1957-09-30 Regular Meetinge Nleet9.ng of September 23, 1957 - Continued „ r e ? ?•"'"?•-_._ Mr. Broadhurst raised the question of selecting a site for a new barn at the County ' Farm whieh caill also Ue used in eonneetion with the Fa,t Stock Shows. The question was received for consideration and investigation on the preiuises of tlle Board as a whole, following adjournment of this meeting. ? E Mr. SJilliams said our ;nost deserving liighway project is for a four (4)-lane Higllway to Carolina IIeach and moved that a Commit:tee be appointed to fol7.ow up our previ.ous efforts to get this project started as soon as possibl.e, and to work with other Com- mittees in every way possible to that end; and Mr.?E:':L. White`, fihird llist-rict liighway Comnusszoner be furnished witfla copies of a Resolution urging the project. Mr. White to be asked to co3ue in to advise as to the proper.procedure w.as seconded by Mr. EIolton L+e-,-r?? and carrie3. Thereupon, Lhe Chairinau appointed the Boa,rd as a Committee of the whole, and Mr. [Jilliams, Chairman of the Coimnittee. _ lJitri reference to allotments made out of the Advertising li'xnd at the meeting of Sept- ember 16, appropriating $500.00 to the Sdilniington Pferchants Association, Mr. ldilliams said that the Wilmington Pferchants Association be allotted an additional $250.00 out of the balai7ce left in the b'wid, failed of a second. ` The meeting adjourned. Cl erlc . . . . ? Wilmington, N. C. Septembar 30, 1957. ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board mas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. :? . Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., CBairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Williams And John Bright Hill, County Attorney. . The meoting was opened rith prayer by the Reverend J. F. Davis, Pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Copies of the minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1957, having previously'boen mailed to each member o£ the Board, the same ivere upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seeonded by Ivlr. Mayhan, approved. ? /h7r. H. A. Penton, President o£ Springer Coal & Oil Company appeared to advise that in accordance with infor- mation received from the State'Bozrd of Examiners of Plwnbing and Heating Contractors, the.Plilmington.Iron Works who i^ras to handle the install.ation of the neia Boiler in the Community Hospital for them in accordance ? with their bid accepted by the Board at the meeting of of September 16 does not hold State License to pePform .. this work and asked that they be released from the contract to furnish end install the Boiler. In view of tha foregoing, and the Chairman having'also received a telegram from the Board of Examiners of Plumbing and Heating Contractors to that effect, the Chairman recommended that'all bids received be rejected and future bids to be received from duly licensed Contractors only, Thereupon, 1u]r. Pviayhan moved and it was seconded by Plir. 17illiams and unanimously carried, that all bids received £or furnishing and installing a new Boiler in the Community liospital as aforesqid be throvm out and advertise for neva bids. The successful bidder be required to furnish a deposit of 10% bid bond and a faithful performance bond, shall be duly licensed to to perfotm the work as reqw.red by Law and shall atate in his proposal, the time of beginning of work.after ativerd of the contract and ? tae-time of completion of vrork after aivard of the contract, to be inclvded in the specifications. N,r, C. R. fiiorse, Tvc Collector, made his report of Settlement of 1956 Taxes as shown below vchich was-upon -r? motion o£ Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Pdayhan, accepted subject to check by the Certified Public Ac- countants: _ STATEIrENT OF 1956 COUNTY TAXE5 CHARGED TO THE TAX COLLECTOR. Listed as per Abstract Real Estato and Personal Property- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ? 1,439,752•65 Lato and "Not Listed" Real Estate and Peesonal Property- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -21.304.30 ? 1,461,056.95 Less Abatements- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 4 3i451.53 11457.605.32 Listed and Collected by the Tax Collector- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a 1,747•48 PenaltyCollsctsd----------------.--------•---------------?w 3,476.36 •.? AdvertisingCostCollected ---------------------------------- iil 83.95 , $ 11462.913.11 - ?s*at?-**ao- ?*??rx *?* ??** ??*?-**?rx?r?r?t • i RealEstatesoldfor.Taxes----------------------------------?$ 422711.92 Late and "Not Listed" sold- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 52821.27 Insolvents ----------------- -------------------------v? 20j794.34 Tar.es Prepaid- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r? 419.841.45 DiscountAllowed --------------------------------------- ? 2,474•92 ' Collected by the'Tax'Collector and Deposited in the tililmington Savings & Trust Company- --- ? 9'7z.24.? ? 1,463,885.87 LessRefundtotheCityofWilmington----------------------------4 1.009.12 $ 1,462,876.75 Short- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 36:36 ' ' 0 1,462,913.11 • /s?/ C. R. morse - City & County Tax Collector. ; Mr. L9orso reported that better than 95% of the 1956 taxes have been collected. A list of Insolvents for 1956 prepared by the Tax Collector in accordence vrith the I,atn rras received. This, however, does *not release the Tax ,Collector from continuing his efforts to colloct the Insolvent Taxes. The 1957 Tax Books prepared by the Tax Suoervisor, bIr. T. D. Love) together Fvith tho necessary orders reo,uired bJ Statuto were then presented to the Board showing a total County valuation of $123>377,593.00 Mhich lvas upon motion of P.hr. Broadhurst, soconded by Mr. Ydilli.ams accepted and ordered turned over to the Tax Collector ror collection. The fol7.or!ing statement accompanying the 1957 Tax Books rras roceived fron Mr. Love: September 27, 1957. TO PF.E HONORABLE BOARD OP COUPITY C01AF.ISSIONDRS - S Gentlemen: -A ,184 lvieeting of September 30, 1957 - Continued. The 1957 Tax 3ooks show a total County Valuation of $123,377,593.00. This compares with 1956 valuation of $118,735,326.00, Every Tovanship in the County registered an increase vrith the exception of Federal Point and this decreased value was due to the Government taking over land for Sunny Point zone. Increases Nere in both Real-and Personal Property and shwrs how our County is g:or:ing. The Personnel in your T2x Supervisoras Office have done a good job in securing listings. The valuations sre brokan down as follows: Real- - - - - - - - - - - ? 92,317,956.00$T otal charges for the County Property Tax- - - -$ 1,480,531.07 Personal- - - - - - - - - ? 27,240,564.009Eon the Tax Books are 01,517,- Po11 Tax- - - - - -? 19,964.00 Corporate Excess- -- -- ?S 3,819,073 0 60.95, and this is broken Dog Tax- --- -- ? 4,877.00 5 123,377?593.0 otvn as follows: Ponalty- --- -- ?k 21564,13 In lieu of Taxe s- -S 9.124t_U 1,517,060.95 The Tax Collector is to be charged tivith this emount and viill be credited with tho prepaid taxes col7_ected by the County Auditor. Taxes prepaid to October 1, 1957 amounted to $426,174.47, and this is the icirgest amount o£ prepaymonts ever collectsd ip the County, The County tax records are in good shape and if thore is any further information you desire in regard to them, please advise me.• Respectfully yours, T. D, LOVE Tex Supervisor" Surety Bond °or Mr. C. R. Morse, City-County TaF Colleetor, in the amount o£ $37,500.00 e!ith the Idational Suroty Corporstion as Surety, the same h.aving been approved by the County Attorney, was accepted by the IIoard. Mr. K. D. Phillips,•Adhuster, for the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company appeased at the in- vitation of the Board to explain the basis of settlement of $4,715.48 submitted by his @ompany for d.;ms,ges to ?? the old boiler at.Comrm?nity Hospital, and after lengthy discussion,agreed to increase the offer to w4,900.00. 1."x. riilliams then moved that•me•go ahead and settle with the Insurance Company at a figuro of a4,900.00 which 490.5 seconded by 61r. Mayhan and approved by tho Boar@. A petition signed by 32 property rn^mers of F.arnett Torrnship to itclude Glood Dale Drivo in the County Highvray System for the State Improvements and maintenance, which said road runs from Wrightsville Avenue to beginning of P€ood Dale Drive Extsnsion as shorm on ASap presented, •and being 1089 feet in longth on ishich ]./+ houses are ? located, raas upon motion of riir. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approve and referrod to the State High- way and PuUlic 4tiorks Coromission for handling, ^., P.7r. George A. Moore, local Plumber appeared to offer recommendations on the Boiler replacement situation ?t the Community Hospital. Mr. P,?oore reportod the old boiler has been dismzntled. He recommended that an Engineer be employed to make a survey of the area to be heated and other requirements of a boiler to dotermine the typo,? capacity for heatinh efficiency on which bids could be intnlligently submitted on an equal basis. Consideration should be given to fuol for best heating efficiency and caro of condensation rater roturn pmnpa, etc-. Mr. YFilliams moved and it vras seconded by r?r...4ayhaa and carried the3s the Chairnen, I1r. Mayhan and the Clerk ascertain the ? cost of a survey and with power to act. Horvever, if th3 cost should appear too high, to bring the same back to the Board for further consideration, and further directed that e orevious motion made at this raeeting to adver- ? U tise for'nerv bids for replacement of the old Boiler at the :iospital, be held in abeyance until cost of the sur- vey has been determi.ned. I?tir:'RT. A. Buck iras present to complein of a bad drginage condition zt his place, 656 Castle iIayne Road in the M?,Wrightsboro School area regarding Piater from the Higkmay flooding his land snd he "cantt get rid of it" he said, tivas referred to idr. Dave Rivenbark to investigate the situation at once and malce recomruendations. A petition of. 11 persons to improve the drainage on the South side of Henry's Drive-In Restaurant on the Car- ??'•??"'y? olina Beach Road eas referred to Mr. Rivenbark for handling. Upon motion of L9r. Viilliems, seconded by Mr. h9ayhan instructions rzere given to advertise for bids for furnish- _??'? , ing approximately 30,000, gallons of Hi-Test Gasoline Por Airport and other County Departments for a period of one(1) year. ?-? A resignation was received from h1r. R. C. Patten as Constable of the Capo Fear To,mship as of this date, isas L 9?? upan motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by tdr, 1":illiams, accepted. " An application received fron Mr. Curtis H. Atkinson, Oakley Road, Rte. # l, Castle :Ieyne, for appointment to tho 0£fice of 6onstable of Cape Fear Trnvnship to serve out the unexpired term of R. C. Patte, who resigned, ? wa8 referred to Mr. Fiilliams and Mr. Broadhurst Go confer c;ith the Sheriff on the matter and submit their re- commendations at a subsequent meeting. ?S Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Chairman vaas authorized and directed to sign a re- lease of obligations under the Surety Bondcovering R. C. Patten es Constable of Cape Fear Twrnship, resigned, requested by Y.arold W. Ple11s & Son, Agents, and referred the same to the County Attorney to see that the County's ? ini;erest is protected. The County to receive a rebate for the amount of unuse3 premiums. A letter ti;as received from the State N.ighviay & Public Works Comnission advising that $1,468.80 k!as been alloted Z. ? to'Nerr F.anover County out of the Special Trio h4illion Dollar Fund zs approvred by the lest General Assembly for im- ? pr6vemonts to 24,57 miTes of dirt roads in the Higtnvay(County) System for the fiscal Srear, 1957-10,58. '?. Air: Ylilliams recommended the Clerk to etudy the vandalism problem at Hugh P.icR:e ParY. with the view of establishing ruTes and regvlations governing the use of the Park in an effort to correct the situation. Upon motion of 1Jlr. Williams, secondod by Ivtr. PIayhan, the Chairman was authorized to appoint a nine (9)-rtan Board of Trustees for the Community i:oepital and Further that he inform the nerr Board that the County rrill pay for in- digents only on a per diem basis. l ?Upo motion of t;r. Idayhan, seconded bf taS. Broadhu-rst, the meeting adjourned. _ J ? ? ? _ ?,Clerk. ? . , L,