1957-12-30 Regular Meeting- Meeting held December 2$, 1957 - Continued the acreage into lots for convenience of recording it in the County Court House, are expensive operations and while it may enhance the value o£ the property on an acreage basis it in no wise changes the acreage until after the lots have been sold at least once. No conclusion was reached on the policy the County would adopt in such matters,however, it was agreed by common consent to study the problem for a week and put it on the Agenda for next Nonday 12/30/57. AZALEA FFSTIVAL EXPENSE ?.??''`? Plans and preperations are underway for the spring Azalea Festival Activities and expenses are beginning to dc- cur so the Board realizing the tremendous publicity and advantages £or the County which accrue from the celebration have always participated in it and at the meeting this day they met the request £or some funds in amount of $835.00 to be donai:ed from the ABC Revenues portion of the Ilnergency F1and Budget. Mr. Williams offered the motion which was seconded by Nrr. Holton and unanimously carried. ? TRAINS QS and 49 1 ? A letter from the Utilities Corrunission informing the Board that the date for the hearing on the request of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to eliminate their trains No. 48 and 49 was set for January 8, 195$ in the H@aring Room in Raleigh. This is a matter of record so no action was required. , CHRISTMAS SEASON'S GREETINGS The Boar3 recognized and serve year in and year out. agpreciated the Seasonal Greetings and well wishes sent them by the citizens whom they / PETIT JURY The:following'good and_lawflal pe rsons were.drawn',to;s erve'as:-jurors'.in=the Superior;Conrt ? for the trial of Criffi? na l cases for the one week term beginn ing Jan uary 13, 1958, and for the trialrof.ciirillcases for the two weeks term be gi nning January 20, 1958: SECOND WEEK" CIVIL'Beginning January 27, 1958: 7. "'D. ?Whitehead,Q120 Lake St :J. C. Leeuwenburg,J r.,R-3, B-415 A :M. L: Wad'swortti, .:22_No,rtfi 26th Street B. L. Strickland,2818 khshington Stree t:E. S. Johnson 75 Pinecrest Pkwy:H.A, Truelove,Sr,7404 Chestnut St, S. S. Fountain, 2510 Jackson Street :H. M. Loughlin 2704 Chestnut St.:N.D. Kennedy 716 South 4uh St. L. N. Ekliott, 2020 k'oolcott Avenue ::N. W. Hartzog lOSA Williamson Dr:d. T. Belcher, 212 Kenwood Avenue ? J. W. Foreman,Jr3005 Jefferson Street :D. E. Bullock 106 Stradleigh Road:J.E. 5tanley, 221 North 23rd St., S. G. Kuhlen, 117 idrightsville Ave., :E. S. k'enberg 2907 Wrightsville Av:A.B.Freeman 2914B Jefferson St C. T. Wilkins 712 South 5th Street :J. A. Wilson Rte,# 2. Box # 215:H. C. Hewlett Carolina Beach,N.C. H. A. Mercer,Jr 2110 Creasy Avenue :A, J. Harris ,B-151 Wrigbtsville Beach:R, C. Pierce 1501 South Qth St.r. T. C. Eakins 107 Northern Boulevard :S. H. Ingram, 3918 idinston B1vd.:J. P. Tzcker,Jr. ,511 South 2nd Street L. G. Batson, Rte, # 1, Wilmington :C. D. Carter, 2204 Barnett Ave, :T. B. White, 4908 Pine Street H. N. Floyd, 1510 South L,th Street :W, R. Kiser,Jr.,. 124 Stradleigh Rd :E. E. Finch 1916 Woolcott Avenue R. D. Kelly, 14 J Lake Village :J, F. Bynum, 246 Lake Forest Pkwy:Herman Llyatt 105 South 13th St.? FI RST w'EEK CNIL Beginning January 20, 1958. 3 Pinecrest Pkwy; h9e lvin Robinson,306 Midland Drive :Louis Coleman, 3 Pinecrest Pkwy :Jacob D'Lugin, 10 South Front St., ldi lson Rogers, 422 South 5th Street :Carlos Bryant, 127 4lilliamson Dr,:Braxton Burney, 224A Kenwood Avenue Al exander ponald,180c)-21 Grace Street :Melwood Raines,Jr.,415 Castle Street :Oscar Iareon,Jr. ,6114 Oleander Drive Marion DuBose 16 Woodlawn Avenue :T. E. Taylor, 223 Calhoun Drive :N. E. Hudson,Jr. ,163 Pinecrest Pkwy., Gi lmer White 213 Borden Avenue :T. H: Carter, 505 Chestnut St., :N.. W. Cook 110 South 6th Street G. R. Smith Rte.# 3, Box y[,36, :L. E. 41ard, 1923 Nun Street :H. L. Keith, 1020 Country Club Blvd G. F. Mohn, 71 Pinecrest Parkway :C. E. Nance 3811 Market Street:F. A. Lee,Jr., 19 CT Y Lake Uillage E. L. Ward 2908 Harvard Drive :Theodore Webb,Jr., '432 Rosemont Avenu¢Troy E. Wmse, 3916 Cherry Avenue C. W. Holt 120 Morgan Street :A, L. 4dest 125 Victoria Drive:H. W. Sass 4449 Wrightsville Ave, Addie C. Troy, 209 South 6th Street :John W. King 2308 Market Street:Donald R. Lane 2724 Harrison Street Homer L. Clark 215 Pinecrest Parkway :Balmer C. Keith, 2224 Pinecrest Pkwy:Geo, H. Jones, 109 Sumter Drive John T. Smith 315 Rutledge Drive :John L. Lamb,Jr., 2203 Brandon Road :Chas. E. Davis, 2808 South blashington WEEK CRTMINAL Beginning January 13, 1958. H. W. We11s,Jr.'819 Country Club Road :A, C. Roush C 13 Oleander Court Apts: F. H. Spier, Rte.# 2, Box # 101.1 H. A. Topel 2120 Market Street :M. E. Tyson; 26 Hudson Drive :W. A. Garner, 2854 tidams Street W. R. Coley, Rte.# 1, Box #/ 225 :C. D. Capps, 5 Summit Walk :H. J. Rhyne 3 V Lake Village F. C. Coker 4607 Oleander Drive :J. A. Price,Sr., 110 Brookwood Ave.;A. C. Lewis, 212 Adelaide Drive C. H. Mi11s,Sr 2815'Princess Drive :k, C.' GJhite, 1106 Grace Street :d. C. Williamson,2727 Harrison Street K. M. Williamson,110 5outh 6th 5treet :Wm, G. Sroadfoot,Jr.V.O.Box #908,City :6. 0. Whitlock, ?_L, North Front Street W. P. Troutman?Jr,219 aouth 17th Street:G. L. Burleson; - Rte.# 1,Box #428 :E. B. Loughlin P.O.Box # 965,City. H. S. Stephens 234 Vance Street :T. C. Gurganus, Rte.# 2,Box # 742 :R. A. Willetts 615 Orange Street Newboles,B, W. 206 Wrightsville Avenue:S. C. Peterson, Rte./f 3,Box # 265 :D. H. Maultsby,Jr,206 South 42nd St., T. M. Robinson, 115 Norningside Drive :A, D. Rwynolds 314 Frances Marion:C. H. Spooner, 12 North 23rd Street J. E. Stewart 209 Willanda Drive :E. J. Bunnell 9 D Iake Village :1d. H. Eubanks 508 Market Street C. T. Watkins 7 Bordeaux Avenue :P, W. Killian 114 South 17th St :J. H. Rackley, 2414 Poplar Street J. D. Skipper Rte. # 2, Box # 241 :N. F. Walton 1-18 Keaton Avenue :R. L. Graves, "52 Wrightsville Beach M. C. Foster 2853 South Front 5treet:J: B. Little 3706 Winston Blvd :0: D. Strawn }? Princess Street ? J. W. Holton, Jr,82 Pinecrest Parkway :A, P. Wierse 2721 Washington St:B. F. Rogers outh 4th Street 7? L. H. Waters,Jr,2305 Princess Street :W. L. Ke11um,Jr., ' 101 Laku Forest Pkwy:C.L, Powlas, 6010 Oleander Drive C. L. DeVane 418 South lbth Street . ` :ldm. A. 4lalker 711 Country Club Blvd. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Llilliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, LiGHouck :es ^ . the Baard unanimtmve o ecretary Wilmington, N. C., December 30, 1957. Joint City Council and County Commissioners Meeting - PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held with the Wilmington City Couneil in joint convention this day. Present,: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr,, Berry A. Ldilliams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County AudiLor T. D. Love - Mayor J. E. L. Wade, Councilmen J. H. Batuyios, R. T. Burney, E. S. Capps, W. R. Lane and City Manager J. R. Benson. OPENING In the absence of the Minister H. C. Sharpe, Pastor of St. Johns Methodist Church, sched- uled to conduct the invocation, the Chairman called on the Executive•Secretary to open the meeting with prayer. He then declared the meeting a joint one after a motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be anprovedp which motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTOR RESIGNATION - A letter dated December 16, 1957 from C. R. Morse, City-County Tax Collector, requesting T? that he be relieved oF his duties effective February 1, 1958 was considered along with his request for an audit of his records before leaving. After some joint discussion Councilman Batuyios of- C'? fered a motion that the resignation be accepted with regrets and that a letter from each Body ex- 41t" pressing their appreciatiou for the fine public service he had rendered be sent to him. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the joint Boards. 'A ,206, 3oint Aleeting of Deeember 30, 1957 - Continued AUl3IT - The consensus of opinion among those expressing +themselves was that the same outside firm of Auditors who have previously examined the Tax Records could be more efficient in mak- ing the terminal audit since they are familiar with the tax proceedure and therefore Council- ? man Batuyios offered a motion to employ the same Auditors to make this examination as those making the annual offered a motion to employ the same Auditors to make this examination as those making the'annual fiscal year audit of the Tax Records, beine J. R.,,_MACabe & Company. Conuaissioner Holton seconded the motion with the remark that it should be cleared by January 31st, 1958. The voting resulted in unanimous adoption of the motion by the joint Boards. ?• APPOINTMENT TAX COLLECTOR Councilman E. S. Capps observed that he had known Sam W. Johnson for many years and had noted that his conduct was egemplary and since he had served in the Tag Office for many years and knew more about the operation than any other and since.he believed'employea shou7.d be up-graded or promoted when opportunity arose°he wanted to offer a motion to the effect that Sam W. Johnson be appointed to serve•tlie unexpired term of C. R. Morse resigned. This motion was seconded by Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted by the Joint Boards and authorized to proceed with securing Bond. i / SAliARY - . . , The salary schedule was discussed at length including compensation of 2421* of the Car-. olina B eaCh Taxes which it was reported amounted approximately $500 per year which is set by the Act of the Legislature and on motion of Commissioner Broadhurst, seconded by Councilman Capps, the salary for Mr. Johnson was set at $60000 exclusive of.the Carolina Beach remunera- tion. Thi s motion was unanimously adopted beginning February 1958. ' GOPiMITTEE - RECOriMENDATIOHS• - • • ° ?? • During the abone discussion the question came up as to the use of labor, machines afld ' materials being paid for by the City-County in the collection of the Corolina Beach taxes and ' ? v if the 22 remuneration should be paid into the General Fund'of the two Bodies' treasury, and ' in order to resolve the question Commissioner Holton offered'a'motion that the Chairman of the •New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the County Attorney, the Mayor of the City of' Wilmington and Lhe City Attorney together with the Piayor of Carolina Beach and the Town of Car- olina Beach Attorney, be a Committee to study the matter and'bring back a recommendation for the disposition of the subject, the motion was seconded by'Councilman Burney arid unanimously ° adopted. By common consent•this Body is to meet'tomorrow'at 3:00 o'clock P.M., if the parties involved at.Carolina Beach can a:•range to be present in the Office of the County Commissioners. ? GOOPERATION - Diayor J. E. L. Wade pledged the man J. M. Iiall, 3r., pledged the united •a better community for all. : ?? . 1 • e . .. cooperatiou of the City during the year 1J58 and Chair- efPort of the County in working togetlier for buil.ding JOINT AllJOURATIENT - • • IIpon motion•of Councilman E. S. Capps, of the joint Boards unanimously adjourned. seconded by' Commissioner Will'iams, the meeti_ng : HECONVLtiTION - • ' ? ' The Commissioners continued in regular session'and accepted the following Reports`for records: Community Hospital letter of transmittal,for Elvira Thomas to'AlcCain Sanatoriwri; Water Connission and the Welfare Departments, and the Consolidated'Board of Health. ACREAGE OH LOTS - • ' ' ' County Tax Supervisor Love explained the relative 'valuations being used'in subdivisions ,,.-- where a map of record was in*existance or recorded in the County Records. Mr. Holton observ- -fv?F ed that lots in possessiorr of a developer was in the same reTation for tax purposes as inveri- ? tory Por a merchant or used cars fot° the dealer therefore'it shou].d be worth more than undevel= pv? oped acreage•propertq and•put on the tax books accordingly: ' At this time, Mr. Alex Trask eame into the discussion aiid the meeting was reCessed by the ChAiruia.n for personal views to be ex- ,pressed and discussed between those present. After a lengthy argument and debate ainoiig the members, Pir. Williams offered Lhe following motion "that unsdld lots in a recorded subdivisfon shall be listed and taxed'as'acr,eage unl.ess the receaining loi:s in the suUdivi_sion amounted to les's,than ffve (5) acres; 7n'which instanee, they shall be'listed and taxed as lots, and that it shall be the responsibi'lity of the subclivisiun develope'r to furnish the Taac Supervisor a£ the end of each calendar year a complete list of the purchtLsers of lots so,ld out of the sub- ' cli vision durinb the year regardless of acreage, thereby prbtecting the developer from taxation' for property to which he n6 longer has the title:' Furthe"r,'that the Tax Supervisor shall re- • appraise all subdivisions•after improvements." This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan where-' upon, Mr. Broadhurst moved with a substitute motion "that the present policy be continued, ap= - praising the remainder as lots if less than five (5j acres, and as aereage, if.over five (5) ? acres is left•in the subdivision." There was no second to the substitute rriotion and Tir. Williams called the question on the original motion which was put by the Chairman and Itolton, Mayhan and Williarns voted affirmatively while Mr. Broadhurst voted negatively, so the Chairman ruled that the motion had been adopted. ? PARKING SPACE - LISTING - Because of the Revaluation Program it is deemed acivisable this year to have the Township ? Tax liisters schedule their listings for this year beginning January 6, 1958 at the Court House where all the valuation information is located so the increased parking facilities will be more ,?- acute than in former years so Mr. Love was authorized by a motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. 6,,t;vw49--Holton, to contact PSr. J. R. Bensoil, City Manager and work out satisiactory arrangements to liave the meters hooded around the Court House to allow Tax Listers to park without penalty. The move was carried unanimously. ` SNOWS-CUT BRIDGE - FUUR-LANE $IGHWAY - ?1,?,,,,??Q. Mr. Berry A. Williams, New Hanover County Highway Committeeman, announced that PSr. C.E. Brown, State Highway Engineer, placed the new Bridge over the Intra-Coastal Waterway at Snows- (i?"dO Cut on the agenda as a pricuary project for 1958 and second only to it is a four-lane divided Highway from Greenfield Lake to Shipyard Boulevard on Highway 421. Both should be underway by late Spring or early Summer. CO1,1hiUNI'PY flOSPITAL CUriMITTEF - 1i ' r1r. Holton, Community Hospital Director, announced that he had been placed on several of the Committees for the Conmunity Hospital and that he did not caant to shirk any duty or try to avoid work but wanted the Board to know and approve or disapprove because of the possibil- ity it might be thought that the Board of Commissioners was exerting too much influence there- by off-setting or by-passing the authority and responsibility reposed in the Board of Direc- tors. 1'he consensus oP the Board seemed to indicate that he should aet in pendently as a Director and they approved of his Comnittee appointments. " L Joint Meeting of December 30, 1957 - Continued 207 - J? MEETING TIME The question of changing the tiroe of ineeting of the Board was presented and discus --007"? sed by eaeh expressing their preference and fiiial.ly Mr. Williams offered a motion that the future meetings of the Board beginning with the first Monday of the New Year be held at 9:30 A.M., instead of 10:00 o'clock A.M., as at present. The motion was seconded by Nir. Holton and carried unanimously. ViSITOAS The Chairman polled the Board members foi^ an expression of their opinions on the order-m?' of business. He informed them that he had always allowed any visitors to present their matters to the'Board first, and then take up the business on the Agenda rather than complete the items on the Agenda and then recognize the visitors. The consensus of the Board was, that it should be as in the past; recognize the visitors first and then proceed teith the Agenda. AD3OURNriENT - ' ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seeonded by Mr, roadhurst the Board unani oizslg adjourned. . ? ? f? • ? ? - ?1"11Liti I?X?r.??. • `r;zecu ive-6ecre ary ? ..? ?• Wilmington; N. C., January 6, 1958. PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.PS., in the Commissioners' Room in the County Court House. Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Couunissioners Ernest R. Ma.yhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Holton,Jr., Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hil•1, and County Auditor T. D. Love. OPENING- - INVOCATIOAT - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. He requested Dr. E. D. Witherspoon, Pastor oF St. Andrews-Coaenant Presbyterian Church to open the meetiiig with prayer. MINIITES APPROVAL - The Minutes of the meeting held December 30, 1957, copy of which had previously been sent to each of the Soard members, were, upon motion of Mr. FIolton, seconded by Mr. ililliams, approved. ' PAI3KING ORDINANCE A proposed Ordinance for the control of unauthorized parld.ng around the Court House parking lot was discussed by the County Attorney John B. Hill, who had been requested at a previous meeting to draw such an instrument, and aPter lengthy discussion, Mr. Holton offer- ed a motion that the County Attorney and the Executive Secretary discuss the various angles C' , of the problem invoZved with each of the Uepartment Heads and present sone recommendations e,N?VW- and suggestions at the meetiilg to be held February 3, 1958. This motion was seconded by Ffr. Broadhurst who made the remark,that since the month of January was tax listing month, he thought it proper thai, we wait until after the first of Februarq. The motian carried un- animously. CONSOLIDATED BOARll OF HEALTH - GARBAGE DISPOSAL - A letter dated December 30, 1957 from the Health Officer of the Consolidated Board of Ifea2th with a copy of Ttegulations adopted November 2, 1955 and amended December 4, 1957 attached, was read and the Executive Secretary instructed to confer with them and determine exactly what was necessary to equip the present Garbage Disposal facilities to meet the min- imt.m requirements of the Regulation. k4 .edk r PUSLIC HEAHIYG ON BOND ISSUE - HOSYITAL = SCHOOLS - WILMINGTON COPI?fIIP1ITY COLLEGE 0? The Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled "Bond order authoriz- ing the issuance of $4,500,000 Public liospital Bonds of the County oP New Hanover", which had been introduced on December 20 1957, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on llecember 18, 1957, with notice that •the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hear- ing thereon January 6, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock, in the forenoon. ? James E. Holton moved tnat the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond ? order. The motion was seconded by E. R. Mayhan and was unanimousiy adopted. At I0:05 o'clock A.td., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. HENRY B. HARBERS - was recognized by the Chairman. He stated that in his 41 years residence in New hanover County, he had never seen any proposition of so great proportions and one that would place so gigantic burden on the taxpayers of this County as the proposedl+'9°10' 4.5 million Bond issue proposed for the Hospital. He staLed that he was for progress but tiiat he thought the eost of the Revaluation Program, the cost of an extra election which could have been held just as conveniently on the regul.ar election day of May 31, 1958, was enougli to warrant a delay until another date for this Bond election. He was vigorously op- posed and requested the Commissioners to stop the election for this time. At another point in the discussion he remi.nded the Board that if they recinded their previous action it would not set a precedent as other corporat•e bodies had reversed themselves without embarrassment from time to time. Just because it had been advertised in the papers and announced by the Press was •no good reason to allow themselves to be influenced, and he again asked deferment of the election until sane future date. Again Mr. Harbers requested that t he matter on the Hospital be put off and the election held for transferring Wilmiugton College(50) five-cent levy only at tilis time. Later he aslced the question if the $2,400,000 grant by the r^ederal Government would be lost if we did not vote on the Bond issue at this time. After assuring him that unless the project was under contract bq July 1, 19590 the available Federal Punds would revert back to the Government.' i He stated he was not opposed to the new Hospital but that now was iiot the time and requested that he be recorded in the records in that manner. - MH. C. A. POPE - was recognized by the Chairman. He stated that he represented the &state oY Mrs. Mary W. Shepard and was a retired former employe of the Federal Govern- ment and a taxpayer. He read quite a lengthy prepared statement requesting answers to many uncertainties in his mind; some oF which were: 1. IJhy not hold the election on Aiay 31st and save the expense? 2. L+hiai, will the tax increase be if the Bond issue pa°sses? 3. What will the tax rate be? 4. How much will the interest amount to? 5. By accepting ' b'ederal Funds will this be an integrated Hospital? 6. •Has the constituti•onality of the • ten-cent (10¢) maintenance levg been determined? 7. Would the out of County patients ef- fect the amount of deficit, if any, to be paid out of the Maintenance levy? 8. Have costs of sprinklers and repairs to James Walker Hospital been considered? 9. Will the tax rate increase have any efiect on industry? 10. How much industry could be brought into the ?