1957-05-06 Regular MeetingAleeting April 29, 1957 - Continued ?49i, 'L'ommy L. Burney 10 Corbett Street G. C. 1Iolt $te. # 2, Box # 265 G. C. Iiansley 504 Ann Street Gardner D. Greer 208 Country Club IIlvd H. J. Clark 112 Morningside Drive James Montgomery Hte.# 1,Box # 82 ; A. A. Saffo 219 North Front Street W. L. iaarren Rte.# 3,Box #379 W. A. Loftin,Sr E-1 Oleander Court Geo. H. Hall,lll 27 Sdoodlawn Avenue Alfred W. Walker Rte.# l,I3ox # 68 Gardner [dest Rte.# 1,Box #72-A A. J. Tomlcins Hte.# 1,Box #328-A Wilbur L. Garris 13-H Lake Village H. E. ICimball,Jr 13 Swmnit Walk r4cICinley Waters 806 Grace Street John H. Shannon 183 Lake Forest Joe Powelb Rte.# 3,Box #244-A , H. L. Mcgoug2im 153 Lake £orest Plcsay William J. Kelly 33 Lake Porest Pktay Alfred Thoinpson • Kure Iieach Alberta G. Beall P.O,Box # 455, City J. A. Lennon 2521 Jaclcson Street W. T. Devane P.?.Box #1561, " ' T. C. Jones 218 Afercer Avenue Marion L. Lowry cfo Raney Chevrolet Co. I E. W. Stack Rte. # 2,13ox # 369 C. B: Powell 46 Lee Drive S. 1+'. Smith 5038 Yine Street W.•K. Balzer Rte.? 2,Box # 156 , B. G. Page 121 South 6th Street Ed Truesdale Rte.# 1;IIox # 235 , J. C. ]3ame I3ox 787 ,Carolina 13each Dwight T. P'oster Rte.# 1,Box # 512 I First Week Civil, D4ay 2 7, 1959: James T. Alishoe 122 Jasmine Avenue C. F. Buxton Rte.# 1,Box # 312 T. E. Callahan 2416 Plonroe Street Odell Bridgers 420 South 19th Street F. C. SJenk Box 108 ,WrigYitsvklTd,Beach W. W. Wroten 2510 Harrison Street C. T. 13urke 1502 Orange Street George A. Perilia 211 Lake Forest Pkiay W. C. Sylces Thrif-T-Stores Aaron W. Faorow,Jr 2908 Plarket Street Karl Rosenthal 511 Orange Street Joel ICi.ng Rte.# 1,Box #455-A A. C. Webb Rte.# 1, Box#224-B Itichard G. Ldoods 2711 Harrison Street J. L. Howell 210 South 41st Street J. M. Gore C-25,13ox-# 71-A Prances B. Curtzweiler 1 Hydrangea Place James Ldeatherly Rte.•# 2, Box # 21 C. L. Thomas,Jr 912 Castle Street W. J. tdillett C-25, Box # 297 N. W. Mintz 630 I'ern Drive J. H. D1cPiillan 20 North 7th Street A. II. Bishop 14-Y Lake•Village Eunice M. Thompson 4402 Park Avenue Clyde Leonard,Jr 2316 Brandon Road R. A. Price 4-H Lalce Forest , H. J. Davis 1909 Woolcott Ave liouise M. Paulk Rte.# 1,Box #252-A S. C. Bollinger Carrier 15 Leonard Alpern 739 Windsor Drive ? Augusta M. Futchs 411 South 2nd Street F: J. Leray,Sr 2120 South b'ront St., James H. Wade Rte.# 2,Box # 355 J. B. English i 200 Maryland Avemue John D. Hall 4-G Nesbitt Court James F. Murray 2303 73randon Road ; Second week,Civil Term - June 3, 1957: ' William L. Mitchell, Rte.2 - Box 235. J. E. Long 2851-D Adams Street James B. Sharpton, 232 Park Avenue Charlton A. Pope 438 Castle Hayne Road Ian I. Pocock, 2082 S. 17th Street John Age, Jr., Rte.3 - Box 375 Abram Solomon, Wayne llr.Beaumnnt Leo J. Bland 3715 [+'rightsville Avenue Joseph L. Gaffney, Jr., 4305 Wrightsville Ave. M. J. fiobgood, . 208'Calhoun Drive Earl Allen, Rte.l - I3ox 273 G. E. Thomas, Rte.3 - Box 203A J. C. Smith 207 lalie F'orest Pkwy. Ralph Foster Lee, _ Rte.2 - Box 433 John Brown Piack Wrightsville Sound Jan H. R. Szaart, 110 Van Drive,Beaumont E. F. Burdin, 2717 Monroe Street Carl V. Babson 42 Terrace Sdalk Artlrur Lee, . Rte.2 - Box 189 Zeb Vance Vernon, 240 Davie llrive I W. Eugene Farr•iss 312 Ann Street D. J. Howland, 2003 Aietts Avenue I Lawrence D. Jenkins Iite.3 -]3ox 252 David E. Heyer, 101 King Street I Jesse James, Jr., Hte.l - 13ox 17.5 George H. Spooner, Jr., 214 Borden Aven ue ? 13obert li. White, Jr., 316 Anderson Street W. J. Gaylor, -. Itte.3 - Box 83-A ' llavid J. liondon, 5 No. 12th Street Charles E. Whitehurst, 204 Castle Street I L. Y. Godwin, . P. 0. Box 1057 Chas, H. Rurnett, Rte.2 ' Paul A. Bergen, : 1609 Pri.ncess Street W. R. Harrill, Rte.3 - Box 320A I Lawrence lting 605 Nun Street K. L. 131izzard, •Box 340-P' Winter Park Upon motion of Pir. Ho1Lon, seconded by Mr. Playh an, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk. 'Oo? Wilmington, N. C., Piay 6, 1957. The regular weelcly•meeti.ng of the Board was held this day at 1.0:00 o'clock, A. M. Yresent: J. M. Flall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, ; James E. Aolton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright }Iill, County AttoPney and T. D. Love, , " Count,y Auditor. j ' i The Chairman phoned that he would be a few minutes late in attendance of the meeting, and Vice ! Chairman Lrnest R. Tiayhan presided until the Chairman arrived. ? 2'he meetirig was opened with prayer by the Reverend A. T. Green, Pastor oP the Sunset Park ? Baptist Church. ? Copies of the minutes of the meetiiig of' April 29, 1957, having previously been mailed to each ; member of the Board, the same taere upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by ASr•. Holton, approv- ' ed after, the following corrections were made: "That the $500.00 granted the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association be appropriated out of Unanticipated Revenues insteacl of the Advertising Fznd as that F'und has been depleted." "And the motion made by Pir. Wil.liams to adopt the report and recommendations of the Garbage Uisposal Committee be corrected by letting it appear that the said i report and recommendations of the Corrunittee be adopted, "if details of tentative ? proposals of priva.te individuals to handle the disposal project for Lhe County could Ue worked out"." • A ? 5?:? ?MCR Meeting of May (i, 1957 - Continued Mr. Broadhurst reported on his survey and investigation with Mr. Rivenbark and Mr. F'arrow of the proposal that the County tear down the buildings and remove Lhe same from the lot recently acquired by the YMCA at 311 Market Street for the lumber and contents for County use. He reported that the owrters have had an offer of $525.00 for the buildings includ- ing the heating systeru. Tir. Hol.ton said that unless we can come up with a better idea, moved to abandon the idea, whichwas secoucled by Mr. Broadhurst and carried. Upon motion of r1r. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, Pfi°. M. II. Lander, Civil Engineer was appointed Special Surveyor for New Hanovex• County for the sole purpose, in his capacity ' as Special County Surveyor, to survey and prepare a plat of that certain land entry re- ^,rr cently made in Aiasonboro Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina by Roland P. Jobb, saicl appointment being made in accordance with the North Carolina General 5tatutes 146-37, ttiere being no regular County Surveyor. A request of the Sheriff's llepartment for an a,ppropriation of $25.00 to meet the expense of stickers aiid other necessar-y supplies in connection with the Voluntary Automobile Safe- Vy,;lO' ty Check-Up Program to be conducted at six (6) locati.ons in the various sections of the _/ ?,O-City and County, week of May 27, 1957, was upon motion oP Mr. Hoiton, seconded by Mr. C1?, Williams, granted and the said amount ordered transferred from Automobil.e Expense under the Sheriff's Budget to meet this expense. Upon motion oP PYr, liolton, seconded by Mr. Bro:uihurst, $747.75 was ordered appropr:iated ? out of Unanticipated Revenues, and $747.75 transferrer:L from the General P'und Emer,;ency, to Capital Outlay under the Sheriff's l3udget, tomeet the expense for the disbursement U of $1,495.50 for the purchase of three (3) 6/12-Volt Diobil.e Radio Communication equipment for the Sheriff's cars on a matching-fund basis with Civi1 llefense, in accordance wiLh the authorization of the 13oard on Januar3>,;28, 1957. ?Y)'1??? A report of the Veterans' Service Officer for April. showing that the office was credi.ted with Running and Active Awards in the amount of $11,595.69, was received and fi.led. A report of the Wilmington Public Library shocaing 11,403 13ooks circula.ted for April was re- ceived and filed. ? Notice of Renewal of Government Lease NOY (R) - 47787, dated 1 July, 1954, covering joint use of Bluethenthal Field, idilmington, N. C., by the U. S. Piarine Corps Auxiliary Landing I+ield, W111TIlt1bt011, N. C., was received from the J)istrict Public Works Officer, Sixth nTaval llistrict, U. S. Naval Base, Charlesto», S. C. Announcement was made of Students' Local Government llay, A1ay 9th this year when our fiigh School SLudents will talze over the reins of Government for a day in the various llepartments ?O'V0of the City and County, and luncheon at Community Center at 12:30 o'clock noon. A report submiLted by the Clerk on the approximate cost for Air Conditioning certain of- C -??eud-fices in the Court House was postponed for consideration during i;he pre;paration of Lhe E"1957-1958 Budget. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Phoebe Aforris Solomon, 72-year old paralyzed colored indigent citizen was on recommendation of the Snperintenilent of Pub- Cilic Welfar•e, placed in the County Home as an emergenc,y. ? With reference to repairs or replacement of the recently damaged boiler at the City-Coun- ' ty owned Community llos.pital. It was the consensus of the I3oard to first ascertain the extent of the damage and cost of repairs to restore the ser•vice contingent upon ttie City paying the indebtedness of the Hos,pital at the time of transfer oF the liospital to ttie County as agreed. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadliurst, authority was given to a,ppropri- ?--- ate $250.00 out of the General Pw-id Emergency Fund -$75.00 to Books and Binders and ?175.00 to Stationery and Supplies under the Hecorder's L'ourt 13udget requested by Mr. b'oster Edwards ? as needed for the purchase of a Minute Book and adclitional. stationery and supplies, stat- ? ing tYiat the Court is doing 30% more business tlianat any previous:time. Mr. Holton, after stating Lhat he had tried to get tkLe best feeling in the matter of ap- pointing a Oounty 13uilding Inspector, moved that a]iill be presented to the Legislature to ena.ble the Co wlty Commissi_oners to adopt Lhe North Carolina liuil.ding Code, appoint a Building Inspector and set up rules and regulations und.er the Code pertaining to County ?? building construction and to require buildiizg permiis in excess of $100.00 cost of con- struetion, and set fees to off-set the cost oP the same. His motion was seconded by Mr. Williams anii put to vote by the Chairman . L'onunissioners Holton and Sdilliams voted for the motion, and Commissioners 13ruadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion. A,tie was deelared and Lhe Chairman voted for tlie motion and it was carried. A bill Por $1,050.00 was received from the City oP Wilmington for half the cost of $150.00 Club-house rent, and 600 luncheons at 50.25 per person at the Surf Club, March 30, 1957 which sa,id bill has been reported as paid in full by the City of WilmingtQn. Mr. Wi.lliams said he understood that tfie appropriation of ",p''1,000.00 previously paid to the Azalea Fes- C? tival Committee was Lo talce car•e of all such expense, azid suggested that the matter be con- tinued until the Chairirian is present. The Chairirian arrived at this point and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, the matter was referred to him to check into. At the request of Mr. Williams, the reconmiendations of tPie Committee to establish a County disposal for Garbage and Trash which he presented at the last meeting was brought up for discussion. Mr. Permenter being present Mr. Willian:s invited him to discuss the matter. Mr. Permenter said he had put in a lot of woi°1: on it and. woulcl be glad to listen in on the discussion and answer any questions. The items in the report were discussed separately and upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr, liolton, were ado ed upon the affirmative vote of Comiuissioners SJilliams, Holton and the Cliaitman, with the eaception of items pertaiiv.ng to the collection of trash twice weekly which was looked upon with favor but agreed to be worked out i;o the best advantage as the occasion may require and. that instead of setting a charge of 30¢ per week ,per cus- tomer for the removal of trash, that a reasonable charge be made, Convnissioners Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion. However, Mr. Broadhurst indicated that he wou7.d be agreeable if it would not cost the County any money and a'burning method wou:ld be used. Mr. Broadhurst f;hen exteuded an invitation to the Board members to d rive ciown and inspect the WrighLsvi].le Beach trash disposal set-up which was reported as operating a burning system satisfactorily. ' L? i F) I I Dieeting oi:' Diay 6, 1957 - Continued A request of Mr. Pfayhan to provide necessary pipe to extend the Airport drainage at tkie ? disposal site was continued on the suggestion of A1r. 14illiams pendi.ng engineering advice from the State lloard of IIealth. . ? A motion offered by Mr. Williams, secaided by Mr. Holton, to obtain Legislative action to set the dates for regular 13oard meetings on the Pirst and thi.rd ASonday of each month in- stead of present weelcly meetings, failed on the negative votes of Commissioners Mayhan, 13roadhurst anil the Chairman. In the interest of protecting our forests from the ravages of forest fires, the I3oard on recanmendation of Mr. Williams, scheduled a meeting for discussion of a State-County co- operative forest fire prevention program for next Pionda.y if the State llistrict Porester can be present, and any citizens who wish to attend. " A suggestion by PIr. Williauis to start our Monday, weelcly meetings an hour earlier in the e6?n?d' future to enable the members to have more time to devote to other duties, was referred to ? the County Attorney for opi.nion, as to change of the time. Upon motion of Mr. Williams,`}, seconded by Mr, fiolton, the Board authorized an aclvertisement in the Junior Chamber of Commerce's llirectory at a cost of $25.00, which publication covers all J. C. of C. Clubs and members through out the State. Upon moti.on of Mr. Playhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., May 13, 1957. The regular weelcly meeting of the Bo;ard was hel.d this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Yresent: J. M. liall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, Jo1Ln Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. A. Love, County Auditor. 1'he meeting was opened with prayer by the l;everend Dr. J. V. Early, Pastor of Grace Meth- ocli st Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of May 61,,1957, haiving previousl.y been mai].ed to each ? member of the Board, the same wer•e upon iriotion of Mr. Broadhurst, secorided by Mr. Playha.n, i approve3. AL the invitation of the County Commissioners, Mr. Thomas S. Whyne, State llisi;ri.ct Forest- ?er, stationed at Wl,)iteville, N. C., was present to discuss matters pertaining Lo the Coun- ? ty's proposed participatioiz in the State-County L'ooperative F'orest F'ire 1?rotection Service , for the coming fiscal year. Others present SJY30 are interested in the program were: Dr. 0. E. Hartford, Vice Yresident and Mr. James Lattay and Air, i'hornton, representing the ? Riegel Paper Corporation of Acme, N. C., and Representatives of the New lianover County Vol- I unteer Fire llepartments includ'ing Mr. Ed B. Wright, Secretary of the New lianover County Rural 1+ire Inspection Coimnittee: Hubert F1a11, Ogden Fire Department, L. D. I)exter,Sea- ga.te 1l'ire lleparinient and Mr. td. C. Godwin, and otliers who apPeared to offei^ their endorse- ? ment and cooperation in the Pores 'ire Protection Servie,e effort. At this point Mr. ithyne, the llistrict Forester, advised that funds thru his llepartment would not be avail- i able to include the County in the program for the next two years as his Budget has been i made up covering that period. 17ic- proposed Cooperative F'orest Fire Control Budget would cost $16,000.00 less estimated present value of old equipment from last Cooperative Pro- ? gram 52,700.00, leaving a net cost of $13,300.00 whi'ch would include a fire tower and ! heavy fire lane plota unit, to be paid 40% by County/appropriation and 60% by the State, i The question was discussed fuc•tlier at length and it ajipearing that all interests repre= sented are in favor of the program; Pr. Will.iam5 moved that request be made to the proper ? •Government Agencies to permit New Hanover County to-participate in the program, his motion was secanded by Mr. Piayhan and cat^ried. It was the consensus of the l3oard to approve ? participation in the service at this time and give considei^ation to provi.diiig an appropri- ation at Budbet-making time to the end that we participate in the CooPerative Program if i State-matching funas can be provided by necesssry Legislation. i ? Mr. liove, our County Auditor was desigriated to represent the County at a meeting of the rtO? ? north Carolina Water Commission at Llizabethtown at 1:30 P.A1., for a hearing and discus- ? sion on water supply and use, and to off'er such coopei^ation cae can give. ? I Mr. H. M. Kermon appeared to protest the action of this Board at the last meeting t(heek ?.? Legislation to adopt the ATorth Carolina 13uildirig Code and to enable the County Commis- i sioners to appoint a 13uilding lnspector and,set up rules and regulations governing build- ? ing, construction, etc., after the same had previously been tabled. Mr. Kermon was ad - vised thaL in addition to the action of' this ]3oard, a similar State-wide Bill caas no`w pending in the Legislature and no further action was deemed necessary. ' rr Mr. J. Marvin Pulaski, representing the Nationwide Insw^ance Company, submitted quotations ? i on the County's Vehicle Liability Insurance Coverage, whi.ch was upon motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded by Mr. 13roadhur-st, received for checlcing as to the numbei° of vehicles irivolved in tlie coverage, and if on bids, to submit Lhe same to the general public. ? A request of Fi^ank C. Hill that the County sponsor a project to construct two or more jet- ties for the protection of sane dunes against erosion at Freeman's 33each, siniilar to tlzose fz-e.? at Carolina Beach, was referred to tlle Chairman and Mr. Broadhurst for investigation and ? report. i Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Nlayhan, the Board in accordance with the recom- ? mendations of the County Attorney, indicated no objections to Mr. R. E. Calder, Commission--r? i er, refwiiiing $51.00 to Ttr. J. L. Sternberger which amount represents 10% of the Uid price ? he deposited with A1r. CalcTer in connection with the sale of a tax foreclosure lot or par- cel oP land in Block 70. Instructi a-is were given to write the Tax Collector to instruct the Attorneys who conducted the sale of property for taxes in the future to have a clear and definite understanding with the buyer at such sale that the Deed conveying i;he Coun- I ty's interest in the property sold for taxes is without warranty and does not guarantee ; the title, and is in eftect merely a quit-claim Deed and conveys only such interest as the County may have in the property, and that the buyer accepts the same on these terms and at his own risk. b'urt(ie that any deposit of money made by the buyer in caviection with the : _ transaction incJ.uding th purchase price paicl 1'or such property, will be retained by the ? County and no part or porti thereof will be refunded to tPie purchaser. ? J