1957-11-25 Regular Meeting,? 9AA Meeting November 18, 1957-Continued Petition for Relief by Stephan Ava Justice was presented by the Welfare Department beca.use of physical disability, was -? on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, admitted to the County Home, by a unanimous vote of the Board C l Requeste of Willetts Realty Company to have certain hard surPaced streets in Devon Park Fxtension placed on the State Highway System for maintenance was, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, referred to the State High- ? way Cormnission Ehgineer Brown for disposition. ? The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil and Criminal terms as designated below: Supplementary Jurors for the Civil Term Beginning November 18th, 1959. Harry F. Bergmann?Jx,237 Davie Drive A. H. Standland,4601 Wrightsville Ave Lowell G. Marlowe 325 Davie Drive A. S. Brittain Box // 40, Wrightsville Beach, James H. Robbins 316 Davie Drive B. F. Melton 212 Greenfield Street E. E. Roberts 231 Davie Drive Arthur Caddell 219 Vance Street D. E. Packer 121 4lilliamson Drive Bruce W. Page 1001 Murchison Bldg. Morris D. Mintz 814 Dock Street J. H. Fisher P.O. Box #583, (arolina Beach E. D. Padgett 132 Ward Street David C. Watson 707 Narket Street R. P. Hewlett 4922 Park Avenue Frank W. Platt 2263 Camellia Drive R. C. Andrews Rte.# 2, Box // 86 Garland Lewis Rte.'# 1, IIox # 2 Henry Batson Rte,# 1, Box # 220 Henry Weyers 531 Bohham Avenue First week Criminal Beginning December 2nd, 1957 Preaton Pollock, Jr.;;Rte. #1, Box # 155:C. B. McCanless,3907 South Front Street:Theresa Bullard Stanley,Rte. /f 1, Box # 228-F J. Laurence Sprunt, 1320 S. Live Qqk Pkwy:Harold G. Herring,302 Southern Blvd :James G. Bradshaw, 2708 Monroe Street Claude H. Smith,Jr, 215 Rutledge Drive :Howard A. Hanby, P. 0. Box # 89 :Marsden Be11an1Y,'Jr., 611 Market Street Frank Waters, Jr., 6014 Oleander Drive :N,ajor E. Arthur,196 I7avie Drive :John Morgan Hurt,Jr.,3015 Adams Street Elbert B. Miller 1301 Corbett Street :Chas. E. Wilson,4306 Greenfield Street :Thomas A. Johnson, 25B Pinecrest Terrace G. T. Stewart,Jr., 126 Sebrell Avenue :Milton Walker, 1410 Ann Street :Roosevelt Miller, Castle Hayne, R-1, B-176 Milton Kornegay, 305 Williamson Drive :Wade Arnet6e 5920 Wrightsville Ave,m:Rudolph MarLin, 3028 South Front Street Joseph Powell 1207 Dawson Street :John Chadwick 322 Castle Hayne Road :Elagene Marks, 1410 South 7th Street Isaac Boykin 713 South 7th Street :James Hughes P.O.Box # 209, City :Lennie Fender, 6012 Park Avenue Alvin DeBose 313 Davie Drive : Henry Pierce,Castle Hayne,Rte.# 1,B-151:Robert Smith, 714 Harnett Street Jack Arthur • 5809 Roseland Drive :Neil Wood 303 Mercer Avenue :Lama Todd, 1909 Ran1dn Street ' L. V. Mer.ritt, 103 Williamson Drive :R. W. Leonard, 248 Vance Street :E. M. Hawkins, 15 E. 5aliabury St. W. B. L. C. Thorpe 3020 Jefferson Street :W. P. Powe1.7 210 South 17th Street :I. A. Dyches 10 Northern Boulevard W. E. Thorpe 1504 West Plaza :F. W. Dortch 5444 Oleander Drive :C. N. Packer, 114 Ward Street R. B. Brewer Rte./{ Y, Box # 367 :0. R. Clewis 120 Holbrooke Avenue :S. D. Cribb 125 Graham Street , L. D. Smith 415 Wrightsville Avenue :C. B. Davis 322 South Front Street :L. A. Long 1001-i South 3rd Street E. E. Dge 2516 Jefferson Street :W. B. Long 319 South 3rd Street . Second Week Criminal Beginning December 9th, 1957. ' Charles E. Stephenson,l,/{OS Park Avenue :Samuel R. Sinclair,12 B Lennon Drive :Frank k5n. Pellegrini,3018 Jefferson St., Lester Harold ISnight,Rte.# 2, Box //1°O1B:Wilbur Phillip Bahan,Rte,# 3,Fox # 236.:John.K;.Robertson, Carolina Beach, N.C. John Henry Clemmons,3107 South Front St:Garland Thompson,St.,Rte.# 1, Box #/189A:Dewitt Merritt$l0 West Greensboro, W. B. Herbert Paul Ward, 3401 Wrightsville AveWilliam L. E11is, 212 Spruce Drive :Thomas D. Southerlan3, 1506 rrun Street Milton B. Harre11,3910 South Front St :David W. Ormsby 3532 5outh Front Street:Jesse L. Marshalll 3 Terrace Walk Kenneth E. Henry, 4112 Lake Avenue :Paul C. Miller 2617 Market Street :Herman Roberts, 119 Graham Street Herbert Seljes 211 Orange Street :Ov$lee •Barefoot 120 Colonial Drive :Louis James 1213 Orange Street George Taylor. 1121 South 8th Street:E. C. Hines 208 North 17th Street :James D. Johnson,4082 Northern Blvd. L. L. Martin 36 Woodlawn Avenue :Walter H. Moore,Bx/}179,Carolina Beach :A, C. Gregg, 2513 Monroe Street L]ilbert B. Norton,226 B•Williamson DriveE. L. Piun; Jr 147 Stunter Drive :Richard S. T1urnera3906 Market St. Road Yhn, C. Covil 10 Nontgomery Avenue :David L. S?nith, Wrightsville Beach :L. H. Halterman, 1314 Grace Street Jonathan L. Taylor,3023 Adams Street :A, L. Jordan 9 T Lake Forest :Fdw Moore IIks;2725 Jackson Street A. E. Teachey, 4409 Wrightsville Ave:7horoas S. Roney,Rte. # 2, Box # 127-A :James B. Quinn, 410 Chestnut Street Paul L. Herring 21+9 Williamson Drive :R. H. Sneeden 2712 Market Street :Faxgene J, Logamp 715 South 15th Street Floyd W. Cox, 'Sr,B-25Wrightsville BeachhLinn S. Warren, 710 Holmlock Terrace :W, J. braig, 5108 Pine Street Morris D. Mahn Rte.# 2, Bos # 77 :Levi A. Mott 3403 Princess Street :Dewey R. Breece, 4302 Wrightsville Ave., J. M. Cox, 1729 Carolina Avenue :Rodney H. Mintz,212 Greenfield Street . ? REPORTS from the following agencies were acimowledged and filed for information: 1-Home Demonstration Agent, Uerna ? Belle Lowery & Cornelia Q. Williams; 2-Negro Home Demonstration and !,-H Clubs, Rebecca L. Hall; 3-County Farm Agent, ? Dallie D. Baggett; Q-Booperative Dctension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics in North Carolina; 5-Wilmington ?Public Library, Katherine E. Howell; b-ldilmington Colored Library, Lillian E. Shober; 7-Office of Civil Defense, , _, Andrew H. Harriss; LETTERS:Governor's Office - Aclmowledgement of letter'on Dcport & lmport Rates. 9-1'hank you notes C.in? wires & letters fxom the newl,y appointed State Ports Authority; 10-J. Harry Hayden re Federal Point Peninsula erosion Fort Fisher; 11-Communuty Hospital committment of Marion Harrington to McCain Sanatorium with TB; 12-New Hanover X?gh School Boosters Club, Mrs, Jennings Ott; 13-State Board of Water CommissiBmers,Villiam S. Johnson,Jr; 14_Board of Trustees of the new proposed hospital; 15-Inspector's Report on Boiler at Community Hospital. ? Upon motion of Mr, Mayhan, seconded by Mr, Broadhurst, WGHouck:es the Board unanirnously voted to adjou?n. S cretary Wilmington, N. C. November 25, 1957 OPENING. The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr, Comissioners L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan and County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. Reverend W. H. Baskerville, Pastor of Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church gave the prayer of Invocation to open the meeting. . APPROVAL MINUTES & CORRECTIONS The minutes of the meeting held November 18, 1957, having been previousl,y mailed to each member of the Board, sreee approved, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, with the following corrections or ad- ditions: 1-The donations to the several institutions serving New Hanover County residents were reaffirmed, for Christmas donations limited to institutions.approved by Welfare Department,(Mrs, Sneeden)2-In motion of Mr. Williams last week relative to the County Home being converted to a Boarding Home add the following: "County properties adjoining to be offered for industrial development. 3-Delete Mr. Williams name as having seconded the motion of Mr. Broadhurst in the paragraph relating to the garbage disposal letter sent to the Consolidated Health Department for handling. GARBAGE DISP0.SAL Dr. C. B. Davis and Mr. Leroy I. I,assiter of the Consolidated Board of Health attended the meeting at the invitation of the Board to discuss the problem of garbage disposal arising out of a letter from a resident Greenville Sound Community. The 1957 Sessions Laws were read as were the Regulations Governing the Storage, Collection, Transporting, and Disposal of Garbage and Refuse in New Hanover County effective May lst, 1956. After considerable discussion both pro and con the matter was left without a definite conclusion being reached. Dr. Davis hafl to leave because of a previous appointment. , Meeting of November 25, 1957 - Continued A IRPORT AT this time a letter from Mr..Wesley W. Knape, Chief, Combined Stations Tower, and one from John A. Westbrook, Manager o£ the Airport, were read, outlining that smoke from the present County Garbage Dump was, under certain circumstances and atanospheric conditions, creating a landing hazard for aircraft using the Airport. No action was taken but by common consent a flurther study will be made of this condition. 19 ; U FIRE INSPECTION Mr. Ed B. Wright, Secretary to the New Hanover County Inspection Committee, presented the following Resolution ?^ -?,,p / for approval of the Coirmiission. "BE IT HEREBY RESOLYED; that the New Hanover County Board of Coimnissioners ap- prove the revised description of the Winter Park Fire District Limits, as described below, in order to extend said li.mits to include what is now their fringe area, and to which they are qualified now to include:IIeginning at a point where the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks cross the Wilmington City Limits Line near Burnt Mill creek and Mercer Avenue, thence, following the Atlantic Coast Line track in an Easterly direction to a poi.nt 0.8 mile Fast of the Kerr Avenue crossing, thence, in a'Southerly direction to Hawthorne Drive, continuing along West side of said Drive to intersection of Oleander Drive, thence, continuing in a Southerly direction to a point where the Greenville I.oop road crosses branch o£ Hewlett's Creek, thence, along the West side of said branch of Hewlett's Creek, thence, along South Bank of said creek to the Intercoastal idaterway, thence, along West Bank of the Inlandwaterway to LIliiskey Cre4k, thence in a Northeasterly direction to the Eastern Boundary of the Greenlawn Cemetery on the Shipyard Boulevard-Winter Park road (formerly Maffitt Village-Winter Park), thence, continuing in a Northwesterly direction to the Wilmington City Limits line at the intersection of the Jumping Foin branch, thence, following the Wilmington City Limits line, Northward and Fastward to a point of the beginning". The above was approved by common consent provided it was agreeable to all Volunteer Fire Depts. CONTRACT AGREEMENTS ' • At this time John Bright Hill presented the revised Contract Agreements which are drawn as outlined in the over-L-yi,oPM?" ture of the Fire Inspection Committee at the last meeting on November lg, 1957. Mr. Wright requested that they not be mailed for signatures until he had completed some maps,ouLlining the districts,which are to be mailed at the same time along with them.. COUNTY ROAD The following Resolution presented by the State Highway Commission: WHEREAS, the State Highway and Public Works??IVA?'n Commission has filed with the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hano'ver a map designated as Project (G?'^ ° 8.23351 showing a proposed relocation of a section of County road; and WHEREAS, it appears that this relocation is for the best interest of the road system of the said county; NOW, THEREFORE, the proposed chqnge and relocation as shown on the said map is hereby approved and ratified. The motion wgs made by Mr. Hroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and a unanimous favorable vote was cast. ELECTIONS BOARD ' Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections requested the Board to give the ?lect ???' ion Board plenty of time to arrange for the School'Bond, College and Hospital Bond, elections to be set the first of the year. It will take time to set election machinery, he said, He also informed the Board that they contemplated splitting one Precinct as it was so inconveniently arranged at the present ti.me some of the Voters had to go as much as 9 miles to vote but that a voting Place was within a shorter diatance if rearrangements were made. It was decided to leave it as it is until after the above election. BONDS, SCHOOL, COLLEGE, H0.SPITAL By common conaent the date for the School, College and Hospital Bond election was set for February 15, 1958 if it was approved by the Bond Attorneys. (Since the qbove County Attorney Hill discussed the matter with the Bond Att- orneys and secured positive agreement on that date.) Mr. Broadhurst moved that the election date be set for Feb- ruary 15, 1958. The motion did not receive a second. Mr. Mayhan then made the following motion: "Several months ?ago when the question of Bond Issues was brought up, I made the motion for all bond elections to be held on Mqy 31st, the day of the Primary so that we could save the tax payers at least $10,000 or more doliars. I now make the same motion as the substitute motion and I wish to state the reason for the delay is now easy for everyone to ;.,. see that we don't ]mow where we stand in the revaluation figures and will not be lmown for some time. The Board . of Fducation,.Chairman,. Mr. Hoggard, stated that it was expensive to have the Board of Education's books audited ' and we are having to pay for this now as`it was requested by the Grand Jury. Now they demand that we have the el- ' ection on February lst, when any time before June 30th will be plenty of time to participate in the State College Fluids and we can save more than $10,000 and the people will lmow more how to vote on these issues. There was no second to the above motion and it was declare3 dead, VALUATION PERCENTAGE & RATE • By common consent if the Board it was agreed to make the decision on•Assessed Valuations and Percentage Rate for --r-? Taxes at the next Board Meeting since there were only three of the Commissioners, who could attend this one. RABBI FRIIDMAN Rabbi Samuel A. Friedman presented himself before the Board and stated th'at he wanted to be on record as favoring the Bond issues for the College and Hospital and Eould wax eloquent when discussing them. DUPLICATIONS, STREET & ROAD NAMNS • ?py,.,?'` By common consent the Board approved the action of the Chairman in appointing Mr, Chas. T. Burke, Chairman, and `1112flp? Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst as a Coimnittee to assist the FSceEutive Secretary in compiling the names of Streets,? Roads, Drives, Boulevards and Thor.oughfares in an effort to remedy the conEusion resulting from the duplications. INVOICES ORDERED PAID Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the following Appropriations were made and the bills ordered ? paid: From Advertising to City of Wilmington - Safety Council $25.00; From F]nergency to Marvin B. Register, Sheriff' Departanent $156.50 as approved for policing cars of people on Cruise being 1/8 (half)of the cost $313.00; From En- ergency to State of North Camlina $7.63 for 1957 Session Laws. TB PATIENTS TO SANATORIUM Community Hospital reported that they had transferred James Hrown of 1101 North 6th. Street to McCain Sanarorium on November 15, 1957. Diagnosis: Pulmonary lhberculosis. INSURANCE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL -% Attorney John Bright Hill was requested to check on Community Hospital Insurance coverage, especially, on features pertaining to malpractice. • • SALARY - PHYSICIAN - TEZ?PORARY ? ilpon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the salary.of the resident physician on duty at Community Hospital twenty-four (24) hours per day, was increased to ?600.00 per month as a temporary measure until another doctor could be obtained to relieve him. In this connection R. R. Reese, Administrator of the hospital, brought in the name of Dr, Andrea E. Nwna of Port-au-Prince,Haiti. He is willing to come over here and is a competent as he received the major portion of his education in the t3nited States. Senator Sam J. Erwin,Jr and Congressman A1- ton A. Lennon are cooperating on expediting a perruanent visa for Dr. Numa thru the State Department,Washington,D,C. " .... ..... HOLIDAY • November 28th 1957 being Thanksgiving Day was o£ficially granted all County 'F2nployees as a Holiday. NEW HOSPITAL PUBLICITY Report of the Steering Committee for the New Proposed Hospital was received but by common consent it was not discussed141vQf today and is not to be released until after approval by the Bogrd. The hospital Board is to proceed with its own publicity campaign independently. • ? I ?96 Meeting November 25, 1957 - Continued GIATER - COMMUNITY HOSPITAL The Ehgineers insta.lling the new (used) boiler at Community Hospital have run into an emergent water ehortage ? in making tests to insure sAfety. This was brought up at the time of the recent Inspection by the insurance a,912f, carrier so the following bids were received:Ideal Plumbing Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,350.00 Cumber-Moore Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$1,976.93 W. S. Chadwick&Sons ------------------ $2,350.00 No award was made because it was thought that Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Supervisor at the County Home Prison, might be able to save the County considerable money if done under the instructions and in conjunetion with a Licens"ed plumber. Mr. Broadhurst is going to explore this possibility and will report ba.ck to the Baard. (Since the above action was taken we received a letter from our insurance carrier refusing to insure the boiler just installed and giving thirty (30) days coverage on the present on in operation to correct the water shortage) MAINTE6IANCE & REPAIRS It was brought to the attention of the Board that the Acoustical Ceiling in the Superior Cour.t Room was shoving signs of pulling loose £rom the sides in several places but one in particular just over the Jury Box was sag- ging badly and that some complaints had been heard about the poor lighting in both Court Rooms dvring this week of cloudy weather. The Secretary was authorized to secure bids for consideration in having the matter corrected. TAX SUPERVISOR REPORT f Tax Supervisor, Love, submitted a report of the activities of Cole-Layer-Triunble Compar?y showing work up to Nov- -?? ember 22nd, which evidenced Assessed Valuations of $3,520,140 and Appraised Valuations of $6,273,450 or 1 3A ' times the present assessed values on City property from Front to llth Streets and from Dock to Wooster Streets in the older sections of the City. CIVIL DEF'ENSE " The North Carolina Council'of 'Civil Defense, in cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration, will 04er*T-I-present an important briefing of the progress being made on the Preliminary Operational Survival Plans for our State a.nd our Target Cities on Monday, December 9, 1957 at 10:30 A. M. This briefing will take place'in the House Chamber, State Capitol in Raleigh. Members o£ the Congressional Delegation, State Department heads, Target City Civil Defense Directors, and representatives from the Civil Defense Volunteer Services are invited. The Chairman remarked that Mayor J. E. L. Wade was Vice Director. HEALTH ' ? Report of the Coneolidated Board of Health of New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington was received for the month of October and 'filed for information, CROP REPORTING ? Request for 1958 Farm Census received from the,Federal-State Crop Reporting Service advising that Township -? Census Report Books had been mailed to the Tax Supervisor. There were five(5),steps necessary to bomply wi'th the requirements of the Act to receive the State's pay for acdeptable Township Reports. ADJOVRNMIINT ' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst-, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, WGHouck:es the Board unanimously dec ed itself adjourned. RETARY Wilmington, N. D. December 2, 1957. OPENING , The regular weekly meeting o£ the New Hanover County Board of Coimissioners was held this day at 10:00 A. M. Present:.Vice Chairman, Ernest R. Mayhan, who presided in the absence of the Chsirman, Coramissioners, Broad- hurst, Holton and Williams, and County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor., T. D. Love. INVDCATION The meeting was opened by a prayer offered by Reverend R. H. Greene, Pastor, of the AME Methodist Church, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held November 25, 1957, a copy of which was mailed to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ACREAGE ASSESSMENT OR LDTS? Mr. Fred Willetts, Sr., appeared before the Board and stated that he had, at one time, contemplated developing r?.J. Glen Arden, and had a map drawn cutting it into lots,which was duly recorded, but that it did not develop and he finally built a house in the middle of the property, and now wants it to revert back to the original acre- age and be assessed for taxes on an acreage basis rather than as lots. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, it was referred to the County Attorney and the Tax Supervisor for a report back to the Board. RDJRGANIZATION Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners operate during eb-r? the 1958-1959 period with a flxll time Chairman. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a substitute motion, that the Board continue to operate as they had during the past year, with Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., as Chairman. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton, N,r. Mayhan informed the Board that he would not accept the Vice Chairmanship as he was oF the opiniop that it should be rotated from year to year. When the vote was called on tHe substitute motion Messrs. Mayhan and Williams voted "No" and Messrs. Broadhurst and Holton voted "Yes", . RECESS Since it was a tie vote Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that the election of Officers be left until next Monday at the regular meeting, Mr. Broadhurst then offered a substitute motion to elect the other Dfficers today. This motion was withdrawn. By common consent o£ the Hoard it was agreed to recess.this meeting until Thurs- day next, December 5th, 1957 at 10:00 A. M. and complete the reorganization at that time. AUTHORIZATION HO5PITAL BOND HEIRING Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst, introduced the following bond order which was read at length: BOND ORDER AUTHORr IZING THE IS5UANCE OF $4,500,000 P[TBLIC HOSPITAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, ?JHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners o£ the County of New Hanover deems it advisable that the County shall eat- ablish, operate and maintain a public hospital £or the use of the inhabitsnts of said County and desires to pro- vide for the financing o£ the cost of erecting and :equipping the necessary buildings and of acquiring a suitable site: NOW, THEREFORE, ,.BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: . Section 1, The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that, in order to provide an adequate public hospital for the inhabitanta of said County, it will be necessary to erect and equip a.new building or buildings to be used as a public hospital, and to acquire a suitable site therefor, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purpose not less than $4,500,000, in additipn to any flmds which may be contributed by the Federal Govermnent or any of its agencies or by others. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the erection of said buil3ings and the acquisition and ,.