1957-12-05 Regular MeetingIdinutes af ineeting held Heaember 2, 1957 - Continued TRA'5H ON HIGHWAY _ COMAfERC7AL GARBAGE HAULERS Mr. Williams informed the Board that he had received aome complaints from citizens living along the highwayc that refuse and trash was £alling off the trucks of the commercial garbage haulers all along the roads. ffie also said ?. that he recently had an occasion to drive behind one of the trucks and actuall.y saw some of it blow off the top so ?-! he stopped the truck driver and had hiua go back and pick it up. He, therefore, moved that a letter be sent to all the known commercial haulers requesting'that they put covers over the top to prevent such nuisance, or whatever remedy is necessary to prohibit the trash from blowing of£ along the highway and that the Sheriff be notified to enforce it, this motion was seconded by Mir. Broadhurst andunanimously adopted.(Consolidated Health Department to furni'sh a list) VANDALISM - HUGH McRAE PARK Mr. Williams stated that he had received a call Saturday morning saying that the toilets(commodes)at Hugh McRae ___? Park were again torn out and broken, along with other fixtures. He suggested that signs be erected showing that the Park is "off limits" after 11:00 P.M. and that tresspassers be prosecuted and that the Sheriff be requested to make periodic checks to enforce the provisions of the law, and moved that the above be done, seconded by Mr. Holton, and adopted by the Board unanimously. i SAIL BOARD & ROOM COST ? Mr, Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, that prisoners be charged'$1.25 per day for room and board while SU.I? incarcerated, instead of $.60¢ per day as at present, the motion was adopted? and the Executive Secretary'instructed to notify the .7ailer. (When notified the Jailor informed me that there was a contract agreement between the County and the Federal Governmeht"limiting the cost on federal prisoners to $1.00 per diem. This can only be changed with a thirty(30) day notice by either Party) . RECE5S Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board r 10:00 A. M. in the Coirmiissioners Office at the County Court House. IdGHouck:es Wilmington, N. C. December 5, 1957 at RECONVENTION Pursuant to a recess taken by the Board on Monday December 2, 1957 they met again this day at the appointed hour of 10:00 A,M.;Present, Chairman J. M. Hall,Jr., Commissioners;Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr.,Berry A Williams, and County Attorney John Bright Hill, and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION The meeting was opened with a prayer by Dr. B. Frank Hall, Pastor of Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church. ELECTION BASI5 Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Officers be elected from the floor, and that the-voting be done by "Yea" and "ft'ay" or "Uplifted hand", this motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted by the Board. OPERATION BASIS Mr. Williams moved that the Board operated for the year 1958 with a permanent Chairman as Fxecutive Officer, this motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan. Mr. Broadhurst offered a Substitute motion, that the Board continue to op- erate as in the past year, with a presiding Chairman, whereupon Mr. Holton seconded the Substitute motion, ankvotes were cast as follows: Messrs Hall, Broadhurst and Holton voted yes and Nessrs Mayhan and Williams voted no. The` Chairman declared the substitute motion prevailed and was adopted. NOAtINATIONS GROUPING Mr. Broadhurst moved that Mr. J. M. Ha11,Jr,, be reelected Chairman of the Board; Mr. J. E. Holton, Jr., be elected Vice Chairman; Mr: John Brigtit Hill be reelected County Attorney and that William G. Houck, be renamed Ex- ecutive Secretary. Mr. Holton moved that the nominations be closed. Mr. Mayhan then moved that Mr. Berry A. Williams be elected Uice Chairman. There was no second heard to either of the above motions INDIUIDUAL EI.ECTION ' -- Mr. Mayhan then offered a motion that all and each o£ the offices be filled by single individual election and not as a group, Mr. Williams seconded this motion and it prevailed unani.mously. CHAIRMAN CFI&r-S- Mr. Broadhurst then offere3 a motion that N,r, J. M. Hall, Jr., be reelected as Chairman for the ensuing year, this was seconded by Mr. Holton. Mr. tdayhan then moved that Mr. Williams be named as Chairman. The voting resulted in N;r. Mayhan and Mr. Williams voting "Yes" for Yfilliams and Messrs, Broadhurst, Hall, and'Holton voting "Yes" for Hall as Chairman. The Chairman remarked that he saw no good reason why he should not vote for hi.mself, and declared J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman for the term. VICE CHAIRMAN Mr. Mayhan then nominated Mr. Williams for Vice Chairman. Mr. BroadhUrst nominated Mr. Holton for Vice Chair- man. The nominations were then closed and the voting resulted in Messrs Broadhurst, Hall and Holton voting "Yes" for Mr. Holton, and Messrs Mayhan and dlilliams voting "Yes" for Mr. Williams. The Chair declared Mr. Holton Vice Chair- man for 1958. , COUNTY ATTORNEY C, +Lti Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded hy Mr. Mayhan, Col. John Bright Hill was unanvnously chosen as County Attorney for the ensuing year 1958. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mr. Williams offered a motion that William G. Houck be appointed as Clerk to the Board, whereupon, Mr. Holton offered a.substitute.motionLthat-hetbe-.appointed,DcecutiveiSecretary:. upon which Nx: Wi1liAms'offeTed_.a substitute to the substitute motion to the effect that he be appointed County Manager. There being no second to the substitute to the•substitute motion offered by Mr. Williams, the substitute motion as offered by Mr. Holton was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and all voted "Yes"-except Mr. Williams who votezl "No't because he thought the Board should operate either with a permanent Chairman or County Manager with executive powers. The Chairman declared Mr. Houck elec ed_as.EScecu- tive Secretary to the Board. O?? r DaUALIZATION PROCEEDURE • • f.t.c.? Me. W. D. Sellers, Representative of the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company, explained the different proceedures fo low for determining values for various properties, Real Estate, Houses, Industrial properties etc, employed by them. He es- pecially stressed the fact that all the Valuation Schedules prepared by them were based on lo'cal prices prevailing here in New Hanover County. He congratulated the Board on doing a job long overdue but sympathized with them, too, for it is a thankless task. Depreciation is essentially an accounting proceedure, he explained, on the land values they contacted the local Realty Board which cooperated excellentl,y but land is mostly priced on a comparison basis. They also xork out Schedules on Industxial properties so that Management is not penalized in their estimates. He informed the Board ?hat in his opinion they would have all the appraisals made and in the hands of Tax Supervidor T. D. Love by 1lzesday 12/10/57. PERCENTAGE & RATE In view of the above\information it was the opinion of three members of the Board that they should delay naming the percentage qnd rate until more of the total valuations were received as they felt they could better evaluate the Situation and decide on one figure that will represent the true values for taxing purposes and levies. The opinions of the Board ranged from 40% to 65% but some expressed that 50% was nearer the ideal. They agreed to wait until next A L?? A4inutes of the meeting held December 5, 1957 - Recessed continued -- - 20t1 PERCENTAGE & RATE ' , week to make the final decision. ?,?y? GRAND NRY REPORT - SCHOOIS The Report of the Grand Jury was read and accepted. As much"of the contents were suggestionspertaining to School maintenance, Mr. Holton moved that they be referred to the Boarii of Fducation of New Hanover County for . ttieir attention, motion was seconded by Mr. 4lilliams and adopted, unanimously, GRAND NRY REPORT - SHERIFF ' Upon'motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr, 4Jilliams, the Fxecutive Secretary, was instructed to write a letter to the Sheriff's Department requesting his recouunendations for additional help as outlined in the last two Grand Jury C ,,VwtReports. INSTITUTE SITE• A letter from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman, New Hanover Historical Commission, with an article from the Raleigh News and Observer stating that the State was providing $100,000 £rom the IInergency FLind £or the operation of a Tech- nical School, under the supervision of N. C. State College, and requesting cities interested in furnishing approximatel.y 2800 Sq, Ft;iof floor space, and capital•equipment of about $150,000, to make it known to the Governor's Committee: By common consent of the Board, the Chairman, appointed I?ess s. E. L. White, Fred Graham and Addison Hewlett as a Com- #tnittee to study the matter and make recommendations. Each of them upon being called accepted the appointanent and will render a report after they have met. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board voted to write a thank you letter to Mr. Moore, for his astuteness in handling the newspaper article. COAA'iUNITY HOSPITAL Dr. F: W. Avant presented a request for an early appointment of a Board of Directors for Community Hospital. He ? informed the Board that they wanted to do a first class job in service, with first class instruments, modern £ood hand- ling equipment, and better personnel. He was questioned about the payment of bills for patients treated but not £rom New Hanover County. He stated that guarantees tirere being required except in emergencies which all physicians are re- quired to render whatever service they can for the relief of the person who is hurt. GARBAGE DISPOSAL • Mr. Hall, who finds himself also Chairman of the Consolidated Board of Health, brought the letter authorized by athe Board to inquire of Dr. C. B. Davis, Health 0£ficer, if any unhealthy conditions were found at Greenville Sound ? and if so what was done to relieve them, informed the Board that the Y.ealth Departanent had decided to take all legal action required to enforce the Ordinance relating to the handling of Garbage etc in the entire County. REGULATIOntS - REQUIRIIMTS • • • Mr. Williams offered a motion, that the EScecutive Secretary, confer with the Health Department about the Regu- lations or Ordinances governing the disposal of garbage and if we are not complying, just what must we do to eomply, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - WATER Upon motion of Mr. Tdilliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Ideal Plumbing Company tiras awarde3 a contract to furnish a Q" water service at Community Hospital, in accordance with specifications and drawings furnished by this office, they being low bidder at $1,350. It is understood that the ditching and refilling will be done with prison labor from the County Prison Farm. ? CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS • ??.,.?y•Q After considerable discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County F}nployees be allowed from noon Tuesday December 24, 1957 until Friday December 27; 1957 at the regular work time for their Christmas Holidqy, this was seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously adopted. i . 6??COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REPRESENTATNEA Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan requested that he not be named as a representative of the Board on the Board of Directors of the Community Hospital for this year. Whereupon the Chairman, appointed Mr. J. E. Holton,Jr, to represent'the County. HUGH McRAE •PARK REPRESENTATIVE ^,,,? Mr. Williams requeste3 that he not be named as the Committee to Hugh NcRae Park or the Cemetery Committee, but ?"-' suggested that these interests be put under the general supervision of the EScecutive Secretary. Comnodes and urinals 40411- to be secured from the Board o£ Fducation surplus. Free? PARKING ORDINANCE • County Attorney, John Bright Hill, was authorized to draw an Ordinance regulating the parking of unauthorized automobiles in the Courthouse parking lot to be effective January lst, 1958. BONDS ELECTION • • • ' While it is impossible to set the date for the Bond Election as approved for Schools, Hospital and College, until ?° after the hearing dated January 6, 1958, there is a general agreement among the Board members that unless the hearing brought out facts or circumstances making it advisable to change the date, Febreuary 15, 1958, would be'the election'date. Mr. Holton offered the motion to that effect and Mr. Williams seconded it an3 all of the Commi.ssioners voted" "Yes", except hir. Mayhan, who voted "No" because he is convinced that Lhe election should be held on May 31, 1958 at the same ti.me as the Primary, to save money for the tax payers. • ' ' ADJOURNMENT • • • " Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, WGHouck:es is? the Board unanimously vo 'ourz --r' ecu ve 5ecretary Wilmington, N. C. December 9[p 1957 .? OPENING - PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover Board of County Connissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Chairnan J. M. Ha11,Jr,y Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION The meeting was opened with a prayer by Reverend M. T. Maides, Pastor of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church MINUTES APPROVAL . Upon motion of N,r._ Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the last regular meeting and the recessed meeting were approved with the following correction. In the paragraph "Vice Chairman" there were no "No" votes but "Yes" votes as fol.lows: Messrs Mayhan and Williams voted "Yes" £or Williams and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall & Holton voted "Yes" for Holton. MYRTLE GROVE NNCTIOB • Mr. Louis T. Moore,' Chairman and Secretary, to the New Hanover Historical Commission, briefly reviewed the events leading up to the recommendations by his Commi.ssions to name the cross roads at "Monkey Junction", Fort - Fisher Junction. They were not antagonistic to the idea of naming it Myrtle Grove as recommended by the N?yrtle Grove Uolunteer Firs Department which was represented by their Secretary, Mr, T. N. Simmons,Jr., along with other interested ?