1957-10-14 Regular Meetingpr 1 86 Meeting October 7, 1957 - Continued Payment of $4,900.00 was received from t,'he Hartford Steam Boiler Inapection and Insurance Compaiy in setllement o£ claim for loas caused by an accident to boiler at Community Hospital on or about 6pri1 20, 1957. This was turned over ? to the County Auditor for proper credit to be appropriated to Coamrunity Hosbital boiler expense. P. R. Reese, Communitq Hospital Administrator, appeared to report..second boiler trouble at the Hospital, Saturdaq and no steam in the Institution. He also complained about the pumpa not fltnctioning proper]y an(i inadequate water lines to flurnish sufficient water supply to the Hospital. Instructions were given to confer wSth the proper Citq Water Dep- artment authorities about running a larger line to the meter and aecure necessary information and estimates on Y." line from meter into the Hospital and such other information necessary to correct the aituation. Mr. Holton asked about the progress of the new Hoapita,l Board, and feels that they should come up in a reasonsble time with their recommendations. Upon motion, the Hoard congratulated Commissionera Mayhan, Williams and P. M. Caznak, General'Manager of the Wilming- / ton Chamber of Commerce on their succesaflil efforts in securing the 1958 State Association of County Commissioners' C?,U?Convention at Carolina Beach. / The following good and lawflil persone were drawn to serve as Jwtors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal Cases for t#e trro weeks-term beginning, October 28, 1957: N. A. Simpkina lr7.1 Wrightaville Avenue T. A. Powell 223 Vance Street T. D. Sikea . 2800 Highland Drive R. B. Warner 1225 Country Club Road A. H. Rpwan _ 2713 Jackaon Street E. H. Nendriz 404 Northern Boulevard C. J. Chapman , 200 5outh 41at Street , H. H. Hartleq 202 North 16th Street C. C. Crawford 2220 Brandon Road W. F. Sidbury,Sr 3032 South Front Street W. B. Berrq, Jr 2943 Kydrangea Place John D. Robinson 511 South 18th Street N. C. Shepard 1703 Princess Place Street L. G. King 233 1avie Street T. S. Famseur 220 North 17th Street W. H/ Yount 12-6 Oleander Courts C. B. Register 25 Terrace Ylalk Ralph B. Barkadale 2916 Aarvard Drive George T. Armatrong 1501 Ann Street Charles R. Hoxell Rte. # 2, Box # 158 C. M. Wood 3718 tJinston Boul.evard M. B: Murp2?q 207 Keaton Avenue Alva L. Savage 2722 Jefferaon Street A. M. McKoy P.O. Hox /f 194, City Aubrey Costin 109 N.ercer Avenue For: . Second Week - November 41 1957: Clark Crowell 2911r Nbnroe Street Robert C. Murp}?y 2/i12 Jackson C. B. Lewis, Sr 2121 Brandon Road J. (arlyle 55mith 207 Iake Forest Earkway H. A. Pearce 106 South 46th Street Hnbert A. Chadvick 559 Castle Hayne Road Eduard Ftobbina 208 Frances Marion Drive E. J. Benton 3-15 Vance Street J. R. Millis 1817 Ferry ivenue Chas. E. Bergamini 1223 Az81ea Drive C. C. Cheatham, Jr 708 Country Club Road J. V. Creasy P.4. Box 4,Wrightsville Beach Clifford Harriss 313 Greenville Avenue J. A. Vereen . 19-W Lake Village Davis F. MeN?illan 212 Greenville Avenue Theodore Rhodes 2922 Monroe Street George Green 2928 South Front Street E. M. Pearce 11$ South 6th Street E. F. Seitters Je 517 Castle Hayne Road L. T. Davis 4717 Ivng Leaf Hills Drive A. D. Peterson 1707 Church Street Lae R,l Hales 13 Pinecrest Parkway Richard Jackson 614 South 5th Street H. J. Clark . 2822 South Front Street Cecil V. Thompson 2853 Jefferaon Street :das. B. Sistruck, 246 North 25th Street John D. Herring 3112* Market Street 5herwin D. Cribb 125 Graham Street Harry E. Payne 2231 Mimosa Plsce W. B. Creasy 2314 Metts Avenue W. T. Craw£ord 2210 Plaze Diive Edmund C. Keith 2849-B Jefferson Street Francis E. Stanley 121 Keaton Avenue H. R. Savage 2202 3tl.ein Road C. F. Green, Jr 135 Renovah Circle J. A. Newton, Sr 2717 Harrison Street 4Ln. D. Jones 2925 Park Avenue W. B. Seymour 1214 Azalea Drive H. M. Fields 2119 Klei.n Road James Albert McCluskey, Jr.,2932-E Jefferson Street J. W. Narrow 212 Idorth 27th Street Allen N. Trask Box # 155, Wrightsville Beach Edward L. Brackenbury,Rte. # 3, Box # b63-A Rnbert H. DeKay 2523 Jefferson Street James L. Williams 609 Iatimer Drive 0. D. Buck 170 Colonial Village M. L. Goldstein 2724 Columbia Avenue W. K. Allen 202 AO Floral Parkway E. L. Beckham 2302 Faet Iake Shore Drive Charles B. Creech 1508 Orgage Street ' Daniel 0. Davis 2227 Camellia Drive Pinckney Hugh Heqton,4946 Fine Street M. D. Babcock 206 North 6th Street W. M. Hexlett Box # 1272, City S. A. Cross P. 0, Box # 1356, City J. G. Brown 371LF Soutli Front Street Frank E. Fincannon 233 Calhoun Drive Howard Guld 1618 Princess Street Edward Malloay Wrightsville Beach Geo. C. Montford Rte. # 2, BoX # 36 A. L. 3Cing 1607 Ann 5treet J. F. Crawfond 1904 Church Street Franklin E. Colvin 413 South 16th Street Walter W. Zunbro 236 Bagley Avenue William C. Wells 41 Pinecrest Parkwap(4706 Long Leaf Hills Dr) Albert Hardee 207 Spruce Drive Richard T. Mitchal7. 70 Pinecrest Parkwqy N. E. Rivenbark 2723 Monroe Street John 0. Fierce 2423 Jackson Street Graham Long 21rb Davie Drive L. J. Rackley 311 Francis Marion Drive Herbert Coughenhour 1726 Orange Street Walter W. Wood 21/y Maryland Avenue ? James Edward Corbett?1105 3hipyax'd Walk W. F. Quinlivan ? 12 West Community Drive Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the meeting adjourned. ' Thos. K. 1ioody Clerk Wilmington, N. C. October 1/p 1957• The regular tiveekly mieeting of the Board vas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.-Pd, Present: Chairman, J. M. liall, Jr., and Commissioners Ernest R. },Iayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams and County $ttorney John Bright Hill and County Audmtor, T. D. Lora. The meeting was opened eiith prayor b;,* the Reverond Ray Collins, Pastor of tho Church of God. Refore approving the mimitee of October 7, 1957, PJ?r. I?olton requested that a correction be made to the effect that he had asked the Sherif£ in any request or denand had been made by him to the Commissioners for any additioual re- lief or help in his Department and thut he had replied "No." Upon motion of i?t*. Willicros, secoxided bc t,+r, :?olton, the ninutes of the previous mceting laving been mai_led to each member of the Board, raere approved co amended and corrected as above. • • • . . . - n tGr. H. D. Campbsll nresented a complsint to the Board about the a5'sessed valuation placed on some property he owned on the east side of 9th street b3tvieer Stran and Nixnn in Block # 328. It is notay on the tax booics at $4,500 for the , dwellings and $1,000 for the'iotN. He thought that a more•equitabls figure for the tr,o was $4,000 but certainly not more than $L„ 500 for both. It was brought out that the original assossed valuation placed on,the propetty vras $6)500 and that an adjustment of $2,000 had been mcide after investigntion and considering the aroa and the fact that because / L, 187 }afeoting of October 14, 1957 - Continued of tailroad-right-of-way restrictions preventzd the use of the rear portion o£ the lots_r.hich P_ad been preniously --?" used. No further adjustment was in keeping tivith'the present VAlll@5. County Attorney Nill ruled that under the Larr the Board had no authority in the matter except when they sat in session as a Board of Eaue.lizatfon'end Review, and this is regulatod by the General Assembly. Ivtr. LRcGirt, the County Tac Assessor, said that he ivoul.d not be able to change his appraisals even if further study was made of the matter. Upon motion of n's. Holton, seconded by M*. PAsyhan the Board unanimoully approved leaving the property value3 as i's for 1957: It was agreed tl^.e.t the Revaluation and Equalization program in progress should adjust the matter for 1958. . Eonorable J. E. L. Fdade, ntayor, of the City of Rilmington and Honorable Glenn M. Tucker, Meyor, of the Torrn of Carolina Beach, vere recognized and welcomed to the meeting as visitors, by Chairman Hall. ' Col. A. H. Harr3ss, Civil Defense Director, eras introduced and outlined'in'a very general tvay the purpose and pro- , oress being made by the C NIL Defense Commissinn in i.ts efforts to devise an3 formulate plans for the possible em- ergent saving o£ the people of ileti^: Iianover County in eveiit of disastex. Among his remarks he explaindd thnt the Army of the United States was the active agency for the protection of our people and that Givil Defenservas the inactivo agency. He pointed out that plans v:ere already completed vrith re£erence to the egress of the poople and an emergent communicztion systom desigmting rrhich ro8ds tivereto be used and r.:iat methods used to keep in touch viith the situation., He statsd that tlir. Holton ras a member of his Civil Defense Commission vvithout port folio. Uoon motion of Ivlr. Wiiliams, seconded by Mr. fi9ayham, that hir. Holtnn be made an official representative of the County on that Board, ras approved.-?fQ 6 & . . Z4_r?f Col. Harriss recommended that a member of either the City or County Government be mnde or appointsd Director because o£ the overlupping and interlocking funetions of the two Governments, and too? they saould have a radio in'their car which vould be ]rnaevn in both areas o£ the Governing Bodies, to insure the proper clearing of information and assur- ing the continuity of Government, hfayor Glenn M. Tucker, of Carolina Beach,•raised the question, "Should the smaller municipalities organize and devise plans for such an eventualitg?" Col. He-rriss informed him that all subdivisions of the County mould be included in the City-County Plan, therefore, they would not need to form a unit of.Civil Defense but tie-in and cooperate with the over- all County Plan. The Springer Coal and OiZ Compang presented an itemized invoice and explanatory letter for removing and disposing of the old burned-out boiler from the Comemnity Hospital: Received from the sale as junk 8.1 tons 0 $20- -- $ 162.'00 Cost o£ removing boiler by Vlilmington Iron P?orks- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -w101,00 8 y ? ; ? SSpringer Coal & Oil Company- - - - -12 kLrs 0 $4.50- - - - - - -S 54.00 ,ro 155.82 BalanceduetotheCounty ------------------------------------------ v 66.18 This statement was accep-ted crithout dissent from any member of the Board. Messrs. F. R. Puckett, representing Applied Engineering Company of Greerisboro'and R. VV', Ba11,Jr., representarig the Tidewater Gas Company, of Wilmingtnn, N. C. presented the Board with a Survey of the requi.rements of Couununity Hos- pital with referenee to its needs in eonnection ccith a boiler installation and a proposal for meeting those necds vith ` n neri boiler equipped with a combination burner, to burn natural gas and 0 5 fuel oil as a standby. This installation S ivould amount to $11,556.80. The Survey contains comparative costs of naturai gas, # 5 fuel oil and present operation ? ivith coal. They were advised that a good used boiler had been secured irom Fort Bragg and vras being installed. They tivere thanked for their interest and informed that should occasion ever arise their services vrould be considered. The comparative reports and recommendationa with the p'roposals are being filed for future reference. •? The Er.ecutive Secretary ras instructed to call Paul R. Reese, 6dministrator at Community Hospital to ascertain if a rS;,_, port of the last boiler failure had beon made to the insurance carrier.(It had not been done in rariting but has been+v? done sinca the call) The invoice from the City of Wilmington•covering the connections of seiverage and r+ater to Industrial Properties, Ine., wqs held in abeyance for further study°and information. . . ? - After a lengthly discussian the request of E. P. Blanchard regarding the garbage disposal, picked up by him each vreek,?G ,tr it was decided to allow anyone to use the County Dispos2l Dur.ip. Ido discrimination tivas to •bo •made as to erhether a user carried his oaun trash out there or if he paid someone elso to take it for hi.m. .?-- The September report of the 4`lilmington Public Library Pas reviewed and ordered filed for information. A request for'an appropriation from the County by the Wilmirgton Junior High School Bandvas discussed and uoon motion . of h4r. h"'illiams,'seconded by idr. Broadhurst, it raas tabled for further study as to the number of schools involved and be reported on at a later date. Upon motion of tAr. 4Yi11iams, seconded by JMr. P4ayhan, the request of ll1r. Ydestbrooic for allrnaing Benson Bros. Circus to , shorr at the Airport on April 15, 1958 for the benefit of the Flrightsbobo •Volunteer Fire Department, was approved, ?rith -? the provision that they rrould take all responsibility of cleaning up aftorwards, a''^("?? An invitation to ati;ond a clinic to bo held October 23rd, 1957 at the Wilmington Division Office) vias extendod through - Messrs. V. F. Babcock, Director;'FIarold Piakepeace, llepartmeilt of Secondary Roads and C. E. Brov;n, Division Engineer,by Qar,6 the STATE HIG?-NfAY COi;1ISISSIOIQ and Nas acceptzd by the Board eaith these additional suggestions: Chairman reo,uested members to study sitvation and keep in mind tnat an extension of lbth street and a four (4) lane highwuy to Carolina Beach was not to be forgotten, even thos v!as a meeting to discuss the Secondary Roads problems. Upon motion. of t,ir. Broadhurst, seconde3 by lr1r. Tdfayhan, the Board spproved a request of the City by 1dr. Dorming, endorsing , the position of the City in'YVriting the Governor opposin; a change or adjustment in the import and export rates as recent- ly requestod in a series oS proposals•by the Southern Railway Company to equalize the rates to and from Idorfolk,Virginia, and tviorehead City, North Carolina crith those to and from Wilmington. The Secretary rras instructed to draft a leer for the signatures of each member of the Board. C-Q_?? A potition was received from Lee Kye, representing agroup of property owners, requesting Hard 5urfacing o£ their road ' located in Masonboro Toanship and running South to the Sound from about two-hundred (200) yards beyond the Trails End p4t=s3. road. The Secretary tivas instnucted to set up a File to roceive such future petitions for consideration when £unds be- came available to pave them. Ivtr. Broadhurst moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that a letter be vritten to PBr. C. R. Tdorse, Consolidated Tax Collector, Dirocting him to continue his efforts by every 1ega1 means at hia command to collect all delinquent taxes and mvre than aver those classi.fied as "Insolvent.°, The motion carried unanimously with the further instsuctions that a copy r,as to be sent to the City Ccil. ? IInon m?ion ? ;.O? h an, seconded by tvir. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously votod to Adjovrn. tF, 'Executive`Secrst William G. Houck CC Broadhurst Holton Pdayhan Rilliams (I -A