1957-06-17 Regular Meeting TSeeting of June 10, 1957 - ,Continued Copies of the Hospi.tal Surve,y of•. New Hanover County made by T4r, Jacque B. nonnan,. I[ospit- al Consultant of Greenville, S. C., were received from the Aospital Steering Committee of A'ew Hanover County, and retained by the Chairman for study to be passed on to the other members of the Board. Additional copies will be requested for the Commissiaiers' con- venience. A report and recommendations on the investigation of the proposed GarUabe and Trash llispos-)j al Site near the Air•port was received from Mr. Sidney/fI. Usry, Sanitary Engi.neer of the State Board of Ilealth, who made the inspection: at the request of the Conmiissioners. PSr. Usry approved the Site and area as suitable for sanitary landfill operation and recommend- ed that the County Commissioners establish the land-fill method of disposing of Trash and purchase suitable crawler-type equipment for its proper operation. kie further recaronend- ed that the drain pope at the head of the ravine where refuse is to be deposited, which,is a part of the Airport drainage system, be extended by three hundred (300) feet.down the ravine and covered before land-fill operations beg.ai. idtien the ravine has been filled, the adjoining idle land be util.ized for further land-fill oPerations. Mr. Usry offered further cooperation in every way he can in the planning and operation of the project. The matter was then discussed at length - Mr. 13roadhurst advocated haild labor covering and burning, and said, "If we ar.e going to flo a land-fill job, we shoul.d go in the area be- tween the Railroad ancl smith Creek and build up and develop the land." Mr. Ldill.iams said the refuse should be compacted and covered with dirt. The Chairman said, "If we get a sanitary land-fill operation out there, the end will be met to dispose of Garbage in a sanitary way to meet action of the I3oard of Healtli." It was Mr. Holton's idea to do what we can in an economical way and make corrections as Nae go along and go ahead and start operations, and make changes to meet conditions by the trial and error method. "Go at it with an open mind and cio some? ing."' Mr. Williams called atteiition that when we adopted the land-fill method it w??? ?Aar miderstanding the Trash was to be covered, iahat we have to determine is the minimum sanitary requirements ? to meet County and State regulations. I TPie L'hairman reacl from the State Board of liealth ordinance citin; tha,t, "iae can control I Trash disposal in the unincorporated areas, and have authority to pass ordinances to regu- / late the same, and iqe should try it out," he said. ? I APter conclusion of the discussiori, it was agreed to adont a land-fill-burning method of ? disposing of Trash.and Garba„e and that the operation be put in effect as soon as possible. ? A request of Mr. J. A. Westbrook, Airport Manager presenCed by the County Aixditor to tran y? ? fer b800.00 from Hepairs under the Airport l3udget to Capi.tal Outla,y, to meet the expense of Restaurant Equipment, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, approv- ed for the purchase of new equipment and dispenser arrangements. i The meeting then adjourned. '-7 Clerlt. [dilmington, N. C., June 17, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Cominissioners Ernest R. Pfayhan., L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., :13erry,A. Ldilliams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, Courity Auditor. The Chairman.phoned that he would be late in attending the meeting and Vice Chairman Mr. ?Ernest R. Mayhan presided until the Chairman arrived. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John Maides, Pastor of Sdes7.e,y Memorial Pfethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of tlie meeting of June 10, 1957, having previously been mailed to ? / each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by P9r, i Z S>>illiams, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Flolton, rirs. Lossie Melton IIrooks, and Pir^, e;}'-A-?- I George Williams White, two (2) aged Social Security recipients were on recommendation of the Supea^intendent of Public [Jelfare admitted to tl-ie County Ilome as pay patients at $40.00 ? per month each. . ? I A petition su'timitted by 13 properi,y ozaners for improvements to Seaview Road in Federal Yoint 'Pownsliip wliicti runs from the Afyrtle Grove Sound Loop Road to Piyrtle Grove Sound, a? I distance of approximately one (1) mile on w}iich three (3) houses and four (4) Trailer ? liomes are loc:ited, caas upon motion of Mr. 13roadhursL, secondecl by Mr. liolton, approved and referred to the State Highivay and PuUlic Sdorks Commission for handling. ? ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. f3roadhurst, the Board approved the payment of ?150.00 each to Elbert A. Brown and Aaron Go3dberg, Attorneys on order of Lhe iionorable M. C. Paul, Judge Presiding for services rendered the defendents Joseph Sloan and Lutisha j McPhatter, respectively, charged with murder., June Criiaiinal Term 1957. A report of the Board of Health for Ptay 1957 was received and filecl. A repor t of the Wilmington, Colored Library showing f 03 13ooks circula.ted for ASay was re- ceived and filed, f'ree License issued Lo Mr. S. M. Edwards, 105 Lee Avenue, June 4, 1956, Lo peddl.e 1i)^uit, Vegetables and 1+'ish in New Iianover Cowity for the taxaUle year ending P4ay 31, 1957, were upon motion of Mr. lJilliams, seconded by Mr. Iiolton, renewed for the taxable year ending ? riay 31, 1958, on account of being a disabled World War II Veteran, as is provided by Law ? in such cases. ? Upon motion of, Mr. iJilliams, seconded by Pir, liolton, authority was given to transfer $80.00 "froro Capital Uutlay under the CoLored Ilome Agent's Budget to SupPlies. ? i I '' r? 60 ? ?'"? '?•,,-?'' ? Pieeting of June 17, 1957 - Continued Upon motion, duly seconded, payment of ?34.40 to the City of Wilmington for the County's proportionate share of cost for the Students' Government llay Luncheon at Cortununit,y Cen- ter, Piay 9, was approved, out of the Emergency F'und. A letter was received f'rom the State Highway and Public Worl:s Commission advi.sing that at ? its meeting on Diay 30, 1957, roads in F'airlawn lievelopment and Road running from Green- ville Sound Hoad to Wilmington Police llepartment Pistol Range, Harnett Township, were ad- ded to our County lioad System, also 23rd Street from US-17 to ilS117 was inc].uded. Yo objecti.oi1s were indicated by the lioard to the application of 1?1r. J. M. LverOtt to the U. S. liistrict Engineers for a perrtdt to drive four (4) pilings and to construct a bullc- head and two (2) piers in front of his property, Lots 31 and 32 on the southwest side of the liighway Causeway to Sdrightsville Beach. Upon motion of r1r. liolton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, a request of Rebecca Lawrence liall, Colored Home llemonstration Agent to use $10.00 out of her travel agpropriation to pay i^oom and board for Sandra Grady, a 14-year old co:Lored girl who caon first p].ace for New Hanover County at Clinton in a llistrict lldiry Food Contest with 14 other Counties competing, to enable her to participate in a short State Course at A. 8 T. College, Greensboro, N. C., week of June 24 was granted, and referred to the Clerk anrl L'ounty Auditor for handling. 'Phe Chairman announced that this was the dute set to receive bids for Air-C atdi.tioning cer- tain offiees in the Court liouse as advertised, and aslcecl if all bids saere in, there being C no indication to the contrary, proceeded to open the foll.owing Uids: 'PHRIN'-T-STORliS, INC.: 2 Rooms - C.lerk oi' Court 2 Rooms 1? 3 " Register of Deeds 2" 12 1 " 1 3z Rooms-County Auclitor 2 Rooms 11-2 1 " 1 HANOVLR HAItllWAItE COA71'ANY: Ton n ti Ton It Wir Units @ $? 248.72 " CQ? 248.72-497.44 " @ 137.47-187.47 Units p $$ 248.72-497.44 " Q 187.47-187.47 ? ing $497.44 684.91 $684.91 1,867.26 520.00 Total Bid $2,387.26 1 Ton Unit 227.00 12 " " 285.00 2 " " 343.00 Wiring 948.65 D10UkE=FONVIELLL CORP.: 1 H.P. Unit ? 227.51 ldiring .70 per Lin. Foot 1'- 348.01 " .75 " " " 2 2 n n 380.64 n $5 n n n SNL+'&ll?:N : • Base Bid 16 IIP ? 6,171.00 Alternate I3id 25 HP 3,514.00 n,-, Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. IIolton, the fore,going bids were received and C Chairman appointed a Committee to study the same and report back at the next meeting. Coimnissioners Holton and Mayhan were named by the Chair•man Lo study the bids and report ? their recommendatiais to the Board. This being the date set by the Boarfl at meeti.ng of May 20, 1957, for a public hearing on the petition of the Gap b'arms Incorporated; R. B. TJebb and Lottie T. Webb, represented by Air. James D. Carr, Attorney, to close that portion of Atzditorium Street at llarbor Is].and ? lying east of Bay Street and bounded on both sides by the property of the said petitioners. Solomon B. Sternberger, Attorney, a:ppeared with a delegation of proPerty ocaners and res- idents of Harbor Island to present a petition signed by 22 property owners, or residents ? or both oY HarUor Island Protesting tlze closing of the eastern end of Auditorium Street for the reason the petitioners feel t}ia1, the closin; of said road would be contrary to the public interest, and Por otYier reasons set fortPi in said petition. Mr, dack Thompson was present to voice his approval of closing the said street in the in- terest of the International viclcel Cotnpany, stating that conferences held by them brought in an estimated $60,000.00 to $70,000.00 annually to the area. They have he'ld four (4) meetings this year and others are contemPlated, wliich is a great help in the economy of the Community. A letter was received from the Diayor and Alderman of l,irightsville I3each stating, "It has come to our attention that a petition is being circulated opposing the request of the International Nickel Compariy to close a short street on HarBor Tsland which would divide property being acquired by the ComPany for the purpose of expanding their Plarit. The Board of Alderimn of Wr•ightsville Beach wish to go on record as being iahole- heartedly in favor of cl.osing this street. The International Nickel Company is one of the greatest assets to our Beach; thousands of persons from all over the world are brought to the Beach each year bringing uncounted thousands of dollars to our Tocan. Iiundreds of times in the past the International Nickel Company has rendered assi.stance to our Town and has been cooperative and helpful in anyway possi'ble. We would strongly urge that you al- low INCO to close this street on HarUor Tsland rather than jeopardire an Industry we can- not afford to lose." P1r. Carr said the site was not developed for residential use; it was not a necessary road to get to and from tlzeir property; it is not a part of Shore Acres property and there are no restrictiois on it and urged that closing of the street be approved. After heari.ng discussions for and agai.nst the. elosing of the said roafl, TIr. Broadhurst mov- ed and. it was seconded by Mi°. Ilolton to tal:e the matter under advisemelit and study for two weel:s inasmuch as certain contentions have been made by the opponents, : L_ Meeting of June 17, 1957 - Continued A request of DIr. W. L. Farmer to relieve the bad mos2uito situatioii in the locaer part of ? the County north of Carolina Beach and south of the Inland Waterway Bridge was taken under advisement. Mr. J. B. Simpson, Soil Conservationist appeared to recommend enlargement of tlie drainage tlirough the lands of Mr. H. C. Johnston and others from ICerr Avenue near the Airport thru Lucy I3ranch into Acorn l3ranch. The ditch bank needs shrubbing and sloping on one side and the other side left for a wind-break. He caoulci not recommend a ditch at the crest of the sand hill at D1r. Paul Stanley's,place on the Market Street Road, he said a three(3)-foot ditch along the llighway.may help if culverts are at the proper level, and would. be inter- ested in scheduling any agricultui°al drainage contemplated. .?A request of Mr. J. R. Ilollis, Superinterident of Welfare that the Old Age Assistance lien ?V,So,- against Anna S. Hall be i^eleased on property at 1312 South 7th Street, Block 559, to enable repairs to the said property which is actually owned by her son, James Hall. Anna S. Fiall does not have any interest whatsoever in this property, Lhe property was purci7ased by her daughter-in-law and her husband, James IIall thru Foster-Hil.l Realty Company, and because the son was mentally disabled, the real estate agent suggested that the title be placed in the ?C? nair?e of the motlier, Anna S. llall. The matter was referred to the County ??ttorney and Mr. E Woodus Kellum, Attorriey for the P'oster-Hill Realty Company t'or recommendations ana repor•t at a subsequent meeting. An expression of appreciation was recei.ved from the Civil Air Patrol for the use of facili- : ? ties at Bluethenthal b'ield during 1:hei r receilt State OPeration held. there, and in turn the %?? I Board expressed its appreciation to.tYsem for having brought the Operation here and for the C,t"?" donation of left-over food-stuff to the County Home. Listructions were given to write a ? letter of appreciation to Mr. Wootten accordingly. A copy of a letter written by tYie Chairman on behalf of the Citizens of New Hanover County,?? ? extending a most sincere and cordial invitation to the American Legion llepartment of North ' Car•olina to hold its 1958 llepartment Convention in t17is County, was received and filed. Upon motion, duly seconded, the County Auditor was authorized to appropriate from Unantic- ipated Funds to Aid to Dependent Ch:ildren, State and Federal $59,293.33 and from APTII State ? and Federal to AllC - Stat,e and Federal $33,628.84. And, to transfer from Old Age Assist- ance County proportion to APTll $4,500.00, l+'rom tinanticipated Funds to General Assistance Yrogram ?408.84; from Unanticipated P'unds Aid to Blind to Capital Outlay $9:20.40. f ? . A request of the 13oard of Education to authorize the County Auditor to make certain tr°ans- fers within the School Budget in cases wYier-e no afld'itional expense laould be involved, was ? i continued for discussion at mee ting two caeeks from today. The County Auditor submitted a"13udget Estimate":for the year 1957-1958 as required by Law, ? together iaith his recommendatioils as follows: i ., " June 17, 1957. "To the ]tonorable 13oard of County Cotmnissioners New Hanover County Ldilmington, North Carolina Gentlemen: As required under Section 153-118 of County Piscal Control Act, I submit to you herewith a"13udget Estimate" for the year 1957-1958. Section 153-119 requires tlzat ttus Estimate 'be fi:Led in the Office of the Clerk of the 13oard, the Newspapers be furnished teith a copy, and a summary be published. You will note that•the total,requests from various Departments totalled ?3,840,310.59, and that tYie recommenclation of the Auditor totals ?P'3,685,335.65. If this Budget is adopted, it «ill compare with last year's Budget of $3,370,377.35. This is an increase of $314,958.30. This increase is due to large increases in the Welfare Budgets ancl Itospitalization 13udgets. , , Under tiiis Budget, the Schools caill receive about the same amount as last year Ld1j:Y1 the excePtion of' the "Capital Outlay" Fund and this has been cut. When it is defin- ` itely kriown as to our exact "5urplus" as of July 1, it is likely that adjustment can be made in the School Budget. A simple statement of Revenues are a at a later^ date. You will note that Lhey a.re $288,000.00 but this can and faill change. Section 153-122 says thaL as soon as the County Auditor shall submit to the Board a as of July 1 and also showing all changes macle part of the Budget and will be broken down Estimates and my Estimate of Surplus is practicable after the first Monday in July, Supplemental Budget shosaing exact Surplus by the 13oard during Budget discussions. If this Board should see fit to adopt a 13udget in line with my recommendations, the tax rate could re,nain at ?1.20. It is my opini a1 that reduction cannot be made of sufPicient size to etfect your rate but I am sure that if all requests as presented are I granted the tax rate,will have to be increased. i If tae hold our present rate we caill have completed and paid for our entire Re- i valuation Prograiii and this in itself is a laudable accomplislimeni; as practically every County I know of has to increase their taxes to do this job. H'e will also have relie.ved ? the City Government of all llospitalization anel taken over the complete support of the Com- ? muniCy Hospital. Social Security coverage wil.l be taken care of for Cowlty Employes and modest increases in pay will also have been granted. This can be done due to our con- ? servative ideas of operation and due to continued taxaUle growth in our County. Aton- recurring items in this Budget total over $80,000.00. ' Conservative growth and a stable tax structure is attraCtive to Industry a,nd my •i investigations show me that we have both here. I In conclusion please let me urge that as prompt action as possible be taken on this Budget and I suggest that you have all llepartments come before you and discuss thei.r requests. Re ectfully submiti:ed ? . /s7 T. D. LOVE . Auditor" ?? 162 Meeting of June 17, 1957 - Continued Mr. Iiolton commended the Auclitor for the very well prepared Budget submitted and recommend- ed niglit meetings to consider it. Thereupon a recess was talien until 7:00 P. r7., SJednes- day, June 19, 1957. . 7 Clerk. tidilmington, N. C. June 19,1957 Yursuant to recess taken June 17, 1957, the Board met at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Yresent: J. M. Iia11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners vrnest R. Piayhan, L. E. Braod.hurst, J.E Holton,Jr.,Benry A. Williams, and County Attorney John 13right Hill and County Auditor, J.D. _ Love. P1r. Love presented the proposed Budget which was discussed in detail by llepartments and various changes suggested but no action was taken. As the State Association of County Commissioners is convening in Raleigh heginning June 23rd no meeting will be held on June 24, 1957 in order to allow the Commissioners to attend the State Association meeting, Upon motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded by i•ir. Broadhurst the meeting was adjourned. -tClerk WiLnington, N. C. July 1, 1957 The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. P4ayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. idilliams, and John I3right Ilill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Cleriz. Copies of the minutes of June 17,1957 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of P7r. TJilliams, seconded by Pir. Alayhan, approved. ?- A request of D1r. ldoodus Kellum for correction of the tax lists and adjustment of the per- T,?G sonal property assessment charged against Snow Sdhite Laundry in Block 35 for the past sev- ? eral years, on accofint of all the property involved wqs conveyed to Thomas M. lterritage C??qvj?1 June 25, 1953, and part of the machinery disposed of and replacdd by other machinery, Was ? referred to the County Attorney and Tax Supervisor Por investigation and recommendations. ? Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans Service Officer, submitted his annual report, showing in part ?- that 5,706 interviews were held, 3,383 letters were sent out and 15 long distance Qalls made, Total credits received: ltumiing and Active Awards ?134,882.76. Iie also submitted his roonthly report for J,tW showing his office was credited with Running and Active Awards in the amount of $8,989.60,which was received and ordered filed. Pursuant to the provisions of Sub-section 153-9 (17) of the General Statutes of North Car- olina, Gap Farms Incorporated and R. B. ldebb and wife Lottie T. Sdebb, filed a petition with 6;)1<2 this Board on Mgy 20, 1957, requesting this Board to order the closing of that portion of Auditorium Street lying east of Bay Street of the Auditorium TraCt, at Shore Acres in IIar- nett Townshi.p, as shown on P1ap recorded in IIook 290, Page 597, in the office of the ltegis- ter of Deeds of New Hanover County, and WFIEREAS, this }3oard calendared the request for hearing at a meeting to be held in the County Commissioners Office in the Court House at 10:00 o'clock A,Df.,on June 17, 1957, and notice of the time and place of said hearirg was duly giveo in accordance with the terms of said , statute by publishing notice of the request and nature thereof and the time and place of the meetSing thereon once a week for four consdcutive weeks in the SJilmington Star, and WIiEHPAS, a public hearing was notice, on June 17, 1957, at heard, iahich persons were the eral witnesses iaho testified, street who appeared in person request,gnd held by this 13oard at the time and place specified in said ahich time all interested persons desiring to be heard were proponents who appeared through counsel and presented sev- and several owners of property in the vicinity of the said and who were represented by counsel in opposition to said WIIF:IIEAS, after hearing discussions for and against the closing of the said street, the matter was upon motion, taken under advisement and study for two weeks or w1ti1 the next regubar meeting of the ]3oard to be held on July 25, 1957. Pursuant to postponement of action in the above mentioned matter at meeting of June,17,1957, <'" tlie Commissioners resumed discussion of the matter with Mr. Soloman B. Sternbeger, Attorney for the opponents, after iahich rtr. Broadhurst mosed and it was seconded by Mr Tdilliams and carried,f.ha.t the request for the closing of that portion of Auditorium Street lying east of ?/?? 13ay Street of the Auditorium Tract at Shore Acres as showrt on map recorded in Book 290,Page 597, in the offiCe of the Register of lleeds as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby aUUr?ovgd, and the said street is hereby ordered closed. This action was taken after a substitute motion offered by P4r. Mg.yhan not to close the said street at this time in view of the interest of some oP the property owners in said street, and the same should be kept open, failed to receive a second. Dir. Mayhan voted"no" on the motion to close the said street, P1r. Sternberger said he would appeal Prom the decision of the 33oard. ? P1r, E. L. White, City-County Director of Civil DePense reported acceptance of his appointment as a member of the 5tate Highway and Public tdorks Commission by the Governor, and submitted ? his resignation as Director of Civil llefense. Pir Sqhite stressed the importarice of the City, C? County and Beach resorts establ.ishing a strong Civil llefense organization and urged that ser- ious consideratioy} be given it in the Budget. A request of Lecais Grady to have the drainage canal in the Rock Aill section cleaned out was },,,Myy?o?j? referred to Mr. Dave Rivenbark for investigation and report. `d_y.?