1957-03-18 Regular Meeting?? 3 PB Wilmington, N. C., riarch 18, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00.o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Cormnissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of March 11, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of'P1r. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broad.hurst, approved. ' It was the consensus of the IIoard that the buildiiig of fences around burial plots in the County's burial grounds (Oak Grove:•Cemetery), would interfere with the plans for its beau- -? tification and the work of lceeping the premises clean and in order, therefore a request of carrrl?^"a Mr. J. E. Plintz; 1209 South ?nd Street to build a fence around a lot in wtiich members of his family are buried was declined. Upon motion of Mr. {dilliams, seconcied by Mr. Ilolton, a policy is hereby established not to permit the construction of any fence around lots or graves in Oak Grave Cemetery in the future. Georgianna D1cNei1 Arts, 70-year old bedridden indigent colored citizen and no one to care for her, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by A1r. Sroadhurst, admitted. to the Cowity C AvwuL, Home on reconunendation of the Superintendent of Yub:lic Welfare. Mr. Holton raised the questiun of the reason for such a large nwnber of days necessa,ry for hosPitalization of certain charity patients at James IJalker Aospital ranging as high as 49 days in one instance. Mr. Hollis was present and explained that the time of stay in the Iiospital was at the control of the lloctor's request, and gave an explanation of the nature of nine (9) of the highest cases of Charity patients hospitalized, according to I'ebruary report of days charged received from James Walker Hospital, ranging from 12 to 49 days. After a lengthy discussion of the matter, Mr. liolton moved and it was seconded by Mr. Williams and carried that, as a rule and regulation, future Charity patients be required to sign a statement as to what possessions or assets they have before being admitted to the Hospital for treatment. _J '7?"`?`'`- Upon motion of ASr, ,layhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authority was given to transfer ""150.00 ?from the Euiergency 14'xnd to County Burial under the County Air Budget, inasmuch as the 13udget appropriation has been exhausted. -..?- )ac,cdDa,p'(. A report of the Health llepartment for February was received, and-a report of the Wilmington Colored Library for F'ebruary showing 792 Books circulated. b?AAi12iNj ! C? Pir, Hall felt we shoul.d discuss the A13C Boai^d member's request to be included in the Retire- ment System. With refererice to a recent proposed Bill to provide for that, the County At- torney advised that he toolz the matter up with Mr. Addison flewlett, Jr., our Representative in the Legislature who said he would not do anytliing about it until he hears further from this Board. Mr. Williams said it was unfortunate they were not included in the plan to come in the System now, to the tune of $15,000.00, seems tltey would be willing to go back and pay in what others had to pay plus the AIIC Board's share. Pir. Hall said they did not have the opportunity at that timerand shoul.d discuss with them . the asUect of putting something in it now. The ABC Board employes are unfler the Cit,y Re- tirement, but the lioard members were ref'used. After further di.scussion the matter was, up- on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Ldilliams, tabled at this time, and Mr. Hewlett be informed of this action. ' ? Mr. J. D. Edtaards, CSC., submitted a proposed IIill to prescribe i.he fees for the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and Sheriff of New Hanover County as a resul.t of an inten- sive study of the matter by the Institute of Government, which would iricrease the fee rates J,Wtlpein his Ufi'ice for the County fran three(3) to five (5) thousand dollars per year, and would ? about double the present fees in the Sheriff's Office, ancl would enable the llepartments to • do things they were never able to do before, and would expand the duties of Lhe Deputies. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, secnnded by Mr. Williams, the recommended fees submitted by A1r. Edwards were approved by the Board anci ordered sent to Mr. Hewlett for Legislative enactment. Mr. Hall urged that some one represent the County on the A2alea Festival Aiotorcase inasmuch as it is impossible for him to go tomorrow. Inasmuch as it appears there is nothing we can do about the Pirs. All drainage problem, other than fill the short ditch cut thru her property, and a project for further drainage of her property is not feasible and there is nothing we can do about it, therefore, Mr. Broadhurst moved and it was se-co.nded by P1r, fiolton and carried, that we take no action at all on the item of draiiiage. It appeared upon investigation, reported by the Clerk, that a recent request of Mr. A. K. .' Mallard, State Highway Maintenance Engineer, that the County use its dragline to clean out the bumps and level up F'ark Avenue Drainage Canal grades, (Old car line right-of-way at Winter Park), is not a County, but a State Highway problem. Mr. tiall reported on the City-County Committee conference with A1r.Hewlett on the Board of Health and Community Hospital problem, Saturday, Dlarch 16. He said it was the feeling of the Committee that an agreement could be reactied between tlze two 13oards. The City to ap- propriate ?30,000.00 in the next fiscal year toward payino off the indebtedness of Community Hos.pital and deed i.he liospital over Lo the County in its entirety, which would put the City out of the Hospital business. As to the reallocation of the ABC profits between the City and County, Mr. Hewlett would not go along on giving us any more of that Fund. Tlie County to taice over the Health llepartmenL as that is definitely becoming an urban problem and County participation to a greater degree, with City participation in certain expense on ? pro rata cost basis for services rendered. ?.? Aftei^ a lengthy discussion, Mr. Holton moved and it was secondgd by Mr. Williams and carried, G that, contingent upon the Cf,ty of Wilmington appropria.ting $30,000.00 and deeding its inter- est in Conmiunity liospital to i:he County in its entirety the Courity will talze tlie Hospital over and operate it as a County venture as of July 1, 1657, and hereby decl.aring all previous resolutioris and actions in conneCtion with this matter to be null and void. All members vot- ing afPitniatively except Mr. Broadhurst who voted, "rro". A substitute motion off'ei^ed by Mr. 13roadhurst that the City.pay ?22,000.00 tocaard the deficit of the Hospital and_ continue to operate it on a 2/3 and 1/3 basis as heretofore, failed of a second. , , 139 Afeeting of March 18, 1957 - Continued ' As to the Health llepartment, Mr. Broadhurst offerecl a motion which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, to let the Board of IIealth alone and let it continue to operate as is, in accord- ance with the Constitution. A substitute motion was then offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Nolton, and carried on the affirmative vote of Commissioners Williams, Iiolton and the Chairman, that we agree to take over the Health llepartment in its entirety, and ask the Legislature to change it to the County 13oard oi'liealth, and tkiat services requested and furnished Municipalities within the CounLy, other than services to be provided on a County-wide basis,'be at actual cost, and our Representative be requested to secure the passage of an Act to enable the County to put the same into eff'ect as of July 1, 1958, contingent however that satisfactory arrangenents will be made that will in no manner interfere with the employes' Retirenent System. i Commissioners Broadhurst and Piayhan voted, "no" on the foregoing motion. Mr. Broadhurst feeling that not being able to get a larger share of the ABC profits to meet these added responsibilities, suggested that the County withdraw from any contributions to the Librar- ies and other joint appropriations with the City. Upon motion of 'Mr. Broacihurst, secoiided by Mr. May?han, the meeting was then adjourned and the Convnissioners reconvened as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as Secretary. ? CLerk . ? Wilmington, N. C'., Dtarch 25, 1957. i The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Yresent: J. M. liall, Jr., Chairman and Comitiissioners Ernest R. Alayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, James E. Fiolton, Jr.., Berry A. Wil:liams, Jolv-i 73right Hi11, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened witYi prayer by the Reverend B. M. Smith, Pastor of the Lalce Forest ? Baptist Church, i . • / ? Copies of the minutes oP the meeting of Plarch 18, 1957, having previously been mailed to each meniber of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. P1a.yhan seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst, , approved. I A copy of the proceedings in the Condemnation Suit of the State liigriway and Public Works Cortunission vs Steve Sneeden in connection with tiie right-of-way for the Pfonkey Junction- Castle Ilayne }iigliway Lhru ldinter Park, in which the County was made a party as to any tax interest it may have in the property, was referred to the County Attorney to handl.e. A Surety 13ond for Williaan Earl Williamson as a Justice of Peace in the amount of $$1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporatiun and Surety, the said amount having been fixed by Law - _? and the Bond approved as to form by the County Attorney, was approved by the 13oard. Approval of a Surety }3ond Por Elbert Pen11a11 Herring, as a Justice of the I'eacg was contin- ued until next meeting pending execution and aclaiowledgement oi' the same by the principal before the Clerk of Superior Court. ' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iioli.on, pern3ission was granted the Carolina , Power and Light Corupany to set two (2) thirty-five (35) foot poles and erect approximately 480 feet of electric power line to serve Piedmont Airlines gas tank pumps for Jet Planes operation at the County Airport Terminal, on recmnmendation of the Airport Manager. The ' CYiairman was authorized and directed to sign an agreement in the name of tkie County, with the Caroli.na Power aiid Light Company to that effect. • ?, Upon motion' of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Diayhan, the matter of employing a dragline oper- ator at not exceeding $2.25 per hour for the Crews-Oakcrest drainage project in the Winterel'4-e„.' - Park-T.13. liospital a,rea, caith instructions to proceed with the hirii-ig of an operator in order to get thru with this long-staniiing job, was referred to Mr, 13roadhurst aiid the Clerk ? with power to act. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, secnnded by Mr. Mayhan, the I3oard accepted an offer of Mr. FredT ' W. Everett to decorate the outside of the Court House Building for the Azalea b'estival, to consist of one row of bunting and banners starting on Third Street under windows on the _ i second floor and extending to the entrance on Princess Street at a price of $50.00. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. IIolton, authority was given to use prison labor to set up the Stadium Bleachers at the Cape Fear Country Club Golf Course for the Azalea Golf"1'ournament, requested by Mr. Charles J. Blake for Lhe City. The County not to assume any.liability in connection with the same. The question of' the County taking over Commwlity Hospital and. operatine it as a County ven- ' ture was agai.n brought up arid discussed at length, after iahich Mr. Holton moved and it was secArided by Mr. Williams and carried out that upon payment of $30,000.00 by the City of Wil- mington and the remaining portion of the 1956-1957 appropriation of $20,000.00, and adoption of a resolution by the City to ta.ke care of and protect the present joint employes Pension `J plan; upon completion of these things, we then request the Legislature to authorize the trans - fer of the Communit.y Hospital property to the County; and it being further understood the City will transfer all Funds paid into its joint Pension Fund, by the City artd such joint I employes, together with interest on the same, to the County Retirement Ilznd. All members voting afPirmatively except Mr. Broadhurst iaho voted, "no". i ? Mr. W: D-._S.LnaJJ again appeared to press his request for improvement to the road from US-74 to Motts Creek near the BaUies tiospital at Wrightsville Sound, and the cleaning out of the lake adjoining which he says has created a health problem. These matters are now pending with the State liighway Commission. ?