1957-08-12 Regular MeetingPieeting of August 5, 1957 - Continued .. ? tl 1,4 ? A l.etter of appreciation and thanlcs was received from the Reg.ster of Deeds and employes ii of his Office for the Air Conditi.oning of Lheir Office. Upoii motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, Mr. Patriclz Thomas lluffy, a lone 71- year old citizen, who has been suff'ering for years with an ulcer of the leg, was granted temporary adnussion to the CounLy Home on recommenrlation of the County 1Jelfare Officer, pending admission to the Hospital for treatment. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, will attend the annual meeting of Lhe National Association ? of Assessing Officers Convention in llallas, Texas, September 29, thru October 4, as the County's Hepresentative. A letter Was received from the OfPice of the Director of Hospital and Orphan Section of the llulce Endowment, Charlotte, N. C., advising that it will be agreeable with Mr. Marstial.l ? I. Yicl:ens, llirector, to meet with us on Monday, August 19, 1957, to counsel with us on I matters relative to the future operation of' Community tIospital, as previously requested i Uy Lhe 13oard. I ,? . Repor'ts were received Prom the IIonie and i'a.rm llemonstration Agents for Jul,y and a repol^t of - Books circulated by the Wi Lningtun ]:'ublic Library shoi.i.ng: • ?' I Afain Library 9,323 I3ooks circulated ? Boolanobile 5;794 Total of' 15,117 for July. ? For the trial of Civil Cases - ideelc Septeuiber 9, 1957: V. R. Johnson, Jr., 122 Lake Forest Pkwy, J. H. Everett, 2009 Metts Avenue l 73I b'rank A. Flack, 106 Nun Street Arthur L. ]3rown, 404 South 18th Street J. N. Sanders, 3614 Tdrightsville Avenue Harry A. 13rauch, Sr., Rte. 3- Box 438 Hoyt L. I3eckham, 2875 Adams Street J. G. Johnston, 115 South 15th Street John L. Stanley, 221 North 23rc1 Street Thos. L. Morton, ]3ox 22, Wrightsville 13each llarold F. llixon, P. 0. Box 1656, CiLy M. P. Browm, Carolina Beach, N. C. ' L. id. Downing, 15 Woodlac,rn Avenue Renj. Vernon ]3enton, 112 North 5th Street ' Louis Diiller, RI17 1- 13ox 98, Castle Hayne, N. C. - H. R: Necakirk, Jr., 1507 South 4th Street ? P. F. 0'1Ceef, 1015 Perry Avenue Willi am L. Lee, 709 Princess Street H. C. liewett, Rte. ?- 13ox 339 Wil].i am A. Morton, 231 Nori,h 23rd Street S. P. lir-anch, 1917 ATUn Street L. G. Tompkins, 3700 Wrightsville Avenue J. H. Sweeney, Jr., 1920 Nun Street N. D. Plonroe, 3810 tilrightsville Avenue I R. J. Plorris, 1812 Ann Street G. A. Cook, 204 Davie Drive I Joseph Bandolas, 2941 JefPerson Street C. F. Duncan, 7-C Nesbii;t Court Win. Eubanks, Tr., RPD - 1 City , John I S. Clark, 506 South 17th Street Albert H. ltardee, 12-D1 Lake Village Herbe rt B. Attaway, Jr., 2277 A1i.mosa Place ? Carl J. I3lanton, 3905 Cherry Avenue D. C. Padrick, 8 North 17th Street ! Shimp, Chester E., 2524 Harrison Street James H. Odum, 2869-D Adams Street Por the trial of Civil Cases - Second. lJeek - September 16, 1957: Wa1Cer F. Scott, 815 Ann Streel; Sd. A. Fonvielle, % Nloore-Faivielle, City Harper 0'Sullivan, Jr,, 220 \orth Carolina Avenue - A. M. Sell, 23 ICenwood. Avenue William F. Jacobs, 2204 Klein Roacl If. H. Somersett, 2005 idoolcott Avenue W. H. liines, Sr., Rte. 3- City Ashby L. Jolinson, 18 Ivey Circle J. J. JoYinston, 805 Northern Blvd. Fred ll'LugiJi, 803 A'orth 4th Street E. E. liee, 3r., 2511 Van 13uren Street J. P. Brad.shaw, 307 South 17th Street A. E. Eakins 3 North 9th Street A. La wrence CYieek, Jr., 1922 Chestnut Street Mark , liines, 4705 ldrighi:sville Avenue •Iiugh Batson, 0-25 - Box 288-A Jack L. Marshburn, 307 South 16th Street W. H, Ghinnis, 59 Lee llrive Percy Tart, ltte. 3- Box 297 M. lt. Darnes, RP'll 2- Box 294 John H. Iiammond, 102 Souish Audubon Blvd. Ralph D. Walton, 2004 Pender Avenue G. L. 13ennett, 411 Nun Street H. 13. Aatchelor, 809 South 4th Street Jack R. Craig, 2509 Jefferson Street M. L. Piarsliburn,512 Rueen Street Otto Schmidt, 1940 Church Sireet E. F. Pridgen, 522 Castle Hayne Road S. C. Gore, 1-C Lalce Village L. L. Hoberson, 210 Davie Drive R. L. (:.ardner, 2713 Jackson SLreeL F. M. Hintze, Sr., 609 Central Blvd. E. P. Crow, 1702 Chestnut Street Irvin g Lieberman, 402 South 18Lh Street W. 13. -Golding, 116 Bryan Avenue S. J. Davis, 2820 Adams Street Upon moti.on of Mr. Aiayhan, seconded by Mr. liroadhurst, the meeting was adjourned. T. D. Love, Acting Clerlc. Wilmington, N. C., August 12, 1957. '1'he regular weekly meeting of the l3oard was he7.d this day at 10:00 o'clocle'A. Pf Present: Ernest H. Mayhan, Vice Chairman and Cormvissioners L. G. ]3roadhurst, and James E, liol.ton, Jr., John Bright liill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by t11e Reverend Paul Browning, Pastoi° of [drightsville Aiethodist Church. Upon moxiun of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the minutes of ineetings of July 25 and 29th, 1957, were approved. Mr. William J. Seibert, 4625 Long Leaf llrive, was present to complain of speedin g on the loop curves in liugh AlacRae Park u4iich he said is higtily hazardous to children at play and asked that some remedial action be taken, ancl suggested that 4 or 5 speed breakers Ue in- stalled at proper spaces on the roadcaay surtace that would retard speed to aPproximately 15 miles per hour. On motion of Mr. Holton the matter was referrec3 to the State Highway and PuUlic Works Connnission as it has control of tl,ie T{igilcaay S,ystem, and tlie SheriPf to patrol the area more closely; and appropriate signs be install.ed along the roadways by Mr. Mallard, State Highway Maintenance Engineer. ??74 rieeting of Au;ust 12, 1957 - Continued 1_? Mr. Rhoda Farrow was instructed to contact Mr. James E. Holton, Sr., for conference con- ?Paf cerning repairs to the Commwiity Hospital Roof. An amended petitiori was submitted by the North Carolina State Ports Authority, American 13itumulus and Asphalt Company, Heirs of Cari^ie Helbig, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com- pany and the Heirs of T. II. SJright, to lay out, grade and pave for Industrial use, eastward- ly projection of Cypress Street, and Cypress Street in part sahich runs from Iiurnett :Boule- vard to C,ypress Street, thence aloizg Cypress Street to tlie new run of Greenfield Mill Creek for a distance of approxiitiately 1450 feet, loca.tecl in the vicinity of the North ? Carolina State Ports Authority and American Bitwnulus and Asphalt Company, in Aiasonboro Township, was upon motion of Mr. Hol.ton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved and refer- red to the 5tate liighway and Public Worlts Commi.ssion for handl.ing. A request to give consideration to Air Conditioning the Wilmington Public Library, and. increase their operiitional Budget to meet expense for lighting the new buildin;, on a joint basis with the City, was postponed for full Soat°d consideration at the next meeting. Upon motion of A1r, liolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Clex^k was instructed to ad.dress a cominwlica.tion to tlie Wilniington Savings and Trust Company authorizing them to turn over Qall Community Hospital Punds to the County Auditor, and that only checks drawn agaznst said account be honored as the same are szgned. by Mr. T. ll. Love, the County Auditor. " Upon motion of Tir, liolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting afljoui°ned. ?'il.@7'1{. Wilmington, N. C., August 19, 1957. ? The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Ernest R. Mayhan, Vice Chairman, and Commissioners L. E. AroadhursC, James E. Holton, Jr., and ]3erry A. Williams. Mr. JoYin 13right Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. In the a6sence of the Chairman, Mr. Ernest It. Piayhan, Vice Chairman presided, The meeting was opened with prayer by tlie Clerk. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of August 12, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon nb tion uf Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. 13roadnurst, approved. In view of a request noted on 1956 tax list of rir. Cornelius Leeuwenbur„ January 20, 1956, for re-appraisal and reduction of the $8,000.00 assessment on D1achi.nery and l3uildings --r"? located on four (4) acres of land, Camp PlanuPacturing L'ompany, Wilmington Township oi1 ac- coixnt.of one buildirig and major portion of machinery sold and removed from tlle land prior to January 1, 1956 and other buildings deteriorated to the extent they were not usable and worthless as presented and ezplairied by ilir. Wall.ace 41tu°chison, Attorney, which was su,pported by affidavit made ancl furnished by Mr. Leeuwenburg, and the said properLy hav- ing recently been sold to the Savannah Sugar Ilefining Corporation, Mr. Holton moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broailhurst, and carried, that the said assessment on build=i_ngs and machinery be reduced by 50'/6 for the year 1956. Rebecca L. Iiall, Colored Home llemonstration AgenL appeared to give a resume on the work 1 doi'ie Und planned by her Department, and her participation in t}ze N. C. State College Ex- ? tension Work Summer School, June 24 - Suly 12, 1957. Tn recognition of the high qua]i.ty G;o?' oP work done by her, the School asaarded her a CerLil'icate that she successfull,y comple'ted a prescribed advanced curriculum for Agricultural Extension jdorkers. She also asked that reimbursement of ?103.00 expense incurred in attending the School be given consideration. A communication and request presented by Mr. Roland E. I3ruce, President of the Wilmington ??. Pony Baseball League to help defray the expenses of the llistrict 7(idilmington Team) to ??•Y'"?d'`` Salisbury, Maryland, Aub st 16 to Lhe conclusion of the Regiotlal Champialship Play-offs, was received for consideration during the distribution of the Adverti.sing Punds. An appro- tiriation of $100.00 was askea. A request of Mr. Richa.rcl A. Shew, on 'behalf of Grinnell Compxny of Char.].otte, N. C., to ? malze a new survey to ascertain the cost Por installing an Automatic 5prinkl.er Fire Yro- tection System in Jaines Walker Memorial Hospital, was referred to the neraITospital Board for its consideration. Yo objectiuiis were indicated by the lsoard to the Caroliiza Power and Light Company amend- ing paragraph 3 of its agreem2nt to furnish electric service to the Court Ifouse under thei_r 48 KId Service Agreement, dated May 15, 1957, to read a.s follocas: "The point of , delivery for service supplied hereunder will be on the outside of the wall of customer's builcling." This is riecessary to furiiish additional electricity for the operation of Air Cunditioning Uiiits and for further needs for additional el.ectric service in the future. A petition received from lot osaners on Allen's Lane, Wrightsvil.l.e Sound, to el,ear Llie Lane of bushes to enable them to use the 3,aa•ie without scratching their cars, together , witli a request for similar work along the old Iiraclley's L'reek - laord Ftoad in the Seagate area, was referred to the Clerk ior investigation anc[ recommendations. Upon motioil of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, insl,ructions were given to ad- ?_ ?+,? vertise Pc?r bids for repairing the daanaged f3oiler at the Community Hospital, and settle- ???'?" ment of Insurance Claim submitted by the Hart£ord Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Cornpany Por $4,715.48 be held in abeyance pending receint of bids. ? An offer submitted by Mr. L. E. Al1en to purchase Lot 3 in Bloclt 2 rlercer Place at a pri.ce of ?'?251.66, was upon niotion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, approved subject to approval by the City. 'Phe City's interest in said Lot is 7%. and the County's inter- est 93%. x letter of thanks was received from Mr. John A. CJestbrook, Airport DYanager, for our effort in trying to dbtain twenty-four (24) hour Weather 13ureau Service at the Airport. "lJe have eleven (11) brganizations backing us in this ePfort," he said. L_