1957-08-26 Regular Meeting'I 17? Aleeting of August 19, 1957 - Continued A letter oP appreciation was received from Mrs. riary L. McAllister, Southeastern I)istrict liome Agent, for our cooperation in the Extension 1'rogram in Nec. Ha.nover County, c_ An audit report of the County Record.s prepared by Mr. Wil.liam C. Barfield, C.P.A., for the fiscal year endiiig June 30, 1956, was received and referred Lo the County Auditor. A commtuiicati.on concerning llevelopment of Preliminary Operational Plans for Survival as outlined in State Civil llefense lli:rector's letter of August 12 as a matter of information,0 was received from Mr. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr.,..Civil Defense llirector (Acting) advising a meeting of Key Personnel at 10:00 o'clock A.DI., Ii'I)ST ir/the Council Room, City Hall, August 23rd. At the invitation oP the Board, Mr. Afarshall I. Pickens; llii^ector of Hospital and Orphan Section of the lluke Endowment, Charlotte, N. C., was present to advise with the Commis- sioners and offer suggestions for the operation of the Community liospital. A general discussion followed and in answer to a nuestion by Air. Wi7.l.iams, Afr. Piclcens ? said the liospital could Ue operated as other Departmerits oP the Cownty, but it woul.d be ? best to appoint an indepeiident Hospital Boa.rd to operate the liospital under the control. ? of the County Comuissioners, and with reference to the new proposed Hospital, all Hospi.t- al operatioris shoLQd be under one head; and an afPirmative answer to Air. Holton that our status would be enhanced if the County Commissioners c aitrol the liospital to parLicipate in the lluke Lndowment. I It was Urougfit out that the per diem charge for room a.nd board does not meet the cost of ? same aizd in some instances Hospitalization Insurance exceeded the per diem charge and re- funds were made. The County 9udi.tor i.nsisted t}iat the charges should be increased to meet the expense. Mr. TJilliams suggested that PSr. Diayhan and Reese and a member of the ? Hospital Trustees study the rates anrl make recommendations and hike the service rai:es i to conform with what other Agencies will participate in. , T1r, llollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare explained a method of saving in the handling , of incligent patients by satisfying the County of 1;heir ability to pay and the aniount to- p f? ward the expense, especially in oB cases cahich could be admitted on proper certii.'ication.A6'?'%-- It caas also brougbt out that 30% to 40% of the patients were from out of the County and the Auclitor raised the guestion ot collecting out of such Counties. D1r. liolton suggest- ed why tiot accept patients on certificate of other Counties or refuse to admit them, ? charges and coll.ections be hand:Led with other Counties. D1r. Love said we shoulcl invest- iga,te patients from other Counties if on Welfare or Assistance Rolls and get proper certi- ? fication. ]]octors bringing patients into the Hospital shou:l.d underwrite, their expense, j An inforinative ancl successful discussion was had and Mr. Pic]<ens was thanlced for his sug- I gestions and effort to assist in t:fiis matter which appeared it is now up to the IIOSpital l3oard snd this 13orly to meet and put the same ini,o effect. AfLer furtlier transaction of the County's busijiess as herein stated, the meeting a,djournec],. 1 ,4 Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., August, 26, 1957 , II .._ ; The regu:Lar weekly meeting of the Board was held t11is day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Comiuissioners L+'rnest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst,, Jaanes E. Holton, Jr., 13erry A. Wil].iams,,John Bright Hill, Countiy Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. Tlie meeting was opened wiLh prayer Uy the Reverend B. E. Hardy, Pastor of Gregory Con- gregdtional Churcli. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 19, 1957 having previously been mailed. to ea.ch member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr, liolton, seconded by Mr. Will.iams, approved., , A request submitted by Charles J. Bekaert, Campaign Chairman of the United Fund of Neia . H-anover County to ofi'er a payroll payment plan to County Employes to encourage their suP- ? port of their voltuitary health, welfare and youth agencies included in their United 'F.unrl ? Caui:pai,gn,'to help to achieve a goal set at 1?242,500.00 wluch is an 8°fo increase over ].ast year, to help support 21 agencies inci.uded in the program. D1r. Will.iams said he was sold on the plan and moved that the project be approved, his moi:ion was seconded by Pir. I 13roadliurst and. it wa.s unanimousl.y carried. Dlessrs. John 11. F'ox, President and P: M. Camak, GeneraL Phnager of the Grea.ter idilmington ° Chamber of Cojmnerce and delegation appeared. to request a total of $6,000.00 appropria- p tion; $?2,U00.00 Por Agricultural Development to?aard. the expense for staging the Spriiig eire'»4"? Pat Stock Show anQ U-ie Fall Junior llairy Show, w}iich due to additinnal interest and hard work, the F'aL Stock Show was larger than ii: has been in a number of years, and the Jun- ior llairy Show promises to be much larger, the,y said and esLimated the cost of the two ? events will exceed $4,000.00, and requested the Cowlty to participate financia:Lly in the ' programs at this time to the extent of $2,000.00. Also in the interest oP competition ; for the Tourist busiriess, which ha,s approached the $14,000,000.00 mark for this Communi- ? ty, Dir. John I!. Fox stressed the need for the Countysfinancial 'suppor.t in the amount of , $4,000.00 to supplement private funds raised by the Cham'ber from limited sources so.lely for Aclvertising purposes only on a County-wide basis, a.nd calle3 attention to the Cham- ber of Commerce major respoiisibility of advertising the entire County and that it now op- erates three (3) Offices insteacl of one. i A1r. Camak explained the necessity oi' careful advanced planning of advertising to produce 'i the best results on a year-round basis ancl submittecl a Proposal of what can and H*ill be i done with the f-'unds. The group asked Por a tota7. of $6,000.00 appropriation for the II Agricultural llevelopment and Advertisiiig Program. riayor Glenn M. Tucker of Carolina Beach and Mr. Ralph G. Hengevelle oP the ldrightsville I 13each Chamber of Convnerce voiced their approval and urged the appropriation be made. i . ? ? F'176 Meeting of August 26, 1957 - Continued Mr. Williams suggested that we receive the request and give it as favorable consider- ation as we can in the distribution of the Adverti.sino Funds after the I3udget has been finally adopted. A motion was offered by rir. Iiolbon to grant the Chamber of Comrrierce $2,000.00 now and ? the balarrce be given corisideration at tiie time of allocation of the• Advertisinb Ii'und: `i'he motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and carried. T'he Board feeling that it would be to the best interest of all our School children, their parents and otlier interests generally to cooperate with tlie Board of Lducation in its transportation ;problems, to resume'a uniform scliedule of Lastern Standard 'Pime throughout dixr County, which was endorsed by the Town of CaroliAZa Beach thru its Mayor Glenn M. Tucker in the interest of the School chil.dren. Thereupon, Mr. Broadhurst / moved and it was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously carried to terminate the Coun- % ty's observance of llayli.ght Saving Time and go back on Eastern Standard 'Pime, effec- tive 12:01 midnight, August 31, 1957, and request tlie City Council. to give considera- tion to similar action in view of helping the School situai;ion. ? '(,Upon motion of Mr. liolton, seconded by Mr. I3roadhurst, Mr. C. Roger Plorse was re-elected 7 r' 1 Consolidated City-CounLy Tax Col.lector for a term of tcao (2) years under authorii,y of Chapter 191,Public Local Laws of 1933. Playor Glenn M. Tucker of Carolina 33each asked the ]3oard to use its best efforts with the State lii.ghway Cottvnission to make IIS-421 a four-lane I[ighway from Wilmington to its south- l?`•?`" ern terminus of the County, incluclinb four (4) lanes over the Iligliway 13ridge at Snow's Cut, and tliat drainage improvements be made iiz the Lake area of Carolina Beach. '1'o that ecid Mr. Williams moved and it was carried that we renew ow^ previous request with L}ie State liigtiway Comniission for a four-lane flighway, and to pursue the same to suCCessful conclusion if possible, ancl Chat the drainage situation be taken care of. ? A report for July was receivefl from the Board of liea].th and fil.ed. a recess was then taken at 10:55 A. A1., to meet with 1;he newly appoi.nted 15-Dlember Hos- ,? pital Board. Members of the liospital 13oard present were: L. A. Rane,y, A. E. Jones, liargrove Bellamy, U. U.,/Allsbrook, Alan Blarshall, _Bruce Camer•on, Ilugh P'Iacliae, II; Daniel H. Yenton, C. Iieide TraSk, R. H. Iiolland, }iye B. Pave and J. G. Thornton? Mr. J. A1. Iiall, Jr., Chairman of Lhe Boarcl of County Commissialers iaho is also a member of Lhe new liospi,tal 13oard, announced that the meeting was ca.lleil to discuss procedure to assume responsibility, and matters pertaining to the proposed Hospital 13ond issue'of Feb- ? ruary 3rd, rand necessary expenses to finance it. iNir. Williams asked if the group had an idea of funds necessary in the first phase of the program? Mr. Holton felt the first step tkie 13ody shouLd ta.lce is to organize, and then come back to ask for funds. Mr. Hargrove 13el.lamy suggested the new Board first select its oNan Chairnian, and moved that Mr. C. Heide Trask. Chai.rman of the old IIospital Board be made Chairman of the new l3oard. llis motion was secorided by A1r. Allsbrook anil c:arried. Mr. Yage referred to ishe "iVorman" report, not Lo appoini: a politician on the 13oard, which he said would defeat the purpose of the "Norrian" repo.rt. ASr. Iiall explained that inas- much as the County Commissioners are charged with tlie financing and maintenance of Lhe proposed new Hospital, it would be best to have a member of the County Commissioners on the Hospital Board, w}iich was approved by Mr. Iiargrove Bell.amy who said with all respect to Dir. Page, he caould like Lo see at least one meniber of tlie County Commissi_oners on the Board as liaison for closer operation between the tsao 33odies. Mr. Yage said fiix:ther he would like Aorman to come bef'ore the joint Iiodies to exp7.ain his recommendation as to no political party on tYie Board.. In answer to a question bq P1r, R, H. Holland, Mr. Ilall said future appointments of inembers to the Ilospital 13oard rests with the County Commissioners. To this, Mr. Alan Aiarstiall replied, "T'hat thi.s was contrary to the "Norman" report and Steering Committee; power to apPoint members saould give power to destroy," and he said, "And that woi.ild be a violation of Lhe "Norman" re- port and Steering Committee." Mr. Allsbrook asked that copies of the "Norman" report be macle available to the Hospital 13oard members. Finally, the members of the neia llospital 13oard accepted a suggestion by Mr. Tras]c to meet at 10:00 o'clock A. T1., Thursday, August 29 at James iJalker Plemorial IIospital to organize and make reconunendations to the County Commissioners for approval. ' Mr. nayhan brou.ght to the atterition that City and County have had meuibers of their re- spective Boards on James Wal.ker and Community Hospital 13oards which worlced satisfactorily. Tir, l3roadhurst commented that James laalker has dane a good job, I tllink it good for a representative of the County Conunissioners to be on the Board, and would be best if it would talce the Community Hospital patients over. Mr. Trssk replied. that if the new Hospital will absorb Commwzity Hospital patients, it would be at the expense of pay pat- ients. Mr. Hall said we sliould scrutinize the question of importance of James Walker llospital facility and stur.ly= things that should go on the 73ond Blection Hallot, Mr. Jones didn'L thinlc we should take the "Nonnan" report and accept it in toto. Mr. J. G. 'Chornton felt the new Board should. familiarize itself with the report and de- termine what is to be done. The meeting with the liospital I3oard was then upon motion of Mr. Allsbrook, seconded by Mr. 13ellamy, adjourned. T1ie.Board ttien reswned transaction ofthe County Is business. A report of the Grand Jury for the 1357 August Criminal 1'erm was received and filed. A conunuriication was received from: the 73usiness and Professional Men's Club, protesting / the action of the County Comuussioners naming a 15-man Board - incl.uding only one negro - for the proposed New kianover County Hospital, and. feels that at least three (3) negroes should be named to the proposed 73oard. A motion oi'fered by Dir. Broadliurst that, the pres- ent Board stand as constituted, was seconded by Mr. Holton and carried. A letLer addressed to the Chairman was received frozn Mr. M. M. lleschamps, Chief of Yro- perty Protection, Atlatitic Coast Line Rail.road Company, stating in part that the Stag G?,ya? Jp= llinner that the Commissioriers eave at the Cape Fear Club honori.ng t}leir new President, Mr. W. T. Rice, was one of the finest gestures he has ever known and will long be remem- , (N4?' , bered by all of the Coast liine. "The very able manner in ca}u.ch ynu handled yourse].f and the very fine citizens of our Community whu were preseut terved to empliasize tlie profound , friendshiP existing between the Railroad and other business peop:Le of our County from wiu ch cae will all benefit in so many ways," he said. L_ 177, Meetirig of August 26, 1957 - Continued ? A memorandum received rrom the State liigtiway Commission concernin g the General Policy for handling Secondary I'toads and additioris to Lhe Secondary Road System in the County, was received Por study. • _Y i An inquiry received from the Honora.ble Thad Eure, Secretary of State,.as to the value per :icre of the land covered by recent lancl Entry #9170 by P1r, Rolancl P. JobU, on which ? Yie is, under the Law, required Lo appraise and fix a price on same, zaas received. The said land having previously been investigated by the County Auditor for appraisal and findii7g it to be swamp land appraised the land at $40.00 per acre which met uith approv- al of the Board, and the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Eure to that efPect. A reyuest of Paul Fteese, Conununity Hospital Administrator to replace four (4) worn-out pumps at the Hospital used in connection with the hot water circulation system, caas re- ferred to the Plumbing Inspector to check into and make recommendations. Action on the following motion submitted, by Dir, rsayran was postponed. untiil meetirig with the I3oard of Ectucation 8:00 P. PI., Wednesday, August 28th, primari.ly to discuss bookkeep- ing and auditino procedure: "T make the follocaing motion on beha.lf of the taxpayei^s of New lianover County, that Lhis Board of Coironissioners'al.locate the money For an• audit of the books of the 13oard of Education for the year 1956 by an outside C.P.A., firm as Lhis has not been done in the past seven (7) years and was requested by the Grand Jury, Piay 1956, and at this time there is a cli vision of the six-member Board of three to three on this important issue, and that all funds from this County to the Board of liducation be held up unti.l 13oard members agree to thi.s audit." The County AudiCor asked the Coimnissi.onei°s if they wanted the Board of Education accowitsev4-,c, kept in detail this year, or merely by totals. He recommended a detail. record of ex- • penditures, the way requested and appropriated. Upon motion of Mr. I3roadhurst, second- ed by Mr. Holton,the County Auditor was instructed to continue as heretofore with a de- Lail record. Upon motiai of o'clock P. D1., ation with the Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Will.iams, a recess caas tal:en until. 8:00 ldednesday, August 28, 1957 to discuss the Bookkeeping and Auditi.ng si.tu- 73oard of,Eiiucation. . Y ? Clerk. ? Idilmington, N. C., August 28, 1957. / A recess meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at 8:00 P.Pf., with the follocaing members present: J. M. Hall, Tr., Chairmaiz and Commissioners Ernest lt. Pfayhan, James E. Iiolton, Jr., L. L. 13roadhurst, I3erry A. Will.iams, John Brigllt Ilill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, acting as Clerlc to the 13oard in 4,he absence of Mr. [doody. Mr. Hall opened ihe meeting stating that all County Institutions would be worizing on Eastern Standarcl Time effective as of September 1, 1957. He recognized the City's privi- lege to act as the,y cared to, but he hoped tihat Chey.would agree to work on the same time as th0 balance of Lhe County. ,-_.. Pir. liall read a letter from Mr. T. K. Woody in which he tendered his resignation as Clerk to the l3oarcl, effective Ucto'ber 15, 1957. Mr. Williams moved that the resignation be acceptecl wiLh regret; the motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and was carried unanimous- o.p1 ly. Dir, lIall. appointied Mr. Broadhurst, P1r.' Williams and rlr. Mayhan to act as a corrunittee Lirbc i:o secure a gift for Mr. Wuody and also to arrange for a party. Mr. Hall si:ated it would be in ordei° to consider the iaaming of a new man to succeed Mr. idoody, arid at tliis poini. Mr. Holton submitted the naiue of Mr. William G. tiouck as a candi- ?-?A-C.., ciate for the job at $4,200.00 a year, Mr. Houck to begin his.work on September 15, 1957.Ce'?"^ " The nomination of Mr. Houck was seconded by Mr. Ldilliams. Mr. I3roadhurst nomi.nated Mr. J. 11. Ad:ims for the job, lliscussioti was entered. into duri_ng which time Mr. 13roaclhurst ?' •'?"` ? withclrew $15 nomiuation ancl Mr. Houck was given the job as Clerk of the Aoard and Execu- tive Sec?°etary of LYie Board Uy unanimous action. ? Mr. 13roadhurst ma3e a motion Lhat the present 13oard of James Walker Memorial Iiospital be requested to operaLe the Commwzity Hospital for the balance of this year. Mr. Iiolton secon3ed tlv.s motion, but amended same asking that.the 73o3rd of James Wal.ker Alemorial Ilospital add to their nwuber in the operation of the Community Flosbital two (2) of the ? colored members from tlie present Community HospiCal Board. Air, I3roaclhurst accepted thi.s amendment,and the motion caas carried, Afr, Berry Williams reported th-ut Caroli.na 13each was being considere<i as Convei2tion IIead-Cd-r?n''"" i quarters next year for the ConvenLion of the State Boarci of Couizty Commissi.oners a.ncl he i was autharized to attend a meeting in Chapel Hill relative to this matter. Dir, h'il:liams then moved that the People oi' this County be a1:Loiaed to vote in the next ? General Election on ?,bether or not i:he Cowity should be run by a full-time County Chair- ? man or an appointed County Planager. There was no second to thi.s motion an<9 the r:iat,ter ? was tablecl. Upon motion marle by Mr. T4ayhan and seconded by Mr. Hol.ton, the meeting was adjourned,. Acting Cler.k. i Wilmington, N. C., September 9, 1957. ? The regular weelcly meeting of the 13oard caas hel.d this day at 10:00 o'cloclt A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman.and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. C. ]iroad- hursC, James E. liolton, Jr., Berry A. IJ.il.liams, John 13right Hill, Count,y Attorvey and T. D. Love, County Auditor . i The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. C. P1cCann, Mi;7ister in charge of the "Little Chapel on the 13oardwalli" at Wrightsville Beach. I A