1957-07-08 Regular Meeting,j'feeting July 1, 1957 - Continued The County Auditor told the I3oard that Solicitor John J. Burney has requested $300.00 for ex- pense for returning prisoners from New York State to this County for trial. A recess was then taken until 8:30 P. M. July 3, 1957. Clerk , ? Tdilmington, N. C. July 3,1957. Pursuant to'recess taken July 1, 1957, the I3oard met at 8:30 P. M. (llST) o'clock: Present: J. M. Iiall, Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Lrnest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst,.J. E. lIolton, Jr., 13erry A. Williams and County Attorney John 13right Hill and County Auditor Afr. J. D.? Love. i'he proposed 1957-1958 Budget was discussed in detail, item by item, for the various departments and suggested changes proposed where it seemed to the best interest of the County. A'o action was taken at this session of the Board meeting. , Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned. /!, --4Clerk O Wilmington..N.C. July 8, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (DST) Present: J. M. IIa11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners Ernest R. Piayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, J. E. Holton,Jr.,Berry A. Williams and County Attorney, John Bright Hill and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Richard S. Andrews, Pastor of Myrtle Grove and ? Oak Grove Yresbyterian Churches. P4r. 1'red E. Little,.Chairman and spokesman for the Hospital Steering Committee appeared taith ASr Peter Brown Ruffin, Secretary, and,other members of the Committee to present a request to sub- ? mit to a vote of the people a,6,425,000.00 Bond issue to acquire new site grounds and for the ? construction thereon a new modern and uptodate General Hospital to replace James tdalker and the I Community liospitals, to provide better Hospital facilities for this Community; in accordance iaith a survey and recommendations made by Jacque N. Norman of Greenville,S.C, released May 15, 1957 ? and read the following communi.cation to the Board, and submitted survey report and recommendations? for approval, feeling the people want the improved facilities at this time: "[Jilmington, N. C. 7uly 8, 1957. "}3oard of Commissioners New Hanover County 1Jilmington, North Carolina, Geiltlemen: "I am sure that you gentlemen are familiar with the subject we will present to you this morning, improved Iiospital facilities for New Hanover County. The liospital Steering Committee was appointed by a mass meeting of Citizens held in the Court liouse on July 17, 1956 for the purpose of: 1. Investigating need for improved hospital facilities. 2.Determining method by which need may best be accomplished. 3.Find means of obtaining outside aid. 4.Arrive at approximate estimate of cost, and suggest method of financing. S.ASake written report of findings to County Gonernment. - I 'Phis Committee did not feel qualified to perform these duties without professional help and for that reason employed Mr. Jacque B. Norman, an expert in hospital operation, as Consultant. You already have copies of P1r. Norman's report to the Conunittee. In addition to this we have been in touch with the various founclations, and particularly with the Medical Care Commission thro- ugh which Federal granLs are channeled. The T4edical Care Commission enthusiatically corroborated the needs as set but',by Mr. Norman and stressed the fact that New Hanover County is the only County in Southeastern part of the State, and over the State generally, that has not been awalce to the need of modern hospital facilities. A three hour eonference with the full staff in Fialeigh in June developed the fact that they are more familiar with the inadequacy of our hospital facil- ities than the majority of our own citizens, and are not only willing, but anxious for New Han- over to begin a program in which they will contribute professional architectural and pl.anning advice, as well as Pinancial help. , "The tlospital Steering Committee feels strongly that this community is years behind most other convnunities in our State in providing adequate hospital facilities, and after a thorough and ex- haustive study, feel that something should be done about it. . Gentlemen, we feel that New.Hanover':'is entering a period of industrial expansion and that noza is the time to progEess this matter. Ide, have made recommendations tahich we believe to be sound and workable. We believe the citizensI want safe and adequate hospital facilities and are willing to vote the bonds necessary to provide them. This report is put in your hands with the sincere belief that the people of New Hanover County want these improved f'acilities, and we urge that you accept our report and progress the matter as rapidly as possiUle. Yours very truly /s/Fred E. Little, Chairman ? Hospital Steering Comm- . , ittee of New .Hanover County." I pg to whether it would be advisable to hold agspecfal electiote to pass on the question or put it ? on the same ballot for the School Bond election, that•they said iaould leave it in the hands of thethe Conunissioners, feeling this presentation was the first step and the next step up to the Board i to develop the program. ' ., ? I 6? Dleeting July 8, 1957 - Continued It was the opinion of the County Auditor based on an estimate of 0350,000.00 a year to carry the Hond issue would require a 30¢ increase on the present tax rate, but in anticipation of the new construction and added taxable values would be a good possibility to go thru with it without increase in the tax rate. It was also stated, reasonable assurance for aid from the Dfedical Cqre Commission and Hill-Burton Funds could be expected. i'he Chairman asked if there would be any objections to holding the elections on September 28, the same time set for the School Bond election sahich would beasaving of from $10,000.00to $12,000.00 to the Gounty. After further discussion, Mr. Williams moved to thank the Committee Por the fine report and to set July 22 as the date for further discussion oi^ the matter iohen Mr. James E. Ilolton,Jr., who was absent at the time,will be back present at that time and a .full meeting of the 13oard can be had at that time. Ilis motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried. A question was raised by the 13oard of Elections Chairman Mr. Ilenry B. Bost, if there had been any recent laws passed afPecting personnel per diem election cost. This was referred to the County ALtorney for opinion. Mr. Bost also reconunended revised registration for the Spring Llection. G . Upon motion of Pir, tailliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mt. T. D. Love was appointed Tax Super- visor for a two-year term in accordance with Section 105-283 of the General Statutes. Y'-T? Mr. It. L. Calder reported on the request made by Mr. Clarence B. Sternberger for a refund of the $51.00 deposit he made on his bid to purchase a tax foreclosure lot in 131ock 70. I3e said he would report the sale to the. Court with recommendations that Mr. SLernUerger carry out his ? biAo j? urchase, however, he said he ?aould refund the bid deposit to Mr. Sternberger on order of the Court, or in other words he would let the Coiu•t settle the matter. Alrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA appeared to tell the I3oard she was dir- .-ected by SLNCBA to talk about the Civil llefense Program and offer its full cooperation. She reported Radio 1'rogram Coverage is satisfactory. It was first on Lhe air may 20, and will continue through \iovember. It has been a very helpful project, 5 days a week, in getting folks from upstate to out BeachResorts. She made an urgent appeal to keep the 13each Association in mind when setting the Budget appropria.tions and asked that $1,500.00 be providefl. Mr. L. C. lieGwin, President of the R'ew Hanover P'ishing Club, and Mr. Richard Dleier, Wrightsville Beach Aldermen were present to endorse Pirs. Strickland's appeal. Mr. Meier urged Civil DePense or- g `? anized on a CountY-wide basis, and Pledged the cooPeration of the Town of Sdribhtville Deach. (?.Yldith reference to a letter from Congressman Alton A. Lennon to Mrs. Strickland concerning the Plasonboro Inlet Improvements, Mr. Pfeier asked that a letter be written to Congressman Lennon to use his best efforts to have the Government install bouy channel lights and other navigational aifls at Masonboro Inlet. i A copy of a letter from P. R. Reese, Aciministrator of Community Hospital, to W. L. Hartley concerning internal inspection of their Boi].er NC 6888, requesting that the only Boiler in use be inspected externally because it would be impossibibe to cool it for internal inspection. k ,_..Qi.6'? ? vh1 ?? Upon motion of rir. Williams, seconded by Mr. liroadhurst, a l3udget allotment of $7,076.50 for 1957-1958 was tentatively approved for the Veterans' Service Office, subject to change b.efore the adoption of the County's General Budget. A letter received from State TYagazine soliciting advertising for their edition to feature the 1958 Azalea Festival at a cost of $250.00 for a half page advertisement on a i'ifty-fifty basis ?yT by the City and County, was included in the Advertising Program for consideration during the aelvertising allotment period. The County Attorney defined and clarified the syastems and operation of forms of County Gov- ernment provided by Law for the various Counties in the State,reguested by Mr. Williams. The c?G?.r? County Attorney advised there are two(2) forms of County Government: - e, 1. County Commissioners' Form - in which the Government is administered by the Board of County Commissioners, without, a County Dlanager. 2. Mqnager Porm - The Board of County Conunissioners may appoint a County Manager, who shall be the administrative head of the County Government, and shall be responsible for the administration of all the Departments of the County Governmrant which the Board oP County Comnussioners has the authority to control. In lieu of the appointment of a County Alanager, the Board may impose and confer upon the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners the duties and power of a Dla.nager. Or, the Board, may impose and confer such powers and duties upon any other Officer or Agent of the County, authorized by General 51;atutes 153-20-21., A A combination of the two systems. We are operating under the County Manager sys- tem with the Executive Secretary , not as full Dlanager, but to carry out the in- structions of the 73oard of Commissioners whicg he said was within the Law. With reference to salary increases by $20.00 each per month for H. lt. Iiollis,Super- ' intendent of 1'ublic Welfare; J. B. hdwards, Laboratory llirector of the 13oard of Health ??, L. I. Lassiter, Sanitary Engineer and llr. C. B. Davis, Health Officer, to meet the ,Serit System requirements, the same was upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, tentatively included in the Budget for later consideration and final action. Upon motion of Ptr. Wnlliams, seconded by Mr. ]3roadhurst, the meeting adjourned. IWI -!CLLRK ? Wilmington, N. C. July 15, 1957 1'he regular caeelcly meeting of the 13oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (DST) Presnet: J. M. Iia11,Jr.,Chairman, and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Slilliams, and John 13right liill County Attorney and T. D. Love County Auditor. 'Phe 13oard paused for a fesa minutes in silent prayer before entering upon the business of ' the day. A request of Mr. Woodus Kellum that the Old Age Assi stance lien against property in Block 559, 1312 South 7th Street, in the name of Anna S. Hall, as Trustee for her incompetent son, John `r Hall, be released to enable refinancing the property to malce needed repaire, was upon motion of Mr. Williarus, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, granted on recommendation of the County Attorney. ,