1957-09-09 Regular Meeting177, Meetirig of August 26, 1957 - Continued ? A memorandum received rrom the State liigtiway Commission concernin g the General Policy for handling Secondary I'toads and additioris to Lhe Secondary Road System in the County, was received Por study. • _Y i An inquiry received from the Honora.ble Thad Eure, Secretary of State,.as to the value per :icre of the land covered by recent lancl Entry #9170 by P1r, Rolancl P. JobU, on which ? Yie is, under the Law, required Lo appraise and fix a price on same, zaas received. The said land having previously been investigated by the County Auditor for appraisal and findii7g it to be swamp land appraised the land at $40.00 per acre which met uith approv- al of the Board, and the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Eure to that efPect. A reyuest of Paul Fteese, Conununity Hospital Administrator to replace four (4) worn-out pumps at the Hospital used in connection with the hot water circulation system, caas re- ferred to the Plumbing Inspector to check into and make recommendations. Action on the following motion submitted, by Dir, rsayran was postponed. untiil meetirig with the I3oard of Ectucation 8:00 P. PI., Wednesday, August 28th, primari.ly to discuss bookkeep- ing and auditino procedure: "T make the follocaing motion on beha.lf of the taxpayei^s of New lianover County, that Lhis Board of Coironissioners'al.locate the money For an• audit of the books of the 13oard of Education for the year 1956 by an outside C.P.A., firm as Lhis has not been done in the past seven (7) years and was requested by the Grand Jury, Piay 1956, and at this time there is a cli vision of the six-member Board of three to three on this important issue, and that all funds from this County to the Board of liducation be held up unti.l 13oard members agree to thi.s audit." The County AudiCor asked the Coimnissi.onei°s if they wanted the Board of Education accowitsev4-,c, kept in detail this year, or merely by totals. He recommended a detail. record of ex- • penditures, the way requested and appropriated. Upon motion of Mr. I3roadhurst, second- ed by Mr. Holton,the County Auditor was instructed to continue as heretofore with a de- Lail record. Upon motiai of o'clock P. D1., ation with the Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Will.iams, a recess caas tal:en until. 8:00 ldednesday, August 28, 1957 to discuss the Bookkeeping and Auditi.ng si.tu- 73oard of,Eiiucation. . Y ? Clerk. ? Idilmington, N. C., August 28, 1957. / A recess meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at 8:00 P.Pf., with the follocaing members present: J. M. Hall, Tr., Chairmaiz and Commissioners Ernest lt. Pfayhan, James E. Iiolton, Jr., L. L. 13roadhurst, I3erry A. Will.iams, John Brigllt Ilill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, acting as Clerlc to the 13oard in 4,he absence of Mr. [doody. Mr. Hall opened ihe meeting stating that all County Institutions would be worizing on Eastern Standarcl Time effective as of September 1, 1957. He recognized the City's privi- lege to act as the,y cared to, but he hoped tihat Chey.would agree to work on the same time as th0 balance of Lhe County. ,-_.. Pir. liall read a letter from Mr. T. K. Woody in which he tendered his resignation as Clerk to the l3oarcl, effective Ucto'ber 15, 1957. Mr. Williams moved that the resignation be acceptecl wiLh regret; the motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and was carried unanimous- o.p1 ly. Dir, lIall. appointied Mr. Broadhurst, P1r.' Williams and rlr. Mayhan to act as a corrunittee Lirbc i:o secure a gift for Mr. Wuody and also to arrange for a party. Mr. Hall si:ated it would be in ordei° to consider the iaaming of a new man to succeed Mr. idoody, arid at tliis poini. Mr. Holton submitted the naiue of Mr. William G. tiouck as a candi- ?-?A-C.., ciate for the job at $4,200.00 a year, Mr. Houck to begin his.work on September 15, 1957.Ce'?"^ " The nomination of Mr. Houck was seconded by Mr. Ldilliams. Mr. I3roadhurst nomi.nated Mr. J. 11. Ad:ims for the job, lliscussioti was entered. into duri_ng which time Mr. 13roaclhurst ?' •'?"` ? withclrew $15 nomiuation ancl Mr. Houck was given the job as Clerk of the Aoard and Execu- tive Sec?°etary of LYie Board Uy unanimous action. ? Mr. 13roadhurst ma3e a motion Lhat the present 13oard of James Walker Memorial Iiospital be requested to operaLe the Commwzity Hospital for the balance of this year. Mr. Iiolton secon3ed tlv.s motion, but amended same asking that.the 73o3rd of James Wal.ker Alemorial Ilospital add to their nwuber in the operation of the Community Flosbital two (2) of the ? colored members from tlie present Community HospiCal Board. Air, I3roaclhurst accepted thi.s amendment,and the motion caas carried, Afr, Berry Williams reported th-ut Caroli.na 13each was being considere<i as Convei2tion IIead-Cd-r?n''"" i quarters next year for the ConvenLion of the State Boarci of Couizty Commissi.oners a.ncl he i was autharized to attend a meeting in Chapel Hill relative to this matter. Dir, h'il:liams then moved that the People oi' this County be a1:Loiaed to vote in the next ? General Election on ?,bether or not i:he Cowity should be run by a full-time County Chair- ? man or an appointed County Planager. There was no second to thi.s motion an<9 the r:iat,ter ? was tablecl. Upon motion marle by Mr. T4ayhan and seconded by Mr. Hol.ton, the meeting was adjourned,. Acting Cler.k. i Wilmington, N. C., September 9, 1957. ? The regular weelcly meeting of the 13oard caas hel.d this day at 10:00 o'cloclt A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman.and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. C. ]iroad- hursC, James E. liolton, Jr., Berry A. IJ.il.liams, John 13right Hill, Count,y Attorvey and T. D. Love, County Auditor . i The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. C. P1cCann, Mi;7ister in charge of the "Little Chapel on the 13oardwalli" at Wrightsville Beach. I A r178 D1'eeLing oi' September y, 1957 - Continued The minutes of the meetings oP August 26, and recess meetirig of August 28, having pre- viously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. C. K. Stallings, ]3ox 222, Rte-2, a disabled veteran of ldorld ldar II, certified as such by Mr. A. 11. Seawell, Veteranst Service officer, was granted F'ree License to Uuy anci, sell Nursery Stock and other goods, ? wares and merchandise in Aiew Hanover Cow-ity, as provided and in accordance with the Law in such cases. . Mrs. Alice Striclclana, Executive Secretary oP the Southeastern ATorth Carolina 73each As- sociation was present to tell the Aoard llr. Crittenden of the State Department of Archives and liistory wil.l hold. a conference in the City Council Chambers tomorrow night to dis- cuss plans for the restorati a1 and preservation of what is left of the rorL b'ishei^ site ?.-- for liistorical value. She also spoke on Lhe satisfactory results from the 5-da,y week radio an<i Press advertisirg salt water fishi_ng durino the Swmner months, and stressed . the need for the ?1,500.00 appi°opriation out of the County Advertising b'und, for opera- tional expenses requested at meeting of Ju].y 8, 1957. On suggestion of ,ir. Wil.liams her request for Advertising Punds was continued until next Monday for consideration Jahen it is plarnled to malce some allotments of the Advertising Fund. ? A request of the Reverend H. J. Kaylor for an appropriaf,i an of $150.00 for the Civil Air C- y1 Patrol, the same amount appropriated ].ast year, was also received. for coilsideration after ? VA;r final adoptiou of tlie Budoet when allotments out of the Advertising Fund will be consid- ered. Dr. Sohn T. Hoggard, Chairiuan of the Board of Lducation appeared with Mr. E. A. Iianey, ? Vice Ch:xirman, to request additional funds fror,i the County to employ an outside auditor to audit tlie accounts of the School System for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957. Mr. Laney said the request is primarily for tlie cost of auditi.ng School S,ystem for 1956-1957 in addition to 1:he auclit by Air, Wil.liam E. Brock, former Coutroller of tlie 13oard of Gducation, who resigned June 30, 1957 to practise his profession as a Certif- ied Public Accountant. Mr. Laney said it was diff'icult to ask for a speci.fied amount and would leave that to the discretion oY the County Commissioners according to the scope of the audit to be determined, wliich, however he estimated it to be from tlu^ee to four thousand dollars. Upon motion of r7r. Wi].liams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the request was taken under consideration with definite answer to be given at a future meeting. The follosaing two bids on ]3oiler and Stoker replacement at Community Hospital in accord- ance with specifications as advertised, were received from: , f Springer Coal and Oil Company $ 15,261.35 Ideal Plwnbing Company 14,890.00 J Upon motiai of Mr. Itoltori, secoricled by Mr. Williams, the foi°egoing bicts were recei.ved for further consideration an<'L study. Tilstructions were given to request the Insurance Adjuster appear before this I3oard to ex- plain offer of settlement submitted in August covering damages to the old Boiler at the Hospital. .. A rePort of the Veterans' Service Offi.cer was received shnwirig $6,067.04 Runniug and. Active awards was creelited to the Office in August. Reports were received from the County Farm Aoent, County ]iome Agent and Colored liome Agent and 4-11 Clubs for August and filed. ? No objections were indicated by the 13oaa^d, from the standpoint of navigation, to the U. S. Uistrict Li1ti neer granting a permit to Alr. J. T. Davenport oP Sanford, N. C., to construct a pier in 13anks Channel at 1Iarbor Island 6 feet wide and 72 Peet laig, locat- ed 327 feet north of the existing Higllway 74-76 13ridge crossing Ba,nks Channel; and to wADA wa't°j the Savannah Sugar Hefining Company a permit to construct a pier and. clusterrales in .Northeast Cape Near River .12 of a mile above Hiltion. The pier is to be 5 feet wide .with a 24-foot ell on the outer end. Three (3) 7-pile clusters are to be construct- ed on the north side and one (1) 7-pile cluster on tlie south side. ?- Upon uiotion of iN1r. Tdillians, seconded by Mr. Tlayhan, the 13oard approved the payment of $50.00 out of the Advertising B'und to tlie Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce for Coun- ty advertisement in the N. C. State Directory. • A conuuunication was received from Mr. 1{enry von Oesen, Consulting Engineer, concerning plans and specifications for Air Conditioning both Court House buil.dings in part, sub- - mitted i.o Mr. Horton, July 1955. He wants to fliscuss payment for that portion of the e4p1.-¢j- fee which woul.d cover the design, plans and specifications preparation sta.ges. The ' matter was referred to tYie Chairman for investioation and di.scussinn of the Same with Mr. voil Oesen and submit his recommendations to the Board, iJith refei°ence to the payment of $p2,387.26 to the Thi^if-T-Stores for tl'ie install.ation f of Air Conditioning Units in some of Che Court liouse Offices in accordance iaith their contract bid of June 17, 1957, and it appeariiig tha.t the electri.c motors in soir.e of the C?'???? Units have given trouble, Pa,yment of the said amuunt was helcl in abeyance until such time the said wiits have been put in good condiLion and proven to be operating satisfictor:i.ly. Upon meeting witYi this requirement, payment Por ttie same is hereby aizthorized to be made at that time. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, an appropriation of $200.00 was granted the Grea.ter Sdilmington Safety Council toward its expense of organization and getting started in its effort to minimize accidents on the IiigYiway, Tndustrial Plants and etc., and ?1,560.00 to the Wilmington Public liibrary operational expense contin- gent upon the City of Wilmington appropriating the amount it originally proposed to pay, 'tYie above appro;priations to be transferred and paid out of the Dragline llrai.nage appro- ? priation. And on request of the County Auditor authoi°ized the transfer of the follow- ing amounts from Couitty Drai.nage appropriation to salaries under the various llepartments shown below to correct and adjust the same: Clerlc of Superior Court $40.00; Sheriff -$120.00; County P'arm -?10.00; liibrary under County Aid $360.00. After the County Attorney assured A1r, idilliams that'in his opinion, items contained in the Budget were legally provided for by tax levy and/or by transfer of funds to be made L? ?79 1 ATeeting of September 9, 1957 Prom the ABC Funds for items 13udtiet Appropriations, after be finally adopted, and upon tions Resolution was adopted - Continued not included in the levy, moved that the County's 1957-195E due notice given by arlvei^tisement in accordance wii,h the Law, his motion, seco2ided by Pir. Mayhan, the following Appropria- , all members voting aff'irttiatively: Section l. Be it resolved by the 13oard of Commissioners oP Neca Hanover County, \iorth Carolina, tlii.s 9th day of September, 1957, that the expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, the amounts of the following schedule, or so much of each as cnay be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2. That"for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for General F'und . . . . . . . . . . ?p 601,358.50 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Agriculture & Ecouomics . . . . I . 19,858.00 Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there is hereb,y appropi°iated'for Aid to Blind . • . . . . . . . . . 12,727.14 Section 5. That for the said fiscal year thereis hereby appropriated for Aid to llependent4Chil.dren . . . . . . . 4561624.00 Section ti. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Aid to Permanently & Totally llisabled 266,064.00 Section 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated. for Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . 4341628.00 Section 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Ilome . . . . . . . .* . 901088.00 Section 9. That for the said fiscal year thereis hereby appropriated Por Ilealth llepartment. . . . . . . . . . 920964.98 Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Community Hospital - Hospitalization . . . 337,719.00 Section 11. That for the said. fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Welfare . . . . . . . . . . 1231652:50 Section 12. That for the saS.cl fiscal year•there.is hereby appropriated for Workmen's Compensation . . . . . . . . . . • 3,051.43 ??432i 'I:SO . ti4 Section 13. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Schools: ' School Bonds ............. ? 211,311.25 ' School Books ............ 20.000.00 School Building .......... 14,445.50 School Capital Outlay .... 35,000.00 Sc11oo1 Lunch Itoom ........ 50,000.00 School Pensions .......... 36,180.77 School Regu:Lar ..... ...... 427,330.00 School Supplement ........ 384,700.00 School Veterans' Program . 1.11243.55 ' 'School Idilmington College 166,000.00 $1,356,711.07 Total Budget . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,795,446.71 . Upon motion of AIr, liolton, 'seconded by A1r. Sdilliams, the 13o'ard adopted a"r.ecommendation submitted by rtr. Louis T. Ploore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, to change the name of "ASonlcey Junction" at the location where tl7e new FIigllway and M,yrtle . Grove'Hoad converge with U5-421 (Carolina Beach IIighway) to "Port Fisher Junction", and the same was referrecl to the SLate Flighway and PuUlic Works Commisszon. On suggestion oP Mr. Williams,'instructions were given to request Mr. A. K. P1a].lard, ?.?o k , State Highway P4aintenance Engitteer, to replace the °Pine Va:L].ey Road" signs along the ??-,ryuA Plasonboro Road at Winter Par'k, with signs to read "Piasonboro Road" inasmuch as Pfasonboro Road has been an old established road for tnany years and its name has never been changed. fw A1r. Broadhurst was named as a Committee of one to check into the mattei° of repl.acement of four (4) Circulating Pumps used in conriection with the heating system at the Communi.Ly 1{ospital ancl malce recomroendations. Tlie matter of appropriating $750.00 a.t this i;ime ouf; oP the regular $3,000,00 allowance to Civil. llefense Por transportation, stationery, help arid incidental office expenses and 'adoption of a proposed resolution concernin g cases of emergency, caas deferred until next T4onday, and the same was referred to hir, liolton and the County Attorney Por study and recommendations. Instructinns were given to answer the communication received from the Cape I'ear Pfedical µm,? Society, and a dvise that the members selected for the new liospital Board of fifteen (15) members are capable, all creeds are amply represented and no change in the same is con- . templated. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded. by Mr. Holton, the meeting adjourned. Clerle. Wilmington, N. C., September lfi, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'cl.ock A. M. Presei7t: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chaireuan ancl Commissioners Ernest H. Pfayhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, James E. llolton, Jr., John 13right IIill, County Atturney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. '1'he meeting was opened iaith prayer by the Reverencl Itay B. Nol.and, Pastor of Grace 13aptist Church. Copies oF the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 1957, having previously been mailed to eaclz member of the 13oard, the same were upori motion of P1r. I3roadhurst, secmzded by Afr. Playhan, approved. 'Lhe Chaii°man announced that at'the request of Aiayor Jas. E. L. Sdade, a joint meeting of e?? D ,_Q the L'ity Council and County Comniissioners willbe held at noon Wednesdxy, September 18 in -' the City Council Chambers to gi ve coiZSideration to ma.ttei^s pertaining to the Civi7. Defense Program requested by Pir. Andi°ew H. Harriss, Jr., Acting llir•ector of Civil Defense for New J ir?,,,.,.?„ r.,,,r+.. •