67,639.87 1,905.60 $ 65p734.27 Reports were received for February from tdilmington Public Library and Boolmobile, Home ? Agent, Colored Iiome Agent and Farm llemonstration Agent. A copy of a Resolution was received from Craven County Board of Commissioners for our ' reaction to resist any attempt of the Legislature to saddle Counties with any additional , expense of our Public Schools, and that the State provide relief for the less financial-r?g ? ly-able Counties by assuming a much larger part of this financial responsibil.ity. No action was taken. Mr. Baggett stated in a communication to the Board that the old Victor Projector Machine ?? the County and Home Agents have been using since World War Ii has broken down several times while in use during the past two years, and it would cost $100.00 to liave it over- ; hauled, therePore by reason of the high cost for repairs obtained prices on a trade-in basis on a modern machine from Eastinan Kodak Company at 6359.00 plus old machine t'rade- in, and ?379.95 for a Bell and Howell Machine. Ile recoumiended the purchase of the East- , man Kodak Machine at ?359.00 which was upon motion o'f Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Aolton, approved and authorized rather than spend $100.00 for repairs on the old machine. _ Authority caas gi.ven to transfer $150.00 from the Emergency N'und to Capital Outlay under -7'ru? the County Agents, Agriculture &Economics Budget to provide additional b'urtds needed to ? meet this expense. A request of D1r. W. F. King to have liugh Macltae Park reserved for Winter Park Community C?*?<4-•Center for Community Building F'unc'Marbecue, was referred to the Clerk to handle. --• _,! Mr. E. L. White, local..Civi1 Defense Director, reported that our project application for I . matching furids for our Communications Program covering the purchase of three (3) Mobile ? 30-Watt transmitters and associate receivers for the Sheriff's cars was approved b the Federal Civil DP-fense Administration on a 50/50 matching basis,at a total cost of l1,495.50, • ana presented certain forms to be filled out to qo`mpfte the project. The matter of the ?,-t?Gbly?_ County Voluriteer Pire Departments being provided with short wave equipment and the purchase ; of other equipmerit on the same basis that may be' desired was taken under advisement. Mr. White further advised that General Griffin and Mr. Nicholson of the Stai,e Civil llefense Office will come down to set up'a Civil llefense Organization if requested. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting then adjourned. ?it.A<e_ . Clerk i ? I ?