1957-09-16 Regular Meeting?79 1 ATeeting of September 9, 1957 Prom the ABC Funds for items 13udtiet Appropriations, after be finally adopted, and upon tions Resolution was adopted - Continued not included in the levy, moved that the County's 1957-195E due notice given by arlvei^tisement in accordance wii,h the Law, his motion, seco2ided by Pir. Mayhan, the following Appropria- , all members voting aff'irttiatively: Section l. Be it resolved by the 13oard of Commissioners oP Neca Hanover County, \iorth Carolina, tlii.s 9th day of September, 1957, that the expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, the amounts of the following schedule, or so much of each as cnay be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2. That"for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for General F'und . . . . . . . . . . ?p 601,358.50 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Agriculture & Ecouomics . . . . I . 19,858.00 Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there is hereb,y appropi°iated'for Aid to Blind . • . . . . . . . . . 12,727.14 Section 5. That for the said fiscal year thereis hereby appropriated for Aid to llependent4Chil.dren . . . . . . . 4561624.00 Section ti. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Aid to Permanently & Totally llisabled 266,064.00 Section 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated. for Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . 4341628.00 Section 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Ilome . . . . . . . .* . 901088.00 Section 9. That for the said fiscal year thereis hereby appropriated Por Ilealth llepartment. . . . . . . . . . 920964.98 Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Community Hospital - Hospitalization . . . 337,719.00 Section 11. That for the said. fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Welfare . . . . . . . . . . 1231652:50 Section 12. That for the saS.cl fiscal year•there.is hereby appropriated for Workmen's Compensation . . . . . . . . . . • 3,051.43 ??432i 'I:SO . ti4 Section 13. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Schools: ' School Bonds ............. ? 211,311.25 ' School Books ............ 20.000.00 School Building .......... 14,445.50 School Capital Outlay .... 35,000.00 Sc11oo1 Lunch Itoom ........ 50,000.00 School Pensions .......... 36,180.77 School Regu:Lar ..... ...... 427,330.00 School Supplement ........ 384,700.00 School Veterans' Program . 1.11243.55 ' 'School Idilmington College 166,000.00 $1,356,711.07 Total Budget . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,795,446.71 . Upon motion of AIr, liolton, 'seconded by A1r. Sdilliams, the 13o'ard adopted a"r.ecommendation submitted by rtr. Louis T. Ploore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, to change the name of "ASonlcey Junction" at the location where tl7e new FIigllway and M,yrtle . Grove'Hoad converge with U5-421 (Carolina Beach IIighway) to "Port Fisher Junction", and the same was referrecl to the SLate Flighway and PuUlic Works Commisszon. On suggestion oP Mr. Williams,'instructions were given to request Mr. A. K. P1a].lard, ?.?o k , State Highway P4aintenance Engitteer, to replace the °Pine Va:L].ey Road" signs along the ??-,ryuA Plasonboro Road at Winter Par'k, with signs to read "Piasonboro Road" inasmuch as Pfasonboro Road has been an old established road for tnany years and its name has never been changed. fw A1r. Broadhurst was named as a Committee of one to check into the mattei° of repl.acement of four (4) Circulating Pumps used in conriection with the heating system at the Communi.Ly 1{ospital ancl malce recomroendations. Tlie matter of appropriating $750.00 a.t this i;ime ouf; oP the regular $3,000,00 allowance to Civil. llefense Por transportation, stationery, help arid incidental office expenses and 'adoption of a proposed resolution concernin g cases of emergency, caas deferred until next T4onday, and the same was referred to hir, liolton and the County Attorney Por study and recommendations. Instructinns were given to answer the communication received from the Cape I'ear Pfedical µm,? Society, and a dvise that the members selected for the new liospital Board of fifteen (15) members are capable, all creeds are amply represented and no change in the same is con- . templated. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded. by Mr. Holton, the meeting adjourned. Clerle. Wilmington, N. C., September lfi, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held this day at 10:00 o'cl.ock A. M. Presei7t: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chaireuan ancl Commissioners Ernest H. Pfayhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, James E. llolton, Jr., John 13right IIill, County Atturney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. '1'he meeting was opened iaith prayer by the Reverencl Itay B. Nol.and, Pastor of Grace 13aptist Church. Copies oF the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 1957, having previously been mailed to eaclz member of the 13oard, the same were upori motion of P1r. I3roadhurst, secmzded by Afr. Playhan, approved. 'Lhe Chaii°man announced that at'the request of Aiayor Jas. E. L. Sdade, a joint meeting of e?? D ,_Q the L'ity Council and County Comniissioners willbe held at noon Wednesdxy, September 18 in -' the City Council Chambers to gi ve coiZSideration to ma.ttei^s pertaining to the Civi7. Defense Program requested by Pir. Andi°ew H. Harriss, Jr., Acting llir•ector of Civil Defense for New J ir?,,,.,.?„ r.,,,r+.. • Meeting of September 16, 1957 - Continued / No objectiais wei^e indicated by the 13oard to the U. S. llistrict Engineer establishing a restricted area in th:it portion of Cape Pear River west of the main shi,p Channel begin- ning at U. S. Coast Guard 13uoy No. 31A at the north approach channel to Sunny Point Army Termiual and enciing at the U. S. Coast Guard Uuoy No. 23A at the south a,pproach channel to Swiny Yoint, and all waters of tributaries therein, as requested by the Cmmnander of Sunny Point Terminal. A petitimi submitted by 69 property owtlers to include the folloiai_ng streets in Hanby ??-- 13each Subdivisi ai in the County Hi?hway System for StaLe Maintenance on wliich 33 houses ? are located, was upon motion of P1r. 13roadhurst, s econded by P1r. 1Iol.ton, approved and re- - ferred to the State llighiaay a,nd Public Worles Commission for handling; 1. lianby Avenue 3. Myrtle Avenue 2. Ucean View Avenue 4. Dow Avenue and Second Street ? A report was received From the Wilmington Public Library and. Boolcmo'bi:l.e showing 9,857 Boolcs wei°e circulatecl by the T1ain Office, and 5,1531 by the Bookmobile, making a total oP•15,048 Boolcs circul.ated for the month oP August. ? Upon motion of A1r. Holton, secotided by Mr. Broadhurst, payment of $50.00 to the State Association oP County Cmnmissioners for the County 's half cost with the City of tdilming- ton for advertisement in the State Association's Pif'tieth Annual Convention Proceedings Book, was approved. ' llistribution of the County's 1957-1558 Advertiszng P'und was brouglit up for discussion and consideration. Inasmuch as the appropriation for Cripple Cl-iildren was included in the list last year and the same is includeit in the 13udget Appropriations under County Aid Por this ye:ir, the same was eliminated from the 1957-1958 list. Mr. Broadhurst thetz made a motion to malce the allotments for advertising to the various orgailizations the same as last year plus an increase of $500.00 to the Chamber of Com- merce. A substitute motion was offered by P1r, liolton not to take any action on allot- ments until it has beeu discussed further. After discussion and careful consideration the following appropriations were upon motion of Air. Broadhurst, seconded by PIr. Holton, approved out of the $8,000.00 appropriation for advertisi.ng, to the folloiqing organi.zations, with reservation by Mr. I[ol.ton that ap- propriation for Civil Air Patrol, if any, next year will be included under the County Aid Budget and eliminated from the advertising appropriai;ions. It being furthej° und.er- stood there wi].1 be no further or additional appropriations'granted the organ9.zations out of the said ll'und to exceed the total amounts herein appropriated for the fiscal. year, ending June 30, 1958. The 13oard feeling that the following anpropri.ations will be to the best interest of the Cowlty for advertising its advantages and resources: Southeastern N. C. 13each Associai;ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000.00 Wilmington Pierchants Association . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 Cape Fear Squadron Civil Air Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 Wilmington Athletic Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Wilmington Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41000.00 Wilmington Azalea Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00 llecoratirig Court House for AzaleaFestival ... . . .. 50.00 State Association of County Conmiissioners Convention Publication . 50.00 Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce 5tate llirectory ...... 50.00 Governor Hodges Editors' Air Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 $ 7,?_90.00 13alance left in aavertisiiig r'und . . . . . . . . . 710.00 Pursuant to postponemerit of action at meetimg of September 9, 1957, on awarding the bid Por the purchase and installatiot7 of a new Boiler anrl Stoker to replace the old damaged Boil.er at Conmiunity Hospital. The Board after careful consideration, upon inotion of / Pir. Holton, seconded by Afr. Alayhan, accepted the bid subivitted by tiie Snrin_?er Coal and Oil Company to furiv.sh and install t11e following e7ui.pment in accordance with the spec- ifications: 1 KLIJA?vEL No. 586 Boiler - 152 IiP - 125 Powids working pressure, with 28" supporting base, outlet dampers, steam nozzle, blow-off valve and cocks. ? 1 I1tUN N'Ilt„i7AN A'o. 5 Long Stoleer 2 Sets Cleveland PS-C1 Damper Controls Price complete ancl installed in accordance iaith specifications, ?y"'15,261.35 Less credit for 2 sets of Clevel.and PS-C1 Damper Controls eliminated from the specifica.tions and agreement bid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640.00 Piaking a total net bid price of ....... $14,621.35 1'he 13oiler and equipment to be del.ivered in Wilmington,October 15 and work to be completed by October 30, 1957. The Bid submitted by Ideal P1umUing Company at a price of ?14,890.00 failed to specify the time of cielivery or coinpletion of the instal.lation of the ]3oil.er. ? 1 With referenr,e to a request made by P. R. lteese, Administrator of Commwiity Ilospital to purchase four (4) new Yumps to replace the old Pumps used in conizection with the water circulating sysCem at the liospital, A1r. Broadl7urst reporteci that he investigated the conclition of the old Pumps with a representative from the Tdeal P1'umbing Company, and found that they could be repaired a.nd put in good operating conciition. AIr. Holton presented Tir. William G. Houck, <<4io was named at the meeti.ng of Aub st 28, 1957, Lo succeed '1'homas K. Woody caho resignecl as Clerk of the :Doard and Executive Secre- tary of the 13oard of County Conunissioners, eff'ective October 15, 1357. Afr. Iiouck hav- ing been certified for the ;position by the ATew lianover CounLy Civil Service Commission, was extended a warm welcmne on behalf of the Board by the Cllairman. L_ 181 Meeting oP September 16, 1957 - Continued Upon motian of Mr. Pfayhan, seconded Uy Mr. 1Iolton, the l3oard voted to go along with the }3oard of Trustees of Community liospiLal on salary increases as set forth in Paul li, Reese, liospital Administrator's recommendation as appropriated by the Board of County Commission- ers. And, the audit of the Hospital to be made by D1r. W. G. Barfiel.d, C.P.A., in conjunc- tion with his audit of the County Auciitor. Mr. liroac'Ihurst voted "no". -- ; • c?JC- Upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, the Clerk was instructed to report on i:he progress of the pre- ? paration of Lhe revised Jury list at the next meeting. 4 The matter• oF taking a page advertisement in the Wilmington Star-News, adverti.si.ng the CAPort of Wi7.mington, was referred to the Wilmington Chamber oP Commerce to whom allotment for adverti.sing has been made. The Pollowing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in tize Supei^ior Court C?- d ? for the trial of Civil cases for the two-week term of Civil Court beginning October 7, 1957. Por the First Week: Van B. Pierce, 811 South 4th Street R. 0. Piner, 2813 idashi.ngton Street D. J. Batts, 4910 Wrightsville Avenue Ralph Lee Rouse, 111 SJalnut Street liouis D. Quinn, 410 North Carolina Avenue b'ranci s lJ. Smith, 44 Woodlawn Avenue Porter Batson, Rte.#3 - Box 159 C. C. Davis, 1807 Grace Street Clarence Williams, 510 Sunset Avenue Netaton C. Barnes, 229 Vance Street Geo. llonald Pickeynolds, 406 South 17th St. ,O. W. Jaclcson, 813 Grace Street N. li. Phillips, Jr., 325 Castle Hayne Hii., George C. Jackson, 114 ICea,ton Avenue Paul Collier, Ri;e.l-Box 470-A L. J. Long, ftte.l -:13ox 267 Mori°is J. Tatutn, Itte.2 - Box 395 H. G. Bryant, 207 ]3orden Avenue N'rancis M. Jones, 2110 Brandon Road Raymoi7d R. Greenwood, Jr., 44 Pinecrest D. li. Scott, 2714 Arden Itoad li. K. llelcle, 512 South 18th Si:reet L. L. lia,nchey, 2220 Plaza Drive Charl.es M. 131ock, 219 Forest Hill.s llrive Nolan E. A4artin, 2515 Adams Street H. B. Nash, 1904 Church Street Itanson Johnson, 19 ICe?naoocl Avenue J. A. Smith, 2008 PlarkeC Street J. L. Bankhea,cl, Wri®rhtsvi:Lle ]3each Rutherford Leonard, 1307 Orange Street Vance L. Smith, 2117 Pri.ncess Street lletta S. Huggi.ns, 2710 Pionroe Street Thomas L. Shepard, Hte.l K. P. Winstead, 62 Lee llrive E. D. l+ox, 1808 Church Street J. L. Herring, Box 1055 Por the Second WeeTc: W. A. Fonviel.le, Jr., 2nd & Yrii7cess Sts. it. T. Grimes, 515 Sunset.Avenue 1dm. H. Lumsden, Rte. 2- Box 91 M. E. I3lanton, 2006 Creasy Avenue A. T. AicGee, 417 North 17th StreeL H. M. Jones, 2110 Creasy Avenue --Persse K. lleverell, 3506 Park Avenue J. B. Russ, 901 Marlcet Street lienry Nurnberger, 211 Or•ange Street • J. L. Outlaw, Rte. ?- Box 60 llarrell W. Hiley, 26 Nortih 25th Street Wade W. Jenkins, 64 Lalce b'orest Plcwy. R. D. llyches, 27 Ivey Circle J'ames F. Smith, lite.2 - Box 516 Aiick Ponos, 2024 Creasy Avenue E. G. Harrell, Hte.2 - Box 496 . B. B. SlaugYiter, 154 Lal:e P'orest Piargac^et B. P'armer, 2009 Dletts Avenue D. S. Reqnolds, 213 ATOrth 22nd Street J. W. Mangum, Jr., 7 Yinecrest Plccay. L. B. Henderson, 4304 Wrightsvil.l.e Avenue R. L. hlanning, 2913-C Jefferson Street A. D. Cox, Jr., lite.l - Castle Iiayne Herman Shepard, 213 Williamson llrive M. L. Barron, 3 Lake Porest Pl:wy. Joseph R. flal.icks, 3498 Lalce View Terrace D. N. Dlurphy, 10 Castle Street Eugene A. Ldens, Rte.l - Box 357 C. E. Carney, 309 Nun Street Lloyd N. Elliott, 2020 Sdoolcott Avenue J. Isaac lluncan, 2713 Ilarrison Street Nathaniel A1cP'adclen, 821 hSonroe Street Kelly G. Lloyd, 153 Colonial Vi.7l.age N. C. Littlejohn, Jr., P. 0. I3ox 311 R. S. Newton, 2525 Adams Street Arthur I. Campfield, 120 Castl.e Hayne Road. No further business appearing, the meeting was upon motion of Mr. Holton, secoiided by Mr. l3roadhurst, adjourned. • Clerk. ? Wi].mington, N. C., September 23, 1957. The regular weel:ly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Yresent: J. TI. Iiall., Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. I3roadhurst, James E. Hol.ton, Jr., 13erry A. Wi:lliams, 7ohn Bright Hill, County Attorne,y and. T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeti.ng was o;pened with pra.yer by the Reverend Edward G. Coitnetite, Jr., Assistant T'astor of St'. Andrews - Covenant Presbyterian Church. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, second.ed by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting of Septem- ber 16, 1957 were corr•ected by striking out the last two lines i.n the Resolution pertain- ing to the Comcnunity Hospital Trustees' recommendation at salary increases as appropriat- ed by ttie 13oard of County Corrunissioners, zohich after correction will. rearl as follows: "Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, secoiided by Mr. Hol.ton, the 13oard voted to go along taith the Board of Trustees of the Commuuity Ilospital on salary increases as set forth in Paul R. Tteese's Hospital Aclntinistrator, recom- mendation as approp?°iated by the 13oard of County Commissioners. Mr. Broadhurst voted "no"." • And, further cori^ection by inserting the following proposed Resolution presented•by bfr, 'Mayhan who moved its adoption: . "I make the followi.ng motion, on behalf of the taxpayers oP New IIanover County, that i.he ]3oard oP Coirmiissioners allocate suPficient 13ands for an audit of the: Boolcs of the 13oard -of Education for the year of 1956-1957 by IJm. C. liarfie:ld, C.P.A., who is now aud,iting the 1956-1.957 County Accounts, and that the auilit shall Ue an auctit of the :k3ooks and Records of tlie ]3oard oP Education of the New Hanover Coiulty Punds as apprro priated by the Board of County Commissioners. The foregoing Resolutinn was seconded by Mr. I3roadburst and, cari°ied." -A