1957-09-23 Regular Meeting181 Meeting oP September 16, 1957 - Continued Upon motian of Mr. Pfayhan, seconded Uy Mr. 1Iolton, the l3oard voted to go along with the }3oard of Trustees of Community liospiLal on salary increases as set forth in Paul li, Reese, liospital Administrator's recommendation as appropriated by the Board of County Commission- ers. And, the audit of the Hospital to be made by D1r. W. G. Barfiel.d, C.P.A., in conjunc- tion with his audit of the County Auciitor. Mr. liroac'Ihurst voted "no". -- ; • c?JC- Upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, the Clerk was instructed to report on i:he progress of the pre- ? paration of Lhe revised Jury list at the next meeting. 4 The matter• oF taking a page advertisement in the Wilmington Star-News, adverti.si.ng the CAPort of Wi7.mington, was referred to the Wilmington Chamber oP Commerce to whom allotment for adverti.sing has been made. The Pollowing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in tize Supei^ior Court C?- d ? for the trial of Civil cases for the two-week term of Civil Court beginning October 7, 1957. Por the First Week: Van B. Pierce, 811 South 4th Street R. 0. Piner, 2813 idashi.ngton Street D. J. Batts, 4910 Wrightsville Avenue Ralph Lee Rouse, 111 SJalnut Street liouis D. Quinn, 410 North Carolina Avenue b'ranci s lJ. Smith, 44 Woodlawn Avenue Porter Batson, Rte.#3 - Box 159 C. C. Davis, 1807 Grace Street Clarence Williams, 510 Sunset Avenue Netaton C. Barnes, 229 Vance Street Geo. llonald Pickeynolds, 406 South 17th St. ,O. W. Jaclcson, 813 Grace Street N. li. Phillips, Jr., 325 Castle Hayne Hii., George C. Jackson, 114 ICea,ton Avenue Paul Collier, Ri;e.l-Box 470-A L. J. Long, ftte.l -:13ox 267 Mori°is J. Tatutn, Itte.2 - Box 395 H. G. Bryant, 207 ]3orden Avenue N'rancis M. Jones, 2110 Brandon Road Raymoi7d R. Greenwood, Jr., 44 Pinecrest D. li. Scott, 2714 Arden Itoad li. K. llelcle, 512 South 18th Si:reet L. L. lia,nchey, 2220 Plaza Drive Charl.es M. 131ock, 219 Forest Hill.s llrive Nolan E. A4artin, 2515 Adams Street H. B. Nash, 1904 Church Street Itanson Johnson, 19 ICe?naoocl Avenue J. A. Smith, 2008 PlarkeC Street J. L. Bankhea,cl, Wri®rhtsvi:Lle ]3each Rutherford Leonard, 1307 Orange Street Vance L. Smith, 2117 Pri.ncess Street lletta S. Huggi.ns, 2710 Pionroe Street Thomas L. Shepard, Hte.l K. P. Winstead, 62 Lee llrive E. D. l+ox, 1808 Church Street J. L. Herring, Box 1055 Por the Second WeeTc: W. A. Fonviel.le, Jr., 2nd & Yrii7cess Sts. it. T. Grimes, 515 Sunset.Avenue 1dm. H. Lumsden, Rte. 2- Box 91 M. E. I3lanton, 2006 Creasy Avenue A. T. AicGee, 417 North 17th StreeL H. M. Jones, 2110 Creasy Avenue --Persse K. lleverell, 3506 Park Avenue J. B. Russ, 901 Marlcet Street lienry Nurnberger, 211 Or•ange Street • J. L. Outlaw, Rte. ?- Box 60 llarrell W. Hiley, 26 Nortih 25th Street Wade W. Jenkins, 64 Lalce b'orest Plcwy. R. D. llyches, 27 Ivey Circle J'ames F. Smith, lite.2 - Box 516 Aiick Ponos, 2024 Creasy Avenue E. G. Harrell, Hte.2 - Box 496 . B. B. SlaugYiter, 154 Lal:e P'orest Piargac^et B. P'armer, 2009 Dletts Avenue D. S. Reqnolds, 213 ATOrth 22nd Street J. W. Mangum, Jr., 7 Yinecrest Plccay. L. B. Henderson, 4304 Wrightsvil.l.e Avenue R. L. hlanning, 2913-C Jefferson Street A. D. Cox, Jr., lite.l - Castle Iiayne Herman Shepard, 213 Williamson llrive M. L. Barron, 3 Lake Porest Pl:wy. Joseph R. flal.icks, 3498 Lalce View Terrace D. N. Dlurphy, 10 Castle Street Eugene A. Ldens, Rte.l - Box 357 C. E. Carney, 309 Nun Street Lloyd N. Elliott, 2020 Sdoolcott Avenue J. Isaac lluncan, 2713 Ilarrison Street Nathaniel A1cP'adclen, 821 hSonroe Street Kelly G. Lloyd, 153 Colonial Vi.7l.age N. C. Littlejohn, Jr., P. 0. I3ox 311 R. S. Newton, 2525 Adams Street Arthur I. Campfield, 120 Castl.e Hayne Road. No further business appearing, the meeting was upon motion of Mr. Holton, secoiided by Mr. l3roadhurst, adjourned. • Clerk. ? Wi].mington, N. C., September 23, 1957. The regular weel:ly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Yresent: J. TI. Iiall., Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. I3roadhurst, James E. Hol.ton, Jr., 13erry A. Wi:lliams, 7ohn Bright Hill, County Attorne,y and. T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeti.ng was o;pened with pra.yer by the Reverend Edward G. Coitnetite, Jr., Assistant T'astor of St'. Andrews - Covenant Presbyterian Church. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, second.ed by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting of Septem- ber 16, 1957 were corr•ected by striking out the last two lines i.n the Resolution pertain- ing to the Comcnunity Hospital Trustees' recommendation at salary increases as appropriat- ed by ttie 13oard of County Corrunissioners, zohich after correction will. rearl as follows: "Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, secoiided by Mr. Hol.ton, the 13oard voted to go along taith the Board of Trustees of the Commuuity Ilospital on salary increases as set forth in Paul R. Tteese's Hospital Aclntinistrator, recom- mendation as approp?°iated by the 13oard of County Commissioners. Mr. Broadhurst voted "no"." • And, further cori^ection by inserting the following proposed Resolution presented•by bfr, 'Mayhan who moved its adoption: . "I make the followi.ng motion, on behalf of the taxpayers oP New IIanover County, that i.he ]3oard oP Coirmiissioners allocate suPficient 13ands for an audit of the: Boolcs of the 13oard -of Education for the year of 1956-1957 by IJm. C. liarfie:ld, C.P.A., who is now aud,iting the 1956-1.957 County Accounts, and that the auilit shall Ue an auctit of the :k3ooks and Records of tlie ]3oard oP Education of the New Hanover Coiulty Punds as apprro priated by the Board of County Commissioners. The foregoing Resolutinn was seconded by Mr. I3roadburst and, cari°ied." -A OF 182 Pleeting of September 23, 1957 - Continued A new agreement with the various Volunteer Fire Departments covering the terms of the County's cooperative contribution toward Ll1e mai¢atenance of Lhe DeparLmerits was pre- ? sented and read and after changes were made in Paragraph i3o. 4 of tYie said Agreement and. the Agreement togetlzer with the amendments having been approved by the N'ire Inspection Committee, the said agreemenL was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded bp Mr. 1[all,* approved by the l3oard as amended. It being further understood and agreed b,y all parties hereto that [vinter Park Volunteer Fire Department will be entitled to receive monthly approPriation for its equipment con- sisting of: First Truclc ? 80.00 2 Tractor-Trailer Trucks Ca? 20.00 each 40.00 Instructions were given to corite each llepa,rtment a letter of explanation to be enclosed with the Contract. Rebecca L. Hall, Colored I1ome llemonstration Agent, came before the Board to tell the ? Conuniss:ioners oP her problem oP having no spa,ce to <<*ork on her DeparCment's Exhibit to be completed in time to meet a 5tate llead-line October 11, 1957. No County-owned space being available,fPlr, llolton moved and it was second.ed b,y Mr. Wi].liams and carried tYizit not exceeding $25.00, be appropriated toward renting sPace to complei:e her project. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, duly seconded, the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board were Cautharized and directed to sign an application with the 13oard of Education for State b?unds for the Purpose of establishing ancl oPerating a Center for training for trainable mentally handicapped Children, presented and requested by Mr. H. M. Fioland, Secretary of the lloard of Education. "IVO County funds will be involved," he said. The question of pa,yment of the bid cost of $2,387.26 to Thrif-T-Stores for installing Air ConcLitioning Units in the Offices of ttie Cler): of Court, Register of Deeds and Che ? County Auditor, which defective motors of some of the Units have given trouble, but prompt corrections of replacements of good motors were made in each instance, and the `?J Board feelirig the good reputation and reliability of the Pirm from whom the same were purchased is sufY'icient to guarantee future satisfactory sei°vice and performance, re- -^ ferred tlie matter of payment of the account to the Clerk to handl.e and with power to act A bill for ?1,990.00 received trom tlie Cit,y of SJilmington for installing Idater and Sew- erage service for Industrial Yroperties, Inc., at 3402 South Pr a1t Street, was received. for investigatiou and clarification. - A report of the Boarii of liealth for August was received and filed. Letters of appreciation were received from llr, C. B. Da,vis, New Hanover County Heal.th . ? OPi'icer un(i llr. Charles M. Cameron, DirecLor of Foreign Students Orientation, Depart- ment of PuUlic 1lealth Administration, Chapel Hill, N. C., for the reception a.nd lunch- eon given to the Foreign Students last Thursday. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board endorsed the recommenda-' .? tions of tYie North Caroliiia Counci:l, of I{ome Demonstration Clubs rela,tive to the Advis- ory Committee Study of Extensions as submitted by this Orga.nization, and a letter of our endorsement be sent to the pro,per persons. , A letter was received from Harold W. ldells & Son, Agents, requesti.ng Surety Company to -? ? be released from Surety Bond for RoberL Clifton Patten, Constable of Cape Pear To?anship, (,?}"?° reported as having resigned was postponed for the reason his resignation has not been received from him by the County Commissioners. Application was received from Curtis H. Atkinson, Oalil.ey Road, Route 1, Castle Hayne, N. C., Por appointment to fill Lhe unexpired term of Mr. 13. C. Yatten, our Constabl.e of Cupe Feai° Township, was on motion of i,'Ir. Holton, referred to the Sheriff for action next Monday. Application for admission to the County liome was submitted by Ernest Preston llavis, 304 Wright Street, 68-year old paralyzed indigent citizen and no place to go and P4rs. Lill.ie lJard Afanning, 1608 Soui.h 15th Street, 53-year old bedridd.en indigent citizen; having been reconunended by the Superintendent of PuUlic Welfare were upon motion oP P1i°. ? Holton, seconiied by A1r. Tiayha.n, admitted to the County llome as inmates. / A letter was received from the County Zdelfare Board aiinouncing the appoiiltment of A1rs. 4??p1LHelen B. Sneeden to succeed Mr. J. R. flollis as SuperintenrLent of Pub.lic [?elfa,re wllose ?J resignation is effective, Octuber 1, 1957. Notice of final decision was received from the State :13oard of Allotments and Appeal up- holding action of the New Ifanover County Board of PuU1ic ldelfare in rejection of Assist- ance grants to Plarie Merritt IIerry, 207 North 2nd Street, Ina Nlae Taylor, 2512 Van 13ur- n en Street, and Geneva Latson Brown, 323 South 7th Street because it was found that other resources were sufficient to meet their needs. An Annual Inspection Summary Report of the U. S. Marine Corps Auxiliary La.nding Statioii, (Bluethenthal Field) covered by Agreement NaY (R) 47787 between New Hanover County and the United States of America, concerning maintenance work to be accomplished by the County, was referred to John A. Westbrook, Airport Alanager. Upon motion of Mr. Tiayha.n, secoilded by ,ir. Hol.ton, authority was given to pay Lutlxer ?{?? Colemaiz, Jr., Community Hospital Controller, ?p133.00 for two (2) weeks accrued vacation '" ?. ? 4 and ?41.67 for 2 1/2 months retroactive pay on recommendation of P. R. Reese, Adminis- tr•ator a C l i r si i s f S 20 t ib 1957 -? . o em s gn ng a er n e o ep en , . A report of P. R. Heese, Coimnunity liospital Administrator to pay $125.00 to llr. H. A. Eaton ? for expense to American liospital Association Conveiltion in litlantic City, N. J., instead of sending E. M. 13utler, was upon motion of Mr. Wil].iams, seCOnded by Mr. Holton approv- ed if it is cletermined Uy the Board. of llirectors to Ue a necessary expense -ind the Coun- ty Auditior be authorized to pay the bill and refer the same to Mr. P4ayhan for cllecking and with power to act. , L. e Nleet9.ng of September 23, 1957 - Continued „ r e ? ?•"'"?•-_._ Mr. Broadhurst raised the question of selecting a site for a new barn at the County ' Farm whieh caill also Ue used in eonneetion with the Fa,t Stock Shows. The question was received for consideration and investigation on the preiuises of tlle Board as a whole, following adjournment of this meeting. ? E Mr. SJilliams said our ;nost deserving liighway project is for a four (4)-lane Higllway to Carolina IIeach and moved that a Commit:tee be appointed to fol7.ow up our previ.ous efforts to get this project started as soon as possibl.e, and to work with other Com- mittees in every way possible to that end; and Mr.?E:':L. White`, fihird llist-rict liighway Comnusszoner be furnished witfla copies of a Resolution urging the project. Mr. White to be asked to co3ue in to advise as to the proper.procedure w.as seconded by Mr. EIolton L+e-,-r?? and carrie3. Thereupon, Lhe Chairinau appointed the Boa,rd as a Committee of the whole, and Mr. [Jilliams, Chairman of the Coimnittee. _ lJitri reference to allotments made out of the Advertising li'xnd at the meeting of Sept- ember 16, appropriating $500.00 to the Sdilniington Pferchants Association, Mr. ldilliams said that the Wilmington Pferchants Association be allotted an additional $250.00 out of the balai7ce left in the b'wid, failed of a second. ` The meeting adjourned. Cl erlc . . . . ? Wilmington, N. C. Septembar 30, 1957. ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board mas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. :? . Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., CBairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Williams And John Bright Hill, County Attorney. . The meoting was opened rith prayer by the Reverend J. F. Davis, Pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Copies of the minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1957, having previously'boen mailed to each member o£ the Board, the same ivere upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seeonded by Ivlr. Mayhan, approved. ? /h7r. H. A. Penton, President o£ Springer Coal & Oil Company appeared to advise that in accordance with infor- mation received from the State'Bozrd of Examiners of Plwnbing and Heating Contractors, the.Plilmington.Iron Works who i^ras to handle the install.ation of the neia Boiler in the Community Hospital for them in accordance ? with their bid accepted by the Board at the meeting of of September 16 does not hold State License to pePform .. this work and asked that they be released from the contract to furnish end install the Boiler. In view of tha foregoing, and the Chairman having'also received a telegram from the Board of Examiners of Plumbing and Heating Contractors to that effect, the Chairman recommended that'all bids received be rejected and future bids to be received from duly licensed Contractors only, Thereupon, 1u]r. Pviayhan moved and it was seconded by Plir. 17illiams and unanimously carried, that all bids received £or furnishing and installing a new Boiler in the Community liospital as aforesqid be throvm out and advertise for neva bids. The successful bidder be required to furnish a deposit of 10% bid bond and a faithful performance bond, shall be duly licensed to to perfotm the work as reqw.red by Law and shall atate in his proposal, the time of beginning of work.after ativerd of the contract and ? tae-time of completion of vrork after aivard of the contract, to be inclvded in the specifications. N,r, C. R. fiiorse, Tvc Collector, made his report of Settlement of 1956 Taxes as shown below vchich was-upon -r? motion o£ Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Pdayhan, accepted subject to check by the Certified Public Ac- countants: _ STATEIrENT OF 1956 COUNTY TAXE5 CHARGED TO THE TAX COLLECTOR. Listed as per Abstract Real Estato and Personal Property- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ? 1,439,752•65 Lato and "Not Listed" Real Estate and Peesonal Property- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -21.304.30 ? 1,461,056.95 Less Abatements- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 4 3i451.53 11457.605.32 Listed and Collected by the Tax Collector- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a 1,747•48 PenaltyCollsctsd----------------.--------•---------------?w 3,476.36 •.? AdvertisingCostCollected ---------------------------------- iil 83.95 , $ 11462.913.11 - ?s*at?-**ao- ?*??rx *?* ??** ??*?-**?rx?r?r?t • i RealEstatesoldfor.Taxes----------------------------------?$ 422711.92 Late and "Not Listed" sold- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 52821.27 Insolvents ----------------- -------------------------v? 20j794.34 Tar.es Prepaid- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r? 419.841.45 DiscountAllowed --------------------------------------- ? 2,474•92 ' Collected by the'Tax'Collector and Deposited in the tililmington Savings & Trust Company- --- ? 9'7z.24.? ? 1,463,885.87 LessRefundtotheCityofWilmington----------------------------4 1.009.12 $ 1,462,876.75 Short- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 36:36 ' ' 0 1,462,913.11 • /s?/ C. R. morse - City & County Tax Collector. ; Mr. L9orso reported that better than 95% of the 1956 taxes have been collected. A list of Insolvents for 1956 prepared by the Tax Collector in accordence vrith the I,atn rras received. This, however, does *not release the Tax ,Collector from continuing his efforts to colloct the Insolvent Taxes. The 1957 Tax Books prepared by the Tax Suoervisor, bIr. T. D. Love) together Fvith tho necessary orders reo,uired bJ Statuto were then presented to the Board showing a total County valuation of $123>377,593.00 Mhich lvas upon motion of P.hr. Broadhurst, soconded by Mr. Ydilli.ams accepted and ordered turned over to the Tax Collector ror collection. The fol7.or!ing statement accompanying the 1957 Tax Books rras roceived fron Mr. Love: September 27, 1957. TO PF.E HONORABLE BOARD OP COUPITY C01AF.ISSIONDRS - S Gentlemen: -A