1957-11-18 Regular MeetingI 192 items should not be allowed to accumulate and clutter up the rooms and moved that the Board make quarterlyr inspection trips to the County properties; Community Hospital, County Home and Courthoase; this motion was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and adopted by the Board. , , ? Copy of the Grand Jury report to His Hanor Chester R.,Morris, Presiding at the October 1957 Term of Criminal Court, was evnl received and filed for reference. , , A letter from W. H. Horne opposing the elimination of Passenger trains No. 48 & 49 running between Wilmington and Rocky ? r ?Nount as proposed by the At?antic Coast Line Railroad Co., was read and the following action taken. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Utilities Commission is to be written, requesting them to study the matter ? and render an unbiased decision on the problem but to keep in mind the best service for the public good. A.copy of the request to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce. , (L Report of the Veterans' Service Office for their activities for the month of October 1957 was ordered filed for in- 'fj)? formation. Awards of $7,644.39 were received in the County. Request for invoice for the last boiler damage at Community Hospital received from Harold W. Wells & Son so (that settlement could be made was deferred for indefinite period to allow £or any additional damage or defects in.re- ?y?,?? pairs to show up before agreeing to settlement with the.Insurance Carrier, under Policy #187-17917. ? As instructed last week Mr. McGirt, Tax Assessor, was requested to appraise the Parcel No. 148, in Block No. 12, Lot No. 6, located on Marstellar Street for which an offer of $150.39 was made by W. H. Wright,Jr. The Tax Ass- ressor recommended a value of $250.00 be placed on the Lot. The Board instructed the Secretary to advise the pro- posed purchaser, and secure approval from the City for the sale at that figure. The Petition to the State Highway Commission for the four-lane, divided road over U.S. No. 74 from lJilmington to Charlotte was approved as drawn for the East-41est Highway Development Association and presented by the Chamber of ,??'? Commerce on even date. .?1rr?- V" 11 County employees in the Cdurthouse arid'those"at"the County" Home'were advised that they.were eligible to get their "flu" shot§ on Friday afternoon*November 1, 1957. The cost was 8.35¢ per shot which was paid by the employee. Mr. IIrnest R. Mayhan introduced the following motion:"That the members of the Bdard of County Commisaioners go / one record and advise Governer Hodges of the fact that they deplore the removal of the entire membership of the ? State Ports Authority and the removal of Col. Richard S. Marr and sincerely request that the Headquarters of the J(? Ports Authority remain in Wilmington and not move to Raleigh'as has been rumored". The motion died for lack of a U second. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board approved writing a letter to the Governor re- questing that he continue to maintain the Headquarters of the State Ports Authority in the largest Port City. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the Board ordered the Commissioners, Office be closed from, 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock P.M. during the flzneral of Mr, C. Heide Trask, and that a Resolution be spread upon the min- utes of this meeting with a oopy to go to the family, as follows: "The Board of County Commissioners of New Han- over Cotinty learned with profound regret of the sudden and untimely death of C. Heide Trask on the 3rd day of November 1957 at the Burgaw Hospital. Mr. Trask was a leader in the civic, social, agricultural and political , life of Southeastern North Carolina and New Hanover County has lost a valuable and public spirited citizen. He, was born in Wilmington on December 12, 1902, a son of G. W. Trask and Fmma Borneman Trask; educated in the pub-, lic schools of New Hanover County and later attended North Carolina State College. Ide was married August 29, 1925, to Miss Nell Huriter of Clinton, S. C. He was a Director of the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., of Wilmington, Chairman of the Board of Directors of James Walker Memorial Hospital, and a member of the Board of the proposed new hosp- ital. He was a member of the Board of Deacons of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmington. He was formee North Carolina Highway Commissioner for the Third Highway District; a member of the local Selective Service Board, and had served on mqny state and local boards and commissions. Mr. Trask was a prominent farmer in Southeastern North Carolina, and a pioneer in refrigeration and transportation of fresh produce. In addition, he was a pioneer in ir- rigationof this area and was well lrnown as a grower of bulbs and flowera. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED: Thrst the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in regular meeting assempled, wishes to express its sense of deep loss upon the death of C. Heide Trask and to redord it high regard for hun as a public spirited citizen. BS IT FURTHER RF50LVED: That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County desires to extend its deep sympatty to his ?r,?,amily and that this resolution be spread upon the the minutes of this meeting and a copy sent to his family. This '?a.o?'•'"?`?4th day of November, 1959. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, By J. M. HALL, Jr. CHAIRMAN. Umotion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst Monday November ll, 1957 was declared an official ktoLiday for County gnployees and the Board would not meet that day. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr; Mayhan, WGHouck:es the Board unanimously decla f adjourned e tt e ecretary WiLmington, N. C. November 11, 1959. TO?a There was no meeting of the New Hanover County Board o£ Commissioners this week because a holiday was declared in respect and honor of Veterans Day, Wilmington, N. C. November 18, 1957. The- regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. 0'clock in the Commissioners Room in the New Hanover County Courthouse..Present:,Chairman, J. M. Ha11, Jr, Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, Leon E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr, Berry A, Williams and County Attorney John Sright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro Tem Ernest R. Mayhan as Mr. Hall was delayed for a few minutes. The meeting was opened by prayer of Invocation by the Reverend S. J. Starnes, Pastor, of Sunset Park Methodist Church. The Minutes of the meeting of November Qth, 1957, having previously been mailed to each of the members of the Board, were, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved. There were no minutes on November llth as it was Veterans Ihy and no meeting was held, /?,Mr. Fd B. Wright, Secretary to the New Hanover County Fire Inspection Committee, presented the,-following names of ?ersons elected to represent the various Volunteer Fire Departments in Rural New Hanover County: I. W. McGee, ? ? Castle HaJner • M. A. AbernethY, Myrtle Grover •.H. H. Halle 0g ? den• L. W. Wattsr Seag ? ate• E. V. Garnerr South Wilmington; J. J. G. Brinkley, Winter Park; E. B. Wright, Wrightsboro; on the reorganized Fire Inspection Committee. Mr. Berry A. ?V Williams was reappointed from the Board of Commissioners to continue as a representative on the Committee. 1Pursusnt to suggestions made at the meeting on October 28, 1957 the new Firs Inspection Coirunittee,as above outlined met and make the following recommendations and requests,approval of..the Board of Commissioners: 1-1-linter Park be `xempt.from stretching its Fire District as recommended in the Contract Agreement presented October 28, because it .. would leave their present heavily populated area without proper £ire protection as required by the North Carolina \ t Meeting November 18? 1957 - Continued 193 Fire Insurance Rating Bureau.'2-Commissioners use their influence to help organize a Uolunteer Fire Departipent in The Fast Wilmingtom Community, 3-Change Section Four of the Contract to read as follows: "The InsDection ?pu1@,ittee,_ hereinbefore, re£erred to shall be composed.of one man from each Volunteer Fire Department and one County Commiss- ioner". Q-Delete Section five from the Agreement. 5-Remove all of Section Six except "All boundaries will be ap- proved by the Inspection Comnittee'and the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners," 6-Remove Section Seven from ' the Contract. 7-The last paragraph be changed to read as follows: "IN WITNFSS WHERDOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be signed, in duplicate, by its Chairman and the Party of the Second Part has caused these presents to be signed by its President or Secretary, the day and year first hereinbefore written,". Tn his motion Mr. Holton included the stipulation that the Articles and Sections of the Contract Agreement recommended for changes should be referred to the County Attorney for approval and Mr. Broadhurst in his second to the motion added that the Inspection Committee should spearhead the efforts to secure leadership in the organization of the East Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department. This motion was unani,ously aassed. As an after thought Mr. Wright re- quested that when the County Attorney had finished redrafting the Contracts they be held until he had furnished" some maps outlining the Fire Districts to be attached to the Contracts when the were mailed out. Mr. Richard A. Shew presented a letter of protest to'the closing of the Northeast (Cape Fear) River Bridge betwee rP? the hours of 6:00 P. M. until 8:00 A. M. by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co., and requested approval of the Commisaion. Mr. Broadhurst moved that all interested users of the river be contacted to ascertain what effect, if ^. any, it would have on their operations, before taking any action on the request. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the request of the Probation Commission for painting their of fice was approved, but nothing to be done to the floors except paint. The request of Mr. S. B. Shimp for payment of damages to his chickens by stray dogs was referred to County Attorney for ruling but sirice the owners of the dogs is lmown the Board was of the opinion that his redress was thru suit if they refused to compensate him for his injury. Mr. Holton made the motion and Mr. Broadhurst seconded and it was ap- ' aI.n / proved. ' ? o tv R /./-I Y At the request o£ The Caswell Training School for a Christmas Fund donation the Board voted to grant donations to y erican Advent Christian Home and Orphanage, the several institutions on the same basis as last ear which was ? ? Live Oak, Florida;vaswell Training School, Kinston, N. C.;stern North Carolina Training School, Rocky Mount, N. C.,t orrison Training School, Hofflnan, N. C.;`?ate Training School for Negro Gir1s, Kinston, N. C:; all $25.00 each and Samarcand N,anor, Eagle Springs, N. C.; tonewall Jackson Training School, Concord, N. C.; both $30.00 each. '(Mr. Williams was absent when tkiese minutes were approved but he questioned sending a donation to ar?y schools unless there were residents of this County there. Mrs. Sneeden of the Welfare Department will investigate and certify anye.,X that are eligible) Upon motion of Mr, Williams, second'ed by Mr. Holton the following appropriations and approvals were authorized by a unanimous vote. $ 20.00 From Emergency Hlund to Agriculture & Economics -Chestnut Street Presbyterian Churcti. $ 34.25 From Fhergency Fund to Commissioners Repairs & N,aintenance Equipment-Coastal Fquipmen't. $ 200.00 From FSnergency Ftund to Capital Outlay - Vacuum Cleaner Court House - Gregg Bros Hdwe. $.4,900.00 From Unanticipated Funds to Community Hospital -Repairs to Boilers $2,000.00 Payment of Audit Fees was referred to Nlr: Love at his discretion on estimate of the ratio of work completed,up to this t'ime. ' Mr. Williams moved that the Commissioners set a target date not later than Sune 30, 1958 for closing the Prison Farm and that all prisoners be sent to the State Prisons;and appoint a Board of Directors for the County Home and operate it as a Boarding Home; and that the land owned by the County adjacent to the Home property be offered £or industrial development. This motion died for want of a second, Mr. Williams then moved, seconded by Mr. Holton that a Committee be appointed to study the matter and make recommendations a't the earliest practical date. This motion , was unanimously passed and the following Committee Appointed, Mr, J,'M, Ha11,.Jr., Mr. Leon E. Broadhurstm ta?d Mr. James E. Holton, Jr,, • ??f'?? , - Mr. Hall came in at this point and assumed the Direction of the Board as'Chairman. The meeting continued as follows; The Board of Fducation thru_Mr. Hoggard and Mr. Hogue made an appeal to the Commissioners to let the present arrange- ments for a school bond election•in•February stand, but because the Coiu7ty Attorney recommended sending the Bond Orders to the Bond Attorney in New York for perusal the actual election date was not set today but if the information is available by next Monday it will be definitely set at that time. ' Reports from the Tax Supervisor, dated November 12 and 13th relative to the progress of the ualization and Revalu- ,?` ation Program were discussed•briefly. They indicated that the new appraisa].s were averaging?? to 3 times the amount 7"7 of the pr@sent assessed values but it was pointed out that these'reports only covered certain sections and might not,?T'°C be an index to the City as a whole. 14r. C. M. Harrington remarked that it was still the opinion of the Tax Study Com- mittee to have more appraised valuations before discussing the percentage or tax rates to use..By common consent the discu'ssion was deferred until next weekst meeting. - ?? r Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst? seconded by Mr. Mayhan the Board approved the payment of $590.00 to Industrial Prop??k??? erties,Inc., for sewer connections to discharge an obligation contracted of June 14th, 1959. $2,000.00 was appropri- C? ated to cover this anticipated expense at that time. , Mr. Reuben L. Frost, U.S. Weather Hureau, and Mr. Stanley G. Rehder, Hurricane Warning Service of the American Red Cross, reported that radar facilities..were so crowded that it was necessary to use the washrooms when emergencies ? ?.. required using them. Plans are now under way for the last quarter of the yesr - April, May and June 1958, to set up a+;.JDa,T a radar station with a different frequency £rom the Air Force at Fort Fisher„ to use for hurricane reporting emer- gencies. They.requested that an additional room be constructed on the N. E. corner of the present Weather Bureau Of- fice to house the equipment. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams they are to work with the Airport Committee, Airport Manager John.A, Westbrook, and secure plans and estimates of the cost of such a room, and report back to the Board. The recent letter from Dr. David P. Thomas, M,D., relative to indescriminate garbage dump5ng near his home on Green- ville Sound, was returned by the Consolidated Health Department to which it had been referred on October 30, and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, it was again referred to the Health Department for handling but that Dr, C. B. Davis County Health Officer, be invited to next weeks meeting for a discussion, and a letter written to Dr. Thomas inform- ing him that it had been sent to the Health Department for their attention. (Upon investigation I found Dr. Davis out of town until Monday morning but I left word with his Secretary that he was invited to meet with the Board) Mr. Julien D. Martin, State News Editor of the local newspaper, requested permission for temporary storage of cer- - tain articles in the vault of the.County Register of Deeds, R. L. Black. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr ; Williams the Board approved it with the understanding that it was agreeable to the Register of Deeds. Mr. R. L. Black, The Register of Deeds came in at this juncture and acquiesced. A letter from the Throe City Committee. ..Greensboro, High fbint and Winston Salem. ..advising that a meeting would be held 41,iesday November 19, 1957 at 2:00 P. M. in the King Cotton Hotel, for a discussions of the proposed Federal Limited Access Thruway from Canton,Ohio to North Carolina. The Board authorized the Highway Committee mem- ber, Mr. Berry A. Williams, to go and attend that meeting. He expressed some doubt as to his ability to.go.and he ' was authorized to delegate his trip if he could not go. (The EScecutive Secretary went and represented the Board at the meeting acEompanied by Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Greater Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Edward P.'Godwin Chairman of the Highways & Streets Committee of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce) ' ` . ? A ,? 9AA Meeting November 18, 1957-Continued Petition for Relief by Stephan Ava Justice was presented by the Welfare Department beca.use of physical disability, was -? on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, admitted to the County Home, by a unanimous vote of the Board C l Requeste of Willetts Realty Company to have certain hard surPaced streets in Devon Park Fxtension placed on the State Highway System for maintenance was, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, referred to the State High- ? way Cormnission Ehgineer Brown for disposition. ? The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil and Criminal terms as designated below: Supplementary Jurors for the Civil Term Beginning November 18th, 1959. Harry F. Bergmann?Jx,237 Davie Drive A. H. Standland,4601 Wrightsville Ave Lowell G. Marlowe 325 Davie Drive A. S. Brittain Box // 40, Wrightsville Beach, James H. Robbins 316 Davie Drive B. F. Melton 212 Greenfield Street E. E. Roberts 231 Davie Drive Arthur Caddell 219 Vance Street D. E. Packer 121 4lilliamson Drive Bruce W. Page 1001 Murchison Bldg. Morris D. Mintz 814 Dock Street J. H. Fisher P.O. Box #583, (arolina Beach E. D. Padgett 132 Ward Street David C. Watson 707 Narket Street R. P. Hewlett 4922 Park Avenue Frank W. Platt 2263 Camellia Drive R. C. Andrews Rte.# 2, Box // 86 Garland Lewis Rte.'# 1, IIox # 2 Henry Batson Rte,# 1, Box # 220 Henry Weyers 531 Bohham Avenue First week Criminal Beginning December 2nd, 1957 Preaton Pollock, Jr.;;Rte. #1, Box # 155:C. B. McCanless,3907 South Front Street:Theresa Bullard Stanley,Rte. /f 1, Box # 228-F J. Laurence Sprunt, 1320 S. Live Qqk Pkwy:Harold G. Herring,302 Southern Blvd :James G. Bradshaw, 2708 Monroe Street Claude H. Smith,Jr, 215 Rutledge Drive :Howard A. Hanby, P. 0. Box # 89 :Marsden Be11an1Y,'Jr., 611 Market Street Frank Waters, Jr., 6014 Oleander Drive :N,ajor E. Arthur,196 I7avie Drive :John Morgan Hurt,Jr.,3015 Adams Street Elbert B. Miller 1301 Corbett Street :Chas. E. Wilson,4306 Greenfield Street :Thomas A. Johnson, 25B Pinecrest Terrace G. T. Stewart,Jr., 126 Sebrell Avenue :Milton Walker, 1410 Ann Street :Roosevelt Miller, Castle Hayne, R-1, B-176 Milton Kornegay, 305 Williamson Drive :Wade Arnet6e 5920 Wrightsville Ave,m:Rudolph MarLin, 3028 South Front Street Joseph Powell 1207 Dawson Street :John Chadwick 322 Castle Hayne Road :Elagene Marks, 1410 South 7th Street Isaac Boykin 713 South 7th Street :James Hughes P.O.Box # 209, City :Lennie Fender, 6012 Park Avenue Alvin DeBose 313 Davie Drive : Henry Pierce,Castle Hayne,Rte.# 1,B-151:Robert Smith, 714 Harnett Street Jack Arthur • 5809 Roseland Drive :Neil Wood 303 Mercer Avenue :Lama Todd, 1909 Ran1dn Street ' L. V. Mer.ritt, 103 Williamson Drive :R. W. Leonard, 248 Vance Street :E. M. Hawkins, 15 E. 5aliabury St. W. B. L. C. Thorpe 3020 Jefferson Street :W. P. Powe1.7 210 South 17th Street :I. A. Dyches 10 Northern Boulevard W. E. Thorpe 1504 West Plaza :F. W. Dortch 5444 Oleander Drive :C. N. Packer, 114 Ward Street R. B. Brewer Rte./{ Y, Box # 367 :0. R. Clewis 120 Holbrooke Avenue :S. D. Cribb 125 Graham Street , L. D. Smith 415 Wrightsville Avenue :C. B. Davis 322 South Front Street :L. A. Long 1001-i South 3rd Street E. E. Dge 2516 Jefferson Street :W. B. Long 319 South 3rd Street . Second Week Criminal Beginning December 9th, 1957. ' Charles E. Stephenson,l,/{OS Park Avenue :Samuel R. Sinclair,12 B Lennon Drive :Frank k5n. Pellegrini,3018 Jefferson St., Lester Harold ISnight,Rte.# 2, Box //1°O1B:Wilbur Phillip Bahan,Rte,# 3,Fox # 236.:John.K;.Robertson, Carolina Beach, N.C. John Henry Clemmons,3107 South Front St:Garland Thompson,St.,Rte.# 1, Box #/189A:Dewitt Merritt$l0 West Greensboro, W. B. Herbert Paul Ward, 3401 Wrightsville AveWilliam L. E11is, 212 Spruce Drive :Thomas D. Southerlan3, 1506 rrun Street Milton B. Harre11,3910 South Front St :David W. Ormsby 3532 5outh Front Street:Jesse L. Marshalll 3 Terrace Walk Kenneth E. Henry, 4112 Lake Avenue :Paul C. Miller 2617 Market Street :Herman Roberts, 119 Graham Street Herbert Seljes 211 Orange Street :Ov$lee •Barefoot 120 Colonial Drive :Louis James 1213 Orange Street George Taylor. 1121 South 8th Street:E. C. Hines 208 North 17th Street :James D. Johnson,4082 Northern Blvd. L. L. Martin 36 Woodlawn Avenue :Walter H. Moore,Bx/}179,Carolina Beach :A, C. Gregg, 2513 Monroe Street L]ilbert B. Norton,226 B•Williamson DriveE. L. Piun; Jr 147 Stunter Drive :Richard S. T1urnera3906 Market St. Road Yhn, C. Covil 10 Nontgomery Avenue :David L. S?nith, Wrightsville Beach :L. H. Halterman, 1314 Grace Street Jonathan L. Taylor,3023 Adams Street :A, L. Jordan 9 T Lake Forest :Fdw Moore IIks;2725 Jackson Street A. E. Teachey, 4409 Wrightsville Ave:7horoas S. Roney,Rte. # 2, Box # 127-A :James B. Quinn, 410 Chestnut Street Paul L. Herring 21+9 Williamson Drive :R. H. Sneeden 2712 Market Street :Faxgene J, Logamp 715 South 15th Street Floyd W. Cox, 'Sr,B-25Wrightsville BeachhLinn S. Warren, 710 Holmlock Terrace :W, J. braig, 5108 Pine Street Morris D. Mahn Rte.# 2, Bos # 77 :Levi A. Mott 3403 Princess Street :Dewey R. Breece, 4302 Wrightsville Ave., J. M. Cox, 1729 Carolina Avenue :Rodney H. Mintz,212 Greenfield Street . ? REPORTS from the following agencies were acimowledged and filed for information: 1-Home Demonstration Agent, Uerna ? Belle Lowery & Cornelia Q. Williams; 2-Negro Home Demonstration and !,-H Clubs, Rebecca L. Hall; 3-County Farm Agent, ? Dallie D. Baggett; Q-Booperative Dctension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics in North Carolina; 5-Wilmington ?Public Library, Katherine E. Howell; b-ldilmington Colored Library, Lillian E. Shober; 7-Office of Civil Defense, , _, Andrew H. Harriss; LETTERS:Governor's Office - Aclmowledgement of letter'on Dcport & lmport Rates. 9-1'hank you notes C.in? wires & letters fxom the newl,y appointed State Ports Authority; 10-J. Harry Hayden re Federal Point Peninsula erosion Fort Fisher; 11-Communuty Hospital committment of Marion Harrington to McCain Sanatorium with TB; 12-New Hanover X?gh School Boosters Club, Mrs, Jennings Ott; 13-State Board of Water CommissiBmers,Villiam S. Johnson,Jr; 14_Board of Trustees of the new proposed hospital; 15-Inspector's Report on Boiler at Community Hospital. ? Upon motion of Mr, Mayhan, seconded by Mr, Broadhurst, WGHouck:es the Board unanirnously voted to adjou?n. S cretary Wilmington, N. C. November 25, 1957 OPENING. The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr, Comissioners L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan and County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. Reverend W. H. Baskerville, Pastor of Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church gave the prayer of Invocation to open the meeting. . APPROVAL MINUTES & CORRECTIONS The minutes of the meeting held November 18, 1957, having been previousl,y mailed to each member of the Board, sreee approved, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, with the following corrections or ad- ditions: 1-The donations to the several institutions serving New Hanover County residents were reaffirmed, for Christmas donations limited to institutions.approved by Welfare Department,(Mrs, Sneeden)2-In motion of Mr. Williams last week relative to the County Home being converted to a Boarding Home add the following: "County properties adjoining to be offered for industrial development. 3-Delete Mr. Williams name as having seconded the motion of Mr. Broadhurst in the paragraph relating to the garbage disposal letter sent to the Consolidated Health Department for handling. GARBAGE DISP0.SAL Dr. C. B. Davis and Mr. Leroy I. I,assiter of the Consolidated Board of Health attended the meeting at the invitation of the Board to discuss the problem of garbage disposal arising out of a letter from a resident Greenville Sound Community. The 1957 Sessions Laws were read as were the Regulations Governing the Storage, Collection, Transporting, and Disposal of Garbage and Refuse in New Hanover County effective May lst, 1956. After considerable discussion both pro and con the matter was left without a definite conclusion being reached. Dr. Davis hafl to leave because of a previous appointment. ,