1957-04-29 Regular Meeting, 146 Meeting April 15,1957 - Continued Unanticipated Funds Welfare General Assistance to Ldelfare General Astistance- - - - - - 350.00 llrainage & L+'rosion Salaries to SherifP Dues & Subscriptions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 "? ',?w?'Phe following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the 5uperior Court for ?' tl trial of Civil Cases for the two wekks term beginning May 6th 1957: S. D. Polvogt G. T. Garner R. P. Cooper Harvey Little Harry E. Reaves Robert D. Milligan Dlarshal L. Lowder W. U, Humpheey Thomas L. Jacobs Geo. E. Itackley, William Al1en Rudolph 7ones Harry S. Dyson K. S. Davis J. W. Paul J. D. N'utch J. H. Tillma.n W. D. Pferritt ,2222 Klein Road Robert F. Lewis 316 South 6th Street Harold J. DuYriest 2716 Jackson Street James R. Blackman 1518 Castle Street D. E. Dicks 10-Crt L,Lake Village J. P. Brinson 4407 Lake Street W. D. Norriss Kure Beach T. M. Robinson 611 Dock Street J. H. Sasser 1107 South 3rd Street L. M. Page Rte.# 1,Box # 507 Loui.s G. Leiner 812 South 17th Street E. S. Acree 2926 Princess Place Dr Odel W. Brown 247 Davie llrive S. E. McCall Rte.# 1,Box # 455 V. V. N'redere 8-M Lake Village J. Lem King,Jr Rte.# 3,Box # 199 Ben S. Woods, IIox # 236,Wrightsville Bch,,R. W. Brady,Jr ltte.# 2,Box # 221-A Rupert C. Wells 2nd WeAk - Beginning P1ay 13, 1957. R. F. Barefoot 4925 Pine Street F. D. Fick 13ox # 51Wrightsville Beach M. R. Christmas 237 Vance Street U. W. Williamson P.O.Box # 968, City Joseph W. Holman,Jr Wrightsville Sound Iiarriss Pioore Rte.# 1, Box # 144 William E. Padrick 1021 South 4th Street Raymond N. Johnson 411 South 16th Street L. C. Mitchell 2514 Burnett Boulevard Thomas Williams C-25, Box # 388A James M. Godwin 119 Yinecrest Pkwy H. Bernice Jenkins 2511 Jaclcson Street B. L. Rives 109 South 4th Street C.,L..llavis P.O.Box # 63, City C. Friendly James 1406 Grace Street Fred W. Sigman Rte. # 1, Box # 503 lionald J. Parsley ftte. # 2, Box # 157 Hichard Hands 1320 North 7th Street Alfred Boyd Davis Jesse C. Andrews A. M. Bell, Andrew D. Huffman Albert S. Simon Jobie liuvall H. I. Herring Ivey B. Strickland LeRoy Pridgen Moultrie B. Oliver W. C. Pierce Victor W. liewis E. A. Dollar K. K. Kimmell W. E. Laweon A. L. Simon William M. Hinson John E. Nixon , 1610 Castle Street 139 Gordon Itoad 313 Williams Drive 108 North 9th Street 903 Tfarket Street P. 0. Box #65, Castle Hayne 115 Morningside Drive Rte.# 2, Box # 502 1721 Carolina Avenue Box # 218, Carolina Beach 313 Greenfield Street 2959 Park Avenue llox # 106, Carolina Beach 2837 Adams Street 2869-C Jefferson Street Kure Beach Rte. # 3 C-25 Box # 292-A 2-G Nesbitt Crt 2719 Monroe Street 4409 k'rightsville Avenue 712 Greenfield Street 312 Ldrightsville Avenue 814 South 5th Street Rte.# E Rte. # 1, Box # 481 12te. # 1, Box # 224H 208 Keaton Avenue 3810 Peachtree Street 213 ATorth 22nd Street 215 Grace Street 319 PSacMillan Avenue Rte.# 3, Box # 395 2415 Princess Street 25 Woodlawn Avenue 220 Castle Street on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board authorized the ObservanCe of o? ?:aster Pionday, April 22, 1957, as a holiday for County Bmployees, . Upon motiori by Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr: Williams, the meeting adjourned and the next meeting oF the 33oard was postponed until the nedttregular meeting, April 29th. r i fi? •i.?_ . ' Clerk ? Wilmington, N. C. April 29, 1 957 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E liolton,Jr., Berry A. Williams, John 13right Hill, County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Aixditor. 1ne meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Paul Browning, Pastor of the Epworth r4eth- odist Church. COpies of the Minutes of the meeting of April 15th, 1957 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Pfr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ?Phe following resolution regarding the South ldilmington Volunteer Fire llepartment, New Aanover rCounty, N. C.,as presented by Mr. Ed, B. Wright, Secretary of the New Flanover County N'ire Ins- ? pection Committee and approved by the said Committee, was upon motion of Mr. Williams, 5econded ? by Mr. Holton, adopted: Be it hereby resolved that the ATew Aanover County 13oard of Commissioners designate the fol- lowing defined District, in order that this llistrict may comply with the Bulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau "On.Community N'ire llefenses for Com-. munities not having a Standard Water Works System" February 1952, to receive credit ap- proval by the North Carolina 1'ire Insurance Rating Bureau under the provisions of the above 13ulletin. ]3e it understood gnd agreed that this resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or Super- sedes any oP the conditions that now exist by written contract between New Hanover County and the respective Fire llepartments. llescription of the Fire llistrict South Wilmington Fire Department. BEGINNING at a point where Barnard's CreeR intersection with the Cape Fear Ri.ver, thence North along Last i3ank of said river to the Wil.mington City Limits line, thence following the SJilmington City Limits line, Southward, liastward, Northward and thence Eastward again tb;jthe intersection of said City Limits line and Jumping Hun Branch.. thence in a South- easterly direction to the Eastern Boundary of Greenlawn Cemetary on the Tdinter Park-Ship- yard Boulevard, (formerly Winter Park-Maffitt Village Road), thence continuing South easter- ly to Barnard's Creek, thence Westerly along North 13ranch of said Creek to the point of be- ginning. Be it hereby resolved in order tp prevent the above defined Flre llistrict to be denied of the F?ire Yrotection by having its unit servicing a fire beyond its designated area, we hereby submit this plan of coordination between the various Volunteer b'ire llepartments of the County. , Pieeting of April 29, 1957 - Continued If the South Wilmington Volunteer nre llepartment is called beyond its designated area with its unit, the Alyrtle Grove and Winter Park Volunteer P`ire Departments be alerted to serve in event of a fire in the South Wilmington area. Resolved also that nothing in the foregoing resolutions shall in any wise restrict the ser- vicing of any portion of New Hanover County by the South Wilmington unit when the occasion creates such a demand. Phe following resolution regarding the revising of b'ire District limits of the Winter Park Volunteer b'ire llepartment; New lianover County, N. C. as presented by Mr. Ed. B. [dright, Sec- retary of the.New Hanover County Fire Inspection Committee and approved by said Committee, was upon motion of Pir, jdilliams, seconded by Pir. FIolton, adopted: l3e it hereby resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approve the rev- ised description of the Winter Park Volunteer Pire Districti:As deacribed below, in order to correct the overlapping of the Plire llistricts Limits of the Seagate and Winter Park P'ire llepartments. ?. 47? Revised description of.Fire District of the Winter Park Volunteer r-ti.re Department. . ? BEGINNING at a point where the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad crosses the Wilmington Cityr?r limits line near Burnt A1i11 Creek and Mercer Avenue, thence following the Atlantic Coast- ? line track in an easterly direction to a point 0.8 mile east of the Kerr Avenue crossing, thence in a Southernly direction to Hawthorne llrive, continuing along west side of said ' llrive to intersection of Oleander Drive, .thence continuing in a southernly direction to a point where the Greenville Loop Hoad crosses branch of Hewlett's Creek, thence in a south- westerly direction to intersection of the Carolina Beach cut-off road and a County road (un-named) at biasonboro Baptist Church, thence in a westerly direction to the eastern bound- ary of Greenlawn Cemetery on the Winter Park-Shipyard Boulevard,(formerly Winter Park- Maffitt Village Road) thence in a northwesterly direction to the Wilmington City Limits line at the intersection of Jumping Run Branch, thence following the Wilmington City limits line Northward and Eastward to a point of the beginning. A request of Dirs. William R. Lane and,delegation that a playfield of about a hundred (100) ?`?u"'? feet square be provided for boys around twelve years of age at IIugh Mcftae Park in iahich the removal of approximately nine(9) trees will heve to be removed, was npon motion of Mr. Wi1= I liams, seconded by Mr. Holton and was referred to the Chairman and Clerk for investigation and with power to act. . / Reports for January,February and DSarch were received from Pir, Harry J. Everett, County Elect'-V?P rical Inspector. AIr. 1'sverett was requested to report new construction and locations to the Tax Assessor for tax assessing purposes that may come to his attention in the course of his activitiXg? as Electrical Inspector, and with special attention given to the proper installation of b'loor-y?6c,-QO N'urnaces, all to be coordinated in an effort for safety. A request of Mr. G. C. 13ordeaux to release the back taxes charged against the Ldest-end of Lot ? l,Block 88 in the name of 'Phe 13ible Presbyterian Church for the years 1952 and 1953, which was i granted at the last meeting subject to the approval of the Citx Attorney, inasmuch aa City taxes i are involved, and the same having been dis-approved by the City Attorney in view of a suit now pending in the Superior Court for collection of the said taxes together with other back taxes due on the said property, the same was therefore upon motion of Tfr. Holton, seconded by A1r. Williams declined by the 13oard in view of the suit now pending, feeling it would be best for the Court to settle the matter, and for the further reason it appeared that the exclusive use of the property for religious purposes was only contemplated. Upon aotion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Asso- f ciation was granted an appropriation of $?500.00, out of the advertising fund to aid the Associ- ation to provide a Radio Program daily to get information through to all parts of the State con- cerning local fishing and other news of interest to tourists during the Rodeo Season..The re- quest was presented by Mrs. Alice Strickland for the Association and was approved by the Board ; after a substitute motion offered by Air. 13roadhurst to take the request under consideration failed i of a second, and therefore voted "no". The Board feeling that such an expenditure would be to t ; the best interest of the County for advertising its resources and advantages. The following resolution was upon motion of P1r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams,Adopted:Z'?''' tJIiE1tEAS, a bill is now pending in the lie gislature to create a Community College System, and WHLHL+:AS, it is our opinion that this ligislation will be of particular benefit to the South- eastern area of North Carolina, and to the State in General: NOW, TIiEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, I North Carolina, in regular meeting assembled does hereby endorse this legislation and urge I its passage by the General Assembly. I 'Phis 29th day of April 1957. A report was received from the Superintendent of Public [4elfare on four(4) indigent patients cases referred to him at the last meeting, as to the reason for unusual lerigth of time re- quired for hospitalization cahich appeared on the TSarch Statement received.from James Walker ? Hospital. It appeared that the length oF time was because of living conditions to which the patient had to return was not aonducive to proper recovery and further that indigent patients are in worse shape when admitted than private patients which accounts for a longer stay at the hospital, and number of days not designated by the attending physician. ' The following recommeddations for the selection of a site and.the establishment of a County ? operation for the disposal of garbage,trash or other debris collect8d-from the various un- i incorporated areas of the County,was submitted to the Board by'Tfr;,Williams, Chairman of the Committee named to make a study of the problem and report recommendations to the Board: /.4? ? 1. That a location in the County Farm-Airport area be designated as a place for disposal of ' garbage and trash. 2. Use a land-Fill method for covering the refuse. • -3A That the project be County operated. ? 3. Secure necessary engineering service from the State Board of Aealth for its operation. ' 4. Collectors be required to pick up refuse two times a week. • I 174 k: ? Meeting of April 29, 1957 - Continued 5. Set a minimum standard for equipment For hauliing refuse; Vehicles oH private haulers to be ap- proved by the proper County agency. 6. L'harge commercial haulers at the rate of 30¢ per customer per month for the use of the County disposal place. 7. Private citizens be permitted to use the disposal place to deposit their refuse without charge. 8. Enabling legislation be secured to make the operation legal by having our representative inthe legislature include New Hanover County in the Piecklenburg Act, Chapter 1050 of the Session Laws of 1955, to enable the Caunty to control the situation if details can be worked out. Mr. Williams moved that the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee be adopted. The recommeddations submitted for approvaZ were then discussed in detail at great length without a second, and Mr. Williams insisted on a second to his motion as a rule of order. Mr. Iiolton said - he would second the motion subject to certain changes by deleting items 4 and 6. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a substitute motion to postpone action until next Monday to study it further, failed of a second. P1r. Williams then moved that the problem be tabled, was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried. In view of the time consumed, a motiod then was offered by Mr. Williams to recess the meeting until a later hour, failed of a second and the meeting continued. N'xrther consideration of the purchase and use of voting machines was upon motion of Mr, liolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst tabled. . ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton,seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Sarah Jane McLaughlin, 917 South 6th St., (,,AKywund dames Henry King, 813 South 6th St., two old and disabled colored indigent citizens, were upon recommeddation of the 3uperintendent of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Ilome. 0 t-.An audit report of the ABC Board For the nine(9)month period ending Piarch 31, 1957 prepared bq Brand & Perdew, Certif'ied Public Accountants, was received. Heport of boiler damage at the Community Iiospital April 24 was reported to the Board. The same was also reported to the Insurance Company for adjustment. No action was taken by the board at n? this time. ? ? A letter was received from P. R. Reese, Administrator of Community Hospital , urging the Boarfl ,p or individual members to viisit the liospital to discuss the matters of importance to be considered ??'1 in connection with its operation. >?' A request received from the Town of Carolina Beach to help out with the drainage situation at(5) b? ive locations there that will require dragline operation, was referred to Mr. Broadhurst for in- 0 vestigation and report. A report of property damage at Hugh AScRae Park Uy vandals April 18, 1957 was referred to the Clerk to hgndle. , - ,,?A report of the Board of Health for March was received and filed. ??Upon motion of Mr. lIolton, Seconded Uy Mr. Broadhurst, authority was given to appropriate $350.00 3 ? from the County Home Emerbency Fund for the purehsse and installation of a silo at the County Farm. A•.let.ter_iwas;Peceived:.f,rom ASr;eiJ;c>,A.?.Berison-City?TTlanager..;..?adXising that the term of office of W. K. Rhodes and Dr. G.R.C. Thompson, members of the Boxing and Wrestling Commission, expired $?ril 2, 1957, and were reappointed by the Alayor for a term of six(6) and four{4}years respect- V! yely, subject to concurrence by-£he Chairman of this Iloard as provided by Chapter 921 of the a,??'`'ession Laws of 3945, which was upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Air. Broadhurst, Approved. The Chairman having indicated his acquiescence. A statement prepared by the Eax Division oP the State Board of Education showing the different gpfuc, amounts paid into the General b'und by the various counties and the amounts received back for school purposes, was received from State Representative B. I. Satterfield of Person County, Chairman of the Conmiittee. ? Petitions received to include the following two (2) roads in our Countp Highway System for State 6?Pfaintenance,.were upon.motion of DZr. Holton, seconded by 44r. Broadhurst, approved and referred to th the State Highway and Public Works Commission; 1. Extension of Long Leaf llrive in Cape F'ear Township which runs from end of Long Leaf Drive to Ftaiford Trask property, a cListance of 8Z10 of a mile on which four(4) houses are located. Right- of-way agreement signed by 16 property owizers. 2, Masonboro Township - Rutledge llrive from Vance Street to Worth Drive --1088 feet, " " Chapel Avenue from Rutledge llrive to College Street 460 " " " College Street from [Jorth Drive to llead-end- - - - 816 " Total number of feet as part of System- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1088 " nn tr n n it NelghbOr'h00d road- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1276 ° Total number of feet 2364 on which 12 houses are located. Signed by 50 property owners. A copy of a letter written by Dir. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager to Mr. L. C. Elliott, Regional oAdministrator CAA, P. 0, Box # 1689 P'ort Worth, Texas, concerning the necessity oP having approach lights to our Instrument Runway, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, approved. A reconvnendation made by rir. Iiroadhurst to offer to remove the buildings from the llr. Cranmer lot ? `on Market Street, Block 167 recently purchased by the YMCA, in consideration of salvaging the lumber and plumbing materials and fixtures for Oounty use, was referred back to P4r. Broadhurst to ascertain what deal can be made with the owners as indicated and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. f The following good anrl lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases for the one week term begim7ing P1ay 20, 1957, and for the Lwo weeles eivii term lieginning P1ay 27, 1957. T. D. Sellers .132 ColwnUia Ave., •W. M. Brinson Box # 127,Wrightsville Beach B. B. Wilson ftte.# 1,Box ' 224-BA D. D. Cameron Box # 990, City Tdilliam ?ecover P.O.Box # 5471City I. R. Stevens 189 Gordon Road W. T. Todd Rte.# 3,Box # 441,City Esther Palmer 211 Grace Street 3oyce Oxendine 3008 Adams St., Joseph W. llorsey 1517 South 5th Street N. W. Mitchell 77 Lee llrive,Lake ForestRupert D. Jones }?te.# 3, liox # 410 James W. Piontiet}},Bx 261Wrightsvulle Beach Dennis R. Ward 322 Calhoun Drive, Citp Charlie rIeIntire,Jr Hte. # 1, Box # 329 A. L. Gaslti.ns Rte.# 2, Box # 200 - L_ Aleeting April 29, 1957 - Continued ?49i, 'L'ommy L. Burney 10 Corbett Street G. C. 1Iolt $te. # 2, Box # 265 G. C. Iiansley 504 Ann Street Gardner D. Greer 208 Country Club IIlvd H. J. Clark 112 Morningside Drive James Montgomery Hte.# 1,Box # 82 ; A. A. Saffo 219 North Front Street W. L. iaarren Rte.# 3,Box #379 W. A. Loftin,Sr E-1 Oleander Court Geo. H. Hall,lll 27 Sdoodlawn Avenue Alfred W. Walker Rte.# l,I3ox # 68 Gardner [dest Rte.# 1,Box #72-A A. J. Tomlcins Hte.# 1,Box #328-A Wilbur L. Garris 13-H Lake Village H. E. ICimball,Jr 13 Swmnit Walk r4cICinley Waters 806 Grace Street John H. Shannon 183 Lake Forest Joe Powelb Rte.# 3,Box #244-A , H. L. Mcgoug2im 153 Lake £orest Plcsay William J. Kelly 33 Lake Porest Pktay Alfred Thoinpson • Kure Iieach Alberta G. Beall P.O,Box # 455, City J. A. Lennon 2521 Jaclcson Street W. T. Devane P.?.Box #1561, " ' T. C. Jones 218 Afercer Avenue Marion L. Lowry cfo Raney Chevrolet Co. I E. W. Stack Rte. # 2,13ox # 369 C. B: Powell 46 Lee Drive S. 1+'. Smith 5038 Yine Street W.•K. Balzer Rte.? 2,Box # 156 , B. G. Page 121 South 6th Street Ed Truesdale Rte.# 1;IIox # 235 , J. C. ]3ame I3ox 787 ,Carolina 13each Dwight T. P'oster Rte.# 1,Box # 512 I First Week Civil, D4ay 2 7, 1959: James T. Alishoe 122 Jasmine Avenue C. F. Buxton Rte.# 1,Box # 312 T. E. Callahan 2416 Plonroe Street Odell Bridgers 420 South 19th Street F. C. SJenk Box 108 ,WrigYitsvklTd,Beach W. W. Wroten 2510 Harrison Street C. T. 13urke 1502 Orange Street George A. Perilia 211 Lake Forest Pkiay W. C. Sylces Thrif-T-Stores Aaron W. Faorow,Jr 2908 Plarket Street Karl Rosenthal 511 Orange Street Joel ICi.ng Rte.# 1,Box #455-A A. C. Webb Rte.# 1, Box#224-B Itichard G. Ldoods 2711 Harrison Street J. L. Howell 210 South 41st Street J. M. Gore C-25,13ox-# 71-A Prances B. Curtzweiler 1 Hydrangea Place James Ldeatherly Rte.•# 2, Box # 21 C. L. Thomas,Jr 912 Castle Street W. J. tdillett C-25, Box # 297 N. W. Mintz 630 I'ern Drive J. H. D1cPiillan 20 North 7th Street A. II. Bishop 14-Y Lake•Village Eunice M. Thompson 4402 Park Avenue Clyde Leonard,Jr 2316 Brandon Road R. A. Price 4-H Lalce Forest , H. J. Davis 1909 Woolcott Ave liouise M. Paulk Rte.# 1,Box #252-A S. C. Bollinger Carrier 15 Leonard Alpern 739 Windsor Drive ? Augusta M. Futchs 411 South 2nd Street F: J. Leray,Sr 2120 South b'ront St., James H. Wade Rte.# 2,Box # 355 J. B. English i 200 Maryland Avemue John D. Hall 4-G Nesbitt Court James F. Murray 2303 73randon Road ; Second week,Civil Term - June 3, 1957: ' William L. Mitchell, Rte.2 - Box 235. J. E. Long 2851-D Adams Street James B. Sharpton, 232 Park Avenue Charlton A. Pope 438 Castle Hayne Road Ian I. Pocock, 2082 S. 17th Street John Age, Jr., Rte.3 - Box 375 Abram Solomon, Wayne llr.Beaumnnt Leo J. Bland 3715 [+'rightsville Avenue Joseph L. Gaffney, Jr., 4305 Wrightsville Ave. M. J. fiobgood, . 208'Calhoun Drive Earl Allen, Rte.l - I3ox 273 G. E. Thomas, Rte.3 - Box 203A J. C. Smith 207 lalie F'orest Pkwy. Ralph Foster Lee, _ Rte.2 - Box 433 John Brown Piack Wrightsville Sound Jan H. R. Szaart, 110 Van Drive,Beaumont E. F. Burdin, 2717 Monroe Street Carl V. Babson 42 Terrace Sdalk Artlrur Lee, . Rte.2 - Box 189 Zeb Vance Vernon, 240 Davie llrive I W. Eugene Farr•iss 312 Ann Street D. J. Howland, 2003 Aietts Avenue I Lawrence D. Jenkins Iite.3 -]3ox 252 David E. Heyer, 101 King Street I Jesse James, Jr., Hte.l - 13ox 17.5 George H. Spooner, Jr., 214 Borden Aven ue ? 13obert li. White, Jr., 316 Anderson Street W. J. Gaylor, -. Itte.3 - Box 83-A ' llavid J. liondon, 5 No. 12th Street Charles E. Whitehurst, 204 Castle Street I L. Y. Godwin, . P. 0. Box 1057 Chas, H. Rurnett, Rte.2 ' Paul A. Bergen, : 1609 Pri.ncess Street W. R. Harrill, Rte.3 - Box 320A I Lawrence lting 605 Nun Street K. L. 131izzard, •Box 340-P' Winter Park Upon motion of Pir. Ho1Lon, seconded by Mr. Playh an, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk. 'Oo? Wilmington, N. C., Piay 6, 1957. The regular weelcly•meeti.ng of the Board was held this day at 1.0:00 o'clock, A. M. Yresent: J. M. Flall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, ; James E. Aolton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright }Iill, County AttoPney and T. D. Love, , " Count,y Auditor. j ' i The Chairman phoned that he would be a few minutes late in attendance of the meeting, and Vice ! Chairman Lrnest R. Tiayhan presided until the Chairman arrived. ? 2'he meetirig was opened with prayer by the Reverend A. T. Green, Pastor oP the Sunset Park ? Baptist Church. ? Copies of the minutes of the meetiiig of' April 29, 1957, having previously been mailed to each ; member of the Board, the same taere upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by ASr•. Holton, approv- ' ed after, the following corrections were made: "That the $500.00 granted the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association be appropriated out of Unanticipated Revenues insteacl of the Advertising Fznd as that F'und has been depleted." "And the motion made by Pir. Wil.liams to adopt the report and recommendations of the Garbage Uisposal Committee be corrected by letting it appear that the said i report and recommendations of the Corrunittee be adopted, "if details of tentative ? proposals of priva.te individuals to handle the disposal project for Lhe County could Ue worked out"." • A