1957-05-27 Regular Meeting,I 54 Pleeting of May 20, 1957 - Continued A petition of eight(8) property owners to include Brakley Hills Drive in the County Highway ? System, which said road located in Ilarnett Township is a new 26-foot asphalt paved road which runs from Princess Street Road northwardly for a distance of 2,500 feet on which four(40 houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan,approved and referred to ttie State Highway and Public Works Commission for handling. • ? Mr, liichard A. Shew, local Realtor, apperaed to ca11 the attention of the Board, inaccurate ?? statements concerning the amount of tonnage handled thru this Port and other errors appearing in the brochure circulated by the State llepartment of Conservation and Developement, and urged / ,that steps be talcen to correEt $nd retract such erroneous reports. Upon motion of Mr. 13road- ?,? '',,.,hurst, seconded by Mr. liolton, the matter was referred to the County Attorney to write the Gov- ernor calling his attention to these errors for carrection and that a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. 1Iugh Plorton, member of the Board of Conservation and Developement. f A letter was received from Mr. E. S. lCelly, Chairman of Lhe Board of County Commissioners of Cg-?w llublin County and llirector of North Carolina County Commissioners Association, urging tge IIoard ,Vi,,',Q.v to attend the Association's Golden Anniversary Convention at the Sir SJalter liotel, Raleigh,N. C., June 23rd, and a Tea for the Ladies to be held at the Governor's Nfansion on Tuesday afternoon, June 25th. The Chairman urged all members who can to attend, and come up with an answer At next Dlonday's meeting so Iiotel reservations can be made for the occasion. ? ldith reference to a bill for $1,050.00 received from the City of Wilmington for half cost of Az- alea Nestival lunc2ieon at the Surf Club, Piarch 30, 1957. It was the intention of this Board that ^^??a the aPProPriation of $1,000.00 Paid to the Wilmington Azalea F'esi;ival Committee, Tf arcPL 12, 1957 was to go toward the expense of that function. The Board, however, authorized the payment of the $50.00 additional expense included in the bill, and instructed that this action be passed on to t#e proper agencies. ? Upon motion of Mr. Nlayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting adjourned and the Commissioners U? left to go out to the Airport to investigate a request of Mr. Westbrook, Airport Manager for ? the establishment of a small restaurant at the Airport Terminal. erlc / «ilmington, N. C. May 27, 1957, The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mgyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E Holton,Jr., Berry A. tdilliams, and 3ohn Bright Iiill County Attorney and J. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend B. H. 13askerville, Pastor oP Chestnut Street Yresbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Alay 20, 1957, 1 paving previously been mailed to each member of the IIoard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Playhan, seconcied by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. The following Resolution was presented by the Chairman: itliSOLUTION FOR COiTNTILS, CITIES, T0Wh5, BOARDS OF LDUCATIOAT, AiVll AND 077i}!.R YUl3LIC AGENCIES h1AKING APPLICATION POR COVERAGE OF ENIYL01'EES iJD]llER THE OliD&AGE ANll SURVIVORS INSUItANCE PROVIS- IONS ON' TITLE IOni5 OF TITI,E 11 OF THG F'EllERaiL SOCIAL SLCURITY ACT AS AP- PROVEll BY REb'ERENllUt3. tdH}:REAS, Title II of the Federal Security Act has Ueen amended for the purpose of ex- tending to the employees of political subdivisions of the State and their instrumentalities, and to the dependents and survivors of such employees, the basic protection afforded to others by the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program as embodied in the Social Security Act, and WHF.REAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the General•Statutes of North' L'arolina, as amended in 1955, designate the Executive Secretary of the Teachers' and States Em- ployees' Retirement System, sahose title is: Director of the ATorth Carolina F'ublic Employees' social Security Agency, as the State Agency authorized to enter into agreements or coverage pl plans for the purpose of extending such benefits to employees of such political suUdivisions,and tidIIEREAS, the governing authority of this political subdivision of the State desires to extend to its eligible employees or eligible coverage groups of auch employees, and their dependents and survivors, the security, protection and benefits provided by said Laws and Reg- ulations established thereunder; and WFIEREAS,.,the extension of such benefits has beeri approved by referendums as provided by Law: N6Ft, T1iliRLFORE, l3e it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Comlty in regular meeting, a quorum being present: ? 1. That the governing authority of this political subdivision of the State, to thee extent of its lawful authority and power, does hereby extend to its employees, who are regularly employed and who are members or are eligible for membership in the Retirement Systems as Statedd below, the benefits authorised by Titlt II of the F'ederal Social Security Act, as amended, and as authorized by Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended: New Hanover Cowity Employees' Retirement System Law Enforcement Officers' 33enefit and Retireiqenbt Funa. Coverage will be effective January 1, 1956. 2. That J. M. Ha111Jr., is fully empowered and authorized, and is hereby ordered and directed, to prepare, with the cooperation of the Director of the North Carolina Public Employees' Social Security Agency, a suitable agreement or coverage plan as provided by law, the same tob e properly executed in behalf of this Board and approved by said Director of the State Agency for the purpose of making available to such employees the benefits mentioned in paragraph 1 and them preamble of this Resolution. Upon motion of Berry A. idilliams and seconded by James E. Iiolton,Jr., the above Resolution was intraduced for passage and the same was duly passed, the following number voting in the affirm- ative: b,ive(5), and the following number voting in the negative: nTone (0). i L_ 1551 Meeting of May 27, 1957 - Continued Upon motion oF Mr.liolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the State Fiighway and Public ldorks Comm- ?-- ission was granted an additional right-of-way of from two(2) to six(6) feet along the present Idinl:er Bark-Shipyard Road thru Hugh McRae Park to enable them to set the center line back and remove poles on the Plonkey Junction-Castle Hayne new Aighway and equal distance to tie in with the center line of the said HigPiway construction thru Winter Park. The Chairman was authorized to sign an agreement with the State Highway and Public idorks Commi.ssion to that effect. ? A report of the Grand Jury for the May 1957 Term cqas received and filed. r? Quotations having been received from certain Insurance Agents on County Automobile Liability pvr7 Coverage, which will come up for renewal June 7, 1957, instructions were given to secure quo- tations from other Tnsurance Agencies interested, for consideration at the next meeting.' A letter of t#anks and appreciation was received from Col. Wm. C. Capehart, U.S. Dfarine CorpsV,019? ? for the invitation to attend the Stag Dinner at the Cape b'ear Club, evening of Piay 17 in con- nection with Armed b'orces Day. "It taas a delightful affair thoroughly enjoyed by all og us who attended from Camp LeJeune, and the opportunity to chat with old friends and meet new ones," he said. ' A letter was received from Mr. E. E. ICelly, llirector of t4Le State Association of County Com- ? missioners, calling attention to the Annual Convention of the Association in Raleigh, begin- ning June 23. The County Auditor.aHVised•that some Hotel reservations have been made and ad- ditidnal reservations will be made for all members of the Board who wish to attend the Con- vention. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that we go on record with an invitation to the President of the Association to hold the next Convention here next year wliicn meti wit'F"i the unanimous ap- proval of the Board, and t#e Chairman appointed Commissioners Williams and PSayhan and the County Auditor to confer with the SouthealgrME North Carolina lieach Association and the Wil- ,?rw i mington Champer of Commerce to secure all necessary information to meet requirements and co-? ??=--i ordination of effort to have the Association hold its next Annual Convention at one of our Beach Resorts. • ' . . ??.r?,!- I Mr. L. I. Lassiter, Public Health Engineer, presented a letter he received from Mr. Charles M. White, Chief Insect and Rodent Control Section bP the State Sanitary Engineering Division , of the State 13oard of liealth advising that Mr. Usry of his Department will arrive here around i nine o'clock on Tuesday morning, June'4 t'o assist with the planning of our garbage landfill project. • ? Upon-motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, the Board endorsed a proposed Bill sponsored by the Southeastern Aiorth Carolina Beach Association which has been presented to the General Assembly to protect and develop the navigable waters of the State and the land areas bordering thereon to the end that the same may be inore effectivEVutilized, to prevent erosion in all of its phases, and in other ways to use and im prove the navigable water re- sources of the State to the benefit of its citizens, Our Representative in the Legislature was requested to give his support to the passage of the liill. ' A request of the Community Boys Club to have the underbrusbd the stumps cleared off athletic field at Seabreeze was approved and referred to MraVivenbark for handling. 1 m I their b'`°`? ? Mr. Broadhurst reported on inspection tbip to Freeman Beach in connection with a recent re- , quest of Mr. Frank C. Hill that the County sponsor a project to construct two or more'jetties for the protection of the sand dunes against erosion, simliar to the work done at Carolina 13each. It was re.ported that most of the Beach land in question was lost in litigation over the ownership of the property, to other interests and not too much left to work on, and Stabil- I ization of the Inlet is beyond our possibilityg however, protective work to retard wave and i wind erosion in other sections of the Beaches have been effective. Mr. Holton suggested that discarded stone, cement blocks and other heavy rubbish placed along the strand would }jelp. No reconunendations were suhmitted by the Committee, and no action was taken. Upon motion of D1r. Mayhan, seconded by P1r. Holton, authority was given County employees to , observe D4ay 30, 1957 (tlemorial Day) as a legal holiday, except as to those Offices that are , required to remain open for tfie.necessary transaction of business in aCCOrdance with the Law. ? An invitation was received from the Senior Class of the Community Hospital School of Nursing to attend its Commencement Exercises Fridt}y evening NIay 31, 1957 at 8:00 o'clock at the Eb- enezer 13aptist Church, Upon motion of Idr. Holtort, seconded by Mr. Playhan, the County Auditor was instructed to de- posit the $30,000.00 Unanticipated Revenue received from the City of ZJilmington toward the indebtedness of the Hospital in connection with the transfer of the City's interest in the ? Community Hospital to the Col:ulty, to General FSznd Account, gnd secure all bills payable from the IIospital, properly verified, and pay the same thru his Office instead of thru the Hospital. All members voting affirmatively except Mr, Broadhurst who voted "no". ? Mr. Love announced that most llepartments have submitted their Budget estimates, and the Schools_,-, and the Tdelfare Uepartment were asking for substantial increases, and other llepartments small??nK? increases. }ie said he was waiting on the Intangible report from Raleigh to complete the 1957- 1958 tentative 13udget which will be ready in about two(2) caeeks for the Board's study. The ? Auditor was instructed to push up all llepartments to meet that deadline. ? Mr. liolton recommended that in the interest of the preservation ana protection of the public -"? records in the Offices of the Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds, and Cowzty Auditor cahich are ?•?'??`"''?- subjected to abuse by sweat and grime through constant use, air conditioning of the said of- ? fices should start as soon as possible, and to::that end instructions caere given to securetesti- ? mates of the cost of same for study at the next meeting of the Board, preparatory to advertising i Por bids for the installation of the facility. Mr. Williams again brought up the matter of his proposal to change the meeting time of the Cv. •; Commissioners on rionday mornings, and recommended that we start the weekly meetings an hour earlier (9:00 A.A1.) instead of 10:00 A. M. This matter having previously been referred to the Cowity Attorney for opinion; said he thought the time change would be legal. However, no action ' was talcen by the Board. G. ? It was called to the attention of the Board'that a Bill has been introduced in the T,egislature ? prohibiting the parking of automobiles on Ebunty property. ? ?i Instructions were given to have the State Forester approve the removal of certain trees, about ')?wAl nine(9) in nwvber, from the IIugh P1cSae Park in aceordance with the terms of the donor, to pro- ?' vide a small athletic area of about one hundred(100) feet square for children. p??? .i ? ?. Meeting of A1ay 27, 1957 - Continued '1'he following good and'lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jufrors in the Superior Court for the trial of Crimtnal cases for the one(1) week term beginning June 10, and for the two (2) weeks Civil term beginning June 17, 1957: Samuel M. liebouse .115 Wynnewood L. J. IIeath Fred ltoberts YAiCA City W. J. «elsh L. G. Marshall Rte.4 3, Box # 172 F. W. Kuhl A. S. Grist 2943 Parlc Avenue Warreo B., Bowen J. R. Bame Box # 7 87,Carolina Beach George M. Fox J. M. Everett Box # 1596, City James E. Walker S. W. Taylor Rte # 2, Box # 458 Simeon F. Lewis J. C. Maxwell 129 Victoria llrive Johnny A. Williams Alton Lee 2023 Creasy Avenue Iiarlee Johnson Wm. H. Chadwick Rte. # 2, Box #282A Tibit Vann M. C. Pfartin 507 Ann Street Roy F. Hobbs P. R. Hedquist 2832 A Adams Street H. H. Dioore Q. B. Snipes 222 Princess Street Joseph S. D1i.ller R. D. Gore,Jr 504 Writhtsville Ave. ,Jas. A. Taglier W. C. Packer 7-E Nesbitt Court Eunice Ii,, Patrick, Theodosis HarrellBox # 35,Castle Hayne J. R. llyson X. J. Powers,Sr 2404 Market Street James I'erger H. G. N'ountain 2722 Jaclcson St L. C. A21en,Jr W. J. Pioore 14 W. Salisbury Claude R. Johnson Adolph A. Kaus Box 743,Carolina Beach Lacy D. Pearce Goley Phillips Rte. # 1, Box # 124 Hines White D. B. Robinson,Sr 1809 Perry Avenue B. B. Yotter J. Ben White Box # 192,Wrightsvilie Beach Piajor E. Arthur Ajorsaood titiiilliams , Rte. # 2, Box # 94 C. W. Dfelton Joseph Letendre 1218 South 4th Street J. F. Crawford b'irst week Civil Court - June 17, 1957. R. D. Nash 513 South 18th Street R. S. Smith Orin J. 73uck 223 Pauline Avenue A. Q. Parker David . S. Maynor 2851 B Jefferson St;, A. W. Zgone Jesse J. Peterson Rte. # 1, Box # 244 Carl Brunson Box # Odell 0. 0'Qui.nn 3101 Adams Street Earl Thomas Ralph D. Kellum 17 P inecrest Pkwy D. W. Raper J. W. Cottle Rte. # 31 TCerr Ave., Chest B. Lapeze Alton T. Gause 2848B Jefferson St I. M. Craig, Jr Geo. F. Tiencken 46 W oodlawn J. E. Bowen J. H. Campfield 2938 Jefferson St., Heill y H. Cuddington John William Hines 2726 Afonroe Street 0. A. Smith R. L. Garner 308 South 15th St., J. D. Bradley Elmer L. Hiclanan 2522 Van IIuren St. Arthur R. King Theod ore Fisher 2900 Princess Street John E. Blake John M. Armstrong C-25 Box # 336 L. A. Powell F. M. Jolly 2811 , Wrightsville Av.,Mary E. Humphrey T. C. Gurganus Rte. # 2, Box # 142 brank Scott, Jr G. J. Walsak 1725 Orange Street Titje Vanderwal Second Week - Civil Court - June 24, 1957. i C. G. ASunn, 3875 Princess Street Roacl Beslie Iiand, 1414 Ann Street M. D. Babeock, 12 Ivey Circle J. Laurence Sprunt, 1806 Princess Street C. F. Campen, 209 N. 19th Street Thomas S. Jacobs, lb-B Nesbitt Courts D. G. Diills, 115 Calhoun llrive Geo. S. Atlcinson, Jr., 61 Pinecrest Ykwy. J. S. Robbins, 2932-E Jefferson Street Francis Manfred, 50 Pinecrest Pkwy. Betty Graham Jacobs, 1092 Princess Street G. T. Diorgan, 322 llavie llrive J. W. Covil, Rte.l - Box 165-D N,red J. IIouknigzt, 2215 1Clein Road lt. H. [dhitman, 214 Davie llrive Frank A. Shepard, 6 Lake I'orest J. 0. Sharpe, Rte.3 - Box 43 James W. Killian, 509 Park Terrace .9-N Lake b'orest 4926 Pine Street Rte. # 2, Box # 376 4200 Peachtree St., 811 Princess Street Rte. # 2, Box # 126 Rte. # 1, Box # 2 311) South 15th St., Rte. # 1, Box # 48 C-25, Box # 358A ttte. # 1, Box f lOB 206 Rutledge Drive Rte. # 1, Box # 228 3806 Peachtree Street Castle Hayne Road 4112 Lake Street 4816 idrightsville Ave 2404 Princess Street Rte. # 1, Box # 120 20 Lee llrive 1105 Castle Street 814 South liront St., 106 Davie Drive Rte. # 2, Box # 79 29 Pinecrest Terrace 511 Park Terrace Rte. # 2, Box # 468 C/'o Aioore-Ponvielle 74,Castle Hayne 508 Sunset Avenue Rte. # 2, Box # 401 321 South 3rd Street 241 Iiake I'orest Pkwy Ftte. # 3, Box # 395 4715 Oleander Drive 116 Aiewton Road 161 Lake lbrest Pkwy 5035 Oleander Drive Rte. # 1, Box # 37 311 Castle Street 217 Brookwood Rte. # 1, Box # 147-A 515 Orchard Ave., 1. W. Cooper, Jr., 87 Lee Drive John T. Belcher, 212 Kenwood Avenue R. H. Bowden, 25 Kenwood Avenue Harvey A. Shirer, 125 jdilliamson Drive R. T. Cribb, 58 jdoodlawn W. H. Bremer, 2516 Harrison Street T. L. Breeland, lb North 23rd Streei: P. V. Ilelms, P. 0. Box 67 C. C. Gray, P. U. Box 153 B. C. DicCormick, 120 Church Street 0. IJ. King, Rte.2 - Box 90 A. M. 13aldwin, Sr., 125 Pforgan Street J. L. Gholson, 2510 llock Street R. M. Roberts, 4936 Oleander Drive 0. C. 7ones, 217 Lake Forest A. V. Smith, 3r., 2523 Burnett IIlvd. Iiubert Webb, 403 Noble Avenue F. F. Zellers, 517 Castle Street Upon motion of Dir. Mayhan, seconded by Air. Ho1Lon, the meeting a djoui^ned. ? 6<e_ Clerk, ? S1i-lmington, N. C., June 3, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Sr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. liolton, Jr., lierry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Atto rney and T. D. Love, L'ounty Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rever,.end W. M. Sdells, Pastor of St. Pa.uls Meth- odist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Diay 27, 1957, kuiving previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of A1r. Holton, secmided by Mr. Broad- hurst, approved. The County Auditor presented Mr. A en G. Carroll, Project Supervisor for the Cole-Layer- Trumble Company tievaluation Appraise s of llayton, Ohio, iaho reported on t11e Revaluation p'rogress being caiducted by his firm for this County. He said 9?fo oP the area of the County and llsaellings have been measured and listed, 75% of Commercial Buildings have been measured and 30fo measured and listed. As to a break-down by Townships, he reported: 6?