1957-08-05 Regular Meeting171;. Meeting of July 29, 1957 - Continued There was no second to this motion. Mr. Broadhurst ma,de a suUstitute motion that a vote only be called on the I3oard of Lducation's request for a Aond issue and that the matter"of the Hospital be tabled at tYiis time. There was no second to this motion. . A vote on Mr. Ilolton's original motion which was seconded by Mr. Williams was call.ed for and Mr. Wi:lliams, Mr. tiolton and Mr. Hall voted in favor of an election to be held on Feb- ruary 3, 1958. Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Afayhan opposed. The motion was earriecl by a 3-2 vote. ?- At this point discussion was entered ini;o relative to a,joint meeting with the IIoard of llireci:ors of James Wallzer Piemorial liospital and set an early possible date. Mr. Love was instructed to proceed to arrange for a meeting Wednesday morning, July 31, at 9:00 o'clock. iNir. Plarcus Goldstein, Al1en Jones and Catherine liowell appeared before t17e Board represent- ing the J3oard of llirectors of the Public Library asking tliat an additional appropriation of 41,564.00 'be made to support the Library Por the coming year. , No action was taken on this matter; was taken under advisement. Mr. Richard Shew appearing for the American Ritwnulus & Asphalt Company, presented a peti- tion asking for the closing of a street on Souish F'rorit Street located outside of the City of. Idilmington. Upon motion made by Mr. ]3roadhurst and ser,oilded by Mr, liolton, the peti- tion was recommencled and iaas to be forwarded to the State Highway and 1'uUlic Worics Commis- sion for tlieir handling. ? y fL??? ? ?I 1? Mr. Gmsley Laney stated tha.t he was on hanCi in regard to tlie School Budget for the coming year and urged that the Budget as preseizted be granted and a].so tal.leed in regard to the Budget for the Wilmington College. Upon questioning, Mr. Love, County Auditor outlined what could be 3one in order that the Schools might be granted additional r'und.s. He stat- ed that $28,000.00 could. be removed from the School 13ond N'unds for the coming fiscal year as this amount of ]3onds become due on July 1, 1958. 1ie stated that our antici.pation of Revenues from the AIIC ]3oard could be iilcreased by $10,000.00 and that $5,600.00 which is set up in a Capital Reserve P'und could be appropriated to the School Board. He did not ? reconmiend that any of these actions be taken. After discussion, Mr. liolton made a motion Lhat $28,000.00 be removed Pi^om the School Bond _ 13.uids; thai; Lhe A13C Revenues be increased by ?10,000.00, and that the Capital Reserve F'und of y`y'5,600.00 be'used in this year's appropriation and that 4?'18,000.00 of tllese Fund.s be appropriated to the Sdilmington College; that $15,600.00 be added to the Capital Outlay l3ud- get 1'or Schools. Mr. Will.iams seconded this motion and upon a vote the motion was carried? - without a dissenting voiCe. , Mr. Holton made a motion tPiat the tax rate be set at ?1.20 for the coming year a,nd Mr. P4ayhan r754 seconded the motion and tlie motion was carried. Mr. Williams wanted it definitely under- stood that tliis iaould not prevent any change in Lhe Budget, and Lhis was agreeable. The tentative Budget was approved and was to lay on the table for.twent,y,(20) davs. At this point, Mr. Hal.l read a letter f'rom Mr. Marshall I. Pickens, Director of the lluke lindowment, Hospital and. Orphan Sections, Charlotte, N. C., in wh:i.ch he stated that he could meet with the Board of Cowity Coimnissioners on August 12. This date was not agreeable to all tlie Commissioners, and Mr. Love was instructed to conta.ct Pir. Picicens and aslc if it would be couvenient for him to meet with,this Board on August 19, 1957. Mr. liol.tori made a motion that the meeting adjourn. The moCimi was second.ed by Mr. l;roail- hurst ancl the meeting was adjourned. T. D. Love, Acting Clerk. [dilmington, N. C., August 5, 1957. The regular week.ly meeting of the Board was he.id this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: J. M. liall, Jr,, Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, IIerry A. Williams, also T. D. Love, County Auditor who acted as Clerk to the Board i.n the absence of Mr. T. K. Woody. , .. Invocation was oPPered by Dr. L. A. Taylor, Secretary of the Wilmington Presbyter,y. Previous minutes'were approved. I N1r. Claude Efird, Mr. Robert llannenbaum and Mr. Justin Raphael, representing the Wilmington P4erchants' Association appeared asking that they be allocated $1,000.00 out of the County I Aduertising H'und. to carry out their Adverti.sing program, stating that the money was very ur-- ? gently needed. The matter was discussed and upon motion made by Mr. Williams and second.ed by Mr. Broadhurst, it was voted to give the jdilmington Merchants' Association $500.00 at this time and to Ldve further consideration at a later date for any additional;funds that ? could be biven to them. `, •• . I Mr. Louis T. Moore, representing tlie New flanover Historical Commission, appeared asking i;he Commissioners to take wider advisement the naming oP Tiasonboro Ro:id. He stated that tiv.s ?a..?„• was'a hist.orical road and had been uncler this name for 150 years or mo,re and that recently signs have been placed at about ha1P a mile down'on this road, denoting same as "Yine Grove ? Hoad". After discussion, this matter was turned over to Mr. Sdoody, Executive Secretary for investigation and report back to the 13oard. ? r1r, Fred Graham appeared asicing that the new Bridge over the Inland ldaterway at Sdri.ghtsville Beach Sowid be named the C. Heide Trask 13ridge as in his opinion Mr. Trask had unselfislily devoted his time for years with the N. C. State Hig1away & Public ldorks Commission.. Upon ' motiori made by Mr. Mayhan and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Executive Secretary taas in- structed to write the State Highway Conunission and, request that the I3ridge 'be named the "C. Heide Trask Iiridge". I Mr. H'oster Edwards a;ppeared stating that the new fees wliich became effective on July 1, 1957 had increased revenues in his Office for the month of July by about 48%. ? ?? ,A r172 Tfeeti.ng of August 5, 1957 - Continued ? ?. Mr. Hall called to the attention of the Board, correspondence in regard to Lhe el.ectr:ical inspection of School Buildings on a monthly basis, and advised that tl7i.s matter was being handled with the Electrical Inspector to see that the inspections are mde on regular basis. Correspondence from Mr. Moore relative to the Ftoad into the State Port Terminal and also in J? ?wc5i regard to a Historical Mai°ker in front of the Court Iiouse waS called to the attent,ion of the Commissioners, and it was noted that the mai^ker in front of the Court Iiouse that was damaged is now being replaced. ,?? Correspondence ?ahich Mr. Westbrook has had with the various bureaus in connection with the ? Weatlzer ]3ureau's service at the Airport were read and noted. -l? A letter from Mr. C. Mcll, llavis thanking the Comnussioners for their recent Resol.ution re- CY1lative to the decision of Allied-Kennecott 'Pitanium Cor.poration to locate L17eir Plant in i\ew Hanover Cowity was read. Mr. Hall stated tha.t he had addressed a letter to the State Highway Commission in regard to ? Boat Hamns and Yicnic Areas around Wrightsville Sound and other locations and he read a re- ?eV4AA?6ply from the State Aighway llepartment in which they advised that in tlieir opinion they could not legitimately construct Boat ltamps, but thP,y would give consideration to Pi.cnic Gounds at cet°tain locations, ?,Mr. Hall advised that Mr. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., had been appointed Acting County .I)ire•ctor C g''Mn' to be made in the Jail and to the Court Piouse. The Executive Secretary was instructed to ? issue instruct.ions to have these repairs made. xeports for Lhe month of Suly were received from Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' Service Offic- ? er; and the Negro llome llemonstration Agent. 4?,ob"vt. ./? A letter was read Prom tl?ie To?an of Carolina I3each in ?ahich tkiey requested the County Com- missimiers and tlie State Hi?way Conunission to approve the addition of: Carol.i.?ia Beach ? f??"! Avenue to 17th Avenue, thence 17th Avenue Lo Canal llrive, thet7ce Cunal. Drive from 1.7th Av.- enue to King Street to the Stai,e Iligh?aay System. Upon motion made by Mr. Wil.].iams and S@COIICL@CI by Mr. Broadhurst, the Sta.te Highway Commission were to be forwarded our approval ancl. the Town of Caroliiia Beach ?aas to be iiotified of this action. ?A ganizer ancl felt sure he could do a cred . FIe stated that Pir, tiarriss ?oas a good or- ?+? i?able job and upon motinn made byZ1r. Idi].liams, s+ seconded Uy Mr. rlay?han, Mr. Hall's actions were approved. oT1if e Civil Grand llefenJuryse but report not was on a then full reacl tiUyme Mr. basisHall, and it was noted thaL severai repairs were Mr. Hollis, Superintendent of the Welfare llepartment appeared witPi a petition ashing that C, ial Seeurity proceeds. Upon motion macle by 'Mr. IIroadhurst and seeoizcled by Mr. Mayhan, it f1?I Mr. Coy Mathis be acL,iitLed to the County Ilonie, stating ttiat he wi.ll. pay board from his Soc- was voted to adiriit Mr. Aiai:his to tlie County Ilome. Mr. Wallace A4ur•chison, rePresenting the Savannah Sugar Refinirip Corporation asking for a reduction in the 1956 tax bill. on property o<<med. by Mr. Cornelius Leeuwenburg cahi.ch has ? recentl.y been purchased by the Savannah Sugar Refining Corpoi°ation. He presented an af- fidavit rela.Live to the condition of the property. It was decided that this matter woul.d ? be discussed with Mr. John Bright Hill, County Attorney, and wouJ.d be given considerati.on at the next 73oard meeting. Mr. Love, County Aud:itor, informed the Conmiissioners that some of the personnel. of tlze Coun- ty were i'inding it difficult Lo raise a suPficient amount oP money to pa,y baclc all. of the Social Security paymerits from January 1, 1.956, ancl if it met wit}i the a,pproval of tl-je Com- ? missi.oners, the Auditor's Office would make aeauotio„s monthly fr y Personnel checi<s in ? order that the amowZt thei? o?aed miglit be paid in during the curreni/ Mr. Love was instructed that tlus ?aould be satisfactory Uut that those ?aho owed. money be sure tha.t sa.me r,JZ?was paid, and that it should be held from their pa,y-checlcs, or firom their Hetirement mone,y in cases iaher•e it caas necessary. .?? Attorney fees were approved in the amount of 675.00 for W. K. Hhodes, Jr., Attorney for de- fending Aaron M. Harrelson charged with Armed ltobbery. And,, of $125.00 for W. K. Rhodes, Jr,, and llavid Sinclaix, Attorneys for defending Oscar P1cFadclen kiley charged with Rape. T. J. Flewitt, 215 Porest Hills 1lrive J. F. Russ, 1018 South iith Street The following goocl and lawful persais ivere drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for one (1) week term beginning August 19 1957: , ! A. W. Farrow, Sr., C.25 - Box 303 W. C. Russ, 410 South 17th Street H. E. Edney, 18 Jackson llri.ve R. U. I3e11, 4929 Yine Street • Gordo n W. Ittner, 504 Central 731vd. James A. Ptoore, 151 Colonial. Circle Fred E. Little, Jr., 812 Country Club Rd. Grove r C. AlcSwain, 409 Central 131vd. ' Ahmad Mahamad, 106 Grace Street Josep h A. Sellers, 2725 Burnett 131vd., Hobt. Bruce Johnson, 1920 Pender Avenue J. E. Rose, 2206 Princess Street Road J. L. Tharp, 520 Sunset Avenue H. E. .G'errell, 2114 Barnett Avenue Jacues S. Crosland, 2604 Community lirive U. L. Spence, Jr,, 2418 Oleander llrive J. IL Cherry, 4409 ldrightsvil.le Avenue F. H. 'Thomas, 309 South l.Gth Street E. H. Brownie, RbD 1- 13ox 211, Castle lfayne, N. C.-L. N. Kin1aN* 19 LNforningside llrive H. 14. P4ci:enzie, 2531 Adams Street John , C. Ireeland, Jr., P. 0. I3ox 21, Wri.I3ch. C. L. Iiarrelson, Jr., 13 Lalte Forest Pkw,y. C. D. Brehmer, 707 Sout11 1.7th Street Jolin K. Ward, 168 Colonial llrive C. W. Rackley, 2412 Poplar Street H. 0. 5ellers, Rte.3 - 437A W. H. Sallings, 55 Lake Norest Ykwy. Geo. D. Aardee, 409 South 16tki Street Plarti n Siaai°L, P. 0. I3ox 838 Charl ey E. Dillon, 2811 Washington Street E. F. ,1cCartney, 14-E niesbitt Courts U. E. Butler, itLe. 3- 13ox 177 U. G. [doodward, 112 Rutledge Drive Charl es G. Ange, 11 Morningside llrive Sdm. J . Corrieri, 2007 Aletts Avenue F'rank A. CotLle, 317 liake Drive P1ack Sibbett, 109 SJard. Street H. L. Yittman, Hte. 2- l3ox 16 John Owen Railey, 10-W Lake Village Kauno A. Lehto, 1507 Aiarket Street L. Eia rlan iN1cICeithan 2239 Camellia Drive , C. B. Temple, Rte. 3- Box 246 13 D. A. Boyette; 4918 Wrightsville Avenue Wilbur G. Brown, Box 210 Wrightsville 13ch. John W. Peterson, Jr., 314 South 6th Street tl. L. Britt, 218 Willard Street L. D. Rhodes, RPD 1- Castle lianye, N. C. , Pieeting of August 5, 1957 - Continued .. ? tl 1,4 ? A l.etter of appreciation and thanlcs was received from the Reg.ster of Deeds and employes ii of his Office for the Air Conditi.oning of Lheir Office. Upoii motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, Mr. Patriclz Thomas lluffy, a lone 71- year old citizen, who has been suff'ering for years with an ulcer of the leg, was granted temporary adnussion to the CounLy Home on recommenrlation of the County 1Jelfare Officer, pending admission to the Hospital for treatment. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, will attend the annual meeting of Lhe National Association ? of Assessing Officers Convention in llallas, Texas, September 29, thru October 4, as the County's Hepresentative. A letter Was received from the OfPice of the Director of Hospital and Orphan Section of the llulce Endowment, Charlotte, N. C., advising that it will be agreeable with Mr. Marstial.l ? I. Yicl:ens, llirector, to meet with us on Monday, August 19, 1957, to counsel with us on I matters relative to the future operation of' Community tIospital, as previously requested i Uy Lhe 13oard. I ,? . Repor'ts were received Prom the IIonie and i'a.rm llemonstration Agents for Jul,y and a repol^t of - Books circulated by the Wi Lningtun ]:'ublic Library shoi.i.ng: • ?' I Afain Library 9,323 I3ooks circulated ? Boolanobile 5;794 Total of' 15,117 for July. ? For the trial of Civil Cases - ideelc Septeuiber 9, 1957: V. R. Johnson, Jr., 122 Lake Forest Pkwy, J. H. Everett, 2009 Metts Avenue l 73I b'rank A. Flack, 106 Nun Street Arthur L. ]3rown, 404 South 18th Street J. N. Sanders, 3614 Tdrightsville Avenue Harry A. 13rauch, Sr., Rte. 3- Box 438 Hoyt L. I3eckham, 2875 Adams Street J. G. Johnston, 115 South 15th Street John L. Stanley, 221 North 23rc1 Street Thos. L. Morton, ]3ox 22, Wrightsville 13each llarold F. llixon, P. 0. Box 1656, CiLy M. P. Browm, Carolina Beach, N. C. ' L. id. Downing, 15 Woodlac,rn Avenue Renj. Vernon ]3enton, 112 North 5th Street ' Louis Diiller, RI17 1- 13ox 98, Castle Hayne, N. C. - H. R: Necakirk, Jr., 1507 South 4th Street ? P. F. 0'1Ceef, 1015 Perry Avenue Willi am L. Lee, 709 Princess Street H. C. liewett, Rte. ?- 13ox 339 Wil].i am A. Morton, 231 Nori,h 23rd Street S. P. lir-anch, 1917 ATUn Street L. G. Tompkins, 3700 Wrightsville Avenue J. H. Sweeney, Jr., 1920 Nun Street N. D. Plonroe, 3810 tilrightsville Avenue I R. J. Plorris, 1812 Ann Street G. A. Cook, 204 Davie Drive I Joseph Bandolas, 2941 JefPerson Street C. F. Duncan, 7-C Nesbii;t Court Win. Eubanks, Tr., RPD - 1 City , John I S. Clark, 506 South 17th Street Albert H. ltardee, 12-D1 Lake Village Herbe rt B. Attaway, Jr., 2277 A1i.mosa Place ? Carl J. I3lanton, 3905 Cherry Avenue D. C. Padrick, 8 North 17th Street ! Shimp, Chester E., 2524 Harrison Street James H. Odum, 2869-D Adams Street Por the trial of Civil Cases - Second. lJeek - September 16, 1957: Wa1Cer F. Scott, 815 Ann Streel; Sd. A. Fonvielle, % Nloore-Faivielle, City Harper 0'Sullivan, Jr,, 220 \orth Carolina Avenue - A. M. Sell, 23 ICenwood. Avenue William F. Jacobs, 2204 Klein Roacl If. H. Somersett, 2005 idoolcott Avenue W. H. liines, Sr., Rte. 3- City Ashby L. Jolinson, 18 Ivey Circle J. J. JoYinston, 805 Northern Blvd. Fred ll'LugiJi, 803 A'orth 4th Street E. E. liee, 3r., 2511 Van 13uren Street J. P. Brad.shaw, 307 South 17th Street A. E. Eakins 3 North 9th Street A. La wrence CYieek, Jr., 1922 Chestnut Street Mark , liines, 4705 ldrighi:sville Avenue •Iiugh Batson, 0-25 - Box 288-A Jack L. Marshburn, 307 South 16th Street W. H, Ghinnis, 59 Lee llrive Percy Tart, ltte. 3- Box 297 M. lt. Darnes, RP'll 2- Box 294 John H. Iiammond, 102 Souish Audubon Blvd. Ralph D. Walton, 2004 Pender Avenue G. L. 13ennett, 411 Nun Street H. 13. Aatchelor, 809 South 4th Street Jack R. Craig, 2509 Jefferson Street M. L. Piarsliburn,512 Rueen Street Otto Schmidt, 1940 Church Sireet E. F. Pridgen, 522 Castle Hayne Road S. C. Gore, 1-C Lalce Village L. L. Hoberson, 210 Davie Drive R. L. (:.ardner, 2713 Jackson SLreeL F. M. Hintze, Sr., 609 Central Blvd. E. P. Crow, 1702 Chestnut Street Irvin g Lieberman, 402 South 18Lh Street W. 13. -Golding, 116 Bryan Avenue S. J. Davis, 2820 Adams Street Upon moti.on of Mr. Aiayhan, seconded by Mr. liroadhurst, the meeting was adjourned. T. D. Love, Acting Clerlc. Wilmington, N. C., August 12, 1957. '1'he regular weekly meeting of the l3oard was he7.d this day at 10:00 o'clocle'A. Pf Present: Ernest H. Mayhan, Vice Chairman and Cormvissioners L. G. ]3roadhurst, and James E, liol.ton, Jr., John Bright liill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by t11e Reverend Paul Browning, Pastoi° of [drightsville Aiethodist Church. Upon moxiun of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the minutes of ineetings of July 25 and 29th, 1957, were approved. Mr. William J. Seibert, 4625 Long Leaf llrive, was present to complain of speedin g on the loop curves in liugh AlacRae Park u4iich he said is higtily hazardous to children at play and asked that some remedial action be taken, ancl suggested that 4 or 5 speed breakers Ue in- stalled at proper spaces on the roadcaay surtace that would retard speed to aPproximately 15 miles per hour. On motion of Mr. Holton the matter was referrec3 to the State Highway and PuUlic Works Connnission as it has control of tl,ie T{igilcaay S,ystem, and tlie SheriPf to patrol the area more closely; and appropriate signs be install.ed along the roadways by Mr. Mallard, State Highway Maintenance Engineer.