1957-05-20 Regular Meeting? r :., . . .. . .. Wilmington, N. C. May 20, 1957 Tlie regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 O'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R, Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Iiolton,Jr., I3erry A. Williams, John Bright Hill County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend A. L. McGee, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes ibf the meeting of Aiay 13,1957 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Dir. Broadhurst, seconded by Dfr. Mayhan, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Dfayhan, Mr. William R, Edwards, 129 Sumter Drive p was granted temporary Free License to peddle produce in Aiew Hanover County on accofint of being a 50% disabled Veteran of ldorld ldar 11, pending verification by Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' I" ? Service Officer, as to his eligibility for such pri9rileges as provided by Law in such cases. A check for $352.60 P'arm Census list takers incentive pay received from the State Department of Agriculture was turned over to the County Auditor for propee credit. In compliance with the General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 153, Section 9, Sub-section 17, a public hearing was set by the Board to be held at the Court House at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Monday -?( June 17th, 1957, on petition of the Gap Farms, Incorporated; R. B. Sdebb and Lottie T. ?debb repres-??" ented by Mr. James D. Carr, Attorney, seeking to close tYiat,portion of Auditorium Street at IIarbor Island lying east of Bay Street, and bounded on both sides by the.property of the said peLitioners, and notice to that effect be given by publication in the Wilmington Aforning Star, once a week for ? four(4) weeks in accordance with the Law. ' ? The 13oard accepted an invitation from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Pianager to come out to the - Airport at the conclusion of today's meeting to consider provisions for setting up a small res- taurant in available space at the Terminal 73uilding at the approximate cost of $1,200.00.,out ? of funds left in the Airport L'urrent Budget Por Y3uilding Repairs, that could be used immediately. A l?etition to construct and hard-surface a new Highway which runs from US 17(PSarket Street) alon ? 23rd Street to the City Limits of Wilmington and to Tunction on,US117 near Strickland Venetian 131ind Works, was received and upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr.. Broadhurst was unani- I mously approved and referred to the State Highway and I'ublic tdorks Commission for handling. I An agreement submitted by the Carolina Power and Light Company to furnish New Ilanover County with electricity needed for the operation of the Court House ]3uilding for a period of ten(10) years beginning Afay 16, 1957 and continuing until PSay 16, 1967, was upon motion of Mr. IIolton, seconded by Mr. idilli.ams'referred to the County Attorney and if found in order by him, the Chair-- ? man is hereby authorised and directed to sign the same on behalf of the County. ? Upon motion of Mr. liolton, seconded by*Afr. Dlayhan, payment of $25.00 to the State Association ofceyH? ? County Commissioners membership dues for 1957 was approved and $12.00 was ordered transferred T,Ly, ? I from the General Fund L'mergency to Membership llues under the County Commissioners 13udget needed :?,,?Q I to meet this expense. • . ? . _? A report of the Board of Health for April was received and filed.' I Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. lJilliams, the Clerk was authorized and instructed toC complete the Insurance Coverage on the recently acquired additional interest in the Communtty , liospital taken over from the City to meet requirements. ' A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mr. C. D. Gurganus Assistant Principal of ? the New Ilanpver High School for our assistance and cooperation in making Students Government Day Program, May 9th a successful one. I An invitation was received Prom Harold Sternberger, Chairman of american Legion Committee, attend Dlemorial Services at the National Cemeibary, Thursday, May 30. ? A request of Mr. J. W. Gutherie to purchase a small parcel of County-owned land adjoining his lot on the Gordon Road, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, Seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, tabled for i further consideration. ?? Quotations on advertising cost in the Charlotte Observer Annual Vacation Guide was received and ? upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, was filed for future reference. Yursuant to instructions given at meeting of Piay 13, 1957, the County Attorney prepared and pre Ccd.?"--? sented a lleed conveying from the County to the City of LJilmington, the reversionary and any all other interests that the County may have in the Legion Stadium as authorized by liouse Bill 74 ?•R. of the General Assembly of North Carolina ratified March 8, 1957, which was upon motion approved ? and the CYiairman was authorized and directed to sign the said deed in the name of the County, and attested by the Clerk, and referred to the Chairman for presentation to the City Council at G? I trieir next meeting. The County Auditor announced that School Bonds and Interest in the amount of $136,612.50 would be due on June 1, 1957 with sufPicient money on deposit to take care of the paymentS, i The County Auditor who conducted the referendum Diay 15, 1957, to determine whether members of t the New kianover County Lmployees' Retirment Systero will be covered by Social Security, reported: ? Number of Employees eligible to vote in the said referendum- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 116 ? Number of Lmployees voted to be covered by Social Security- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 ? Number of Employees voted against Social Security Coverage- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 ? Total number of Employees voted in said Referendum- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 108 The foregoing declaring the result of the Referendum as carried by a majority of the votes cast I was received and adopted. The County Auditor reported on his attendance upon a meeting of,the State Board of Water Commi- ? issioners at Elizabethtown, Dtonday afternoon,May 13th."The Commission", he said, "was set up I in 1955 and have made an extensive study of the problems of too mucia water in certain areas and i too little in others, with the view of protecting our water resources and improvements to irr- igation and soil conservation and recommerided a survey and study of a plan for our County iqater ? problem with the cooperation of the County Idater Problems Inventory Committee, thru the Depart- ment of Conservation and Developement to be submitted to the IIoard of Sdater Commissioners" To ! that end Mr. D. D. 13aggett, our County_Agent, was requested to conduct a Committee study and re- ? port on our water problems, and indicate their acceptance of this assignment. i '? ,I 54 Pleeting of May 20, 1957 - Continued A petition of eight(8) property owners to include Brakley Hills Drive in the County Highway ? System, which said road located in Ilarnett Township is a new 26-foot asphalt paved road which runs from Princess Street Road northwardly for a distance of 2,500 feet on which four(40 houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan,approved and referred to ttie State Highway and Public Works Commission for handling. • ? Mr, liichard A. Shew, local Realtor, apperaed to ca11 the attention of the Board, inaccurate ?? statements concerning the amount of tonnage handled thru this Port and other errors appearing in the brochure circulated by the State llepartment of Conservation and Developement, and urged / ,that steps be talcen to correEt $nd retract such erroneous reports. Upon motion of Mr. 13road- ?,? '',,.,hurst, seconded by Mr. liolton, the matter was referred to the County Attorney to write the Gov- ernor calling his attention to these errors for carrection and that a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. 1Iugh Plorton, member of the Board of Conservation and Developement. f A letter was received from Mr. E. S. lCelly, Chairman of Lhe Board of County Commissioners of Cg-?w llublin County and llirector of North Carolina County Commissioners Association, urging tge IIoard ,Vi,,',Q.v to attend the Association's Golden Anniversary Convention at the Sir SJalter liotel, Raleigh,N. C., June 23rd, and a Tea for the Ladies to be held at the Governor's Nfansion on Tuesday afternoon, June 25th. The Chairman urged all members who can to attend, and come up with an answer At next Dlonday's meeting so Iiotel reservations can be made for the occasion. ? ldith reference to a bill for $1,050.00 received from the City of Wilmington for half cost of Az- alea Nestival lunc2ieon at the Surf Club, Piarch 30, 1957. It was the intention of this Board that ^^??a the aPProPriation of $1,000.00 Paid to the Wilmington Azalea F'esi;ival Committee, Tf arcPL 12, 1957 was to go toward the expense of that function. The Board, however, authorized the payment of the $50.00 additional expense included in the bill, and instructed that this action be passed on to t#e proper agencies. ? Upon motion of Mr. Nlayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting adjourned and the Commissioners U? left to go out to the Airport to investigate a request of Mr. Westbrook, Airport Manager for ? the establishment of a small restaurant at the Airport Terminal. erlc / «ilmington, N. C. May 27, 1957, The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mgyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E Holton,Jr., Berry A. tdilliams, and 3ohn Bright Iiill County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend B. H. 13askerville, Pastor oP Chestnut Street Yresbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Alay 20, 1957, 1 paving previously been mailed to each member of the IIoard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Playhan, seconcied by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. The following Resolution was presented by the Chairman: itliSOLUTION FOR COiTNTILS, CITIES, T0Wh5, BOARDS OF LDUCATIOAT, AiVll AND 077i}!.R YUl3LIC AGENCIES h1AKING APPLICATION POR COVERAGE OF ENIYL01'EES iJD]llER THE OliD&AGE ANll SURVIVORS INSUItANCE PROVIS- IONS ON' TITLE IOni5 OF TITI,E 11 OF THG F'EllERaiL SOCIAL SLCURITY ACT AS AP- PROVEll BY REb'ERENllUt3. tdH}:REAS, Title II of the Federal Security Act has Ueen amended for the purpose of ex- tending to the employees of political subdivisions of the State and their instrumentalities, and to the dependents and survivors of such employees, the basic protection afforded to others by the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program as embodied in the Social Security Act, and WHF.REAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the General•Statutes of North' L'arolina, as amended in 1955, designate the Executive Secretary of the Teachers' and States Em- ployees' Retirement System, sahose title is: Director of the ATorth Carolina F'ublic Employees' social Security Agency, as the State Agency authorized to enter into agreements or coverage pl plans for the purpose of extending such benefits to employees of such political suUdivisions,and tidIIEREAS, the governing authority of this political subdivision of the State desires to extend to its eligible employees or eligible coverage groups of auch employees, and their dependents and survivors, the security, protection and benefits provided by said Laws and Reg- ulations established thereunder; and WFIEREAS,.,the extension of such benefits has beeri approved by referendums as provided by Law: N6Ft, T1iliRLFORE, l3e it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Comlty in regular meeting, a quorum being present: ? 1. That the governing authority of this political subdivision of the State, to thee extent of its lawful authority and power, does hereby extend to its employees, who are regularly employed and who are members or are eligible for membership in the Retirement Systems as Statedd below, the benefits authorised by Titlt II of the F'ederal Social Security Act, as amended, and as authorized by Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended: New Hanover Cowity Employees' Retirement System Law Enforcement Officers' 33enefit and Retireiqenbt Funa. Coverage will be effective January 1, 1956. 2. That J. M. Ha111Jr., is fully empowered and authorized, and is hereby ordered and directed, to prepare, with the cooperation of the Director of the North Carolina Public Employees' Social Security Agency, a suitable agreement or coverage plan as provided by law, the same tob e properly executed in behalf of this Board and approved by said Director of the State Agency for the purpose of making available to such employees the benefits mentioned in paragraph 1 and them preamble of this Resolution. Upon motion of Berry A. idilliams and seconded by James E. Iiolton,Jr., the above Resolution was intraduced for passage and the same was duly passed, the following number voting in the affirm- ative: b,ive(5), and the following number voting in the negative: nTone (0). i L_