1957-04-15 Regular MeetingF" 144 Meeting of April 8, 1957 - Continued Collected on 1956 Taxes: October,November,llecember,January- - - - - - ? 8021841.12 Collected February- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54,017.22 856,858.34 Collected March- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 025,14L.97 . ` 882,000.31 Mr. Broadriurst reported satisfactory progress on fence construction along 23rs Street Highway ? right-of-way thru County Farm land - one side first to fence off the stock during the High- way construetion; fence woiDk on the other side to go forward as the Highway wor# progresses. A communication was received from Mr. Herman Sykes, Supervisor of the State Juvenile Delin- quency Service following up a recent inspection of the detention facilities for Juveniles on ? the County Home 1'eemises, and called attention to the building for holding colored children as highly undesirable because they said, of the close proximity of the building to adult prisoner-quarters. The Cramped quarters, narrow halls and the barred windows make the build- ing literally a jail, and that the building is a veritable fire trap, and recommended that the use of the building be discontinued immediately. They did say, however, that the building for white children is in far better condition, but Lhe desi.gn and. location of the building is not desirable for detention purposes. The matter was received for further study and consider- ation at a later date. A letter was received from Mrs. Alice McD. Strickland representing the South Eastern North Carolina Beach Asaociation urging our best efforts and influence to have the Senate and Iiouse Appropriations Committee in Washington to immediately make funds available to put the oper- ation of the Federal Flood Indemnity Act into effect which was passed by the 84th Congress last August, which would greatly stimulate building construction in the coastal areas. InstrQ ctions were given to write our Representatives in the Congress who are on these Committees urging them to work toward the.quickest possible funding of this program. A petition was received From 14 property owners asking for State Maintenance of roads in Fair- .lgwn Development, Harnett Township, known as AicClelland Drive, Clover Road, and Fairlawn Drive, which have been paved with asphalt and are approximately 2560 feet in length on which eight (8) homes have been constructed, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Dir. Williams, approved and referred to the State Highway and Pflblic iJorks Commission. On recommendation of the County Attorneq, a previous request of Mr. J. E. Sternberger for a r refund of $51.00, 10''fo of the bid price he paid on a tax foreclosure lot in Block 70 he bought at a tax sale from R. E. Calder, Comnri.ssioner and sale not confirmed by the Court, was continued Tr until after the resale of the property on April 19, 1957. Upon motion of Mr. Ifolton, seconded by A1r. Mayhan, the meeting was adjourned, and the Commiss ? ioners continued in session as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supergisor as Secretary; `, ??'`'• ?-- ? ? . ?lerk ? . Wilmington, N. C. April 15,1957 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Diayhan,L. E. Broadhurst,James L, fiolton,Jr.,Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Auditor. , The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend H. J. Kaylor, Pastor of Westminster Pres- byterian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of April 8, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton,seconded by Mr. Williams,approved, ?M,e? , Mr. W. Eugene L+'dwards appeared for the YMCA to request that the Cranmer property reCently pur- chased by the YMCA in 131ock 167 be placed on the Tax N'ree list or the taxes be pro-rated for the year 1957, was declined for the reason that the property was not acquired by the 1'MCA un- ? til after January 1, 1957, and the property was legally assessed and taxes accrued in the name of the owner as of January lst for the taxable year 1957. Therefore, the Commissioners have no legal authority to abate or pro=rate the same. The property,however,could be placed on the Tax Free list January lst 1958,,if used exclusively for YMCA purposes. In view of the YMCA's anticipated removal of the building from the said lot Mr. IIroadhurst offered a suggestion that the County be considered in taking the building down with prison labor and the lumber salvaged_ for the County use. The Chairman appointed Mr.Broadhurst a Committee of one to work this out with Mr. Edwards. Upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst,seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board released the back taxes charged ? against the west end of lot 1 in Block 88, in the name of The Bible Presbyterian Church,G. C. Bordeaux, Trustee, for the years 1952 and 1953 only on recommendation of the County Attorney ?r on the grounds that the property was used exclusively for church purposes on the verbal state ment made by Mr. IIordeaux, contingent, however, upon Mr. Bordeaux furnishing written state- ment to that effect. The foregoing action was taken subject to the legal approval of the City , Attorney inasmuch as City taxes are involved. A commwiication was received from the Band Boosters Club renewing its request for an appro- f_,q priation for financial assistattce for the Wilmington Junior High School Band, was upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, taken under advisement during the preparation of the 1957-1958 Budget, and acknowledgement of the letter to that effect was ordered. A report of the iti'ilmington Colored Library showing 771 Books circulated in March .was p?c??ved and filed. Payment of a bill for $5.00 for renewal subscription to the State Magazine was upon motion of Mr. William,s, seconded by Air. Broadhurst, approved. . ? 4 -51 rieeting of April 15, 1957 - Continued ? A letter was received from Mr. William G. Broadfoot, President of the Tenth Annua3. Azalea,;e&?-.- F'estival, expressing their sincere appreciation to the Board of County Commissioners for their support of and cooperation with the Tenth Annual Azalea Festival. ? Instructions were given to secure certified copies of all bills pertaining to New Hanover County, passed at the present session of the Legislature recommended and requested by the ' County Attorney. A detailed statement of the County Budget Appropriations and llisbursements for the nine(9) months period ending March 31, 1957, was presented by tiae County Auditor, showing: Appropriations- - - - - -?$ 3,369,077.35 Percent Appropriated Disbursements- - - - - - ? 2,237,738.78 66'Ofo ? 1,131?:338.5'7 Statement of Revenue for nine(9) months: Received to date --- - $ 2,707,765.92 Percent of Estimate Lstimate for the year- -$. 2,985,750.79 90? • Mr. Love reported the County in good financial condition, and.receipts and disbursements running along in line with what was anticipated, T1r. Holton questioned advanced payments on.electrical maintenance charges for indigent as- sistance cases, and cited a case of a$1.30 light bill plus a$2,00 charg& for cutting the current on, and felt we should not advance money on any recipient-case checks pending their • receipt of same. • • The County Auditor called.attention to the high cost of indigent patients hospitalized at James Saalker Iiospital by reason of their long stay in the hospixal. Four(4) cases were cited in the Piarch statement from James Walker Hospital, showing 55,56,63 and 70 days of care res- pectively. Mr. Hollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare was called in and discussed the matter. He stated that the hospital would not discharge the patient until the Doctor says so.. and as to advances made in assistance cases, the government would not permit them to hold the checks for settlement, but no advances are made the second time: Dfr. Hollis was instructed to report on the four(4) cases cited above. The Chairman said he will take the matter up with Mr. H.•E. Hamilton, Superintendent of James Sialker 1{ospital to see if the hospitalizayion days for in- digent patients could be reduced. Mr. Williams suggested to take the matter up with the Medi- I cal Association and Mr. Broadhurst recommended convalescence for indigent patients at the ' County klome as less expensive. ? P1r. Piayhan submitted information he secured on the use and purchase of Automatic Voting Afach- ines from a Jamestown, N.Y.i corporation priced at $1,532.00 per machine in a quantity of 30,[,?3 ?? on a rental plan basis at 3o interest per anmum on deferred payments. The Clerk was instruc- ted to check with Mr, lienry C. Bost, Chairman of the Board of Elections, as to comparative ' cost with the present system. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, the Clerk was instructed to make a study of the Court House re-0,0r-'?i pairs and painting needs; make a study of the space that could be utilized for the County Com- , missioners Meeting Room, and to confer with Mr. Benson, City Pianager concerning turning back the City Juvenile Offices by the first of the year for County use, and look into the matter of air-conditioning the Hegister of lleeds and the Clerk of Court's Offices. _ ??,?---4J? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. PSayhan, the following transfersowithin the various llepartment Budgets, and appropriation of $1;400.00 out of the General F.mergency F1xnd and 6350.00 from Unanticipated Ftixnds, recommended by the County Auditor needed to•meet re- .quirements for the balance of the fiscal year on the following accounts as of March 31,1957, were approved and authorized: Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Auditor Sta. & Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to County Aid Caskets- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to County Aid County Courts- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Elections- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Sheriff Auto 12egistration- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & L;rosion Salaries to Sheriff Bonds- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Grosion Salaries to Sheriff llues & Subscriptions- -•- Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Sheriff Insurance 1iire & Theft- - - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Lrosion Salaries to Superior Court Special Attorney- - - - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Superior Court Telephone & Telegraph- - - - - - - - - Drainage ?O Erosion Salaries to Superior Court Stationery & Supplies- - - - - - - - - Drainage & Erosion Salaries to Prepaid Tax Discount- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. S. C. Capital Outlay to C. S. C. Repair & Tiaintenance Equipment- ------ (:ommissioners Auto Allowance Chairman to Commissioners Stationery & Supplies- = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bourt Iiouse Repair Buildings to Court House Ensurance - Boiler- - - - - - - - - - - Court House Repair Buildings to Court House Lights & Power- - - - - - - - - - - - - Jail Labor from P'arm to Jail Bedding & Linen- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jail Labor fran Farm to Jail Aledicine- - - - - - - - - - -•- - - - - - - - - - - - - Jail Itepair & Maintenance Equipment to Jail Electrical Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - Jail Hepair & Dlaintenance Equipment to Jail Elevator Contract- - - - - - - - - - - - '1'ax Collector Attorney Fees to Tax Collector Refund Taxes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tax Listing City Listers Salaries to Tax Listing Dues & Subscriptions- ------- Tax Listing County Listers Salaries to Tax Lils$ittg Red Books- - - - - - - - - - - - Veterans Service Office Travel to Veterans Seruice Office Dues & Subscriptions- -- General Emergency Fund,to Agriculture & Economics Iiome llemonstration Agents Tel & Te General Smergency Pund to Welfare Convey Indigents- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - General Emergency Fund to idelfare Genergl Assistance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - County Home Emergency to County Home Lights & Power- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - County Home L+'mergency to County Home Telephone & Telegraph- - - - - - - - - - - - - County fIome Elmergency to County Farm Tools & Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [delfare Auto Allowance Case Workers to Tdelfare Cancer- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - ldelfare Auto Allowance Case Workers to Welfare llues & Subscriptions- -------- Welfare Auto Allowance Case Workers to Ldelfare Telephone & Telegraph- ------- ? 300.00 , 8.70 80.00 2.89 .52 15.00 2.50 8.00 50.00 I 15.00 30.00 398.37 50.00 150 . 00 145.93 125.00 125.00 125.00 25.00 23.94 100.00 20.00 7.80 .50 50.00 900.00 450.00 100.00 40.00 150.00 300.00 2.00 100.00 ? I i ? ? 'A , 146 Meeting April 15,1957 - Continued Unanticipated Funds Welfare General Assistance to Ldelfare General Astistance- - - - - - 350.00 llrainage & L+'rosion Salaries to SherifP Dues & Subscriptions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 "? ',?w?'Phe following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the 5uperior Court for ?' tl trial of Civil Cases for the two wekks term beginning May 6th 1957: S. D. Polvogt G. T. Garner R. P. Cooper Harvey Little Harry E. Reaves Robert D. Milligan Dlarshal L. Lowder W. U, Humpheey Thomas L. Jacobs Geo. E. Itackley, William Al1en Rudolph 7ones Harry S. Dyson K. S. Davis J. W. Paul J. D. N'utch J. H. Tillma.n W. D. Pferritt ,2222 Klein Road Robert F. Lewis 316 South 6th Street Harold J. DuYriest 2716 Jackson Street James R. Blackman 1518 Castle Street D. E. Dicks 10-Crt L,Lake Village J. P. Brinson 4407 Lake Street W. D. Norriss Kure Beach T. M. Robinson 611 Dock Street J. H. Sasser 1107 South 3rd Street L. M. Page Rte.# 1,Box # 507 Loui.s G. Leiner 812 South 17th Street E. S. Acree 2926 Princess Place Dr Odel W. Brown 247 Davie llrive S. E. McCall Rte.# 1,Box # 455 V. V. N'redere 8-M Lake Village J. Lem King,Jr Rte.# 3,Box # 199 Ben S. Woods, IIox # 236,Wrightsville Bch,,R. W. Brady,Jr ltte.# 2,Box # 221-A Rupert C. Wells 2nd WeAk - Beginning P1ay 13, 1957. R. F. Barefoot 4925 Pine Street F. D. Fick 13ox # 51Wrightsville Beach M. R. Christmas 237 Vance Street U. W. Williamson P.O.Box # 968, City Joseph W. Holman,Jr Wrightsville Sound Iiarriss Pioore Rte.# 1, Box # 144 William E. Padrick 1021 South 4th Street Raymond N. Johnson 411 South 16th Street L. C. Mitchell 2514 Burnett Boulevard Thomas Williams C-25, Box # 388A James M. Godwin 119 Yinecrest Pkwy H. Bernice Jenkins 2511 Jaclcson Street B. L. Rives 109 South 4th Street C.,L..llavis P.O.Box # 63, City C. Friendly James 1406 Grace Street Fred W. Sigman Rte. # 1, Box # 503 lionald J. Parsley ftte. # 2, Box # 157 Hichard Hands 1320 North 7th Street Alfred Boyd Davis Jesse C. Andrews A. M. Bell, Andrew D. Huffman Albert S. Simon Jobie liuvall H. I. Herring Ivey B. Strickland LeRoy Pridgen Moultrie B. Oliver W. C. Pierce Victor W. liewis E. A. Dollar K. K. Kimmell W. E. Laweon A. L. Simon William M. Hinson John E. Nixon , 1610 Castle Street 139 Gordon Itoad 313 Williams Drive 108 North 9th Street 903 Tfarket Street P. 0. Box #65, Castle Hayne 115 Morningside Drive Rte.# 2, Box # 502 1721 Carolina Avenue Box # 218, Carolina Beach 313 Greenfield Street 2959 Park Avenue llox # 106, Carolina Beach 2837 Adams Street 2869-C Jefferson Street Kure Beach Rte. # 3 C-25 Box # 292-A 2-G Nesbitt Crt 2719 Monroe Street 4409 k'rightsville Avenue 712 Greenfield Street 312 Ldrightsville Avenue 814 South 5th Street Rte.# E Rte. # 1, Box # 481 12te. # 1, Box # 224H 208 Keaton Avenue 3810 Peachtree Street 213 ATorth 22nd Street 215 Grace Street 319 PSacMillan Avenue Rte.# 3, Box # 395 2415 Princess Street 25 Woodlawn Avenue 220 Castle Street on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board authorized the ObservanCe of o? ?:aster Pionday, April 22, 1957, as a holiday for County Bmployees, . Upon motiori by Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr: Williams, the meeting adjourned and the next meeting oF the 33oard was postponed until the nedttregular meeting, April 29th. r i fi? •i.?_ . ' Clerk ? Wilmington, N. C. April 29, 1 957 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E liolton,Jr., Berry A. Williams, John 13right Hill, County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Aixditor. 1ne meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Paul Browning, Pastor of the Epworth r4eth- odist Church. COpies of the Minutes of the meeting of April 15th, 1957 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Pfr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ?Phe following resolution regarding the South ldilmington Volunteer Fire llepartment, New Aanover rCounty, N. C.,as presented by Mr. Ed, B. Wright, Secretary of the New Flanover County N'ire Ins- ? pection Committee and approved by the said Committee, was upon motion of Mr. Williams, 5econded ? by Mr. Holton, adopted: Be it hereby resolved that the ATew Aanover County 13oard of Commissioners designate the fol- lowing defined District, in order that this llistrict may comply with the Bulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau "On.Community N'ire llefenses for Com-. munities not having a Standard Water Works System" February 1952, to receive credit ap- proval by the North Carolina 1'ire Insurance Rating Bureau under the provisions of the above 13ulletin. ]3e it understood gnd agreed that this resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or Super- sedes any oP the conditions that now exist by written contract between New Hanover County and the respective Fire llepartments. llescription of the Fire llistrict South Wilmington Fire Department. BEGINNING at a point where Barnard's CreeR intersection with the Cape Fear Ri.ver, thence North along Last i3ank of said river to the Wil.mington City Limits line, thence following the SJilmington City Limits line, Southward, liastward, Northward and thence Eastward again tb;jthe intersection of said City Limits line and Jumping Hun Branch.. thence in a South- easterly direction to the Eastern Boundary of Greenlawn Cemetary on the Tdinter Park-Ship- yard Boulevard, (formerly Winter Park-Maffitt Village Road), thence continuing South easter- ly to Barnard's Creek, thence Westerly along North 13ranch of said Creek to the point of be- ginning. Be it hereby resolved in order tp prevent the above defined Flre llistrict to be denied of the F?ire Yrotection by having its unit servicing a fire beyond its designated area, we hereby submit this plan of coordination between the various Volunteer b'ire llepartments of the County. ,