1957-12-23 Regular Meetingr ' 04 OPENING t3ilmington, North Carolina December 23, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 AM. in the Comriissioners Romn at the County Courthouse. PRESENT:J. M. Ha11,Jr.,Ghairman, Commissioners R. R. Nqyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton,Jr,, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John,B'.?HiTl and County Auditor T.D.Leve. INVOCATION The meeting wqs called to order by the Chairman and because of circumstances developing at the last minute the Reveren3 M. J. McChesney, Pastor of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church who was assigned by the Ministerial as- sociation to conduct the opening, was unable to be present and the Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to perform that duty, by a prayer, MINUTES' APPROVAL Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes,having been previousJy mailed to each Com- missioner, were approved unanimous]y. ' MAYOR J.E.L. WADE - DIIUtifOND MILIS CORPORATION Honorable J. E. L. Wade, A'layor of the City of Wilmington, was recognized and welcomed bynthe Chai,rman, presented a request for help in paying for an advertisement of Wilmington and New Hanover County in the Jan- n1,?L uary 3rd issue of Women's Wear Daily which has a wide circulation among the industry, announcing the location of a Fruit of the Loom Nylon Stocking Plant in this County. The full page ad to cost $750,00 but the City is to split the cost with the County at $375.00 each. Since all advertising funds of the County have been allocated to the Chamber o£ Commerce, upon motion of Mr. Llilliams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously instructed the Executive Secretary to refer this matter to the Chanber for handling. ENGINEERS DINNER BILL • ? An invoice for one half (r) the cost of a dinrier held at'the Cape"Fear.>Club for the Ehgiheer3 on August ?I/ryYU?" 1957 was presented for pay.nent. The totaT bill amounted to $64.359 50% of which has been paid by the City of Wil mington leaving a balance of $32.17 due by the County. Upon motion of Ns. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr.'Mayhan the Board unanimously ordeted it paid. BOND APPROVAL _ LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION , Assistant,County_Attorney..Cyrus-D..Hogue,Jrl,assisting our County Attorney John B. Hill in the preparation ??and expediting the proposed Hospital•and School bond elections, presented an application for approval of the Local Government Commission in Raleigh, to be signed by the Commissioners in person. TYiis was ` unanimous action by ca common consent of• the entire Board, • ' 't' pplic on for drainage in the Airport area was received, signed by seven(7) property owners agreeing to furnish the necessary right-of-way of a canal to be staked out by the Soil Conservation Service, and a requebt for action be£ore the next crop planting ti?ae. There was pro and con discussion between members of the Board. After stating the £o7.lowing facts:l-Those who are to bene£it should help pay the expenses, especially, since the rederal Government will underwrite about 50% of the cost, 2-idhen the County enters upon such a project it comes in direct competition with private contractors; therefore Mr. ?7illiams offered the following motion; that the request be denied but that the interested parties be notified so that they acn make other arrangements if thgso desired.•There was no second to this motion but Mr. Holton reminded the Board of the action i't took last week on this same question agreeing that the most urgent need was at the Airport and that the trouble there could be dis- solved by hand labor from the prison farm. The matter was left with this understanding. CHICKEN5 - S. B. SAIMP A letter £rom Nr. S. B. Shimp, 309 South 46th Street, was received and considered by the Board. It stated that stray dogs owned by Measrs Clayton S. Horne, 4313 Lake Avenue, and Gilbert H. Huffkin, 4315 Lake Avenue, had killed 19 of his valuable laying hens and requested reimbursement of $'76.00 for the damage. The Sheriff was pres- ent 8t the time and offere3 the information that his Deputies had investigate3 the matter and secured promises to pay from the owners of the culprits but that the claimant was so unreasonable in his demand that they reflzsed. County Attorney John B. Hill read the Statutes covering the dog law and suggested that a dog damage fund be set C???up for this sort of thi.ng or have the Statute change3. Mr. Broadhurst of£ered a motion to deny the Claim, it was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, whereupon Mr. 4lilliams offered a substitute motion that the Board de£er action on the re- quest until after the Claimant had exhausted every legal means of redress thru the Courts. He received no second. The original motion was then voted on and resulted in four of the Commissioners voting affirmative]y and Mr. ?dil-. liams voting negatively. TECHI4ICAL IniSTITUTE Pursuant to the'appointment of a Committee on December 5, 1957, to explore the advisability of seeking the Technical Institute authorized by the last General Assembly, composed of N?r. E. L. Llhiter Chairman, and Messrs. rred B. Graham and Addison Hewlett,Jr., they rendered their report discouraging the Board from any ftvbther efforts to secure it because in would directly conflict rorith our present established F7ilmington College and would requi.re an outlay of anpr?cimately $400,000 to meet the specifications set £orth by the Act. The IIoard thanked the Commit- tee for their diligence and efforts. They are to reaeive a letter of thanks for the records. The Report was accepd for inforriation as an unfavorable report. TAX COLLECTOR RESIGNATION The Board receive3 a letter of resignation from the Consolidated Tax Collector, C. R. Morse, stating that he had been the City-County Tax Collector for the past thirty five years and requested that lie be relieved of his du4 .1-- ies effective February 1, 1958 and that an audit be arranged for all accounts in the tax office. NIr.'Broadhurst ?aoved that the resignation be accepted with regret. There was no second to this motion and the Chair ruled it dead Then l?Ir. Broadhurst offered a motion that I?ir. Sam W. Johnson be appointed to serve out the unexpired term which will terminate in September 1959, subject to his qualifying for the ?p75,000 indemnity Bond. C01??1UIdITY HO5PITAL ?dATER ' The Chairman was authorized by the Board to act as a Committee to handle the installation and supervision of, the new(used) boiler and repairs to the old one recently damaged. He explained to his chagrin that because of corr' osion and age the repairs and installation changes necessary to insure adequate service it had devoloped into quite • a problem, stating that on one oucasion it was expediont for him to make seven.trips out there to see rotten and corroded pipes, valves and wiring connections, that became a must as one after the other of them gaQe wa}r when new fittings were attached or the old fittings detached. It has developed into'a headache but he assured the Board that with the repairs now being made they would have an efficient hospital whether it was to be used from now on or for only the term of building the new proposed County hospital which would replace it. The City is making the !." con- nection and placing the meter today so the service should be complete within a week or ten days. We are requesting an extension of time of 15 days for the insurance coverage to allow for the finishing point. ?HUGH McRliE PARK VANDALISN DAMAGE ? It was reported to the Board thatbthe Rest Room faci9.itles at Hugh McRae Park were t6rn out and broken up over the week-end. They had just been replaced last Friday with new fixtures. Mr. Holton offered a motion to the effect that the Sheriff be informed and requested to pursue every amenue of investigation to find the culprits everi if he had to offer a Y50,00 rewa?rd for information leading to the arrests and conviction of those responsible for this vandalism. " I VALUATIONS - ACREAGE OR LOTS Mr. Alex Trask presented a problem of Real Estate Agents in mapping out subdivisions for development in that in that the preliminary improvements such as cutting or paving roads or streets, and the mapping and subdividing ?pRAINAGE APPLICATION An a ati L_ - Meeting held December 2$, 1957 - Continued the acreage into lots for convenience of recording it in the County Court House, are expensive operations and while it may enhance the value o£ the property on an acreage basis it in no wise changes the acreage until after the lots have been sold at least once. No conclusion was reached on the policy the County would adopt in such matters,however, it was agreed by common consent to study the problem for a week and put it on the Agenda for next Nonday 12/30/57. AZALEA FFSTIVAL EXPENSE ?.??''`? Plans and preperations are underway for the spring Azalea Festival Activities and expenses are beginning to dc- cur so the Board realizing the tremendous publicity and advantages £or the County which accrue from the celebration have always participated in it and at the meeting this day they met the request £or some funds in amount of $835.00 to be donai:ed from the ABC Revenues portion of the Ilnergency F1and Budget. Mr. Williams offered the motion which was seconded by Nrr. Holton and unanimously carried. ? TRAINS QS and 49 1 ? A letter from the Utilities Corrunission informing the Board that the date for the hearing on the request of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to eliminate their trains No. 48 and 49 was set for January 8, 195$ in the H@aring Room in Raleigh. This is a matter of record so no action was required. , CHRISTMAS SEASON'S GREETINGS The Boar3 recognized and serve year in and year out. agpreciated the Seasonal Greetings and well wishes sent them by the citizens whom they / PETIT JURY The:following'good and_lawflal pe rsons were.drawn',to;s erve'as:-jurors'.in=the Superior;Conrt ? for the trial of Criffi? na l cases for the one week term beginn ing Jan uary 13, 1958, and for the trialrof.ciirillcases for the two weeks term be gi nning January 20, 1958: SECOND WEEK" CIVIL'Beginning January 27, 1958: 7. "'D. ?Whitehead,Q120 Lake St :J. C. Leeuwenburg,J r.,R-3, B-415 A :M. L: Wad'swortti, .:22_No,rtfi 26th Street B. L. Strickland,2818 khshington Stree t:E. S. Johnson 75 Pinecrest Pkwy:H.A, Truelove,Sr,7404 Chestnut St, S. S. Fountain, 2510 Jackson Street :H. M. Loughlin 2704 Chestnut St.:N.D. Kennedy 716 South 4uh St. L. N. Ekliott, 2020 k'oolcott Avenue ::N. W. Hartzog lOSA Williamson Dr:d. T. Belcher, 212 Kenwood Avenue ? J. W. Foreman,Jr3005 Jefferson Street :D. E. Bullock 106 Stradleigh Road:J.E. 5tanley, 221 North 23rd St., S. G. Kuhlen, 117 idrightsville Ave., :E. S. k'enberg 2907 Wrightsville Av:A.B.Freeman 2914B Jefferson St C. T. Wilkins 712 South 5th Street :J. A. Wilson Rte,# 2. Box # 215:H. C. Hewlett Carolina Beach,N.C. H. A. Mercer,Jr 2110 Creasy Avenue :A, J. Harris ,B-151 Wrigbtsville Beach:R, C. Pierce 1501 South Qth St.r. T. C. Eakins 107 Northern Boulevard :S. H. Ingram, 3918 idinston B1vd.:J. P. Tzcker,Jr. ,511 South 2nd Street L. G. Batson, Rte, # 1, Wilmington :C. D. Carter, 2204 Barnett Ave, :T. B. White, 4908 Pine Street H. N. Floyd, 1510 South L,th Street :W, R. Kiser,Jr.,. 124 Stradleigh Rd :E. E. Finch 1916 Woolcott Avenue R. D. Kelly, 14 J Lake Village :J, F. Bynum, 246 Lake Forest Pkwy:Herman Llyatt 105 South 13th St.? FI RST w'EEK CNIL Beginning January 20, 1958. 3 Pinecrest Pkwy; h9e lvin Robinson,306 Midland Drive :Louis Coleman, 3 Pinecrest Pkwy :Jacob D'Lugin, 10 South Front St., ldi lson Rogers, 422 South 5th Street :Carlos Bryant, 127 4lilliamson Dr,:Braxton Burney, 224A Kenwood Avenue Al exander ponald,180c)-21 Grace Street :Melwood Raines,Jr.,415 Castle Street :Oscar Iareon,Jr. ,6114 Oleander Drive Marion DuBose 16 Woodlawn Avenue :T. E. Taylor, 223 Calhoun Drive :N. E. Hudson,Jr. ,163 Pinecrest Pkwy., Gi lmer White 213 Borden Avenue :T. H: Carter, 505 Chestnut St., :N.. W. Cook 110 South 6th Street G. R. Smith Rte.# 3, Box y[,36, :L. E. 41ard, 1923 Nun Street :H. L. Keith, 1020 Country Club Blvd G. F. Mohn, 71 Pinecrest Parkway :C. E. Nance 3811 Market Street:F. A. Lee,Jr., 19 CT Y Lake Uillage E. L. Ward 2908 Harvard Drive :Theodore Webb,Jr., '432 Rosemont Avenu¢Troy E. Wmse, 3916 Cherry Avenue C. W. Holt 120 Morgan Street :A, L. 4dest 125 Victoria Drive:H. W. Sass 4449 Wrightsville Ave, Addie C. Troy, 209 South 6th Street :John W. King 2308 Market Street:Donald R. Lane 2724 Harrison Street Homer L. Clark 215 Pinecrest Parkway :Balmer C. Keith, 2224 Pinecrest Pkwy:Geo, H. Jones, 109 Sumter Drive John T. Smith 315 Rutledge Drive :John L. Lamb,Jr., 2203 Brandon Road :Chas. E. Davis, 2808 South blashington WEEK CRTMINAL Beginning January 13, 1958. H. W. We11s,Jr.'819 Country Club Road :A, C. Roush C 13 Oleander Court Apts: F. H. Spier, Rte.# 2, Box # 101.1 H. A. Topel 2120 Market Street :M. E. Tyson; 26 Hudson Drive :W. A. Garner, 2854 tidams Street W. R. Coley, Rte.# 1, Box #/ 225 :C. D. Capps, 5 Summit Walk :H. J. Rhyne 3 V Lake Village F. C. Coker 4607 Oleander Drive :J. A. Price,Sr., 110 Brookwood Ave.;A. C. Lewis, 212 Adelaide Drive C. H. Mi11s,Sr 2815'Princess Drive :k, C.' GJhite, 1106 Grace Street :d. C. Williamson,2727 Harrison Street K. M. Williamson,110 5outh 6th 5treet :Wm, G. Sroadfoot,Jr.V.O.Box #908,City :6. 0. Whitlock, ?_L, North Front Street W. P. Troutman?Jr,219 aouth 17th Street:G. L. Burleson; - Rte.# 1,Box #428 :E. B. Loughlin P.O.Box # 965,City. H. S. Stephens 234 Vance Street :T. C. Gurganus, Rte.# 2,Box # 742 :R. A. Willetts 615 Orange Street Newboles,B, W. 206 Wrightsville Avenue:S. C. Peterson, Rte./f 3,Box # 265 :D. H. Maultsby,Jr,206 South 42nd St., T. M. Robinson, 115 Norningside Drive :A, D. Rwynolds 314 Frances Marion:C. H. Spooner, 12 North 23rd Street J. E. Stewart 209 Willanda Drive :E. J. Bunnell 9 D Iake Village :1d. H. Eubanks 508 Market Street C. T. Watkins 7 Bordeaux Avenue :P, W. Killian 114 South 17th St :J. H. Rackley, 2414 Poplar Street J. D. Skipper Rte. # 2, Box # 241 :N. F. Walton 1-18 Keaton Avenue :R. L. Graves, "52 Wrightsville Beach M. C. Foster 2853 South Front 5treet:J: B. Little 3706 Winston Blvd :0: D. Strawn }? Princess Street ? J. W. Holton, Jr,82 Pinecrest Parkway :A, P. Wierse 2721 Washington St:B. F. Rogers outh 4th Street 7? L. H. Waters,Jr,2305 Princess Street :W. L. Ke11um,Jr., ' 101 Laku Forest Pkwy:C.L, Powlas, 6010 Oleander Drive C. L. DeVane 418 South lbth Street . ` :ldm. A. 4lalker 711 Country Club Blvd. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Llilliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, LiGHouck :es ^ . the Baard unanimtmve o ecretary Wilmington, N. C., December 30, 1957. Joint City Council and County Commissioners Meeting - PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held with the Wilmington City Couneil in joint convention this day. Present,: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr,, Berry A. Ldilliams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County AudiLor T. D. Love - Mayor J. E. L. Wade, Councilmen J. H. Batuyios, R. T. Burney, E. S. Capps, W. R. Lane and City Manager J. R. Benson. OPENING In the absence of the Minister H. C. Sharpe, Pastor of St. Johns Methodist Church, sched- uled to conduct the invocation, the Chairman called on the Executive•Secretary to open the meeting with prayer. He then declared the meeting a joint one after a motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be anprovedp which motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTOR RESIGNATION - A letter dated December 16, 1957 from C. R. Morse, City-County Tax Collector, requesting T? that he be relieved oF his duties effective February 1, 1958 was considered along with his request for an audit of his records before leaving. After some joint discussion Councilman Batuyios of- C'? fered a motion that the resignation be accepted with regrets and that a letter from each Body ex- 41t" pressing their appreciatiou for the fine public service he had rendered be sent to him. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the joint Boards. 'A