1957-07-01 Regular Meeting162 Meeting of June 17, 1957 - Continued Mr. Iiolton commended the Auclitor for the very well prepared Budget submitted and recommend- ed niglit meetings to consider it. Thereupon a recess was talien until 7:00 P. r7., SJednes- day, June 19, 1957. . 7 Clerk. tidilmington, N. C. June 19,1957 Yursuant to recess taken June 17, 1957, the Board met at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Yresent: J. M. Iia11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners vrnest R. Piayhan, L. E. Braod.hurst, J.E Holton,Jr.,Benry A. Williams, and County Attorney John 13right Hill and County Auditor, J.D. _ Love. P1r. Love presented the proposed Budget which was discussed in detail by llepartments and various changes suggested but no action was taken. As the State Association of County Commissioners is convening in Raleigh heginning June 23rd no meeting will be held on June 24, 1957 in order to allow the Commissioners to attend the State Association meeting, Upon motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded by i•ir. Broadhurst the meeting was adjourned. -tClerk WiLnington, N. C. July 1, 1957 The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. P4ayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. idilliams, and John I3right Ilill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Cleriz. Copies of the minutes of June 17,1957 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of P7r. TJilliams, seconded by Pir. Alayhan, approved. ?- A request of D1r. ldoodus Kellum for correction of the tax lists and adjustment of the per- T,?G sonal property assessment charged against Snow Sdhite Laundry in Block 35 for the past sev- ? eral years, on accofint of all the property involved wqs conveyed to Thomas M. lterritage C??qvj?1 June 25, 1953, and part of the machinery disposed of and replacdd by other machinery, Was ? referred to the County Attorney and Tax Supervisor Por investigation and recommendations. ? Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans Service Officer, submitted his annual report, showing in part ?- that 5,706 interviews were held, 3,383 letters were sent out and 15 long distance Qalls made, Total credits received: ltumiing and Active Awards ?134,882.76. Iie also submitted his roonthly report for J,tW showing his office was credited with Running and Active Awards in the amount of $8,989.60,which was received and ordered filed. Pursuant to the provisions of Sub-section 153-9 (17) of the General Statutes of North Car- olina, Gap Farms Incorporated and R. B. ldebb and wife Lottie T. Sdebb, filed a petition with 6;)1<2 this Board on Mgy 20, 1957, requesting this Board to order the closing of that portion of Auditorium Street lying east of Bay Street of the Auditorium TraCt, at Shore Acres in IIar- nett Townshi.p, as shown on P1ap recorded in IIook 290, Page 597, in the office of the ltegis- ter of Deeds of New Hanover County, and WFIEREAS, this }3oard calendared the request for hearing at a meeting to be held in the County Commissioners Office in the Court House at 10:00 o'clock A,Df.,on June 17, 1957, and notice of the time and place of said hearirg was duly giveo in accordance with the terms of said , statute by publishing notice of the request and nature thereof and the time and place of the meetSing thereon once a week for four consdcutive weeks in the SJilmington Star, and WIiEHPAS, a public hearing was notice, on June 17, 1957, at heard, iahich persons were the eral witnesses iaho testified, street who appeared in person request,gnd held by this 13oard at the time and place specified in said ahich time all interested persons desiring to be heard were proponents who appeared through counsel and presented sev- and several owners of property in the vicinity of the said and who were represented by counsel in opposition to said WIIF:IIEAS, after hearing discussions for and against the closing of the said street, the matter was upon motion, taken under advisement and study for two weeks or w1ti1 the next regubar meeting of the ]3oard to be held on July 25, 1957. Pursuant to postponement of action in the above mentioned matter at meeting of June,17,1957, <'" tlie Commissioners resumed discussion of the matter with Mr. Soloman B. Sternbeger, Attorney for the opponents, after iahich rtr. Broadhurst mosed and it was seconded by Mr Tdilliams and carried,f.ha.t the request for the closing of that portion of Auditorium Street lying east of ?/?? 13ay Street of the Auditorium Tract at Shore Acres as showrt on map recorded in Book 290,Page 597, in the offiCe of the Register of lleeds as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby aUUr?ovgd, and the said street is hereby ordered closed. This action was taken after a substitute motion offered by P4r. Mg.yhan not to close the said street at this time in view of the interest of some oP the property owners in said street, and the same should be kept open, failed to receive a second. Dir. Mayhan voted"no" on the motion to close the said street, P1r. Sternberger said he would appeal Prom the decision of the 33oard. ? P1r, E. L. White, City-County Director of Civil DePense reported acceptance of his appointment as a member of the 5tate Highway and Public tdorks Commission by the Governor, and submitted ? his resignation as Director of Civil llefense. Pir Sqhite stressed the importarice of the City, C? County and Beach resorts establ.ishing a strong Civil llefense organization and urged that ser- ious consideratioy} be given it in the Budget. A request of Lecais Grady to have the drainage canal in the Rock Aill section cleaned out was },,,Myy?o?j? referred to Mr. Dave Rivenbark for investigation and report. `d_y.? Ed Meeting of July 1, 1957 - continued , Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. C. R. Piorse, Tax Collector, wasG???a.•- authorized and directed to advertise the sale of land for taxes Ueginning July 8, 1957, and continue once aweek for four weeks as required by Law, on which said land the 1956 taxes have not been paid, said sale to take place on the first PSOnday in August 1957. ,'• ?n?tns- Upon motion of Mr. Playhan, seconded by Mr. "roadhurst, the Board approved the payment of a bil for $204.12 to Cape F'ear Club covering the County's half share of the cost for the Armed Forces pay llinner Party given by the City and County, May 17, 1957. ? Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. 33roadhurst, the Board of County Commissioners of New lianover County does hereby levy to the maximum amount a license tax for the twevle months beginning June 1, 1957, on each business, trade, occupation and profession etc., carried on and _ conducted in said County which are specifically designated and defined in Schedttbe B of the Rev- enue Act of North Carolina, being Article 2.of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, and by any ? _ other section of the General Statutes, with the follocai.ng eacepti.ons, Pawnbrokers on which the County Levy is hereby fixed at $$250.00; and furtherc:excepting those cases where it is express- ? ly prohibited by Law. j Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by A1r, riayhan„ the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RliSOLVEll BY 1'IiE BOAFtD OF COPIMIISSIONERS OF ATE4d IIANOVF.R COUNTY: I Section 1. That in order to operate the Coixnty and its subdivisions from July 1, 1957 , to date i of the adoption of the 1957-1958 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the pur- i pose of pqying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness, and the usual orciinary exm- pense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate oP expenditure as provided for in ? the Budget for the 1956-1957 fiscal year. This resolution shall cease to be effective from and i after the adoption of the 1957-1958 Budget I2esolution, and a11 expenditures made in accordance i with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations macle in the 1957-1958 Buflget Appro- priations. • --' ? Upon motion of Mr. Williams, second.ed by Mr. Broadhurst, the Clerk was instructed to secure estimates on the cost of repairing the Community Hospital roof, and report to the Board. Also estimates on repairing the Court House Toiaer roof and replacement of ridgeroll, and submit i reconvnendations to the Board. .. ! FY) Upon motion of bir. rfayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved the payment of $100.00 ? attorneys Pee to Mr. J. H. Ferguson, recommended Uy the Supt., of Public Sdelfare, for legal services rendered in representing Pirs. Irene Herring, Supervisor of Child Welfare case worker- in a suit brought by A1rs Ldna A. Landen gbowing out of P1rs. Landen's violation of 73oarding Iiouse rules and arrest for the ill treatment of a chiia inmate in the landen Nursery. , ? Reports were received from the CounLy L+'ar,m Agent, and the County Home Agents for June. G°u Copies of tkie minutes of the H'armers Advisory Council for June 21, 1957, caere received and filed. ' Ca?h?C/I The following resolution presented to the l3oard by the County Attorney at the request of Playor , James E. L. Wade, was upon montion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. [Jilliams, adopted: tJIiERP.A5, Allied 1Cennecott Titanium Corporation has selected a site in New Hanover County for ; a Multi-million dollar plant which will offer considergble employment to persons in this area ? ; and. . . I 1411EFtEiAS, the location of said plant.in the County of New Hanover will have considerable in- I fluence on the industrial growth of New ltanover County, and • WHEFtEAS, His Excellance, Governor Luther I1.,Hodges, in his efforts to obtain new industry ? for North Carolina, had a tax commission appointed and caused to be introduced in the Leg- islature certain tax,reforms that would encourage industry to locate in A'orth Carolina,and ? . , . . IdHF.12GAS,Gobernor, Luther H. Hrndges, has since taking office of Governor, constantly worked ? to secure new industry in North Carolina, . I ? nOW,TIIEkEPORE, BE IT RE50LVEll: That the County of New Ilanover go on record as expressing to His Excellency,-'Governor, Luther II. tfodges: • I 1. Their appreciation for the close co-operation and assistance that the Governor is rendering ? in an effort to obtain new industry. • I , 2.. Their.assurance to His Excellency, Governor Luther H. Hodges, that New Hanover County is al- ways ready to co-operate with the State of North Carolina or any Agency thereof in the securing ? of new industry or of any other endeavor that would help the citiaenry of the State of North?,v i Caro 1 ina . The following resolution upon the retirement of Mr. Champion bicDowell Davis as President of t4e ? Atlantic Coast Line Ttailroad Company, was unanimously adopted. • Qr?.?'?^ ? SdIIEREAS, Mr. Champion McDowell llavis' recent announcement to retire as President of the Atlantic ? Coast liine Railroad Company was quite a shock and a loss to the citizenry of the County of New„ i I3anover, and tdHEREAS, Mr. Davis has, for more than half a century, worked for the betterment of the Atlantic ? Coast Line Railroad Company, the industrialization of IQtw Iianover County and his church, on ; both local and national levels, and I WHEFtLAS, in Mr. llavis' ,announcement of his retirement, he stated that he would conti nue to make his residence in Wilmington, and • ? WIIN7REAS, Mr. llavis' unstinted devotion to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and all ! other endeavors that he pursued has achieved for his national prominence, and WIiEREA5, his unceas4ng efforts to build up the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has made I it one of the country's foremost railroads, . ? NOId, THEHEFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONafISSIONEktS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HAN- OVER, AT A ME;r;TING ASSEA113LEll ON THIS THE 15T DAY OF JULY 1957,AH POLLOWS: i ' ? ,1.6 4 Meeting July 1, 1957 = Continned 1. That the IIoard of County Commissioners of A'ew Iianover County go on record as expressing to Mr. Champion TYcllowell llavis: (a) Its appreciation for the many contributions that he has made to the County's-industrial: and cultural life, and (b) Its pleasure at his decision to maintain his residence in New Hanover County, (c) Its assurqnce to Mr. llavis that New lianover County is very proud of her native son who has achieved such national prominence. 2. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Champion Aicllowell Davis. 3. That a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of this meeting. The following communications was submitLed to the Board by Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman, o of the IIoard of Education: July 1, 1957 County Commissioners New lianover County Wilmington, N. C. Greetings; C? "The Board of Lducation is hereby submitting to you: ? l. An excerpt from the minutes of June 25, 1957 2. A petition to the 13oard of County Commissioners of New Hanover County in regard to an in- crease of 15% per $100 galuation to raise the total tax levy to 35%. The increase is to be used for increasing teachers' supplements. 3. A petition to the State of North Carolina for the purpose of placing Wilmington College as a community college under the Communnty College Act. 4. A resolution of election to place Wilmington College under the Community College Act, Iiouse Bill No. 761, 1957 session of the General Assembly. In this resolution, it is re- quested that the 51 tax levy be transferred from its present status to the Trustees of the college under its new organization. A$6009000.00 bond issue to match a like capital fund from the State of North Carolina." /s/ John T. Hoggard, Chairman /s/ A. M. Holand Company ex??, The Board of Lducation further requested the County Commissioners to include in the above re- quest, at this time, its petttion filed with the Board Pebruary 25, 1957, to call an elec- tion to vote on an issue of $1,550,000.00 New Iianover County School Tmprovement Bonds. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by P1r. Mayhan, the Board endorsed the resolution re- lating to Wilmington College as outlined by,llr. Hoggard, and set the date of September 28 1957 for the election. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. [dilliams, the question of an issue of $1,550 ,000.00 School Improvement Bonds was ordered placed on the ballot to be voted by the people at an election to be held on the same date, September 28, 1957. The request for 150 additional supplement increase for teachers salaries was, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. A1ayhan, ordered placed on the ballot for the September 28th 1957 election. Upon motion of Mr. I3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Playhan, the Board oniirecommendation of th& Tax Assessor, set a sale price of $525.00 on the County's and City's 2/3 interest on tax foreclosure lot part of 4 and 5 in 131ock 270. The County's tax interest in the said lot is 12% and the City's 88r/o0 The property is assessed at $525.00 and was bought-in by the City and County for taxes for $248.70. /? Upon motion of Mr. 13noacihurst, seconded by Mp. Playhan, the 13oard directed that a letter be ? sent to Mr. Ldwin Pate, Chairman, of the North Carolina State Ports Authority, expressing. our sincere thanks and appreciation for the aetion of his Commission in taking immediate steps for the enlargement and expanSion of the Port Terminals of Wilmington at an estimated cost of ?'2,600,000.00. _ Upon motion of Tir. Broadhurst, the Chairman was authorized to sign a non-waiver agreement, approved by the County Attorney, permitting the Insurance Company to make investigations, . 1 adjust or attempting to a(tjust, and accident claim in connection with a patient falling Vw- out of a bed at Communuty liospital several. months ago; it being understood and agreed that by the execution of the agreement the County does not waive any rights under the policy. Upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the County Auditor, at his request; was authorized to transfer any T. B. Hospital funds on hand or future funds when received, _to the County General N'und Account. , Quotations to furnish all materiaZs and labor to install new 600Amp overhead electrical ser- vice to enter the Court liouse on the Princess Street side, which is necessary to provide additional electricity for the operation of air conditioning units proposed to be installed ? in certain court house offices, and for future electrical requirement needs, were received from the following: P. T. Turner Electric Company- - - - - - - - 1,450.00 John E. [dood Electric Company- - - - - - - - - 1,420.00 A motion by Mr. 13roadhurst that all air conditioning matters be tabled at this time,failed of a second. A motion was then offered by A1r, ldilliams, to authorize the abnve low bidder to install the new 600 Amppere electric service, and that tkle successful. 16w:bidder who was awarded the c contract to install the air conditioning units in the court house offices designated in said contract, include the County Commissioners office for air conditioning at the same cost per bid unit, also failed of a second. L ,j'feeting July 1, 1957 - Continued The County Auditor told the I3oard that Solicitor John J. Burney has requested $300.00 for ex- pense for returning prisoners from New York State to this County for trial. A recess was then taken until 8:30 P. M. July 3, 1957. Clerk , ? Tdilmington, N. C. July 3,1957. Pursuant to'recess taken July 1, 1957, the I3oard met at 8:30 P. M. (llST) o'clock: Present: J. M. Iiall, Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Lrnest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst,.J. E. lIolton, Jr., 13erry A. Williams and County Attorney John 13right Hill and County Auditor Afr. J. D.? Love. i'he proposed 1957-1958 Budget was discussed in detail, item by item, for the various departments and suggested changes proposed where it seemed to the best interest of the County. A'o action was taken at this session of the Board meeting. , Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned. /!, --4Clerk O Wilmington..N.C. July 8, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (DST) Present: J. M. IIa11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. Piayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, J. E. Holton,Jr.,Berry A. Williams and County Attorney, John Bright Hill and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Richard S. Andrews, Pastor of Myrtle Grove and ? Oak Grove Yresbyterian Churches. P4r. 1'red E. Little,.Chairman and spokesman for the Hospital Steering Committee appeared taith ASr Peter Brown Ruffin, Secretary, and,other members of the Committee to present a request to sub- ? mit to a vote of the people a,6,425,000.00 Bond issue to acquire new site grounds and for the ? construction thereon a new modern and uptodate General Hospital to replace James tdalker and the I Community liospitals, to provide better Hospital facilities for this Community; in accordance iaith a survey and recommendations made by Jacque N. Norman of Greenville,S.C, released May 15, 1957 ? and read the following communi.cation to the Board, and submitted survey report and recommendations? for approval, feeling the people want the improved facilities at this time: "[Jilmington, N. C. 7uly 8, 1957. "}3oard of Commissioners New Hanover County 1Jilmington, North Carolina, Geiltlemen: "I am sure that you gentlemen are familiar with the subject we will present to you this morning, improved Iiospital facilities for New Hanover County. The liospital Steering Committee was appointed by a mass meeting of Citizens held in the Court liouse on July 17, 1956 for the purpose of: 1. Investigating need for improved hospital facilities. 2.Determining method by which need may best be accomplished. 3.Find means of obtaining outside aid. 4.Arrive at approximate estimate of cost, and suggest method of financing. S.ASake written report of findings to County Gonernment. - I 'Phis Committee did not feel qualified to perform these duties without professional help and for that reason employed Mr. Jacque B. Norman, an expert in hospital operation, as Consultant. You already have copies of P1r. Norman's report to the Conunittee. In addition to this we have been in touch with the various founclations, and particularly with the Medical Care Commission thro- ugh which Federal granLs are channeled. The T4edical Care Commission enthusiatically corroborated the needs as set but',by Mr. Norman and stressed the fact that New Hanover County is the only County in Southeastern part of the State, and over the State generally, that has not been awalce to the need of modern hospital facilities. A three hour eonference with the full staff in Fialeigh in June developed the fact that they are more familiar with the inadequacy of our hospital facil- ities than the majority of our own citizens, and are not only willing, but anxious for New Han- over to begin a program in which they will contribute professional architectural and pl.anning advice, as well as Pinancial help. , "The tlospital Steering Committee feels strongly that this community is years behind most other convnunities in our State in providing adequate hospital facilities, and after a thorough and ex- haustive study, feel that something should be done about it. . Gentlemen, we feel that New.Hanover':'is entering a period of industrial expansion and that noza is the time to progEess this matter. Ide, have made recommendations tahich we believe to be sound and workable. We believe the citizensI want safe and adequate hospital facilities and are willing to vote the bonds necessary to provide them. This report is put in your hands with the sincere belief that the people of New Hanover County want these improved f'acilities, and we urge that you accept our report and progress the matter as rapidly as possiUle. Yours very truly /s/Fred E. Little, Chairman ? Hospital Steering Comm- . , ittee of New .Hanover County." I pg to whether it would be advisable to hold agspecfal electiote to pass on the question or put it ? on the same ballot for the School Bond election, that•they said iaould leave it in the hands of thethe Conunissioners, feeling this presentation was the first step and the next step up to the Board i to develop the program. ' ., ? I