1957-10-28 Regular MeetingIN91 -b,eeting October 21, 3.957 - Continu.ed A letter of appreciation to the Bourd for past coogeration and assistance , from Major Ydilliam E. Smith, Infuntry Unit Pdvisor, U. S. Army Advisor Group (USAR) N. C. Filod for inferm:.tion. ? A letter listing the employees worlcing in Cjass "D" Ye10g1'2y7-h of°ices of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Comnany, `• 4nho are entitlel under the law to be exenpted from Jury duty, receivad and filed. ? A 1etter from ivIr. :'v. J. Farrovr, tTice President of the V?inter Park Fire Department,Inc., requcsting an audir:nee the Board of CoLUity Commissioners, regarding Fire Protection rendere3 in certain areas of the County, rras roceived and considered. The Executive Secretary vras instructed to invite the 'iTinter Park Uolunteer Fire Department psrsonnel rTith the Inspection Coramittee of the Volunteer Fire Departmonts of the County, and any others interosted, from any of the Volunteer Fire Departments in the County. F. letter tiva.s sent to each of the^+, .. ? ecognition o£ the valuable service rendered this County bs f:e-. F. L. Hartley, Inspector, for the Ya.rtford Steaa I?oiler Inspection and Insurance Co., in securing the boiler from Fort Bragg, was acknoiuledged and ha 1^as s?ncerely thanYed and the Board vzs cordially grateful to him for the service. 1It was suggested by the Chairman that each member go by Commvnity Hospital and look at the installation of the nerr Ve-P,' (used) boiler being made and appraise himself of the *ecommended necessity,of a new stoker, as Io4r. Moore, rrho is nrn•a king the boiler ineta114ti_on recommends a differont typo from the one ti^hich had been formerly used on the boiler ?,ince it e:as not an automatic one wnd vrould require more attention; the original vrhich was removed from the cld 100 r, : horse por,er• is too small to feed the lArge?boiler. The Chairc?an recommended t'iat a neo? one recommended by hir.r^.oore, `be instslled. Several of the C=edby agreed that we should rely on erpert opinion for this type action. ? UN,oon motion of IRr,,? Holton, secMathan, the Board adjourned by unanimous consent. 7z v ,/ r/I i-i7r??ovr v .G,tiouck - Executivo Secretary Wilmington, N. C. October 28, 1957 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room at,the County Courthouse in New Hanover County. Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Ernest R. N?ayhan, L. E.•Broadhiarst, - James E. Holton,Jr, and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor, T. D. Love. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro Tem Mayhan since Mr. Hall was detained for a few minutes unavoidably. ? • x The meeting was opened by an Invocation of the Reveredd Dr. W. D. Morris, Pastor of Temple Haptist Church. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the minutes of the meeting on October 21, 1957 were approved. A copy having previously been mailed to each member of the Board for Study. Mr. P. M. Camak, Manager of the Greater City-County CHAMBER BF COA9IERCE, presented the minutes of a meeting held on October 22, 1957 at Lumberton with representation from the Cities and Towns along Highway 74 between the Port City ,hz-"O-% of Wilmington on the Coast to Charlotte, a large distribution point. The FAST-WFST HIGHWAY DEVE[,OPMENT ASSOCIATION c ?•,• was formed for the purpose of promoting a four-lane divided highway from the coast to the piedmont section of the state. Ae, representing the Association, requests the Board to pass a resolution endorsing the plan or a petition _i supporting-it, addressed to the N. C. State Highway Commission, on or before November 4, 1957, at which time they will present a brochure prepared by the East-West Iiighway Development Associttion to the Highway Commission. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williqms, the Board unanimously adopted the idea to be drawn by the Dcecutive Secretary of the Commissioners and the Manager of the Chamber of Commerce jointly, in the form of a petition. ? P9r, IIbert A. Brown, representing the•ilinter Park Baptist Church, presented a Petition to the Board of County Com- 0, missioners to close that portion of 47th street (formerly Imown as Second Street) lying between Park Avenue and the Wrightsville Avenue, Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhvrst, the Board approved referring it to the County Attorney, John Bright Hill, for proper notice and publication as required by Law. It is to be heard 12/2/57. The proposed repairs to the Aevator•at Community Hospital were discussed and upon motion o£ Ns. Williams, seconded -?' by Mr. Holton, it was referred to Mr. Mayhan for investigation and recommendation at the next Board meeting.(Mr. Snow,w6?* representing the Otis ELevator Co., and who actually services this equipment, came in af£er the meeting and explained , to Messrs Hall, Mayhan and Broadhurst about the elevator etc. After considering the pro and con facts they decided to authorize replacement of the cable only at this time. This action to be brought up at a later Board meeting for official ratification and approval.) . • ? Aclmowledgement by the State Highway Commission District'F.hgineer, of the Petition dated October 1, 1957 for including ? Wood Dale Drive in the State System was filed for information. . A letter from Mr. C. T. Burke, Postmaster, suggesting a joint Planning Board for the future naming of Stxeets or Roads in the County, to prevent duplication of'names resulting in confusion of mail as well as deliveries of other materials, ? was.discussed.and.sil Commissioners agreed that it was a pertinent suggestion. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr, Hall (who had not as yet assumed the Chairmanship for today's meeting), the Dcecutive Secretary was instructed to secure a list of all SLreet and Road names from the State Highway Department of New Hanover County; the Post Office Dept. and catalog or compile.a list, and that the Realty Board be advised that the approval of•the Commisaioners is required in naming streets in.any.future developments. • ??j After the above action Mr. Hall assumed the direction of the Board as Chairman. At the request•of Mr. W. J. Farro?w,e"Vice President of the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department,Inc.; New Hanover Rural Firemens Asuociation and the Volunteer Firemens Inspection Cormnittee, along with representatives from the following Rural Volunteer Fire Departments; Castle ' Hayne, Nyrtle Grove, Ogden, Seagate, South Wilmington, Winter Park and Wrightsboro; met with the Board to primarily dis- cuss the Contracts recently mailed to eafh of them outlining the-provisions for obtain ng'County aid, but more especially, as it applied to the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department,Inc., Mr. Oliver Carter, was introduced by Mr. Farrow, as spokesman for the Ldinter Park Volunteer Fire Depattment,Inc., he outlined in detail the many nwnerous reasons that their group did not feel favorably toward some o£ the provisions of the new contract,and in particular, the area assigned to them by the Inspection Committee. He made it clear•that he was not speaking in a professional capacity but as a property owner in the 3urisdiction of the.Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department,Inc. He also cleared any doubt as to the wisdom of an Inspection Committee, in fact they thought it was a good idea BUT also thought each Rural Fire Department should have representation on the Committee. Mr. E. B: Wright, Secretary of the New Hanover Rural Firemens Association, and a1 member of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, then spoke for that group and had the Reaolutions and Provisiona of the original agreement in 1952 covering the appointment of inembers of the $nspection°Committee, read. Mr. H. H: Hall 'Chairman of the Inspection Committee, and a member•of•the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, then spoke for'that group, an4 termed some of the arguments "double-talk". Finally, after many expressions from those present Mr. Holton made the fol- 'lowing motion "That, since the Commisaioners approved the Inspection Committee and the Contracts under the'impression that all Departments were agreeable to the arrangements and the contracts were favorably approved; all forner'actions taken with reference to this subject be recinded; b=arrange for each Volunteer Fire Department to have representation on the Ingpection Committee; c=a member of the Board of County Commissioners should be on the Inspection Committee, ex= Officio - no vote;.d=a meeting.be held with the new Inspection Committee with all Departments represented and report back to the Board of County Commissioners within two weeks." This motion was seconded bv Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. Mr. Richard A. Shew appeared before the Board and suggested a Resolution Commending the present members of the State . Ports Authority, for their untiring efforts to develop our ports and their spleddid 3ob done. Upon motion of Mr. Broad- hurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board instructed the County Attorney with Mr. Shew to draft such a commendation and _ -A ,?go, Meeting October 28, 1957 - continued send it to Governor Luther H. Hodges with a similar one to Mr, Fdwin Pate, and requested that the City Council con- evr in this action if they would. The following WFSTERN UNION day letter was sent today "Ny dear Governor: The Board ?,pf County Commissioners of New Hanover County met today and unanimously adopted the following resolution: Be it re- ? solved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Aanover County that the members of the State Ports Authority and the F]cecutive Director, Col. Richard S. Marr, be commended for their outstanding work and achievement in developing ?`he resources of the Ports of North Caroline and that the Governor of North Carolina be requested to retain and re- ? appoint the entire State Ports Authority and the FScecutive Director, because of their excellent record; and further that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Governor Hodges and to Honorable Edwin Pate, Chairman, State Ports Authority. /S/J. M. Ha11,Jr., Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners." CC Honorable Edwin Pate, Laurinburg, N._ C. Mayor J. E. L. Wade, invited the Board of County Commissioners to pa.rticipate in a joint meeting with the City Council C? at the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Wednesday OEtober 30, 1957 at 9:00 A. M., for the purpose of appointing a Director of Civil Defense for the City-CoBnty Civil Defense Commission and the common interest. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously adopted and approved the meeting together. ?'- i '. As the Chairman suggested at last weeks meeting the Board study the advisability of putting in a new stoker at the ,Community Hospital, as recommended by the Ehgineer of the firm making the new(used)boiler installation, because the ' ' stoker which was removed from the boiler previously used was entirely inadequate from a capacity standpoint to sup- ply sufficient fuel to the larger boiler being installed, and because the stoker which had been in use in feeding the larger boiler, required frequent attention while the new one recommended - an Iron Firaman - is more nearly auto= matic, and can be depended upon to operate with much less manual supervision. Mr. Williams moved and Mr. Holton sec-1 ? onded a motion that the new Iron Fireman stoker recommended by the firm making the installation be purchased and ` installed at a price of $1,892.00 or less than $1,900.00. Thi.s motion was unanimously passed. ( When the Springer. Coal & Oil Company was informed of thia action they insisted that the price was for the stoker only and that iE J lwould cost $588.00 to make the installation. The Board members were polled and advised of this development and ?agreed to withhold any action on the matter at this time.) ? A letter from Dr.-David P. Thomas of Greenville Sound outlining an unsanitary dumping of refuse, trash and gar-_ bage in his neighborhood, was read and upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams it was referred to the Con Consolidated Hoard of Health for handling xith the request that they report back to the Board whatever action they deemed expediant. Mr. S. B. Shimp had complained that on 10/22/57 stray dogs,had broken into his chicken-house and destroyed between /?$50 and $60 worth_of his hens and in addition wounded and maimed others which he thought might live. He had re- C.d1^?"? ported this to the Sheriff but wanted to Imow from the Board who was to pay the damage as provided in the Dog Law. During the*discussion the Shreiff came in and reported that his office had located the owners of the dogs who had agreed to compensate Mr. Shimp for all 4amages caused,him. Therefore no action was required, except to confirm the restitution with the Complainant Mr Shimp. The Board was informed that there would be a Civil Defense N,eeting Monday November Qth, 1957 at 8:00 P. M. in ???"A ?he City Council Chambers. They all agreed to go if possible, butrequested it be put on the agends for the day (??^^? `?` as a reminder. , The Offer ta purchase. Parcel No. 1L,8, in Block No. 12, Lot No. 6, ownefl jointly by the City and County as a result of tax foreclosure amounting to $150.39, was ordered referred to County Auditor Love and County Assessor McGirt, for appraisal and worth. The offer will be considered at that time. The September Report of the Consolidated Board of Health was accepted and filed for re£erence. .?c ? The Statement from the City of Wilmington to Industrial Properties,Inc amounting to $1,990.00 covering the Water C..?^ and Sewer connections at 3402 South Front Street, was deferred until the joint meeting to be held with the City Council Wednesday and discussed hoping for an amiable agreement on the matter. County Auditor T. D. Love presented an invoice amounting to $235.00 which is,z (one half) the cost of a duplicating machine, A. B. Dick Mimeograph, to be used jointljr by the Consolidated Board of Health and the Auditore Office. ? Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, an appropriation for the amount of $235.00 wae made by the Board 4,(4,?I.c"w°" to be charged to Capital Qutlay in the Auditors Office from the FSnergency Fui ld. Motion carried unanimously. a ? •Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the Ekecutive Secretary was instructed to ascertain wk?y the ?;pj?qrw? City employees received their "Flu shots" before the County employees. N,r. T. D. Love, County Auditor, presentbd PAID Bonds and Coupons dated from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956 amounting ' rp ," to:Bonds $125.000; Coupons $94,903.75 or a total of $219,903.75 for checking and destruction as required. This was `Is to be handled next week after they had been checked and certified by the Secretary, ? Tax Supervisor, T. D. Love, made the following recomnendations for the valuations and percentages to be used in the Revaluation Program in 1958: "It is my recommendation that you use 65% of the appraised values as our assessed values. This would of course be applied all across the board on all real property,. . .Using 65% of real values makes it mandatory that we assess other property as near as possible on the same balis,SiTherefore. .. . ; . Personal Property as follows: 1 9utomobiles. ..Use 'Average Finance Value' as published in National Market Reports Red Book which is said to be 66 2/3% of the average retail values; 2 Inventories 65% . . . . 3 Machinery & FAuipment Office Fuxniture etc. ....use 65% of depreciated value, but not less than 25% of cost... .. 4 Household Furn- iture from which 0300 exemption is allowed. ....handle as in the past by the D,isters ....The 65% recotmnendation is made with the proviso that satisfactory arrangements be made with the School Boasd in regard to the 20¢ Sup- plementary Tax. ...that they would receive a comparable amount with the 1957 Budget but receive consideration for the normal growth in the County each year." ? The following good and lawful persons were drawn for Jury duty in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks Term beginning November 18, 1957: WilderdeanF. Thompson, Thomas M. Campbell Lawrence L. Murray William 0. Davis, Jr Walter J. Cavenaugh David L. Struthers Pa.ul W. Rotthlinger 0. S. Woodle Woodrow'W, Watson ' Carl N. Mathis,Jr ELWOOCI C. OttOW&y Wm. P.,Emerson Wm. M. Taylor F. E. Shannon Manley M. Taylor Charles I,aMar Meadows L. W. Humphrey, Jr N. R. Skipper 1406 Princess Street 4215 Market Street 2 Jackson Drive 4704 Park Avenue Rte.#1, Box #305-D 211 North 22nd Street 227 Calhoun Drive Rte.#/2, Box # 499 Rte:#2, Box # 512 317 South 17th Street 3719 Market Street 2225 Acacia Drive 3838 Hoggard Drive 3619 Winston Boulevard 406 Central Boulevard 2875 JeFferson Street 108 Colonial Avenue Rte. # 1, Box # 359 Second Week - November 25, 1957. Carlton Barfield 307 Williamson Drive J. A. Jones, Jr 218 North 25th Street S; W. Brinson, Jr 4924 Park Avenue J. J. Dail Rte.#1, Box /f95, City D. MeDougold Rte.#1, Box #115 Johnny T. Holden 3024 Jefferson Street R. G. Capgs 14 Henwood Avenue George Gornton, 5r 2306 Princess Street W. L. Rogers 10 South I,ake Village F. B. Hewlett 228 Greenville Avenue Milton E. Howell 2110 Princess Place Drive Nathan Stein 6 Keaton Avenue Herbert F. Clardy 2516 South Front Street L. M. Stephenson 120 Bryan Avenue Richard S. Rogers Cfo W. S. & T. Co., T. N. Costello 3702 Stratford Bovlevard Alex Wells 17-D Lake Village D. M. Johnson 2117-?g Barnett Boulevard 61 '19$ Neeting October 28, 1957 - Continued. James I. Adams J. K. Burkheimer M. M. Nichols, Jr., Leon R. Lewis D. R. Fdwards Wm. F. Wagner J. W. Sherron Geo.'H. Green R. G. Shepard John R. Pegg A. E. Baggett Wm. F. Tomz H. S. Herring W. M. Hewlett C. R. Taunt A; B. Mincey J. -D. Walker G. A. Spinks Box 344,Wrightsville Beach,David Nathan'Horowitz,5 Summitt Walk 232 Calhoun Drive Charles D. Nixon, Jr. 243 Williamson Drive 221 North 7th Street Jimmy Gerald White 217 Rutledge Drive 302 Francis Marion Dr Juli:an K.•Taylor, Jr 1806 Grace Street 4264 Park Avenue _ Bennie L. Sanderlin 606 Rosemont Avenue 606 North 23rd Street James L. Sprunt, Jr 1003 Country Club Road 5013 Wrightsville Ave Stanley Vosnock Rte. # 1, Castle Hayne • 2928 South Front St., Ernest F. Stokley 3027 Jefferson Street . 1906 Perry Avenue Marvin D. Curtis 2530 North UanBuren Street 1205 Yaupon Drive Frank E. Young, Jr 162 Pinecrest Parkway 2619 Wrightsville Av John G. Lindner 2112 Pender Avenue 2215 Cainellia Drive John R. Teachey Rte. # 2, Box # 141 123 Ward Street James S. MeCris 1309 Chestnut Street Box // 1271, City Harry Lininger Rte. // 2, Box # 402 112 Davie Drive Morris Golden 2914 Adams Street 674 North 25th St., Msck J. Sibbett 213 Rutledge Drive . .1508.Nun.Street __ Willie.,Z. Moore 120 Arlington Drive 3916 South'Front St., John T. Capps 5446 Oleander Drive -The meetirig was en adjourned by common consent. N . 4l,G.Houck - Ececutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. November 4, 1957. ?. The regular weekly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Chairman, J. M. Ha11,Jr. and Cornmissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, Leon E. Broadhurst and J. E. Holton, Je, Mrs Berry A. Williams was absent due to a State Highway Commission meeting being held in Raleigh and because he is Chair- man of the Highway Committee on our Board representing the County; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor z T. D. Love. , . . The invocatioh was conducted by the Reverend Reeves C. Cline, Pastor of the Gibson Avenue Baptist Church, opening the meeting by a prayer. The Minutes of the meeting held October 28, 1957, having previously been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan, approved. ' e --- ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the following telegram was approved and sent:Commissioner Berry A. Williams, Chairman Highway Committee, Board Room, State Highrray Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina. "THIS WILL SUPPORT THE POSITION OF THE WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMiERCE AND OTHER INTERFSTS ON U.S. 17 RD;ARDING THE PROPOSAL TO 'EXTEND U.S. 13 ?VER U.S. 701, WHICH IN EFFECT WOULD DIVERT 2RAFFIC OFF OF U.S. 17 OVER A WIDE AREA AISil CHANNEL IT THRU GD7RGETOWN, SOUTH CAROLINA, IF FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE, WE URGE CONTINUED IMPROVEN,FNT OF U.S. 17 AS THE LOGICAL ANSWER, /s/J.M,HALL,Jr; CHAIRMAN, New Hanover Cgunty_Hoard of Commissioners" • ?ii?-t? . /3ti..'t?.c/ . The E)cecutive Secretary was instrueted to conFer with Mr. Woody and determine if the last list of people employed by the County were properly certified by the Civil Service Board and if advertising had been done. Mr. Woody in£orms me that the following advertisement was run.in the neuspaper:NOTICE: A meeting of the New Hanover County Civil Service "Commission will be held in the office of the County Commissianers at the Court House at 12:00 o'clock noon, September 13, 1957, to give an examination to fill vacancies for position of Typist-Clerk in the office of the Clerk of'Superior CoUrt to be assigned to Recorders Court work, Typist-Clerk in the office of the Register of Deeds, and Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. The applicants must furnish references and submit applications in own handwriting and appear before the Commission for questioning on the above date. § Applications will be received by the undersigned un- til 5:30 P. M. September 12, 1957. § NEW HANOVTsR COIINTY CIVIL SEVICE COL4,I5SION By Thos. K. Woody, Clerk. Applicants for the various 3obs were interviewed and rated as required by the 5tatutes. The 5heriff requests that we withhold any aCtion until he gave me further notice. Mr. C. R. Morse submitted the following report and Statement of Taxes collected since July 1, 1957. $2,581.76 was col--- lected from the insolvent list and $426;931.35 for the month of October on 1957 taxes £or the County. Uncollected Back Taxes 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951-Prior total June 30, 1957. $48,533.19 $22,403.35 $13,612.88 $7054.68 $3,811:34 $9,130.69 ' $104,846.13 Collected July,Aug. ' Sept. & Oct. $ 7.294.77 9?3_825.33_ $_1.SG9.76 A 762.88 $ 282.20 $ 206.67 $ 13.919.61 Balance due • $[,1,238.42 $18,578.02 $12,065.12 06,591.80 $3,529:14 $8,924.02 ' $ 90,926.52 A Mr. Caison who lives on North lOth Street and Chestnut Street appeared before the Board in behalf of a Mrs. Pauline Noble who has had'an operation-on her feet recently and could not walk. She has been aided by the Welfare Department but because of ste Statute Laws she could not receive further assistance. He also said that he daughter was in bed sick , and needed medical attention. He was merely trying to help her and had been referred to the Commissionerst Office by the Sheriff's Departmen-G. After conferring with the Welfare Department (Mrs, Sneeden and Mrs. Nixon) it developed that they could help her if she could secure an order or invoice from her Physician. It was referred back to the Welfare Department for disposition and Mr. Caison is to go to the hospital and secure the necessary docwnents for them toJah ge proper data inthe file for handling it. At the request of County•Auditor T. D. Love $75.00 was ordered transferred from the Jury Fee Budget to Bvidence, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved. , '7J,-• -? Upon motion of Mr. Holton,,seconded by Mr. Mayhari the Board approved police protection for the cars o£ those who wish to ].eave their uare parked near the embarkation point for the Stockho3m Cruise, jointly with the City to share alike in whatever minimtun cost was involved not to exceed a total of $300 each, but Mr. HoTton obser'ved that there was a posibility the Maritime Administration would allow the cars to be parke3 in the Reserve Shipyard which was under eon- stant police protection, without cost to either the City or County, The Secretary was instructed to explore this con- tingep[cy and report to the Board. (Contacted Mr,, Hugh A. Plowden,Jr.,Yard Superintendent, N,aritime Administration,N. C. Reserve Shipyard, who says they do not actually have room to store the cars. Most of the apparent space under their control is cluttered up with RR tracks and other materials that make it undesirable as a parking area) a The Secretary called the City Manager, Mr. J. R. Benson, as instructed, and advised that if an ad3usted innoice forcl?? the sewer connections to Industrial Properties, Inc amounting to $590 was sent to the County it would be paid as agreed.,,? Mr. Benson informed me that the City made the connections for Industrial Properties, Inc and that they were expecting them to pay the invoice but that if we sent them a check for the $590 and requested it be applied to that bill it would be done. He advised that.the minutes of the joint meeting held last Wednesday October 30, 1957 were'in the.process of being written and a copy would be sent to this office which would explain it. ( These minutes have never been received altho they have been promised twice since the above promise) Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by 14r. Broadhurst approval was given to destroy "PAID" Bonds and Coupons dating from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956 amounting to $219,903.75. Bonds $126,000 and Coupons $94,903.75. The burning in the , furnace was witnesaed by the entire Board present. Mr. Holton Commented, a•fter iospection of the boiler room atthe time of the Bond burming, that debris, trash and other -A