1957-07-29 Special Meeting,17o Aleeting of 7uly 25, 1957 - Continue3 / A i ti Milit f C i ppropr a or ary on ompan es was approved. At the end of the discussion, Mr. Wade asked that the CounLy Commissioners reconsider the appropriation for the Publi.c LiUrary, that it be increased to Lhe amount requested by them before the County's Budget was fina].ly adopted. ? Representatives from the Commwlity Iiospital, namely: Mr. Reese, Planager, iN1r. Coleman Of- U( , fice Alanager and Mr. E. M. 13utler on the 13oard. of the Community Hospital appeared present- ing the Budget for the Community Iiospital for the coming year. The Budget was discussed in detail with these representatives and the,y were urged to do everything in their power to see that the operation ran as economical.ly as possib].e. The matter of collections on the Accounts Receivable were discussed and suggestions were to be put iiito effect. lluring the discussion, Mr. Love, County Auditor staLed to the Commissioners that we were starting oPf the ye,ir operating the Commwiity Hospi.tal with approximately $10,000.00 worth of debts ancl that these bills were now in Lhe process of' being pa.id. He also called to the attention of the Cmmnissioners that the Anticipated Coll.ections for services rendered by the Hospital were now dur:i.ng the month oP Jul,y falling behind and it was his opinion that the col.:Lections anticipated in the 13udget woulcl not be reached. Tliis was concurrecl in by the Dlanager of the liospital., Mr. Reese. There were no changes made / in the Hospital 13udget, but it was suggested by the Coiuity Auditor that exPenses Ue cut in the Uffice of the Conmiunity Hospital as the Uffice.of LYie County Auditor, effecLive as of ? July 1, is handling all pay-rolls, do5.ng all purChasing, paying all bil.ls ancl this was ad- ding a considerable burden Lo the County Auditor's Office and it was 1•iis o,pinion that a saving should be reflected in the Office of the Coimnunity Hospital. 't'here was no_ further busi.riess and upon motion made by Mr. I[olton, the meeting was adjourned. T. D. Inve, Actirig Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., July 29, 1957. ? The Board of County Conunissioners met this iiay, Alonday morning, Sul.y 29 aL 10:00 laith the fol.loiaing members preseizt: J:imes M. Hall, Jr., Cliairm:in and Commissioners Eirnest R. Tiayhan, James E. liolton, Jr., 13erry A. Williams, L. E. Broadhurst. In the absence of ,1r. T. K. Woody, Mr. T. D. Love, acted as Clerlc to ttle 13oard. Invocatiai was offered by Chaplain Daniel B. Carten of the Salvation Army. Mr. Hall opened tne meeting stating that it was the i.ntention of the Board a1: this time to come to a conclusion and settle a detiiiite date for the holding of various Bond el.ections for the County. There was a considerable delegation of people on hand at Lhe meeting. Mr. Hall cal.l.ed on Plr. Peter Brosan Huffin as a representative of the liosPital Steering Committee to malce a statement. Mr. Ruff'in replying that he was only there to urge that a defi.nite date be set for the holding of an electi ai for the people to determine as to whether or not the,y desirecl to..float a 13ond issue to build a Hospital in this County. I1: was Mr. Ruffiri's opinion that to build a Hospital was badly needed. llr. llonald B. Koonce urged that a Aorid election be held as soon as possible stating that Lhe cunclition of James Walker Piemorial liospital demanded attentimi ancl that delay woul.d Ue expensive. Dr. Koonce esti.mated that the County would receive approxi.matel.y two and a hal.f (2 1/2) million dollars of State and P'ederal money to apply on a llospi.ta]. :ind that Lhe equity in the present liospital wou].d probably amount to aUout a half (1/2) million dollars, and it was his opinion that the liospital could be built with a Bond sale of less than four (4) million dollars. It iaas Mr. Rutfin's and Dr. ICoonce's opinion that the James Wallier ,Kemorial liospita7. I3oard would contribute all of their assets to a new Ilos- pital. Mr. Hichard Shew, Local Realtor urged that the 13ond election be post7aled until a complete revaluation figure had been received. Af'ter lliscussion, Mr. Berry Williams, Commissi.oner stated that he fe.lt that a representa- tive group of the people from the County had studiecl 1:his matter and that they were all substantial taxpayers and he was of tkie opinion that the peo,ple should be allowed to vote on tIv s matter at an early date. Mr. Williams made a motion that the matter of Bond is- sues for the lIospital and Schools be voted on, on Aiovember 4, 1957. The Motiou received no secbnd. Mr. James li. Holton, Jr., made a substitute motion that the matter be voted on, on FeUruary 1, 1958, and Mr. Iiroadhurst seconded this motion, but after some discussion, Mr. Broadliurst withdrew his second. Upon nuestioning from Mr. Wil.liams, Mr. Love, County Tax Supervisor stated that tLe Pinal figures oP our reva].uation would not be available on either of the dates referred to above. At this point, Mr. Ruffin made a statement that from his view poinL, the date of February 1, 1958 was acceptable. Mr. Sroadhurst expressed himself statiug that he was in favor of holcling off any definite decision until after the Board of County Commissioners had. met with tlie IIoard of Directors of James Tdalker Memor•ial Ftospital. At this point, Mr. Emsley L•aney, representing the Scliool ]3oard staLed that t11e niatter of a vote on School Bonds had alr.eady been delayed for quite some time and in his opinion-the matter of a vote on School Ba1ds should not be delayed any later than the fall of 1957. Mr. lianey confirroed the fact that i:he School Board had withdrawn its request for a 15¢ lev,y to supplement teachers' pay. This withdrawal was only of a temPorary nature. Upon questioning,Air. Love, County Auditor stated that there was some possibility tha.t a . lower interest rate might be received if Lhe Bond. issues were voted on and our assessed values were higher than they now are. At this point, Mr. Holton made a motion that all of the contemp].ated 13ond issues be voted on, on P'ebruary 3, 1958. Mr. Williams second- ed this motion. Pir, i+layhan made a substitute motion as follows: ' - "After giving the matter of the Bond issue for construction of a Hospi,tal a great deal . of thought and consid.eration, I am thoroughly convinced that now is not the time to call for an election on this matter. In vieca of the fact'that we are heaviTy involved in our Reval- uation Program and do not have any idea how this will work out, I hereby malze the fo].lowi.ng motion,that this matter be held up iuitil we have our Revaluation problems settled. /s/ E. R. playhan (;ounty Commissioner " , 171;. Meeting of July 29, 1957 - Continued There was no second to this motion. Mr. Broadhurst ma,de a suUstitute motion that a vote only be called on the I3oard of Lducation's request for a Aond issue and that the matter"of the Hospital be tabled at tYiis time. There was no second to this motion. . A vote on Mr. Ilolton's original motion which was seconded by Mr. Williams was call.ed for and Mr. Wi:lliams, Mr. tiolton and Mr. Hall voted in favor of an election to be held on Feb- ruary 3, 1958. Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Afayhan opposed. The motion was earriecl by a 3-2 vote. ?- At this point discussion was entered ini;o relative to a,joint meeting with the IIoard of llireci:ors of James Wallzer Piemorial liospital and set an early possible date. Mr. Love was instructed to proceed to arrange for a meeting Wednesday morning, July 31, at 9:00 o'clock. iNir. Plarcus Goldstein, Al1en Jones and Catherine liowell appeared before t17e Board represent- ing the J3oard of llirectors of the Public Library asking tliat an additional appropriation of 41,564.00 'be made to support the Library Por the coming year. , No action was taken on this matter; was taken under advisement. Mr. Richard Shew appearing for the American Ritwnulus & Asphalt Company, presented a peti- tion asking for the closing of a street on Souish F'rorit Street located outside of the City of. Idilmington. Upon motion made by Mr. ]3roadhurst and ser,oilded by Mr, liolton, the peti- tion was recommencled and iaas to be forwarded to the State Highway and 1'uUlic Worics Commis- sion for tlieir handling. ? y fL??? ? ?I 1? Mr. Gmsley Laney stated tha.t he was on hanCi in regard to tlie School Budget for the coming year and urged that the Budget as preseizted be granted and a].so tal.leed in regard to the Budget for the Wilmington College. Upon questioning, Mr. Love, County Auditor outlined what could be 3one in order that the Schools might be granted additional r'und.s. He stat- ed that $28,000.00 could. be removed from the School 13ond N'unds for the coming fiscal year as this amount of ]3onds become due on July 1, 1958. 1ie stated that our antici.pation of Revenues from the AIIC ]3oard could be iilcreased by $10,000.00 and that $5,600.00 which is set up in a Capital Reserve P'und could be appropriated to the School Board. He did not ? reconmiend that any of these actions be taken. After discussion, Mr. liolton made a motion Lhat $28,000.00 be removed Pi^om the School Bond _ 13.uids; thai; Lhe A13C Revenues be increased by ?10,000.00, and that the Capital Reserve F'und of y`y'5,600.00 be'used in this year's appropriation and that 4?'18,000.00 of tllese Fund.s be appropriated to the Sdilmington College; that $15,600.00 be added to the Capital Outlay l3ud- get 1'or Schools. Mr. Will.iams seconded this motion and upon a vote the motion was carried? - without a dissenting voiCe. , Mr. Holton made a motion tPiat the tax rate be set at ?1.20 for the coming year a,nd Mr. P4ayhan r754 seconded the motion and tlie motion was carried. Mr. Williams wanted it definitely under- stood that tliis iaould not prevent any change in Lhe Budget, and Lhis was agreeable. The tentative Budget was approved and was to lay on the table for.twent,y,(20) davs. At this point, Mr. Hal.l read a letter f'rom Mr. Marshall I. Pickens, Director of the lluke lindowment, Hospital and. Orphan Sections, Charlotte, N. C., in wh:i.ch he stated that he could meet with the Board of Cowity Coimnissioners on August 12. This date was not agreeable to all tlie Commissioners, and Mr. Love was instructed to conta.ct Pir. Picicens and aslc if it would be couvenient for him to meet with,this Board on August 19, 1957. Mr. liol.tori made a motion that the meeting adjourn. The moCimi was second.ed by Mr. l;roail- hurst ancl the meeting was adjourned. T. D. Love, Acting Clerk. [dilmington, N. C., August 5, 1957. The regular week.ly meeting of the Board was he.id this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: J. M. liall, Jr,, Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, IIerry A. Williams, also T. D. Love, County Auditor who acted as Clerk to the Board i.n the absence of Mr. T. K. Woody. , .. Invocation was oPPered by Dr. L. A. Taylor, Secretary of the Wilmington Presbyter,y. Previous minutes'were approved. I N1r. Claude Efird, Mr. Robert llannenbaum and Mr. Justin Raphael, representing the Wilmington P4erchants' Association appeared asking that they be allocated $1,000.00 out of the County I Aduertising H'und. to carry out their Adverti.sing program, stating that the money was very ur-- ? gently needed. The matter was discussed and upon motion made by Mr. Williams and second.ed by Mr. Broadhurst, it was voted to give the jdilmington Merchants' Association $500.00 at this time and to Ldve further consideration at a later date for any additional;funds that ? could be biven to them. `, •• . I Mr. Louis T. Moore, representing tlie New flanover Historical Commission, appeared asking i;he Commissioners to take wider advisement the naming oP Tiasonboro Ro:id. He stated that tiv.s ?a..?„• was'a hist.orical road and had been uncler this name for 150 years or mo,re and that recently signs have been placed at about ha1P a mile down'on this road, denoting same as "Yine Grove ? Hoad". After discussion, this matter was turned over to Mr. Sdoody, Executive Secretary for investigation and report back to the 13oard. ? r1r, Fred Graham appeared asicing that the new Bridge over the Inland ldaterway at Sdri.ghtsville Beach Sowid be named the C. Heide Trask 13ridge as in his opinion Mr. Trask had unselfislily devoted his time for years with the N. C. State Hig1away & Public ldorks Commission.. Upon ' motiori made by Mr. Mayhan and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Executive Secretary taas in- structed to write the State Highway Conunission and, request that the I3ridge 'be named the "C. Heide Trask Iiridge". I Mr. H'oster Edwards a;ppeared stating that the new fees wliich became effective on July 1, 1957 had increased revenues in his Office for the month of July by about 48%. ? ?? ,A