1957-05-13 Regular Meetingi F) I I Dieeting oi:' Diay 6, 1957 - Continued A request of Mr. Pfayhan to provide necessary pipe to extend the Airport drainage at tkie ? disposal site was continued on the suggestion of A1r. 14illiams pendi.ng engineering advice from the State lloard of IIealth. . ? A motion offered by Mr. Williams, secaided by Mr. Holton, to obtain Legislative action to set the dates for regular 13oard meetings on the Pirst and thi.rd ASonday of each month in- stead of present weelcly meetings, failed on the negative votes of Commissioners Mayhan, 13roadhurst anil the Chairman. In the interest of protecting our forests from the ravages of forest fires, the I3oard on recanmendation of Mr. Williams, scheduled a meeting for discussion of a State-County co- operative forest fire prevention program for next Pionda.y if the State llistrict Porester can be present, and any citizens who wish to attend. " A suggestion by PIr. Williauis to start our Monday, weelcly meetings an hour earlier in the e6?n?d' future to enable the members to have more time to devote to other duties, was referred to ? the County Attorney for opi.nion, as to change of the time. Upon motion of Mr. Williams,`}, seconded by Mr, fiolton, the Board authorized an aclvertisement in the Junior Chamber of Commerce's llirectory at a cost of $25.00, which publication covers all J. C. of C. Clubs and members through out the State. Upon moti.on of Mr. Playhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., May 13, 1957. The regular weelcly meeting of the Bo;ard was hel.d this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Yresent: J. M. liall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, Jo1Ln Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. A. Love, County Auditor. 1'he meeting was opened with prayer by the l;everend Dr. J. V. Early, Pastor of Grace Meth- ocli st Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of May 61,,1957, haiving previousl.y been mai].ed to each ? member of the Board, the same wer•e upon iriotion of Mr. Broadhurst, secorided by Mr. Playha.n, i approve3. AL the invitation of the County Commissioners, Mr. Thomas S. Whyne, State llisi;ri.ct Forest- ?er, stationed at Wl,)iteville, N. C., was present to discuss matters pertaining Lo the Coun- ? ty's proposed participatioiz in the State-County L'ooperative F'orest F'ire 1?rotection Service , for the coming fiscal year. Others present SJY30 are interested in the program were: Dr. 0. E. Hartford, Vice Yresident and Mr. James Lattay and Air, i'hornton, representing the ? Riegel Paper Corporation of Acme, N. C., and Representatives of the New lianover County Vol- I unteer Fire llepartments includ'ing Mr. Ed B. Wright, Secretary of the New lianover County Rural 1+ire Inspection Coimnittee: Hubert F1a11, Ogden Fire Department, L. D. I)exter,Sea- ga.te 1l'ire lleparinient and Mr. td. C. Godwin, and otliers who apPeared to offei^ their endorse- ? ment and cooperation in the Pores 'ire Protection Servie,e effort. At this point Mr. ithyne, the llistrict Forester, advised that funds thru his llepartment would not be avail- i able to include the County in the program for the next two years as his Budget has been i made up covering that period. 17ic- proposed Cooperative F'orest Fire Control Budget would cost $16,000.00 less estimated present value of old equipment from last Cooperative Pro- ? gram 52,700.00, leaving a net cost of $13,300.00 whi'ch would include a fire tower and ! heavy fire lane plota unit, to be paid 40% by County/appropriation and 60% by the State, i The question was discussed fuc•tlier at length and it ajipearing that all interests repre= sented are in favor of the program; Pr. Will.iam5 moved that request be made to the proper ? •Government Agencies to permit New Hanover County to-participate in the program, his motion was secanded by Mr. Piayhan and cat^ried. It was the consensus of the l3oard to approve ? participation in the service at this time and give considei^ation to provi.diiig an appropri- ation at Budbet-making time to the end that we participate in the CooPerative Program if i State-matching funas can be provided by necesssry Legislation. i ? Mr. liove, our County Auditor was desigriated to represent the County at a meeting of the rtO? ? north Carolina Water Commission at Llizabethtown at 1:30 P.A1., for a hearing and discus- ? sion on water supply and use, and to off'er such coopei^ation cae can give. ? I Mr. H. M. Kermon appeared to protest the action of this Board at the last meeting t(heek ?.? Legislation to adopt the ATorth Carolina 13uildirig Code and to enable the County Commis- i sioners to appoint a 13uilding lnspector and,set up rules and regulations governing build- ? ing, construction, etc., after the same had previously been tabled. Mr. Kermon was ad - vised thaL in addition to the action of' this ]3oard, a similar State-wide Bill caas no`w pending in the Legislature and no further action was deemed necessary. ' rr Mr. J. Marvin Pulaski, representing the Nationwide Insw^ance Company, submitted quotations ? i on the County's Vehicle Liability Insurance Coverage, whi.ch was upon motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded by Mr. 13roadhur-st, received for checlcing as to the numbei° of vehicles irivolved in tlie coverage, and if on bids, to submit Lhe same to the general public. ? A request of Fi^ank C. Hill that the County sponsor a project to construct two or more jet- ties for the protection of sane dunes against erosion at Freeman's 33each, siniilar to tlzose fz-e.? at Carolina Beach, was referred to tlle Chairman and Mr. Broadhurst for investigation and ? report. i Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Nlayhan, the Board in accordance with the recom- ? mendations of the County Attorney, indicated no objections to Mr. R. E. Calder, Commission--r? i er, refwiiiing $51.00 to Ttr. J. L. Sternberger which amount represents 10% of the Uid price ? he deposited with A1r. CalcTer in connection with the sale of a tax foreclosure lot or par- cel oP land in Block 70. Instructi a-is were given to write the Tax Collector to instruct the Attorneys who conducted the sale of property for taxes in the future to have a clear and definite understanding with the buyer at such sale that the Deed conveying i;he Coun- I ty's interest in the property sold for taxes is without warranty and does not guarantee ; the title, and is in eftect merely a quit-claim Deed and conveys only such interest as the County may have in the property, and that the buyer accepts the same on these terms and at his own risk. b'urt(ie that any deposit of money made by the buyer in caviection with the : _ transaction incJ.uding th purchase price paicl 1'or such property, will be retained by the ? County and no part or porti thereof will be refunded to tPie purchaser. ? J P'll r) 2 L"" d Meeting of May 13, 1957 - Continued Mr. James E. L. Wade, member of the City CounCil, for and on behalf of the City Council, presented the County Cottunissioners with a check for $30,000.00 and a Ueed conveying the City's half interest in Cortununity Hospital to the County, whi.ch was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, accepted as presented by Mr. Wade and the Deed was re- ferred to the County Attorney for inspection anrl recording, all members voting affirma- tively except PSr. Broadhurst who voted "no". Upon motion oT A1r, liolton, seconded by Mr. A4aylian, the County Attorney was instructed to Cprepare a lleed for the transfer of Legion Stadium to the City of Wilmi.ngton in accord- i0 ance with the authority of a recent Act of Legi.slature for presentation to the City at a la ter date. Pir, fiall presented the Commissioners with a request from llr. C. B. Davis of the tlealth Deparim ent relative to the use of a building at the Airport Por stora;e 'purposes. He requested that the Health llepartmei7t have renewal privilege on this building as they ex- pect to spend a considerable sum of money for repairs. Mr. Iiall recommended that they be allowed to use the builditig in question. Mr. 13roadhurst urged that in as far as pos- sible, the County employes be used in malcing al.l the necessary repairs. The matter was discussed and upon motion of Mr. Iiolton which was seconded by Mr. Afayhan, the tiealth lle- partment was granted the use of the building. Mr. Woody was requestecl to inform llr, ? llavis to use County employes as far as possible in making the necessary repairs. P1r. Hall theii presented a petitiun signed by thirteen (13) people in IIarnett Township and. ??. on which was located eight (8) houses on a stretch of road 8/10 of a mile long asking that Lhe road be paved. Another petition was Iiresented in regard to the Jones Cemetery Roa,d. Upon motion made by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Diayhan, both petitions were approved and were ordered sent to the State Hi hwa and Public idorks Commissio f r th ha i dli g y n r o e n ng. A letter was read from the Sta1.e Iiib'tnway and Public [dorl.s Commission in wriich they had approved additions to the County liighway Road System; the following reads: Mills Road in Cape Pear Township Azalea Drive and Churchill llrive in D4asonboro ibionsllip W11ite Road and Park Avenue in Harnett TownsYiip a??4 They disapproved of 7th Avenue in Pederal Point Tocanst:ip to the Sta,i,e County I3ighway Road System. A request from tiie County Home that a TV be removed Prom one room to the Chapel was dis- cussed. This reiaoval was to be done to make necessary space available in the County ]iome. _r It was the consensus of opinion that ttiis was an administrative matter for those at the Count Honie to attend to and was left to their discretion as to the re val f tl TV t y mo ie o se . A transfer of Funds within the Budget of the Agriculture & Lconomics appi^opriation was ap- ...?'" ,,jo proved, to wit: 1+'ran Miss Lowery, IImne Demonstratinn Agent - Travel to Supplies $13.28 Hepairs and Plaintenance Equipment to Supplies 42.00 _f . Application of Sam liudley, colored citizen, age 77 for aflmittance to the County liome was approved upon motion made by Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. A report of the fIome liemonstration Agent for April was received. V Mr. Hall presented the Commissioners iaitli a letter wliich he had received from the Pure Oil Company in regard to their desire to dispose of a vacant lot located at 4th and Dfarket Streets for Wr-oximately $51,200.00. It was Mr. Hall's thinking that the',,County at some future date be interested in this lot for either parking or expansion plans. This matter was discussed and it was suggested by Mr. Williams and it was the consensus of the Board that a letter should be addressed to the Pure Oil Company thanleing them for tlieir offer. He requested ttiat they not hold up any plans that they might have in connection with the disposal of same due to the fact that tlie County might have any consideration on same. ? Mr. John nright Hill, Attorney, then read a Bill which had been drawn up, as Per instrue- tinns for a disposal dump to be ereated in the County. Also ine.luclect in this Bi].1 was a y regulation in regard to parlcing on County Property. The Bi11 was d.iscussed and upon mo- ??- tion made by Mr. Holton .ind seconded by Mr. Diayhan, the Bill was ordered Porwarded to Mr. Adclison Hewlett for his handling. There was no descendi.ng vote. The guestion of setting hours for County employes was then brougllt up. Mr. IIroadlLurst ? moved that the matter be referred to the Registei^ of lieeds, C:i.erk of Supet°ior Court and eL Sheriff for their reconwiendations. There caas no second to this motion. PS?°. Williams moved tha,t employes over caliich the County Commissioners had control begin to observe Daylight Saving Time hours as of the 19th of Piay and the Court liouse clock be changed accordingly and that while no official action can be talcen by this Board,they shoul.d urge that all areas of the Cowlty observe llaylight Saving Time. The mat,ter was discussed and Mr. Mayhan macle a motiun, secalded by Mr. idill.iams, iah:ich was approved by the 33oard of Conunissioners. Mr. Holton suggested, aiid liis suggestion was approved by the Commissiotzers that Mr. Wioody, lixecutive Secretiary notify all surroundi_ng Counties and Cities and Towns in Lhe Southeastern North Carolina area of the fact that llaylight Saving Time wou].d be observed by this County. ? / p Mr. Love, Auditor called to the attentiun oi' the Commissi.oners that on [dednesclay, A4a,y 15 ? ?lerk. ? ?0Z 9 ? in line wi1;h their itistructions that the Electir?n ?aould be held by the County employes to determine as to whether or not they desire to go under Social Security coverage. ? TlZere being no further business, Mr. EIo:Lton moved to adjourn. This ?aas wlanimously agreed to by the Commissioners. l ? ?