1957-12-16 Regular Meeting,2 1 0 2 P-2 Minutes of December 9, 1957 - continued W. C. Stratford, 4402 Park Avenue G. E. Wishart, 2208 Plaza Drive, Joseph H. Rouse, 5036 Pine Street S. W. Ruark Rte. # 3, Box # 303 John C. Davis 4310 Park Avenue H. C. Byrd, 1618 Orange Street D. L. Sandlin, 309 North 43rd Street F. E. Faulk, 128 West Shipyard B1vd,John P. Todd, 206 Greenville Avenue T. J. Hewitt, ,215 Forest Hills Drive J. B. Covington, 235 Vance Street, W. J. Padrick, 3009 Market Street Tom. Y. Sawyer, 227 Plaza Drive E. B. Ward, 568 Castle Hayne RQad, J. L. Hanchley, 4932 Park Avenue F. H, Beddoes, 205 Oakcrest Drive A. M. Folds, Jr.,310 Live (ak Drive,E.F. Allard, 3623 Wilshire Boulevard L. F. Rpoks, Jr., 19 Pinecrest Pkwy. R. W. Cannon 4018 Lake Street J. B. Croom, 2728 Jackson Street D. A. Meier, 719 9outh Sth.Street ,. E.. M. Smith, 1610 Dock Street R. J. Potter, 11 H Nesbitt Court V. A. Eberett 3927 Winston Boulevard W. S. Wooten, 507 Wrightsville Ave,J. L. Henson, 5r, 329 Ikavie Drive ADJOURNMENT Mr. Williams offered a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Mr. Broadh st a una ' ously adopted. VAGHouck:es - . ec Sec e a Wilminkton, North Carolina December 16, 1957 OPENING & PRESENT , The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this dqy at 10:00 Ap M. PRFSENT:Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Ernest R, Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, and County Attorney John B. Hill, and County Audi.tor T. D. Love, IIWOCATION The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., and opened with a prayer of invocation by Dr. R. Ainsley Barnwell, Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church. APPRpVAL GF MINUTFS Upon motion of,Mr, iJilliaris, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the minutes of the last regular meeting, having previously been,sent to the members of the Board, were unanimously approved with the following correction:PER DIEM PAY:Tax Listers remuneration will remain at $10.00 per day as heretofore and not increased to $12.00 as shown in the copy of the minutes, PUBLIC IJELFARE Nss. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent, and 1•1rs, Grace S. %ixson, Intake Case idorker, for the Department of Public lvelfare appeared before the Board in the interest of improving certain activities that they thought needed attention. Mrs. Hixson said that it was becoming increasingly difficult to establish residence for some cases admitted to the hospitals, either, in an emergency or as a regular patient, 4rithout permits from their department and then discharged without their knowledge, but hospital or some of their relatives making a claim for aid on the hospital expenses. It was also called to the Boards attention that some of tfie Physicians were willing totreat Clinic Cases in their offices during regular hours for maybe a dollotv more than the $2.00 clinic fee. 5he was of the opinion that mayUe a$3,00 fee might be worked out. By common consent of the Board, upon suggestion o£ Mr. Holton, it was referred to the Welfare Board for study and recommend- ations. Mr. Williams offered that in the form of a motion. Mrs. Sneeden again reminded the Board that she had two Ehild Welfare Workers, Fdna L. Flissell and Zoralie K. Robin- son, on minimum salaries, even tho they had received the regular Merit System increase during the year, and that she had two, Misses Elsie M. Huband and Ella Virginia Spear, who were entitled to increases because of upgrading their work Pos- itions. She also informed the Board that they were experiencing an alarming increase for aid because of unemployment but since they had no funds to cover this type of help they were being forced to decline claims of this nature altho some- times her conscience bothered her at night. The Board requested that she allow them to defer the matter until later in the meeting.She graciously agredd to wait and retired from the Board Room. NEDICAL CARE COMMISSION . I Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.,proudly announced that the North Carolina Medicsl Care Commission had, not only granted ! $1,900,000 as requested, but an additional $500,000 making a total of $2,400,000 available toward the building of a new 300-bed general hospital to serve the citizens of New Hanover County, provided the $4.5 million dollar bond issue is•ap.. proved by the.people and the approvable construction bids are received•before the end of the fiscal year, The Chairman stressed the fact that this good news should be publicized and it is now up to the people to assume their responsibility. Mr. Holton suggested that "Thank you" letters be vritten to Mr. Charles S. Templeton of the Medical Care Commission and Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the new proposed hospital Committee, and that a spread be made of the Resolutions passed by the Commission, on the minutes of this proceedings. Resolutions enacted by the regular Quarterly Meeting of the A'orth Carolina P4edical Care Commission held December 13, 1957:: RFSOLVED 1: Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvahle construction bids are received, the Commission approve a 389-bed general hospital at tdi]mington to be owned by New 9Ianover County and participation in the cost of the project on a fractional basis to the extent'of $1,500,000, • . to be supplied with Federal funds (Part C), toward an authorized project cost of up to $4,500,000. RESOLVED 11 'Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being avai3able when approvable construction bids are received, that the Commission approve, as a unit of the proposed 300-bed general•hospital to be owned • by New IIanover County, the construction of 80 beds for chronic diseases and an allocation for the pro- ject of up to $1,000,000, to be supplied: $500,000, or 50%, with Federal flinds, (Part G); and $500,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RESOLUED 111 Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bids are received, the Comnission approve an outpatient department o£ approximately 6,000 square feet as a part of the proposed New Hanover County Hospital and authorize an allocation for the project up to $200,000, to be financed: $100,000, or 50%, with Federal funds (Part G); and -` $100,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RESOLVED 1V Subject to prioritp and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bids are ' received, that the Commission approve,.as•a unit of the proposed New Hanover County Hospital, the cbn- struction of a 100-bed nurses' residence and necessary classroom facilities and an allocation for the project up to $400,000, to be financed: , . • $200,000, or 50%, with Federal F1mds (Part C); and $200,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. RFS OLVED V: Subject to priority and to the necessary funds being available when approvable construction bifls are received, the Coffinission approve a laundEy to serve the proposed New Hanover County Hospital and authorize an allocation for the project up to $200,000, to be supplied: $100,000, or 50%, with Federal funds (Part C); and $100,000, or 50%, with New Hanover County funds. . , Minutes.-of ineeting held December 16, 1957 - Continued 20er1 MEDICAL CARE WMMISSION - Continued Dcnlanation: The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover,County adopted a resolution on December 5, 1957, calling for a bond election on February 15, 1958, to authorize bonds up to $4.5 millidn dollars to be applied toward the cost of constructirig a 300-bed general hospital with ari 80-bed chronic disease unit and allied facilities for New Hanover County 'and has requested a commitmient from the Cormnission £or participation in the project as,follows: • Project Estimated New Hanover Medical Care Total cost Countv Commission-U.S. 300-bed general hospital $4,500,000 $3?000,000 $125003000 (C) 80-bed Chronic disease unit $1,000,000 $ 500,000 $ 5Q0,000 (G) 100-bed Nurses' hesidence $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 (C) Outpatient Department $ 200)000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 (G) Laundry $ 200,000 $ 1002000 $ 1002000 (C) Total Project Costs ' $623001000 $p3,900,000 • $2,400,000: ( DRAGLINE The Chairman informed the Board that a canal at the end of the Airport runway was endangering the landing fac- ilities during heavy rains and also that water was being forced onto the property of H. C. Johnson because of a lack of drainage up above. The possibilities of u?ing the dragline were discussed but Mr. Holton suggested that this project not be reactivated just now. Mr. Broadhurst was of the opinion that it could be relieved by hand labor with the prison camp crew. Mr. Rivenbark was instructed to do this as soon as possible. . . • ?--. AIRPORT IAUPIGE 14r. J. A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, informed the Board that Julius 0. Wenberg, operator of the U-drive-it Com- par?y vrould like to furnish a lounge at the Airport for the use of business men and passengers who are stopping over or delayed, without cost to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the request was app.roved with the proviso that Mr. Westbrook handle it for the best interest of the Airport, after the Weather Bureau has decided what quarters they will occupy, and that no long lease. ..three to five years. ..be entered into. Mr. 34estbrook recommended ' that it be approved and it was unanimousl,y adopted. LEARY RFSIGNATION The Board receive3 a letter of resignation from the Board of Directors of the Community Hospital by Dr. M. N. Leary, who was recently reappointed. iie stated that press of personal affairs needing his personal attention was the reasori for requesting a release. The Board did NOT accept the resignation but asked Mr. Holton to reconfer with the Directorate for their action and a recommendation after further consideration. NEGRO H01AE DEivl0I4STRATION AGENT ' p.XXv?.__ N1rs.'Rebeccah L. Hall, Negro Home Demonstration Agent, presented a request for reimbursement of $103.96, incurred ? iahile she tiras attending a Summer Refrestier Course at North Carolina State College. She said that the expenditure was approved by the Board at the time and their approval secured £or the trip. Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor was present and decided that it was an appropriated expense underrTravel but that he only had $101.00 left in that ac@bunt. The Doard le£t it up to him to pay the balance of the Travel EKpense on it and explain the difference of $2.96 but that she would not be able to do any more traveling until the next Budget Appropriation. , INTERtCOUNTY COUNCIL A recent suggestion made by Mayor Glenn M. Tucker of Carolina IIeach, for.the consolidation of ALL governing Bodies in the County, was considered and no action taken because it was felt that there were enough meetings to attend vrithout adding another and that any and all the governing bodies were anxious and willing to meet together at any time circumstances were such that it would be of benefit to the cititiens of the various sections of the County. All the Board thought the suggestion had merit in it and that the'idea was a good one. ? WITNESS FEE APPROPRIATION' $eoaHse of some unusual expenses im connection with a criniinal case People Vs Faust; such as a scale model-,, of the L& DS Restaurant and extra typing of papers in connection with the investigation, the Court requested ap- propriation of additional Witness Fee Funds and funds to cover the items outlined above in the sum of $500.00 to be transferred from 5pecial Attorney F1md or Energency F1znd, as deemed wise by the County Auditor to cover these increased eam enditures. HIGHWAY COhIl41I5SI0Id REPORT ' ? ??J A report from Harold Makepeace, Secondary :?oads 0£ficer, outlining Fhase 1 of the Secondary Roads IJeeds Survey included figures for paving rpads having average annual traffic volumes of 50 or more vehicles per day, was received, ? reviewed and ordered filed. RELEASE TRUCK DA24AGE Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, incurer of the County truck involved in a wreck last year, agreed to pay damages amounting to r650.00 if the Board would authorise a Release in full for them. IIpon motion of Mr. Holton, (vjJb seconded by Mr. Williams, the Chairman was given the unanimous approval of the Board to release the insu5ance carrier upon payreent of'the flunds. ' PiTBLIC LIELFARE AGAIN After an extended discussion of the problems involved in an increase for certain employees, deferred in the same? captioned paragraph above in these minutes today, Mr, l•Iilliams o££ered a mot?on that because the two Child iAelfare b,brk- M ers were carrying the load.of three, and two others were upgraded in job classification, and in view of the anticipated funds being left over in the budgeted items, the increase of $16.00 per month be approved. The motion was seconded by N,r. Holton. P7r, Broadhurst then offered a substitute motion to the effect that the reclassified workers be increased $ $10.00 per nonth but the others not. This substitute motion.was seconded by Mr. NAyhan and when the vote was called I?ir, Broadhurst and Mr. Mayhan voted °yes" and Mr. Hall, Holton and Liilliams voted "no". The Chairman then declared that the original motion to increase the four $10.00 per month beginning ner.t payday be affected. ADSOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Nir. Broadhurst, the Board declared itself unanimousl adjourned. WGHouck:es -A