1957-06-10 Regular Meeting Meeting of June 3, 1957 - Continued On the sugbestion arid r?econmiendation of AIr. Holton, the State Ilighway and PuUlic [dorks Commission was requested to provide llighway Picnic Tables and develop a parkiiig area at w the Inlarid Waterway Bridge at Ldrightsville Sound with parking facilities to drive in and park for launching small boats. A letter was received from llr, Ellen Winston, Conunissioner, State Board of Public Welfare ?i , advising that Mrs. T. J. Dlorris, 107 Wrightsv31le Avenue, has accepted the appointment by ???jpn• the State Board oP Public Welfare to the New Hanover County Board of Public Wel.fare. The Chairman presented a copy of a letter from Nir. liugh MacRae IZ, he wrote to Congress- man Alton A. liennon calling attention that Wilmington is not included on any part of the / proposed National System of Interstate and llefense Highsaays according to the latest map he has seen, and that the new System completely by-passes Easter•n ATOrth Carolina, leav- CM '" ing a 300-mile area not served. D o A copy of a letter written by Mr. IIollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare, to Mr. Horace Hamilton, James Walker Diemorial 1Iospital and Paul R. Reese, Community Hospital was receiv- ? ed calling attention to increase in Hospital bills, and off'ered a plan to start immed- iately to eut doAan the length of stay of charity patierits in the Ilospitals by makii-ig per- mits for a definite number of days and if in the opinion of the Physician-in-charge, ad- ditional stay is necessary, the request for the extension of the permit is made to the Welfare llepartment to allow for additional investigation. A bill for $100.00 received from J. H. i'erguson, Attorney for services rendered Mrs. Trene Herring, Child Idelfare Super visor of New lianover County, in a suit brought by Pirs. Edna A. lianden against A1rs. Herring for arrest of Mrs. Landen for assault on a minor child ? which incident occurred as a direct result of her activities as a Child Welfare Supervis-, or, was referred to Air. Hollis for reconunendations. The meetino i:hen adjourned. Clerlc. Wilmington, N. C., June 10, 1957. The regular weekly meetiilg of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Yresent; J.M Hall, Jr., Chairman and Cotcunissioners Ernest R, Mayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, Jaunes E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend lt. J. Kaylor, Pastor of ldestminster Presbyterian Church. Copies of the Minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1957, having pre'viously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Air. P4ayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. ?The Reverend Ptajor H. J. Kaylor, Commanding Officer cf Cape P'ear Squadron of the Civil ?. Air Patrol, announced his resignation to take effect on July 1, 1957. Piajor Kaylor urg- ed that the Civil Air Patrol be given consideration in the preparation of our new Budget to help carry on, and thanked the Commissioners and Mr. John A. Sdestbrook, AirPort Pianager for their help and cooperation given the CAP in the past to help make possible t3zings they have accomplished. Mr, Jack L. Baldwin, spealcing for a delegation of six (6) res:idents of Willanda llrive in liarnett lbwnship, appeared to ask that we request the State liighway and Public Worlrs Com- mission to begin maintenance work on SJillanda Drive which is needed at this time. Tdi.il- anda llrive which A1r. Baldwin said was built in accordance «ith the State Ilighway's Spec- ifications and was talcen over for maintenance by the State ltighway Commi.ssion January 24, 1957, anrl upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr.Holton, instructions were given to renew our request for maintenance of the road which is already in the County Highway System. ' A request of 16 pruperty owners for grading and paving Dogwood Drive in Harnett Township which runs f'rom Ro ersville Road in a northwestwardly direction for a distance of 916 ? feet on whicli six 6) houses are locuted, was upon motion of llolton, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst,.approved ancl referred to the State Higlzway and Public Works Commission Por handling. A letter was received from Governor Hodges concerning discrepancies called ?to his atten- ? ? tion by tYie Chairman, regardi.ng tonnage figures f'or the Port of Wilmington tha'b,were used ?p in a brochure published thru the State Advertising Division. The Governor said, "It is well known that t.*hile the State Ports Authority at Wilnungton does not handle liquid cargo, in reality Standard Oil considers Wilmington one of its largest Terminals. This combined ' wet and dry toruiage far exceeds the figure attributecl to your fiue facility in New lianover. I regret tliis error in the presentation of inforniation conccrning the Port of Wilmi.ngton, and assure you of my interest in providing the most accurate and favorable information possible on your fine Port." No further action was reconmiended by the Board. An invitation was received f'rom P. R. Reese, Administrator of Corrmiunity liospital, to visit / the liospital 6:00 o'clock P. M., Thurs3ay, June 13, 1957. He sa9.d, "You may anticinate 49?? a very interesting and informative meeting." Mr. Afayhan advised the Board that the members of the Board of Trustees of Communi.ty IIos= pital will continue to serve as such until the 13oard is re-organized. A report of the Wilmington PuUlic Library and Bookmobile was received showing 33ooks circu- , lated for Ma 1957: y Main Library - Adult 5,503 Juvenile 2,082 7,585 •- Bookmobile 3,965 Total 11,550 Books Narrative reports were received from the Home llemonstration Agent and Colored fdome Agent and 4-11 Clubs, for the month of May and filed. 61 TSeeting of June 10, 1957 - ,Continued Copies of the Hospi.tal Surve,y of•. New Hanover County made by T4r, Jacque B. nonnan,. I[ospit- al Consultant of Greenville, S. C., were received from the Aospital Steering Committee of A'ew Hanover County, and retained by the Chairman for study to be passed on to the other members of the Board. Additional copies will be requested for the Commissiaiers' con- venience. A report and recommendations on the investigation of the proposed GarUabe and Trash llispos-)j al Site near the Air•port was received from Mr. Sidney/fI. Usry, Sanitary Engi.neer of the State Board of Ilealth, who made the inspection: at the request of the Conmiissioners. PSr. Usry approved the Site and area as suitable for sanitary landfill operation and recommend- ed that the County Commissioners establish the land-fill method of disposing of Trash and purchase suitable crawler-type equipment for its proper operation. kie further recaronend- ed that the drain pope at the head of the ravine where refuse is to be deposited, which,is a part of the Airport drainage system, be extended by three hundred (300) feet.down the ravine and covered before land-fill operations beg.ai. idtien the ravine has been filled, the adjoining idle land be util.ized for further land-fill oPerations. Mr. Usry offered further cooperation in every way he can in the planning and operation of the project. The matter was then discussed at length - Mr. 13roadhurst advocated haild labor covering and burning, and said, "If we ar.e going to flo a land-fill job, we shoul.d go in the area be- tween the Railroad ancl smith Creek and build up and develop the land." Mr. Ldill.iams said the refuse should be compacted and covered with dirt. The Chairman said, "If we get a sanitary land-fill operation out there, the end will be met to dispose of Garbage in a sanitary way to meet action of the I3oard of Healtli." It was Mr. Holton's idea to do what we can in an economical way and make corrections as Nae go along and go ahead and start operations, and make changes to meet conditions by the trial and error method. "Go at it with an open mind and cio some? ing."' Mr. Williams called atteiition that when we adopted the land-fill method it w??? ?Aar miderstanding the Trash was to be covered, iahat we have to determine is the minimum sanitary requirements ? to meet County and State regulations. I TPie L'hairman reacl from the State Board of liealth ordinance citin; tha,t, "iae can control I Trash disposal in the unincorporated areas, and have authority to pass ordinances to regu- / late the same, and iqe should try it out," he said. ? I APter conclusion of the discussiori, it was agreed to adont a land-fill-burning method of ? disposing of Trash.and Garba„e and that the operation be put in effect as soon as possible. ? A request of Mr. J. A. Westbrook, Airport Manager presenCed by the County Aixditor to tran y? ? fer b800.00 from Hepairs under the Airport l3udget to Capi.tal Outla,y, to meet the expense of Restaurant Equipment, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, approv- ed for the purchase of new equipment and dispenser arrangements. i The meeting then adjourned. '-7 Clerlt. [dilmington, N. C., June 17, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Cominissioners Ernest R. Pfayhan., L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., :13erry,A. Ldilliams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, Courity Auditor. The Chairman.phoned that he would be late in attending the meeting and Vice Chairman Mr. ?Ernest R. Mayhan presided until the Chairman arrived. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John Maides, Pastor of Sdes7.e,y Memorial Pfethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of tlie meeting of June 10, 1957, having previously been mailed to ? / each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by P9r, i Z S>>illiams, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Flolton, rirs. Lossie Melton IIrooks, and Pir^, e;}'-A-?- I George Williams White, two (2) aged Social Security recipients were on recommendation of the Supea^intendent of Public [Jelfare admitted to tl-ie County Ilome as pay patients at $40.00 ? per month each. . ? I A petition su'timitted by 13 properi,y ozaners for improvements to Seaview Road in Federal Yoint 'Pownsliip wliicti runs from the Afyrtle Grove Sound Loop Road to Piyrtle Grove Sound, a? I distance of approximately one (1) mile on w}iich three (3) houses and four (4) Trailer ? liomes are loc:ited, caas upon motion of Mr. 13roadhursL, secondecl by Mr. liolton, approved and referred to the State Highivay and PuUlic Sdorks Commission for handling. ? ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. f3roadhurst, the Board approved the payment of ?150.00 each to Elbert A. Brown and Aaron Go3dberg, Attorneys on order of Lhe iionorable M. C. Paul, Judge Presiding for services rendered the defendents Joseph Sloan and Lutisha j McPhatter, respectively, charged with murder., June Criiaiinal Term 1957. A report of the Board of Health for Ptay 1957 was received and filecl. A repor t of the Wilmington, Colored Library showing f 03 13ooks circula.ted for ASay was re- ceived and filed, f'ree License issued Lo Mr. S. M. Edwards, 105 Lee Avenue, June 4, 1956, Lo peddl.e 1i)^uit, Vegetables and 1+'ish in New Iianover Cowity for the taxaUle year ending P4ay 31, 1957, were upon motion of Mr. lJilliams, seconded by Mr. Iiolton, renewed for the taxable year ending ? riay 31, 1958, on account of being a disabled World War II Veteran, as is provided by Law ? in such cases. ? Upon motion of, Mr. iJilliams, seconded by Pir, liolton, authority was given to transfer $80.00 "froro Capital Uutlay under the CoLored Ilome Agent's Budget to SupPlies. ? i I ''