1957-03-25 Regular Meeting139 Afeeting of March 18, 1957 - Continued ' As to the Health llepartment, Mr. Broadhurst offerecl a motion which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, to let the Board of IIealth alone and let it continue to operate as is, in accord- ance with the Constitution. A substitute motion was then offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Nolton, and carried on the affirmative vote of Commissioners Williams, Iiolton and the Chairman, that we agree to take over the Health llepartment in its entirety, and ask the Legislature to change it to the County 13oard oi'liealth, and tkiat services requested and furnished Municipalities within the CounLy, other than services to be provided on a County-wide basis,'be at actual cost, and our Representative be requested to secure the passage of an Act to enable the County to put the same into eff'ect as of July 1, 1958, contingent however that satisfactory arrangenents will be made that will in no manner interfere with the employes' Retirenent System. i Commissioners Broadhurst and Piayhan voted, "no" on the foregoing motion. Mr. Broadhurst feeling that not being able to get a larger share of the ABC profits to meet these added responsibilities, suggested that the County withdraw from any contributions to the Librar- ies and other joint appropriations with the City. Upon motion of 'Mr. Broacihurst, secoiided by Mr. May?han, the meeting was then adjourned and the Convnissioners reconvened as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as Secretary. ? CLerk . ? Wilmington, N. C'., Dtarch 25, 1957. i The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Yresent: J. M. liall, Jr., Chairman and Comitiissioners Ernest R. Alayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, James E. Fiolton, Jr.., Berry A. Wil:liams, Jolv-i 73right Hi11, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened witYi prayer by the Reverend B. M. Smith, Pastor of the Lalce Forest ? Baptist Church, i . • / ? Copies of the minutes oP the meeting of Plarch 18, 1957, having previously been mailed to each meniber of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. P1a.yhan seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst, , approved. I A copy of the proceedings in the Condemnation Suit of the State liigriway and Public Works Cortunission vs Steve Sneeden in connection with tiie right-of-way for the Pfonkey Junction- Castle Ilayne }iigliway Lhru ldinter Park, in which the County was made a party as to any tax interest it may have in the property, was referred to the County Attorney to handl.e. A Surety 13ond for Williaan Earl Williamson as a Justice of Peace in the amount of $$1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporatiun and Surety, the said amount having been fixed by Law - _? and the Bond approved as to form by the County Attorney, was approved by the 13oard. Approval of a Surety }3ond Por Elbert Pen11a11 Herring, as a Justice of the I'eacg was contin- ued until next meeting pending execution and aclaiowledgement oi' the same by the principal before the Clerk of Superior Court. ' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iioli.on, pern3ission was granted the Carolina , Power and Light Corupany to set two (2) thirty-five (35) foot poles and erect approximately 480 feet of electric power line to serve Piedmont Airlines gas tank pumps for Jet Planes operation at the County Airport Terminal, on recmnmendation of the Airport Manager. The ' CYiairman was authorized and directed to sign an agreement in the name of tkie County, with the Caroli.na Power aiid Light Company to that effect. • ?, Upon motion' of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Diayhan, the matter of employing a dragline oper- ator at not exceeding $2.25 per hour for the Crews-Oakcrest drainage project in the Winterel'4-e„.' - Park-T.13. liospital a,rea, caith instructions to proceed with the hirii-ig of an operator in order to get thru with this long-staniiing job, was referred to Mr, 13roadhurst aiid the Clerk ? with power to act. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, secnnded by Mr. Mayhan, the I3oard accepted an offer of Mr. FredT ' W. Everett to decorate the outside of the Court House Building for the Azalea b'estival, to consist of one row of bunting and banners starting on Third Street under windows on the _ i second floor and extending to the entrance on Princess Street at a price of $50.00. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. IIolton, authority was given to use prison labor to set up the Stadium Bleachers at the Cape Fear Country Club Golf Course for the Azalea Golf"1'ournament, requested by Mr. Charles J. Blake for Lhe City. The County not to assume any.liability in connection with the same. The question of' the County taking over Commwlity Hospital and. operatine it as a County ven- ' ture was agai.n brought up arid discussed at length, after iahich Mr. Holton moved and it was secArided by Mr. Williams and carried out that upon payment of $30,000.00 by the City of Wil- mington and the remaining portion of the 1956-1957 appropriation of $20,000.00, and adoption of a resolution by the City to ta.ke care of and protect the present joint employes Pension `J plan; upon completion of these things, we then request the Legislature to authorize the trans - fer of the Communit.y Hospital property to the County; and it being further understood the City will transfer all Funds paid into its joint Pension Fund, by the City artd such joint I employes, together with interest on the same, to the County Retirement Ilznd. All members voting afPirmatively except Mr. Broadhurst iaho voted, "no". i ? Mr. W: D-._S.LnaJJ again appeared to press his request for improvement to the road from US-74 to Motts Creek near the BaUies tiospital at Wrightsville Sound, and the cleaning out of the lake adjoining which he says has created a health problem. These matters are now pending with the State liighway Commission. ? F' 140 Meeting of March 25, 1957 - Continued . Mr. Holton brought up the matter of taking specific action on the amount of City-County appropriations to continue the joint operati.on of the Consolidated Board of Healtli re- t quested by Mr. Hewlett, our Representative in the Legislature, to contiriue the uninter- rupted operation of the llepartment without interferring with its present legal status of operation. Mr. Williams reported that in conversation witki several men who are connect- ed with the Health Department in various capacities have given estimates varying from 15% ?0 30% as the amount of woriz performed by the liealth Department solely for the City of Wilmii7gton. Inasmuch as Mr. Hewlett wants a percentage basis figure committal, Mr. Ilall recommended 12{ in consideration of furnishing services peculiar to the City of Wilming- ton. Mr. Williams said that in view of the City having agreed to go along on a flat 620,000.00 appropriation which would equal 16°fo to 17% moved that the Board go on record approving a 17% figure as Lhe City's contribution. His motion failed of a second. A motion was offered by PSr, liolton to leave it up to Pir, Hecalett to set the percentage basis. This motion also failed of a second. A motion made bS-Dir. Broadhurst to leave the Health lle- partment alone as is witliout change, failed oP a second. After further considerable dis- cussion as to what percentage of the 13oard of Health Budget the City should pay, a motion was then offered by Mr. Idilliams that the Board of County Commissioners express its will- ingness to go along with the Cit,y of 1lilmington on the operation of the Consolidated IIoard ? of Health on a basis of 1/6 of the 13udget to be appropriated by the City of Wilmington, anci .\ ? 5/6 of the liudget to be appropriated by the County effective for the fiscal year 1958-1959, and provided further the employes Retirement Benefits will be protected and ta.ken care of. C`? The motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and c_a_r.r e??d, on the a ffirmative vote of the Chairman '? and Commissioners Williams and Flolton, after'a substitute motion offered by Mr. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that tlie Board of tiealth remain unchanged as is, failed to carry on the negative vote of Convnissioners Williams, Holton and the Chairman. ?. Mr. biayhan complimented Mr. Broadhurst on his plan to produce sufficient foodstuff and C,Jp? beef cattle on Lhe County Farm to furnish County Institutions and the Hospital with meats and vegetables. Upon rootion of Mr. Willianis, seconded by Mr. Holton, the 13oard on request of the County -?? Auditor, autliorized and directed the transfer of $1,948.60 out of the General Emergency Fund to salaries under County Llected Officials Budgets to take care of salary increases ? for the balance of the fisca3 year under autt,ority of Iiouse Bill No. 5, of the 1957 General Assembly, namely: County Auditor, Sheriff, Clerk of Superior Court, Register of Deeds, Judge of Recorder's Court and Solicitor of Recorder's Court, aml transfer $623,32 out of the Gen- eral Emergency Fund to Salaries under members of the Board of County Commissioner's Budget authorized by liouse Bill ATo. 6, ratified by the General Assembly biarch 12, 1957. All meinbers voting affirmatively except Dir. Piayhan, who voted "no". ? The Chairman announced an invitation to the Board members to attend the Azalea FesLi.val Luncheon at the Surf Club at 1:00 P.Pf., Saturday Piarch 30. Mr. Holton further discussed the proposed Goning or Building Inspectors' Bill similar to the liurham Act, Chapter 1043, 1949 Session Laws, and after the County Attorney read the -? Durham Act and certain changes and additions were made, the saine was referred to the County Attorra y to draw a Bill along the lines discussed as to what we want under control of the County Commissioners and submit the same to the Board for approval. D1r. Holton urged that tickets be secured, if possible, for tYie old follcs at the Count,y liome who taant to see the Azalea 1!estival Yarade, and other old persons who cannot get around to be remembered in the distribution of tickets, e 1 ?n Mr. Williams added that we should riot take advantage of the Azalea F'estival Convnittee's generosity and return any ticlzets we may have, with thanics, if not used for some particu- lar interest. However, these matters were left with the Chairman. C8„,y?M,.?owr?le£t the amount of salary of the Chairman to the moved an?l it was seconded by Mr. Williams and ca at $100.00 per month in accordance with the auth Assembly. ? Due to the fact that the Legislature has set the The following good and l?zwful persons iaere drawn f'or the trial of criminal cases for the one week l trial oP civil cases for the two weelcs term beoi: N?or the Criminal Term: y salaries of the County Commissioners and discretion of the 13oard, Mr. Br? clhurst rried that the..Chairman's salary be set ority of House Bill No. 5, 1957 General to serve as jurors in the Superior Court term beginning APril S, 1957, and for the -ining April 15, 1957: J. A. Reeder, 164 Coloiiial Oircle H. F. Piiller, 1509 South 3rd Street R. G. Parl:er, Sr., 713 S. 3rd Street Joe M . Horne, Rte. 2- I3ox 476 li. E. Malpass, 2857 Jefferson Street G. W. Hall, 119 P[orningside llrive R. M. Evans, 2874 JeYf'erson Street R. H. Heialett, 4008 Park Avenue Gerald F. Dittmer, 2912B Jeff'erson Street James B. Gillespie, Y. 0. l3ox 1523, City A. N. Goodson, Y. 0. I3ox 201, Car. Bch, llavis Evans, }2te.2 - Box 38 A. B. Hi].ton, 724 Greenfield Street Harry L. Hufham, 406 Church Street C. Stanley Sidbury, P. 0. 13ox 164, Car.Bch. J. T. ftoss, 206 S. 6th Street H. C. Knowles, Jr., 219 llock Street Wm. W . liudson, 2309 Adams Street Ralph Hollins, Rte.3 - Box 197 George Cunningham, 13-A liake Forest Jas. U. Yowers, 2308 Market Street John M. Evans, 103 Morningside Drive A. M. Baldwin, Jr., 11-V Lake Village R. C. Morris, Rte. 1- Box 133 Charles Whitaker, 15 Plercer Avenue J. T. Jordan, 2426 Monroe Street William Siaart, P. 0. Box 838, City A. C. Johnson, 2906 rsarket Street Curtis G. Laney, 10 Southern Building A. E. Krottnauer, Jr., 4004 Cherry Avenue Carl E. Simmerman, 116 Graham Street F. D. Iieavis, Itte. 2- I3ox 274 R. D. Newkirk, Rte. 1- Box 124 Lomii e G. Tomplcins, 3700 Sdrightsvil.le Avenue W. R. 13aker, 1124 County C:Lub Road E. W. Ball, 211 Calhoun llrive G. E.Saunders, Hte. 3- Box 426 Alger non Meigs, Jr., 1813 Perry Avenue G. J. Teachey, Hte. z- Box 155 Jesse A. Croom, Y. 0. Box 114, Car..Bch. P. F. Chance, Rte. 1- Box 513-A John Dixon, Rte. 1- Box 215 H. H. Rayle, 2804 Jefferson Street J. Ii. McInnis, 2227 Plaza Drive J. U. Edwards, RLe. 1- 13ox 213 Castle Hayne-]3. E. Harnell, lite. 2- Box 459 G. S. llonnell, 414 S. 2nd Street E. L. Avery, 509 S. 5th Street Anthony Lewandowsky, Cast:Le Hayne, NC. John A. fiufham, 323 S. 4th Street 61 141:1 Pleeting of Piarch 25, 1957 - Continued For theCCivil Term: E. A. Bordeatix,Sr Box 237 Car.Bch James A. Brickhouse, ne Road 429 Castle Hay Wallace B. Norment , Rte.# 2, Box # 488 Chas.L.liumphries 2729 Van Buren Street W. S. Robinson 313 Ann Street Arthur Glenn Shaw 8-'L Lake Village ' ltobert C. Pennington ,701 South 19th.Street J. A. Loughlin 2014 Pender Avenue A. S. Dfeir 2524 Jefferson Street L. T. Amos 13ox # 654, Car. Bch Robert llobson 1204 llock Street R. A. Greenleaf 1701 Princess Street Bennie Prince 317 South 17th Street B. F. Biggs 511 Northern Boulevard Donald L. Brown, 17-0 Lake Village 0. C. Barefoot 123 Sumter Drive E. A. Hoggard 306 Windsor Drive - Archie D. Craig 1914 Church Street Elaud M. Elwell 316 South 6th St., Anthony Schlegel Rte # 1, Box #24, Castle Hayne W. F. Pepper Hte # 2, Box #87 Wilbur Ftiztch Rte # 2, Box #236 Fiillie W. McKinzie ,Rte # 2, Box #353 G. J. Lambert 616 Dock Street b'rancis M. Shepard,5-A Lake Village K. E. Vanden 12 SJoodlawn Evenue J. I. Corbett, 1705 Chestnut Street Richard L. Hess Rte.# 1, Box # 203 H. N. Bostic Carolina Beach Robert A. Byrd E-3 Lake Village R. I. Simpkins 212 South 3rd Street Henry B. Rehder 2243 Oleander Drive M. T. F'lanagan 3L1 South 3rd Street Roland W. Sanders Rte.# 2, Box # 47 A. B. Cheatham 113 Hydrangea Place J. W. Harris 2544 South Front St., For the second week - Civil TermXheginning April 22, 1957 Austin J. Saker M. H. Allan, , W. V. Hewett F. R. Harrell J. W. Wagner H. W. Walters E. H. Schulken Robert W. Welch C. V. Newton Garland L. Brown, David C. Page John Avery Fred H. Merritt John Miller - J. H. lluPriest John C. Atkins C. M. Ke11y,Jr John W. Dixon,Jr 2423 Pionroe Stireet Murray L. Pate 106 Bryan Avenue Rte.# 2, Box # 360, M. C. McRae 12 Pauline Avenue 120 Diorgan Street Joseph lJeneGt C 29 Box # 285 Rte.# 2, Box # 218 Wm. C. Hegele 5003 Pine Street Rte.# 3, Box # 91 C. L. Williamson P.O.Box # 516 233 Calhoun llrive Elbert L. Grainger,17-S liake Forest 2031 Chestnut Street Robert Branch Rte.# 1, Box # 244 Box # 131,Castle Hayne, E. M. Bennett 118 Castle Hayne Road 2002 Creasy Avenue Walter J. Reaves,Jr, P.O.Box # 449.0 Rte.# 3,Box # 182 IIorchel Cunter 3809 Oleander Drive 2915 Adams Street N. E. Stokley Rte.# 3, Box # 469-A 1418 Orange Street Lynwood liiclanan P. 0. Box # 73 13-S Lake Village Geo.T. Congleton 108-A Sdilliamson Drive Rte.# 1, Box # 267 T. B. Hughes, 1810 Church Street 139 Gordon Road George Fisher 806 South 5th Street Rte.# 1, Box # 45 J. C. Howard 709 South 17th Street 4209 Oleander llrive George Lawson Rte.# 1, Box # 464 21-5 Lake Forest Curtis Whitted Rte.# 1, Box # 64 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting wae then adjouttned and the ? Commissioners re-convened as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. Love, Tax Supervisor, as Secretary. il. '111?? - Clerk ? S7? Wilmington, N. C. April 1, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. Mahan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Iiolton,Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hi11,County Attorney,and T. D. Love,County 1luditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Aiarch 25,1957 having previously been mailed to each member of tpe 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Upon motion of Mr, Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iiolton, the Board went on record directing a letter to the Governor, unanimously endorsing the re-appointment of Mr. C. Heide Trask to the important position of Commissioner of the Third Highway Division in view of his proven ability&?4? over the term he has served and natural knack to fit in with the program and that copies of the . letter urging the re-appointment of Mr. Trask be forwarded to the Governbng Bodies of the Muni- cipalities within the 6i*pty. Reports of the activities of the Home Demonstration Agents, Miss Verna Belle Lowery, Home Agent and Hebecca L. Ha11,Colored Home Agent and 4-H Clubs, for the first quarter ending March 31,1957, were received and filed. Both Agents were commended for their very fine reports. ?"'~ Upon motion by T1r, l?illiams,seconded by Mr. Diayhan, the following Resolution was adopted: ?A 1%1IiEFtEAS1 the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lien against Henry A. Robinson,said lien being filed in lLien Book 2 at Page 264,on October 1,1951, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Said County;and WHEREAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repairs and the Co- ! operative Savings and Loan Association, Sdilmington,Aiorth Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, , subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien being subordinated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Association;and WIIN.;REAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the County that savd loan be made to en- able the lienor to make the necessary repairs to said property, and that the County's lien for Old ? Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to the lien of the Deed of Trust to C. D. Hogue,Jr.,Trustee for said Association. NOW,THEREb'ORE,BE IT ktESOLVED: . • • 1. That it is to the best interest of New FIanover County that the repairs be made to the i property of the said lienor located in: ? Part of Lot 1, Block 238, according to the official plan oP the City of Sdilmington, N.C., and and being the same property,conveyed to Rev. Ilenry A. Robinson by deed recorded in Book 465 at Page 515 of the New Hanover County Registry. ? 2• That the lien of New Hanover County, reCOrded in Lien I3ook 2 at Page 264 against IIenry ? ?