1957-04-01 Regular Meeting141:1 Pleeting of Piarch 25, 1957 - Continued For theCCivil Term: E. A. Bordeatix,Sr Box 237 Car.Bch James A. Brickhouse, ne Road 429 Castle Hay Wallace B. Norment , Rte.# 2, Box # 488 Chas.L.liumphries 2729 Van Buren Street W. S. Robinson 313 Ann Street Arthur Glenn Shaw 8-'L Lake Village ' ltobert C. Pennington ,701 South 19th.Street J. A. Loughlin 2014 Pender Avenue A. S. Dfeir 2524 Jefferson Street L. T. Amos 13ox # 654, Car. Bch Robert llobson 1204 llock Street R. A. Greenleaf 1701 Princess Street Bennie Prince 317 South 17th Street B. F. Biggs 511 Northern Boulevard Donald L. Brown, 17-0 Lake Village 0. C. Barefoot 123 Sumter Drive E. A. Hoggard 306 Windsor Drive - Archie D. Craig 1914 Church Street Elaud M. Elwell 316 South 6th St., Anthony Schlegel Rte # 1, Box #24, Castle Hayne W. F. Pepper Hte # 2, Box #87 Wilbur Ftiztch Rte # 2, Box #236 Fiillie W. McKinzie ,Rte # 2, Box #353 G. J. Lambert 616 Dock Street b'rancis M. Shepard,5-A Lake Village K. E. Vanden 12 SJoodlawn Evenue J. I. Corbett, 1705 Chestnut Street Richard L. Hess Rte.# 1, Box # 203 H. N. Bostic Carolina Beach Robert A. Byrd E-3 Lake Village R. I. Simpkins 212 South 3rd Street Henry B. Rehder 2243 Oleander Drive M. T. F'lanagan 3L1 South 3rd Street Roland W. Sanders Rte.# 2, Box # 47 A. B. Cheatham 113 Hydrangea Place J. W. Harris 2544 South Front St., For the second week - Civil TermXheginning April 22, 1957 Austin J. Saker M. H. Allan, , W. V. Hewett F. R. Harrell J. W. Wagner H. W. Walters E. H. Schulken Robert W. Welch C. V. Newton Garland L. Brown, David C. Page John Avery Fred H. Merritt John Miller - J. H. lluPriest John C. Atkins C. M. Ke11y,Jr John W. Dixon,Jr 2423 Pionroe Stireet Murray L. Pate 106 Bryan Avenue Rte.# 2, Box # 360, M. C. McRae 12 Pauline Avenue 120 Diorgan Street Joseph lJeneGt C 29 Box # 285 Rte.# 2, Box # 218 Wm. C. Hegele 5003 Pine Street Rte.# 3, Box # 91 C. L. Williamson P.O.Box # 516 233 Calhoun llrive Elbert L. Grainger,17-S liake Forest 2031 Chestnut Street Robert Branch Rte.# 1, Box # 244 Box # 131,Castle Hayne, E. M. Bennett 118 Castle Hayne Road 2002 Creasy Avenue Walter J. Reaves,Jr, P.O.Box # 449.0 Rte.# 3,Box # 182 IIorchel Cunter 3809 Oleander Drive 2915 Adams Street N. E. Stokley Rte.# 3, Box # 469-A 1418 Orange Street Lynwood liiclanan P. 0. Box # 73 13-S Lake Village Geo.T. Congleton 108-A Sdilliamson Drive Rte.# 1, Box # 267 T. B. Hughes, 1810 Church Street 139 Gordon Road George Fisher 806 South 5th Street Rte.# 1, Box # 45 J. C. Howard 709 South 17th Street 4209 Oleander llrive George Lawson Rte.# 1, Box # 464 21-5 Lake Forest Curtis Whitted Rte.# 1, Box # 64 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting wae then adjouttned and the ? Commissioners re-convened as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. Love, Tax Supervisor, as Secretary. il. '111?? - Clerk ? S7? Wilmington, N. C. April 1, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. Mahan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Iiolton,Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hi11,County Attorney,and T. D. Love,County 1luditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Aiarch 25,1957 having previously been mailed to each member of tpe 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Upon motion of Mr, Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iiolton, the Board went on record directing a letter to the Governor, unanimously endorsing the re-appointment of Mr. C. Heide Trask to the important position of Commissioner of the Third Highway Division in view of his proven ability&?4? over the term he has served and natural knack to fit in with the program and that copies of the . letter urging the re-appointment of Mr. Trask be forwarded to the Governbng Bodies of the Muni- cipalities within the 6i*pty. Reports of the activities of the Home Demonstration Agents, Miss Verna Belle Lowery, Home Agent and Hebecca L. Ha11,Colored Home Agent and 4-H Clubs, for the first quarter ending March 31,1957, were received and filed. Both Agents were commended for their very fine reports. ?"'~ Upon motion by T1r, l?illiams,seconded by Mr. Diayhan, the following Resolution was adopted: ?A 1%1IiEFtEAS1 the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lien against Henry A. Robinson,said lien being filed in lLien Book 2 at Page 264,on October 1,1951, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Said County;and WHEREAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repairs and the Co- ! operative Savings and Loan Association, Sdilmington,Aiorth Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, , subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien being subordinated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Association;and WIIN.;REAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the County that savd loan be made to en- able the lienor to make the necessary repairs to said property, and that the County's lien for Old ? Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to the lien of the Deed of Trust to C. D. Hogue,Jr.,Trustee for said Association. NOW,THEREb'ORE,BE IT ktESOLVED: . • • 1. That it is to the best interest of New FIanover County that the repairs be made to the i property of the said lienor located in: ? Part of Lot 1, Block 238, according to the official plan oP the City of Sdilmington, N.C., and and being the same property,conveyed to Rev. Ilenry A. Robinson by deed recorded in Book 465 at Page 515 of the New Hanover County Registry. ? 2• That the lien of New Hanover County, reCOrded in Lien I3ook 2 at Page 264 against IIenry ? ? r 142 Pieeting of April 1, 1957 - Continued A. Robinson is hereby subordinated to and made inferior to the lien of a certin deed of trust executed by Henry A. Rohinson to C. D. Hogue,Jr.,Trustee for the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association in the amount of $2,700.00 and duly recorded in the Registry of New Hanover Cobtnty in Book 621, Page 1, and further that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be and „ he is hereby authorized and directed to enter the subordination of said lien on the docket in '' the Office of th&mClerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County. , L Mrs. J. C. Birmingham, a member of the Board of Education, appeared to request the Commissioners to give consideration to a plan to relieve the over-crowded situation in the School Class-Rooms, ? and suggested operation on a twelve months basis instead of the present nine months 9chool term, wliich she said would reduce the teachers load and congestion in class rooms and eliminate to some extent tke necessity of building additional class rooms. No recommendations were received from the board of Psducation and no action was taken. I DSr. A. E. Gibson, a member of the lloard of Trustees of the Cape Ia'ear Memorial Ilospital gave ? a reswne of the progress made and contemplated in improving and enlarging the former T. B. Hospital since its purchase from the County,and said $30,000.00 was needed to put their first 50 rooms in operation and that $250,000.00 is needed for further additional construction. I3e said he was not asking for County aid, but wanted the endorsement of the Board for a fund raising project being conducted for the Hospital. No. action was taken. A letter was received from bir, liouis T. rioore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Com- mission, calling attention to a recent bill ratified by the South Carolina Assembly, re- quiring buildirtg permits for any renovation or new construction costing $1,000.00 or more in Swoter County, S. C. Instructions were given to secure a copy of the Bill for study in connection with our proposed Bill dealing with a similar problem. • A letter was received from Pir. John Alexander 4cMahan calling attention to the Annual School --? for County Accountants to be sponsored by the Institute of Government at Chapel Hill beginning at noon on Tuesday, April 16, and ending at noon on Thursday,April 18. The County Auditor said he or two of his office•personnel planned to attend the 8chool which met with the approval of the 13oard. • Ldith reference to clarifying the area within the boundaries to be served by the Seagate and Winter Park Volunteer Fire Departments to be able to qualify for reduced Pire Insurance rates, a letter was received from the North Carolina Pire Insurance Rating Bureau advising that this matter was being worked out with Mr. Ed B. tdright,Secretary of the N'ire Inspection Committee to the end that the Laundaries could be properly described so that they would not overlap each other, to qualify for reduced rates. •• A 3urety Bond for Elbert Pennell Herring as a Justice of Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as Surety, the same having been approved by the County A , Attorney as to forar, was approved by the Board. A report of the Veterans' Service Officer showing that the Office has been credited with Running and Active Awards in the amount of $9,981.53 for March,was received and filed. ? Instructions were given to have a mud=hole condition on the State Ports road corrected. Upon motion by Mr. Piayhan,seconded by Mr. Broadhurst,authority was givem to transfer $173.65 ? from the General Is'mergency Fund to School Pensions under the Budget appropriations for Schools to provide funds necessary to meet the County's $347.30 share of the yearly pension ? due J. T. Parley, Sr.,School Yensioner as of January 1,1957,requested by the County Auditor on statement received from the Board of Education. •• ? Upon motion by Mr. Iiolton,seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authority was granted to refund $350.00 to Steve Giannaros on account of over-payment for treatment received while he was a patient ? at John C. Wessell T. B. Hospital, which over payment was occasioned by payment of $1,000.00 Hospitalilzation Insurance to the County, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Authority was granted to appropriate $350.00 from un-anticipated funds to the T. B. Hos- pital account to enable the disbursement of the said amount requested by the County..Auditor. ? A request of the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company for payment of $10,350.00 on their Revaluation y?n?vls.z?°u' contract presented by the County Auditor who advised that the contract was 12% completecj, was left with the County Auditor, with power to act. In accordance with previous instructions, the County Attorney prepared and presented a proposed Bill that would enable the County to set up rules and regulations governing zoning ? and building construction in the unincorporated areas of the County which was diecussed 6,00r-V"? in detail by the Board. Mr. Mayhan suggested that we table the Bill for a week to give the people an opportunity to read it before taking action on its adoption. Thereupon, Mr. Holton moved that the proposed Bill be tentatively approved, and that a copy be furnished the Press: ,Radio and our Aepresentative, Mr. Add3son Hewlett, and final action on the Bilib be post- poned until next Tlonday's meeting to give the people a chance to be heard. The motion was seconded by P4r. Williams and unanimously carried. In view of the amount of the County stenographic work performed in the County Attorney's Office from time to time, the County Attorney, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst,seconded `f by Mr. Holton, granted an allowance of $50.00 per month for office expense as of April 1, T,A,0,901 1957, and authority was granted to transfer euch funds from the General Emergency Fund to County Attorney Office Expense under the County Commissioner§ ]3udget, necessary to meet q?xl this additional expense. Upon motion of Mr. Williams,seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board went on record unanimously eicpressing its thanks and appreciation for the very fine and successful effort of thg .; Azalea b'estival Committee and President Mr. William G. Broadfoot,Jr., for making our Tentia Annual Azalea 1?'estival such an outstanding ;' and complete success, and tha.t a letter be sent to them to that effect with our congratulations for that very fine achievement. A request of Mr. J. E. Sternberger price he paid on the purchase of a conducted by R. E. Calder, for the the property because proper notice to the County Attorney for opinion a refund of $51.00 which represents ldf of the bid foreclosure lot against Abel and Nellie Lawrence son the examining Attorney wou].d not pass title to not given in securing the tax lien, was referred proceedure to correct the situation. for tax rea was and J- Upon motion of Pir. Broadhurst,seconded by Mr. Playhan, $250.00 was ordered transferred from Jury Plees under the Clerk of Superior Court Budget to Record'Books and Binders under Re- Corder's Court Budget, to meet the expense for the purchase of Docket Books needed for the Recorder's Court, presented and recommended by the County Auditor. . k \ 1-4 q? Meeting of April L, 1957 - Continued _?..? . Upon motion of Atr. rSayhan, the meeting was adjourned, and the Commissioners continued in ? session as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Eaz Supervisor as ? Secretary. . . '', !e Cler j Wilmington,N.C. April 8, 1957 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton,Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright.Hill,County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. I The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. J. McChesney, Pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Church. • Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 1,1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board the same were upon motion of Mr. Iiolton,seconded by Mr. Mayhan,Approved. Pursuant to postponement of Final action for one week on the Building Inspector-Zoning ? Bill after tentative approval of the same at meeting of April 1, 1957, to give the public ppportunity to study and discuss the Bill, some 40 or more interested citisens appeared to protest the Bill and presented 13 petitions signed by 346 citizens and property owners op-. posing any zoning or restrictions to be placed on property. Among those present who spoke in opposition to the proposed act were: R. M. Kermon, attorney; A. G. Iiales and R. T. R i Rivenbark of Winter Park; W. C. Sykes, 4116 Oleander Drive; G. F. Stone, Bradley Creek; I Gabrial llobo,Wrightsville '2Souiid and Hichard A. ShewryLocal Realtor, 213 Princess Street Piessrs. Henry E. Aliller, Eugene Fonvie].le and R. T, Burney, Contractors,spoke in Favor of the appointment of a 13uilding Inspector in the interest of HeaLing 1`nstallations for the safety and better building construction. Mr. Holton presented the Bill for discussion and said it would provide enabling Legislation for the protection of the man building a home, and cited the llurham Act of 1949 which was considered in the preparation of the bill, which.he said was reported as worlting satisfacotrily. Mr. Kermon said that in his opinion zonirA; in the County was not necessary, and the way the proposed Bill was drawn is uncon- stitutional according to Article II, Section 29 of the General Statutes. After considerable discussion, Pir..Williams callbd attention that we, after having started out with the view of appointing a Building Insp6Ctor, zoning,came about, and said building inspection should be stressed initially and work out zoning later with public support. He believed in building inspection for protection of the people by enabling Legi.slation and drop Zoning propects of -? I the IIill at this time and go along on the bui.lding inspection. Mr. Holton said it was very apparent they were not favorable toward tY1e 13i11., and moved to.table the Bill under the con- ditions until such time something can be offbred to meet with pu'Tic approval. The motion was seconded by Dir. Broadhurst and carried. Mr. George H. 1lutafF appeared to complain of an improper drainage condition at the Airportn adjacent to his Freezing Plant and asked that the trouble be remedied. Iiis request was re- ? ceived for consideration with the Soil Conservationist. , Mr. R. A. Burnett, Business Manager of the Plwnbers Labor Union expressed his approval of a I3uilding Inspector if given complete authority to enforce the Law, but complained of the ? Board of Health's appointment of an inexperienced person as a plumber inspector, etc. ?- It was agreeable to the Board for the County and City Attorneys to get together on the prep- e•?j aration of a Bill to transfer the Community Hospital from the City to the County as previously I?W agreed, and turn the same over to Mr. Hewlett for Legislative enactment. •• °"`? Report for the month of March was received from Mr. D. D. Baggett,County Farm llemonstration Agent, together with his quarterly report on the activities of his Department for January, b'ebruary and Diarch 1957. . • ' A request of Mr. G. C. BorHeaux for adjustment of the back taxes on the old Boy's Brigade -7-L property Block 88 currently in the name of Lillian Cohen, was continued until next monday, pending receipt of ststement showing the amount of baek taxes due. ? A statement was received from the State Department of Public Welfare advising the $78,885.19 was sent to this County in I'ebruary for public assistance cases. ' A copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Community were received and filed. A report of activities of the Colored Home Demonstration Ag the Wilmzngton Public Library and Boolrniobile for March were report gave a statemen5 of comparative book circulations as . ?? Hospital for February 16, 1957, ant and 4-H Clubs and a report received and filed. The Library follows: 1955 1956 1957 • • Main Library 7,735 7,606 8,416 (as of Plarch) I Boolanobil e 3, 460 3, 422 ! Carolina Beach 146 319 Grand Total 7,735 . 11,212 12,157 ? -? , A statement of tax collections was received from Mr. C. R. Morse, Tax Collector, for the years 1951 and prior, thru 1955, and the 1956 tax collections thru March 1957 as shown below: i Total uncollected back taxes due as of June 30, 1956- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 94,414.80 Collected- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26,774.93 Balance due as of b'ebruary 1, 1957- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 67,639.87 Collected February- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 1,905.60 'I Balance llue- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - § 65,734.21 Collected P4arch- - - - - - - - - -? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 2,085.51 Balance due- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $$ 63,648.76 ? 'A