1957-06-03 Regular Meeting ?. Meeting of A1ay 27, 1957 - Continued '1'he following good and'lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jufrors in the Superior Court for the trial of Crimtnal cases for the one(1) week term beginning June 10, and for the two (2) weeks Civil term beginning June 17, 1957: Samuel M. liebouse .115 Wynnewood L. J. IIeath Fred ltoberts YAiCA City W. J. «elsh L. G. Marshall Rte.4 3, Box # 172 F. W. Kuhl A. S. Grist 2943 Parlc Avenue Warreo B., Bowen J. R. Bame Box # 7 87,Carolina Beach George M. Fox J. M. Everett Box # 1596, City James E. Walker S. W. Taylor Rte # 2, Box # 458 Simeon F. Lewis J. C. Maxwell 129 Victoria llrive Johnny A. Williams Alton Lee 2023 Creasy Avenue Iiarlee Johnson Wm. H. Chadwick Rte. # 2, Box #282A Tibit Vann M. C. Pfartin 507 Ann Street Roy F. Hobbs P. R. Hedquist 2832 A Adams Street H. H. Dioore Q. B. Snipes 222 Princess Street Joseph S. D1i.ller R. D. Gore,Jr 504 Writhtsville Ave. ,Jas. A. Taglier W. C. Packer 7-E Nesbitt Court Eunice Ii,, Patrick, Theodosis HarrellBox # 35,Castle Hayne J. R. llyson X. J. Powers,Sr 2404 Market Street James I'erger H. G. N'ountain 2722 Jaclcson St L. C. A21en,Jr W. J. Pioore 14 W. Salisbury Claude R. Johnson Adolph A. Kaus Box 743,Carolina Beach Lacy D. Pearce Goley Phillips Rte. # 1, Box # 124 Hines White D. B. Robinson,Sr 1809 Perry Avenue B. B. Yotter J. Ben White Box # 192,Wrightsvilie Beach Piajor E. Arthur Ajorsaood titiiilliams , Rte. # 2, Box # 94 C. W. Dfelton Joseph Letendre 1218 South 4th Street J. F. Crawford b'irst week Civil Court - June 17, 1957. R. D. Nash 513 South 18th Street R. S. Smith Orin J. 73uck 223 Pauline Avenue A. Q. Parker David . S. Maynor 2851 B Jefferson St;, A. W. Zgone Jesse J. Peterson Rte. # 1, Box # 244 Carl Brunson Box # Odell 0. 0'Qui.nn 3101 Adams Street Earl Thomas Ralph D. Kellum 17 P inecrest Pkwy D. W. Raper J. W. Cottle Rte. # 31 TCerr Ave., Chest B. Lapeze Alton T. Gause 2848B Jefferson St I. M. Craig, Jr Geo. F. Tiencken 46 W oodlawn J. E. Bowen J. H. Campfield 2938 Jefferson St., Heill y H. Cuddington John William Hines 2726 Afonroe Street 0. A. Smith R. L. Garner 308 South 15th St., J. D. Bradley Elmer L. Hiclanan 2522 Van IIuren St. Arthur R. King Theod ore Fisher 2900 Princess Street John E. Blake John M. Armstrong C-25 Box # 336 L. A. Powell F. M. Jolly 2811 , Wrightsville Av.,Mary E. Humphrey T. C. Gurganus Rte. # 2, Box # 142 brank Scott, Jr G. J. Walsak 1725 Orange Street Titje Vanderwal Second Week - Civil Court - June 24, 1957. i C. G. ASunn, 3875 Princess Street Roacl Beslie Iiand, 1414 Ann Street M. D. Babeock, 12 Ivey Circle J. Laurence Sprunt, 1806 Princess Street C. F. Campen, 209 N. 19th Street Thomas S. Jacobs, lb-B Nesbitt Courts D. G. Diills, 115 Calhoun llrive Geo. S. Atlcinson, Jr., 61 Pinecrest Ykwy. J. S. Robbins, 2932-E Jefferson Street Francis Manfred, 50 Pinecrest Pkwy. Betty Graham Jacobs, 1092 Princess Street G. T. Diorgan, 322 llavie llrive J. W. Covil, Rte.l - Box 165-D N,red J. IIouknigzt, 2215 1Clein Road lt. H. [dhitman, 214 Davie llrive Frank A. Shepard, 6 Lake I'orest J. 0. Sharpe, Rte.3 - Box 43 James W. Killian, 509 Park Terrace .9-N Lake b'orest 4926 Pine Street Rte. # 2, Box # 376 4200 Peachtree St., 811 Princess Street Rte. # 2, Box # 126 Rte. # 1, Box # 2 311) South 15th St., Rte. # 1, Box # 48 C-25, Box # 358A ttte. # 1, Box f lOB 206 Rutledge Drive Rte. # 1, Box # 228 3806 Peachtree Street Castle Hayne Road 4112 Lake Street 4816 idrightsville Ave 2404 Princess Street Rte. # 1, Box # 120 20 Lee llrive 1105 Castle Street 814 South liront St., 106 Davie Drive Rte. # 2, Box # 79 29 Pinecrest Terrace 511 Park Terrace Rte. # 2, Box # 468 C/'o Aioore-Ponvielle 74,Castle Hayne 508 Sunset Avenue Rte. # 2, Box # 401 321 South 3rd Street 241 Iiake I'orest Pkwy Ftte. # 3, Box # 395 4715 Oleander Drive 116 Aiewton Road 161 Lake lbrest Pkwy 5035 Oleander Drive Rte. # 1, Box # 37 311 Castle Street 217 Brookwood Rte. # 1, Box # 147-A 515 Orchard Ave., 1. W. Cooper, Jr., 87 Lee Drive John T. Belcher, 212 Kenwood Avenue R. H. Bowden, 25 Kenwood Avenue Harvey A. Shirer, 125 jdilliamson Drive R. T. Cribb, 58 jdoodlawn W. H. Bremer, 2516 Harrison Street T. L. Breeland, lb North 23rd Streei: P. V. Ilelms, P. 0. Box 67 C. C. Gray, P. U. Box 153 B. C. DicCormick, 120 Church Street 0. IJ. King, Rte.2 - Box 90 A. M. 13aldwin, Sr., 125 Pforgan Street J. L. Gholson, 2510 llock Street R. M. Roberts, 4936 Oleander Drive 0. C. 7ones, 217 Lake Forest A. V. Smith, 3r., 2523 Burnett IIlvd. Iiubert Webb, 403 Noble Avenue F. F. Zellers, 517 Castle Street Upon motion of Dir. Mayhan, seconded by Air. Ho1Lon, the meeting a djoui^ned. ? 6<e_ Clerk, ? S1i-lmington, N. C., June 3, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Sr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. liolton, Jr., lierry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Atto rney and T. D. Love, L'ounty Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rever,.end W. M. Sdells, Pastor of St. Pa.uls Meth- odist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Diay 27, 1957, kuiving previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of A1r. Holton, secmided by Mr. Broad- hurst, approved. The County Auditor presented Mr. A en G. Carroll, Project Supervisor for the Cole-Layer- Trumble Company tievaluation Appraise s of llayton, Ohio, iaho reported on t11e Revaluation p'rogress being caiducted by his firm for this County. He said 9?fo oP the area of the County and llsaellings have been measured and listed, 75% of Commercial Buildings have been measured and 30fo measured and listed. As to a break-down by Townships, he reported: 6? 157' Meeting of June 3, 1957 - Continued Harnett Township 40% Completed Masonboro " 45% " Cape Fear " 70% " Federal Point " 45% " and that they will start work in the Beach areas this week. He reported 40% of the total contract comPleted, and that the job is progressing along on schedule, and, "we will have ? ample time to complete the Project for Mr. liove to get the figures on the 1958 tax books, he said. Mr. Love said the Tax Assessor would have to patrol the a.reas to lceep up with new construction after the ApPraisal's Project has been completed. A proposal submitted by Mr. Ed Watts, 405 Northern Boulevarcl that the two main Highways from the City Limits to Wri gatsville Beach and Carolina Beach be officially named Wrights- ville Beach Boulevard and Carolina Beach Boulevard, respectively, was.received for consid- eration at a later date. ? A report on the possibility of reactivating the North Carolina Shipyard, eompiled by Daniel °? D. Cameron, Muyor of the City of Wilmington was received. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Playhan, instructions were given to advertise pT?? for bids for furnishing and installing Air Con<litioning Units oP one, one and a half and two ton capacity, on a per ton unit cost basis, to include all necessary wiring for 220 e volts, or optional 110-220, for tYie Offices of- the Clerk of Court, Ae?.ster of Deed.s and County Auditor. The County Commissioriers reserving the right to reject any and all bids or to accept any bid that ma,y appear to the best interest of the County. Mr. Williams suggested that all Court liouse Offices should be considered for Air Condition- ing, or we should lay off the program until such time all offices can be considered. The Chairman reported an incident of a person waiting in front of a Church for services exl? to be;in, and not awar•e.of the City and County being on Ua,yli eit Saving Time missed the services, and recoimnended tliat the City have signs placed at the entrance of the major Highways into Lfie City, inasmuch as the City has Lhe legal right to do so, calling atten- tion to Daylight Savir4; Time being observed. The following quotations were received from the Wilmi.ngton Associatinn of Insurance Agents, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, J. Piarvin Pulaski, local agent, and Modinos Insurance Agency, requested by the Board covering the County's D1oCor Vehicles Liabi.lity Insurance on seven (7) units falling clue June 7, 1957: Ajati.onwide Mutual Insurance Company $50,000/$100,000 Bodily 'y Injury Limits $5,000. property llamage Limit, Total Annual r? Premium - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $277.99 Wilmington Association of Insuranae Agents, Inc. - - - 298.98 Plodinos Insurance Agency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 317.79 Upon mot.ion oP Mr. l3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. P1a,yhan, the bid of Nationwide Afutual Insur- ? ance Conipaiiy, was accepted subject to approval of the Insurance Yolicy by the County Attor- ney, they being the lowest bidders. . ? ?lrH I A petition of 75 property owners petitioning the 13oard to request the State IIighway and P+zUlic ldorks Commission to open and hard-surface Silver Avenue in Pederal Point Township whicli runs from US 421 to Pfyrtle Grove Sound a distance of,approximately 2,223 feet on ' which six (6) houses are located, was upon motion oP Mr. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. Williams, was approved and referrecl to the State IIighway and 1'ublic Works Commission. ? / An offer of $200.00 submitted by Air, Noah Plisco, 220 North 23rd Street, to purchase tax foreclosure l:ot SW 1/8 Lot 4 in Block 541, 33x7716" in size, located 132 feet from th,e NL Qs+.??' ? corner of Kidder and 6th Street, fronting on 6th Street on t-Szich and interest amounts to $85,70, assessed value $125.00, caas upon seconaed by Mr. Mayhan, accepted subject to approval by the City Chairman and the Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized and di out warrant,y in the name of the County conveying the said Lot to Purchase price. taxes due without cost ?rotion of Mr. Broadhurst, of idilmington. The rected Lo sign a lleed with- him upon paymenC of the A copy of a letter addressed to Mr. Richard A. Shew was received from Congressman Alton Lennon conceriZing errors cal.led to his attention that aPpeared in a brochure published thru the State Advertisi.ng Director, as to the amount of wet and dry tonna.ge handl.ed. thru P? t11e Port of Wilmingtocz. Mr. Iiolton announced that an addenda was gotten out by the Com- mittee of One Hundred correcting the brochure at the time it appeared in the same. It was again announced that Mr. Usry, State Board of Health Sanitary Engineer, wil.l arrive here around nine o'clock Tuesday morning, June 4th to assist us with the planning for Cown-N? ty Garbage disposai at the site near the Airport, and Mr. Broadhurst and.Dfr. Ldilliams were namecl to meet with him to hear his recommendations and work out a solution of the problem if possible. A report of the Veterans' Service OftYcer was received showing that the office has been credited with ltunning and Active awards in the amount of $8,989.75 for the month of May. No objections were raised by the Board to the payment of $6,000.00 routine Budget Appro- priation to the Community Hospital to meet i,ts May Payroll Expense. Upon motion of Mr. Willian:s, seconded b,y Mr. Holton, payment of $15.12 to the City mington for the County's half share of ihe cost of experise for repairing back doors Market Street Armory was approved, and the said amowit ordered transferred from the gency F'und to meet this expense. _1? I of fdil- ?-??. of the ?-M"' i Eme r - Mr. Ma.yhan raised otijections to the City Council action rePorted in Friday's Evening paper , to secure Legislation in connection with extension of the City Limits and suggested that , our Hepresentative, Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., arrange for a hearing in Raleigh to give the eLtiAv? residents of the City and County an opportunity and privilege to be heardon the question , if such Legislation is to be introduced, cohich was approved by the Board. 1'he Count,y At- r?. ?•c; torney was instructed to call h1r, liewlett to make the request and the Clerk was instructed to write him concerning the same. , I J Meeting of June 3, 1957 - Continued On the sugbestion arid r?econmiendation of AIr. Holton, the State Ilighway and PuUlic [dorks Commission was requested to provide llighway Picnic Tables and develop a parkiiig area at w the Inlarid Waterway Bridge at Ldrightsville Sound with parking facilities to drive in and park for launching small boats. A letter was received from llr, Ellen Winston, Conunissioner, State Board of Public Welfare ?i , advising that Mrs. T. J. Dlorris, 107 Wrightsv31le Avenue, has accepted the appointment by ???jpn• the State Board oP Public Welfare to the New Hanover County Board of Public Wel.fare. The Chairman presented a copy of a letter from Nir. liugh MacRae IZ, he wrote to Congress- man Alton A. liennon calling attention that Wilmington is not included on any part of the / proposed National System of Interstate and llefense Highsaays according to the latest map he has seen, and that the new System completely by-passes Easter•n ATOrth Carolina, leav- CM '" ing a 300-mile area not served. D o A copy of a letter written by Mr. IIollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare, to Mr. Horace Hamilton, James Walker Diemorial 1Iospital and Paul R. Reese, Community Hospital was receiv- ? ed calling attention to increase in Hospital bills, and off'ered a plan to start immed- iately to eut doAan the length of stay of charity patierits in the Ilospitals by makii-ig per- mits for a definite number of days and if in the opinion of the Physician-in-charge, ad- ditional stay is necessary, the request for the extension of the permit is made to the Welfare llepartment to allow for additional investigation. A bill for $100.00 received from J. H. i'erguson, Attorney for services rendered Mrs. Trene Herring, Child Idelfare Super visor of New lianover County, in a suit brought by Pirs. Edna A. lianden against A1rs. Herring for arrest of Mrs. Landen for assault on a minor child ? which incident occurred as a direct result of her activities as a Child Welfare Supervis-, or, was referred to Air. Hollis for reconunendations. The meetino i:hen adjourned. Clerlc. Wilmington, N. C., June 10, 1957. The regular weekly meetiilg of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Yresent; J.M Hall, Jr., Chairman and Cotcunissioners Ernest R, Mayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, Jaunes E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend lt. J. Kaylor, Pastor of ldestminster Presbyterian Church. Copies of the Minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1957, having pre'viously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Air. P4ayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. ?The Reverend Ptajor H. J. Kaylor, Commanding Officer cf Cape P'ear Squadron of the Civil ?. Air Patrol, announced his resignation to take effect on July 1, 1957. Piajor Kaylor urg- ed that the Civil Air Patrol be given consideration in the preparation of our new Budget to help carry on, and thanked the Commissioners and Mr. John A. Sdestbrook, AirPort Pianager for their help and cooperation given the CAP in the past to help make possible t3zings they have accomplished. Mr, Jack L. Baldwin, spealcing for a delegation of six (6) res:idents of Willanda llrive in liarnett lbwnship, appeared to ask that we request the State liighway and Public Worlrs Com- mission to begin maintenance work on SJillanda Drive which is needed at this time. Tdi.il- anda llrive which A1r. Baldwin said was built in accordance «ith the State Ilighway's Spec- ifications and was talcen over for maintenance by the State ltighway Commi.ssion January 24, 1957, anrl upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr.Holton, instructions were given to renew our request for maintenance of the road which is already in the County Highway System. ' A request of 16 pruperty owners for grading and paving Dogwood Drive in Harnett Township which runs f'rom Ro ersville Road in a northwestwardly direction for a distance of 916 ? feet on whicli six 6) houses are locuted, was upon motion of llolton, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst,.approved ancl referred to the State Higlzway and Public Works Commission Por handling. A letter was received from Governor Hodges concerning discrepancies called ?to his atten- ? ? tion by tYie Chairman, regardi.ng tonnage figures f'or the Port of Wilmington tha'b,were used ?p in a brochure published thru the State Advertising Division. The Governor said, "It is well known that t.*hile the State Ports Authority at Wilnungton does not handle liquid cargo, in reality Standard Oil considers Wilmington one of its largest Terminals. This combined ' wet and dry toruiage far exceeds the figure attributecl to your fiue facility in New lianover. I regret tliis error in the presentation of inforniation conccrning the Port of Wilmi.ngton, and assure you of my interest in providing the most accurate and favorable information possible on your fine Port." No further action was reconmiended by the Board. An invitation was received f'rom P. R. Reese, Administrator of Corrmiunity liospital, to visit / the liospital 6:00 o'clock P. M., Thurs3ay, June 13, 1957. He sa9.d, "You may anticinate 49?? a very interesting and informative meeting." Mr. Afayhan advised the Board that the members of the Board of Trustees of Communi.ty IIos= pital will continue to serve as such until the 13oard is re-organized. A report of the Wilmington PuUlic Library and Bookmobile was received showing 33ooks circu- , lated for Ma 1957: y Main Library - Adult 5,503 Juvenile 2,082 7,585 •- Bookmobile 3,965 Total 11,550 Books Narrative reports were received from the Home llemonstration Agent and Colored fdome Agent and 4-11 Clubs, for the month of May and filed. 61