1957-12-09 Regular MeetingL?? A4inutes of the meeting held December 5, 1957 - Recessed continued -- - 20t1 PERCENTAGE & RATE ' , week to make the final decision. ?,?y? GRAND NRY REPORT - SCHOOIS The Report of the Grand Jury was read and accepted. As much"of the contents were suggestionspertaining to School maintenance, Mr. Holton moved that they be referred to the Boarii of Fducation of New Hanover County for . ttieir attention, motion was seconded by Mr. 4lilliams and adopted, unanimously, GRAND NRY REPORT - SHERIFF ' Upon'motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr, 4Jilliams, the Fxecutive Secretary, was instructed to write a letter to the Sheriff's Department requesting his recouunendations for additional help as outlined in the last two Grand Jury C ,,VwtReports. INSTITUTE SITE• A letter from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman, New Hanover Historical Commission, with an article from the Raleigh News and Observer stating that the State was providing $100,000 £rom the IInergency FLind £or the operation of a Tech- nical School, under the supervision of N. C. State College, and requesting cities interested in furnishing approximatel.y 2800 Sq, Ft;iof floor space, and capital•equipment of about $150,000, to make it known to the Governor's Committee: By common consent of the Board, the Chairman, appointed I?ess s. E. L. White, Fred Graham and Addison Hewlett as a Com- #tnittee to study the matter and make recommendations. Each of them upon being called accepted the appointanent and will render a report after they have met. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board voted to write a thank you letter to Mr. Moore, for his astuteness in handling the newspaper article. COAA'iUNITY HOSPITAL Dr. F: W. Avant presented a request for an early appointment of a Board of Directors for Community Hospital. He ? informed the Board that they wanted to do a first class job in service, with first class instruments, modern £ood hand- ling equipment, and better personnel. He was questioned about the payment of bills for patients treated but not £rom New Hanover County. He stated that guarantees tirere being required except in emergencies which all physicians are re- quired to render whatever service they can for the relief of the person who is hurt. GARBAGE DISPOSAL • Mr. Hall, who finds himself also Chairman of the Consolidated Board of Health, brought the letter authorized by athe Board to inquire of Dr. C. B. Davis, Health 0£ficer, if any unhealthy conditions were found at Greenville Sound ? and if so what was done to relieve them, informed the Board that the Y.ealth Departanent had decided to take all legal action required to enforce the Ordinance relating to the handling of Garbage etc in the entire County. REGULATIOntS - REQUIRIIMTS • • • Mr. Williams offered a motion, that the EScecutive Secretary, confer with the Health Department about the Regu- lations or Ordinances governing the disposal of garbage and if we are not complying, just what must we do to eomply, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - WATER Upon motion of Mr. Tdilliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Ideal Plumbing Company tiras awarde3 a contract to furnish a Q" water service at Community Hospital, in accordance with specifications and drawings furnished by this office, they being low bidder at $1,350. It is understood that the ditching and refilling will be done with prison labor from the County Prison Farm. ? CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS • ??.,.?y•Q After considerable discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County F}nployees be allowed from noon Tuesday December 24, 1957 until Friday December 27; 1957 at the regular work time for their Christmas Holidqy, this was seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously adopted. i . 6??COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REPRESENTATNEA Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan requested that he not be named as a representative of the Board on the Board of Directors of the Community Hospital for this year. Whereupon the Chairman, appointed Mr. J. E. Holton,Jr, to represent'the County. HUGH McRAE •PARK REPRESENTATIVE ^,,,? Mr. Williams requeste3 that he not be named as the Committee to Hugh NcRae Park or the Cemetery Committee, but ?"-' suggested that these interests be put under the general supervision of the EScecutive Secretary. Comnodes and urinals 40411- to be secured from the Board o£ Fducation surplus. Free? PARKING ORDINANCE • County Attorney, John Bright Hill, was authorized to draw an Ordinance regulating the parking of unauthorized automobiles in the Courthouse parking lot to be effective January lst, 1958. BONDS ELECTION • • • ' While it is impossible to set the date for the Bond Election as approved for Schools, Hospital and College, until ?° after the hearing dated January 6, 1958, there is a general agreement among the Board members that unless the hearing brought out facts or circumstances making it advisable to change the date, Febreuary 15, 1958, would be'the election'date. Mr. Holton offered the motion to that effect and Mr. Williams seconded it an3 all of the Commi.ssioners voted" "Yes", except hir. Mayhan, who voted "No" because he is convinced that Lhe election should be held on May 31, 1958 at the same ti.me as the Primary, to save money for the tax payers. • ' ' ADJOURNMENT • • • " Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, WGHouck:es is? the Board unanimously vo 'ourz --r' ecu ve 5ecretary Wilmington, N. C. December 9[p 1957 .? OPENING - PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover Board of County Connissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Chairnan J. M. Ha11,Jr,y Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION The meeting was opened with a prayer by Reverend M. T. Maides, Pastor of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church MINUTES APPROVAL . Upon motion of N,r._ Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the last regular meeting and the recessed meeting were approved with the following correction. In the paragraph "Vice Chairman" there were no "No" votes but "Yes" votes as fol.lows: Messrs Mayhan and Williams voted "Yes" £or Williams and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall & Holton voted "Yes" for Holton. MYRTLE GROVE NNCTIOB • Mr. Louis T. Moore,' Chairman and Secretary, to the New Hanover Historical Commission, briefly reviewed the events leading up to the recommendations by his Commi.ssions to name the cross roads at "Monkey Junction", Fort - Fisher Junction. They were not antagonistic to the idea of naming it Myrtle Grove as recommended by the N?yrtle Grove Uolunteer Firs Department which was represented by their Secretary, Mr, T. N. Simmons,Jr., along with other interested ? Meeting held December 9, 1957 - Continued ??-?, citizens.cAfter considerable discussions, Mr..Holton offered a motion that the name be designated as N?yrtle Grove, but that signs be placed at each of the.road intersections to this effect along with a aign at each showing that =?'$? Fort Fisher is "so far" from here in that direction,_ The Executive Secretary was instructed to request the State??"" ''? Highway Commission to erect the signs. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted by the Board. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND BRIDGE NAME . . . • • ?? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the State Highway Commission is to be written suggesting that the new bridge at Wright?sville Sound be named the C. Heide Trask Bridge..Mr. E. L. White, Commissioner, Copies to Engimeer C. E. Brown and to the Governor.. . •• ' WII,FARE - MRS. SNEEDEN ? birs. Helen B. Sneeden, 9uperintendent of Rzblic Welfare in New iIanover County, presented Petitions For ReliefQ1? of Mrs. Ruth Fswin Boone and Mr. Vann Redd, both indigents to be admitted to the County Home. Upon a motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved admittance since it had been determined that room was available for them. 34rs, Sneeden also informed the Board that she had two Child WeTfare Workers, Fiina Lee Flxssell and Zoralee Robinson, and ELsie M. Huband and Ella Virginia Spear who had been upgraded on the Nerit System, who were on mim;m„m salaries in spite o£ the fact that tRey hAd received the regular $10.00 increase. She outlined that others were paying more and it was hard to keep competent helpers or secure needed ones under the circumstances. She was pleading for an increase for them. The Board will study the matter this week and inform her next week at the regular weekly meeting of the Board. ??.n ? CAROLINA BFACH MAYOR . . . • • • The Board recognized and welcomed for any remarks.:he oared to make, Mr. Glenn M. nacker, Mayor of Carolina Beach., He complimented the IIoard on their conscientiousness in trying Lo come up with the assessment percentage and approximate tax rate possible in the revaluation program, £or all concerned. RICHARD A. SHEW Mr. Richard A. Shew came before the Board and informed then that he had been opposed to the revaluation program by an outside firm because they would.not ]mow local values. He said, his fears, were being proved. He also was criti- cal of having the Bond issues presented to the.people for voting before all the values were lrnown. He also requested the Board to take a stand on the bridpg closing proposal by the ACL RRCo over the Northeast River. Upon motion of.Mr,( Holton, seconded by Mr, Broadhurst, the Board authorized the EScecutive SecretAry to write a letter to the Corps of Engineers and inform them that in the opinion of the Board the ACL Bridge should be open and attended twenty-?fo '_ hours a day and not closed between the hours of 6:00 P M and 5:00 A. M. as proposed by the ACL RR Company. ?? COMMUIQITY HOSPITAL'WATER SUPPLY The F3cecutive Secretary reported that he had received the estimated cost of $1400 from the City for Making the 4" tap and placing a meter for connections for the new 4" line to be run into the:Community Hospitzl water supply lines. This is actual cost to the City according to the City Engineer. Upon motion of Mr:•Holton; seconded by Mr, ldilliams,? the Board unanimously authorized the Ececutive Secretary to proceed with the installation. Ideal Plwnbing Com any ha been informed that it must be completed before the end of 1957 in order to meet our insurance deadline o£ 126/57. AIRPORT . , " ? ? _ -s,^fd1?' ' • Mr, Rivenbark, D. W.; is to open and clean ditches around the airport,4s mentioned by Mr. Westbrook. ??'???•?? ATTORNEY ASSISTANCE County Attorney, John B. Hill, explsined to the Board that the New Hospital Board had requested the 64,500,000? Bond election but had not employed and Attorney to assist in preparing it and that there were only two other Lawyers in the County with experience in preparing for and issuing Bonds, but that the Board of Education had Cyrus D, JIogue,Jr _ who is experienced in School Bond Election procee3ure but that Hospital Bonds came under an entirely different Statute so he thought it would be well to have someone assist in this matter, because of the technical natvre of a bond electio Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams the Board authorized the employment of Mr. Cyrus D. Hogue,Jr.,as a technical assistant in preparing and ordering the hospital bondelection issue. VALUATION PERCE??TAGE --? 1. After an4extended discussion of the factors involved in setting a valuation percentage for Assessment and taxeTCl levy purposes, Mr. Holton moved, seconded by N,r. Williams, that a percentage of fifty (50%) percent of the January lst, 1958 Appraised Values of real property be used as the real or true value for assessment and tax levy purposes. This motion was properly seconded and unanimously adopted by the entire membership of the Board, each voting "Yes" . 2. Mr. Holton then offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, that all other baxable`properties; except auto- mobiles and their allied equipment such as trailers, trucks, Housetrailers etc; such as Stocks, inventories, Mach- inery and Equipment, be assessed at(50%) fifty percent of their depreciated value but not less than(25%)twenty-five perecnt of their cost, as in the past, was unanimously adopted by each member of the Board voting affirmatively. 3. Mr. Y.olton then offered a motion to the effect that for accounting purposes the nearest twenty-five (25.00) dollars valuation be used in determining the values used as an assessment figure. This motion was seconded by Mr. ? Broadhurst anfl unanimously adopted By the entire Board. !,. Upon motion o£ Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, that for purposes of levying taxes the Cash or Finance Value as recorded in the National Market Report, usually referred to as the Red Book, be used as the real or true value of automobiles, trucks, trailers, Housetrailers and their allied equipment as listed in the above Red Book, for the assessment or taxable values. Mr. Williams commented that it did not seem fair to him to tax real estate , at fifty (50%0 percent of its value and sutomobiles at a higher rate. He then of.#'ered:tia substitute motion that auto-r? mobiles and allied equipment be taxed on the basis of fifty (50%) percent of the Average Retail Price as shown in any Used Car Guide such as NADA. There was no second to this motion and the Chair ruled it dead. The question was called and a vote taken on the origina.l motion resulting in an affirmative vote from all members of the Board ex- cept Mr, ldilliams who voted negative3y. The Chair, therefore, declared the original motion as adopted. TAX LISTERS Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the following men were approved as Tax Listers. Mrs. George L. Wilkins - - - - - - - - - -•Cape Fear Mrs John C. Leeuwenburg - - - - - - - - Harnett No. 1 Mrs. Sally Best - - - - - - - - - - - - - Harnett No. 2 Mrs. George W. Melton, Jr.,- - - - - - - Masonboro Nrs, James H. N(yatt- - - - - - - - - - - -Carolina Beach Mrs. James H. Myatt- - - - - - - - - - - Kure Beach Mrs. James H. Myatt- - - - - - - - - - - -Federal Point Mr. W. F. King- - - - - - - - - - - - - Wrightsville Beach Mr, W. F. Ring, Assistant- - - - - - - - - Harnett No.l Mr. H. S. King- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Wilmington Mr. J. L. Gholson- - - - - - - - - - - - Wil.mington Mrs. Nestor L. Wallace- - - - - - - - - Ylilmington Mr. W. P. Toon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wilmington. PER DIEM PAY Mr, Williams moved that the compensation for Tax Listing be $12.00 per day rather than the $10.00 as at present. There was nb second to this motion and therefore no action was taken. The remuneration remains at $10.00 per day. ? &ETIT NRY 1he following good and lawflzl persona were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Qourt for the trial os Civil cases beginning December lb, 1957: Castle - Merritt Byers,126 Colonial Circle Robert Bryant,119 Vance Street Steve Horrell, Rte. // 1, Bos # 46 Hayne. C. Leeuwenburg,225 Bonham Avenue S. S. Lineback, Box #616 Car.BCh. C. E. Montgomery'; 233 North 25th Street George F. Tilley, 239North 26th St.)D. F. Dyson, 247 Davie Drive Isaac Shain, 813 horth yth. Street ? ,2 1 0 2 P-2 Minutes of December 9, 1957 - continued W. C. Stratford, 4402 Park Avenue G. E. Wishart, 2208 Plaza Drive, Joseph H. Rouse, 5036 Pine Street S. W. Ruark Rte. # 3, Box # 303 John C. Davis 4310 Park Avenue H. C. Byrd, 1618 Orange Street D. L. Sandlin, 309 North 43rd Street F. E. Faulk, 128 West Shipyard B1vd,John P. Todd, 206 Greenville Avenue T. J. Hewitt, ,215 Forest Hills Drive J. B. Covington, 235 Vance Street, W. J. Padrick, 3009 Market Street Tom. Y. Sawyer, 227 Plaza Drive E. B. Ward, 568 Castle Hayne RQad, J. L. Hanchley, 4932 Park Avenue F. H, Beddoes, 205 Oakcrest Drive A. M. Folds, Jr.,310 Live (ak Drive,E.F. Allard, 3623 Wilshire Boulevard L. F. Rpoks, Jr., 19 Pinecrest Pkwy. R. W. Cannon 4018 Lake Street J. B. Croom, 2728 Jackson Street D. A. Meier, 719 9outh Sth.Street ,. E.. M. Smith, 1610 Dock Street R. J. Potter, 11 H Nesbitt Court V. A. Eberett 3927 Winston Boulevard W. S. Wooten, 507 Wrightsville Ave,J. L. Henson, 5r, 329 Ikavie Drive ADJOURNMENT Mr. Williams offered a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Mr. Broadh st a una ' ously adopted. VAGHouck:es - . ec Sec e a Wilminkton, North Carolina December 16, 1957 OPENING & PRESENT , The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this dqy at 10:00 Ap M. PRFSENT:Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Ernest R, Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and County Attorney John B. Hill, and County Audi.tor T. D. Love, IIWOCATION The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., and opened with a prayer of invocation by Dr. R. Ainsley Barnwell, Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church. APPRpVAL GF MINUTFS Upon motion of,Mr, iJilliaris, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the minutes of the last regular meeting, having previously been,sent to the members of the Board, were unanimously approved with the following correction:PER DIEM PAY:Tax Listers remuneration will remain at $10.00 per day as heretofore and not increased to $12.00 as shown in the copy of the minutes, PUBLIC IJELFARE Nss. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent, and 1•1rs, Grace S. %ixson, Intake Case idorker, for the Department of Public lvelfare appeared before the Board in the interest of improving certain activities that they thought needed attention. Mrs. Hixson said that it was becoming increasingly difficult to establish residence for some cases admitted to the hospitals, either, in an emergency or as a regular patient, 4rithout permits from their department and then discharged without their knowledge, but hospital or some of their relatives making a claim for aid on the hospital expenses. It was also called to the Boards attention that some of tfie Physicians were willing totreat Clinic Cases in their offices during regular hours for maybe a dollotv more than the $2.00 clinic fee. 5he was of the opinion that mayUe a$3,00 fee might be worked out. By common consent of the Board, upon suggestion o£ Mr. Holton, it was referred to the Welfare Board for study and recommend- ations. Mr. Williams offered that in the form of a motion. Mrs. Sneeden again reminded the Board that she had two Ehild Welfare Workers, Fdna L. Flissell and Zoralie K. Robin- son, on minimum salaries, even tho they had received the regular Merit System increase during the year, and that she had two, Misses Elsie M. Huband and Ella Virginia Spear, who were entitled to increases because of upgrading their work Pos- itions. She also informed the Board that they were experiencing an alarming increase for aid because of unemployment but since they had no funds to cover this type of help they were being forced to decline claims of this nature altho some- times her conscience bothered her at night. The Board requested that she allow them to defer the matter until later in the meeting.She graciously agredd to wait and retired from the Board Room. NEDICAL CARE COMMISSION . I Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.,proudly announced that the North Carolina Medicsl Care Commission had, not only granted ! $1,900,000 as requested, but an additional $500,000 making a total of $2,400,000 available toward the building of a new 300-bed general hospital to serve the citizens of New Hanover County, provided the $4.5 million dollar bond issue is•ap.. proved by the.people and the approvable construction bids are received•before the end of the fiscal year, The Chairman stressed the fact that this good news should be publicized and it is now up to the people to assume their responsibility. Mr. Holton suggested that "Thank you" letters be vritten to Mr. Charles S. Templeton of the Medical Care Commission and Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the new proposed hospital Committee, and that a spread be made of the Resolutions passed by the Commission, on the minutes of this proceedings. Resolutions enacted by the regular Quarterly Meeting of the A'orth Carolina P4edical Care Commission held December 13, 1957:: RFSOLVED 1: Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvahle construction bids are received, the Commission approve a 389-bed general hospital at tdi]mington to be owned by New 9Ianover County and participation in the cost of the project on a fractional basis to the extent'of $1,500,000, • . to be supplied with Federal funds (Part C), toward an authorized project cost of up to $4,500,000. RESOLVED 11 'Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being avai3able when approvable construction bids are received, that the Commission approve, as a unit of the proposed 300-bed general•hospital to be owned • by New IIanover County, the construction of 80 beds for chronic diseases and an allocation for the pro- ject of up to $1,000,000, to be supplied: $500,000, or 50%, with Federal flinds, (Part G); and $500,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RESOLUED 111 Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bids are received, the Comnission approve an outpatient department o£ approximately 6,000 square feet as a part of the proposed New Hanover County Hospital and authorize an allocation for the project up to $200,000, to be financed: $100,000, or 50%, with Federal funds (Part G); and -` $100,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RESOLVED 1V Subject to prioritp and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bids are ' received, that the Commission approve,.as•a unit of the proposed New Hanover County Hospital, the cbn- struction of a 100-bed nurses' residence and necessary classroom facilities and an allocation for the project up to $400,000, to be financed: , . • $200,000, or 50%, with Federal F1mds (Part C); and $200,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RFS OLVED V: Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bifls are received, the Coffinission approve a laundEy to serve the proposed New Hanover County Hospital and authorize an allocation for the project up to $200,000, to be supplied: $100,000, or 50%, with Federal funds (Part C); and $100,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. . ,