1958-01-06 Regular MeetingJoint Meeting of December 30, 1957 - Continued 207 - J? MEETING TIME The question of changing the tiroe of ineeting of the Board was presented and discus --007"? sed by eaeh expressing their preference and fiiial.ly Mr. Williams offered a motion that the future meetings of the Board beginning with the first Monday of the New Year be held at 9:30 A.M., instead of 10:00 o'clock A.M., as at present. The motion was seconded by Nir. Holton and carried unanimously. ViSITOAS The Chairman polled the Board members foi^ an expression of their opinions on the order-m?' of business. He informed them that he had always allowed any visitors to present their matters to the'Board first, and then take up the business on the Agenda rather than complete the items on the Agenda and then recognize the visitors. The consensus of the Board was, that it should be as in the past; recognize the visitors first and then proceed teith the Agenda. AD3OURNriENT - ' ? Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seeonded by Mr, roadhurst the Board unani oizslg adjourned. . ? ? f? • ? ? - ?1"11Liti I?X?r.??. • `r;zecu ive-6ecre ary ? ..? ?• Wilmington; N. C., January 6, 1958. PRESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.PS., in the Commissioners' Room in the County Court House. Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Couunissioners Ernest R. Ma.yhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Holton,Jr., Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hil•1, and County Auditor T. D. Love. OPENING- - INVOCATIOAT - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. He requested Dr. E. D. Witherspoon, Pastor oF St. Andrews-Coaenant Presbyterian Church to open the meetiiig with prayer. MINIITES APPROVAL - The Minutes of the meeting held December 30, 1957, copy of which had previously been sent to each of the Soard members, were, upon motion of Mr. FIolton, seconded by Mr. ililliams, approved. ' PAI3KING ORDINANCE A proposed Ordinance for the control of unauthorized parld.ng around the Court House parking lot was discussed by the County Attorney John B. Hill, who had been requested at a previous meeting to draw such an instrument, and aPter lengthy discussion, Mr. Holton offer- ed a motion that the County Attorney and the Executive Secretary discuss the various angles C' , of the problem invoZved with each of the Uepartment Heads and present sone recommendations e,N?VW- and suggestions at the meetiilg to be held February 3, 1958. This motion was seconded by Ffr. Broadhurst who made the remark,that since the month of January was tax listing month, he thought it proper thai, we wait until after the first of Februarq. The motian carried un- animously. CONSOLIDATED BOARll OF HEALTH - GARBAGE DISPOSAL - A letter dated December 30, 1957 from the Health Officer of the Consolidated Board of Ifea2th with a copy of Ttegulations adopted November 2, 1955 and amended December 4, 1957 attached, was read and the Executive Secretary instructed to confer with them and determine exactly what was necessary to equip the present Garbage Disposal facilities to meet the min- imt.m requirements of the Regulation. k4 .edk r PUSLIC HEAHIYG ON BOND ISSUE - HOSYITAL = SCHOOLS - WILMINGTON COPI?fIIP1ITY COLLEGE 0? The Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled "Bond order authoriz- ing the issuance of $4,500,000 Public liospital Bonds of the County oP New Hanover", which had been introduced on December 20 1957, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on llecember 18, 1957, with notice that •the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hear- ing thereon January 6, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock, in the forenoon. ? James E. Holton moved tnat the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond ? order. The motion was seconded by E. R. Mayhan and was unanimousiy adopted. At I0:05 o'clock A.td., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. HENRY B. HARBERS - was recognized by the Chairman. He stated that in his 41 years residence in New hanover County, he had never seen any proposition of so great proportions and one that would place so gigantic burden on the taxpayers of this County as the proposedl+'9°10' 4.5 million Bond issue proposed for the Hospital. He staLed that he was for progress but tiiat he thought the eost of the Revaluation Program, the cost of an extra election which could have been held just as conveniently on the regul.ar election day of May 31, 1958, was enougli to warrant a delay until another date for this Bond election. He was vigorously op- posed and requested the Commissioners to stop the election for this time. At another point in the discussion he remi.nded the Board that if they recinded their previous action it would not set a precedent as other corporat•e bodies had reversed themselves without embarrassment from time to time. Just because it had been advertised in the papers and announced by the Press was •no good reason to allow themselves to be influenced, and he again asked deferment of the election until sane future date. Again Mr. Harbers requested that t he matter on the Hospital be put off and the election held for transferring Wilmiugton College(50) five-cent levy only at tilis time. Later he aslced the question if the $2,400,000 grant by the r^ederal Government would be lost if we did not vote on the Bond issue at this time. After assuring him that unless the project was under contract bq July 1, 19590 the available Federal Punds would revert back to the Government.' i He stated he was not opposed to the new Hospital but that now was iiot the time and requested that he be recorded in the records in that manner. - MH. C. A. POPE - was recognized by the Chairman. He stated that he represented the &state oY Mrs. Mary W. Shepard and was a retired former employe of the Federal Govern- ment and a taxpayer. He read quite a lengthy prepared statement requesting answers to many uncertainties in his mind; some oF which were: 1. IJhy not hold the election on Aiay 31st and save the expense? 2. L+hiai, will the tax increase be if the Bond issue pa°sses? 3. What will the tax rate be? 4. How much will the interest amount to? 5. By accepting ' b'ederal Funds will this be an integrated Hospital? 6. •Has the constituti•onality of the • ten-cent (10¢) maintenance levg been determined? 7. Would the out of County patients ef- fect the amount of deficit, if any, to be paid out of the Maintenance levy? 8. Have costs of sprinklers and repairs to James Walker Hospital been considered? 9. Will the tax rate increase have any efiect on industry? 10. How much industry could be brought into the ? 208 Pieeting of January 6, 1958 - Continued County with even just one half of the 4.5 million dollars? He stated that he represented a group of taxpayers who thought they were justly entitled to answers to these questions be- fore making up their minds either way on the issue. Mr. Pope appeared as a seeker after knowledge rather than in opposition to the hospital proposal. REVEREND B. B. HODGLS - was recognized and explained that he came to New Hanover County from Harnett County 14 years ago;'that he was a Minister of the Gospel and a hard working iuan. He was of the opinion that the poor man should be considered before heavier tax burdens were imposed on the taxpayers. He owns two (2) houses which he had managed to pay the taxes on by hard work and saving every penny he could. He stated that he was op- posed to the election because of: 1. Special Election Expenses. 2. Increased tages on his property which had increased each year without the addition of the Bonds. 3. He had tried to stay out of politics but would remember at voting time aboizt promises made and none kept., 4. Pederal Government advocates scattering of important buildings in the event of Atomie attack so that all would not be destroyed and yet this plan would put the Hospital under one roof and be a target. RICHARD A. SHEW - was recognized and said that he was speeehless and could not un- derstand wny men as successful as those composing the Board of llireetors of the proposed new Hospital could advocate this project at this time. It made him taonder if he was right or wrong, but for the life of him he eould not understand it. The tax rate will exceed $1.20 even if the Board would stay away from the Aospital operating deficiency fallacy. The Publicity Committee should begin to Punction at once and not wait until the last minute. Give answers to questions the peopl.e want before they vote. He also questioned the wisdom of the timing in having a special election which will cost the County taxpayers $12,000. Besides,it will get more voters at the polls if held in the May Election. He also brought out that he was unalterably opposed to accepting any money from the Federal Government be- cause the Hospital would then have to be built to Federal Government specifications and op- erated as they,tell you to. It roight end up as another "Little Rock". ALAN A. MARSHAT,L - was recognized and stated.that there were many impelling reasons that the members os' the nospital Committee recommended the Hospital project. It was done only after a study of the needs for the facilities aud a careful surveq made by the outside agency called the Norman Report had answered many of the questions asked here today. The questions will also be answered publicly so that the people will become acquainted with the same facts. Dr. John T. HOGGAi3D - was recognized by the Chairman. He explained the reasons for the separate times in nolding the elections and the necessity Por two election dates. He then requested Attoiney Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr., to explaiiz the Statutes requiring that two separate elections be held and why they were not able to vote on all issues at the Diay 31st Election date. After the Board had hearcl a,ll persons who requested to be heanl, Berry Wil.lia,ms moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by James E. Holton and __was unanimously adopted. James.E. Holton aroved that the following Resolution be adopted: dz06PA07'? WHMtEAS, the bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the issuance of $4,500,000 Public Iiospital IIonds of the County of New Hanover" introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on December 2, 1957, has been duly published with notice of hearing thereon and the Board of Cortunissioners has, at the time and place specified in such notice of hearing, heard any and all citizens and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issu- ance of the bonds, and such hearing has been closed; and WIiEREAS, the County Auditor has, by direction of the Board oP Cawnissioners, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for purposes oLher than School purposes under Bond orders either introduced or passed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement so filed shows tha,t the net indebtedness of the County is 3.60 oi the assessed valuation of pro- perty in said County as last fixed for County taxation;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: ? (1) The bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the issuance of $4,500,000 Publie Hospital Bonds of the County oP New Hanover", introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on December 2, 1957, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy ? P..4 f?of said bond order to be published with the statement as to its adoption prescribed by the County Finance Act in the Wilmington Piorni.ng Star, a newspaper published in the City of Wil- mington, North Carolina, in said County, and such publication shall be made in the manner prescribed by the County Finance Act. The motion having been duly seconded by Berry Williams, it was unanimously adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - SCHOOLS - BONDS The Clerk reported to the,,Board that the bond order entitled "Bond order authoriz- ing the issuance of $1,53J,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover", which had been in- troduced on llecember 2, 1957, had been published in the Wilmington Aiorning25tar, on December ?G 18th, 1957, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon ? on January 6, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock, in the forenoon. James E. Holton moved that the 13oard proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by L. E. Broadhurst arnl was unanimously adopted. At 11:50 o'clock A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board caould hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. DR. JOHN T. HOGGARD - was recognized and explained the reason for the urgent and prompt action on the 5enool_Bond Election. He called on Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of New Hanover County Schools to explain the detailed needs. He informed the hearing that in the past year increase in the nwnber of children entering School for the first time amount- ed to more than the entire enrollment of the Wrightsboro School. The Junior High facilities are over-loaded by SOO.pupils now, he said, while the Senior Higii is not acutely crowded this year but by 1960, there will be 600 more to be absorbed in the Senior High School of New Han- over County. He further informed the Board that by 1960 there would be ,2,500 pupils un- housed and that at present they had exhausted all available space, even using offices, stor- age rooms, etc., to hold classes. He also stated that the increase in etudents in the School system here exceeded the entire School population in the City of IIurli.ngton cdlen he left there. If the Bond issue carried, he hoped to have one School completed by 1959, and a Junior High Scliool completed by 1960. , L_ Meeting of January 6, 1958 - Continued 209 MR- C. A. POEE - was.recognized and stated that he was just back from Europe and had occas- ' ion tio opserve the use. of the School facilities there and that'they were having two sesaions per day to make full use of the facilities without increasing their buildings as after a few years the load would decrease for the "War" babies were the cause of the overload at this time and that when it has passed, the pupil-load will revert back to normal status. He also re- marked that the reason for School vacations was because of the need for the help of children during the grocaing season on the farms but that modern machinery had virtually eliminated that requirement and thai, some new approach and consideration should be given to a year 'round use of the equipment even if it means having two shifts of teachers. HENRY B. HAKBEIt5 - was recognized. Mr•. Harbers said that he was in fa.vor of progress, but Tnougi?t a re-examination of the entire School System, including salaries of top officials, to see if economies and consolidations and then after careful scrutiny of all phases, make an extra check to see if we might reduce requests from year to year. BEN. J. McDOiiALD - was recognized by the Chairman, and he remarked that he was speaking as . a taxpayer and a citizen of New Hanover County and not in his capacity of a News Reporter. He said in his opinion the New Hanover Schools were the best in the State and that people in this County get more for their money in Schools than in any other. After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, James E. Holton moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by E. R. Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. James E. Holton moved that the following Resolution be adopted: W11L+'REAS, the bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the issuance of $1,550,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover" introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commis- sioners held on December 2, 1957, has been duly published wi.th notice of hearing thereon and the Board of Cownissioners has, at the tiuie and place specified in sucli notice of hearing, heard any and all citizens and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issuance of the bonds, and such hearing has been closed; and 1iHEREAS, the County Auditor has, by direction of the Board of Commissi.oners, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debL incurred and to be incurred for School purposes under bond orders either introduced or passed, complying with Y.he provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement so filed shocas that the net in- debtedness of the County is 3.7% of the assessed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation; ATOtJ, THEttEFOftE, BE IT RESOLVEll by the Board oP Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The bond order entitlecl "Bond order authorizing the issuance of $105500000 School Bonde of the County of New I3anover", introduced at the meeting of the Board of Com- missioners held on December 2, 1957, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. . • , (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copq of said bond order to be published with the statement as to its adoption prescribed by the Coun- ty Finance Act in the Wilmington Morning Star, a newspaper published in the City of Wilming- ton, North Carolina, in said County, and such publication shall be made in the manner pre- scribed by the County Finance Act. The motion having been duly seconded by L. E. Broadhurst, it was unanimously adopted. James E. Holton moved that the following Resolution be adopted: idHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted on January 6, 1958 a bond order author- izing the issuance of $4,500,000 oF bonds of the County to finance the erection and equipment of a new building or buildings to be used as a public Hospital and the acquisition of a_suit- able site therefor, and a bond order authorizing the issuance of $1,550,000 of bonds of the County to finance the erection of new buildings and the reconstruction or alteration of ex- isting buildings to be used for School purposes and the acquisition of land aiid furnishings and equipment necessarq for such new and reconstructed and altered buildings, and each of said bond orders and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized thereby ehould be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanoner, fnr their approval or disapproval,-in•order to comply with the Constitution and Laws of North Carolina; and WH1sREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to submit to the voters of the County of New Hanover the question whether a special tax of not exceeding ten cents (10¢), skiall be levied annually upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) as assessed valuation of taxable pro- perty in the County to finance the cost of operating, equipping and maintaining a public Hos- pital for the use of the inhabitants of the County, pursua.nt to the provisions of the Municipal Hospital N'acilities Act of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Bbard of Commissioners of New Hanover the question whether,a apecial levied annually upon each one hundred dollars perty in the County to finance the cost of'ma Hanover County, pursuant to the provisions of of 1957; NOtd, THEktEFUItE, desires to submit to the voters of the County tax of not exceeding five cents (5¢), shall be (6100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable pro- intaining a Community College, located in New Chapter 1098 of the North Carolina Session Laws BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as folle*a: (1) A special election shall be held in the County of New Hanover on February 15, 1958, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County, for their a,pproval ' or disapproval, the two (2) bond orders described in the notice of special eleCtion herein- after set forth and also the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds author- _ ized by such bond orders and the questions whether the special taxes described in said notice of special election shall be levied. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of said election in substantially the following form: C,,rj,C. ? A "210 Meeting of January 6, 1958 - Continued COIINTY OF NESd HANOYER, NORTH CAIIOLINA -1 ..Ie< NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION +F * ,. ;. * x: NO'PICE IS liE1tEBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL ELECTIOPI will be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on February 15, 1958, for the purpose of subinitting to the qualified voters of said County, for their approval or disapproval, the following ques- tions: QUESTION NU.1 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover approve the bond order which was adopted by the Board of Commissiaiers on Jan- uary 6, 1958, and which (1) authorizes bonds of the County of New Hanover of the maximum aggregate princiPal amount of $4,500,000 to finance the erection and equipment of a new building or buildings to be used as a public Hospital, and the acquisition of a suitable site therefor, and (2) also authorizes the levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of anct interest on the bonds auth- orized thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? QUESTION N0.2 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New;;Hanover approve the bond order which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on Janu- ary 6, 1958, and which (1) authori2es bonds of the County of New Hanover of the maximum aggregate principal amount of $1,550,000 to finance the erection of new Sc11oo1 houses, School garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, luneh rooms and other similar School plant facilities needed for the Sehools in said Coun- ty, and the erection of additions to anri the alteration or reconstruc- tion of existing buildings used for such purPoses, and the acquisi- tion and installation of equipment required for such new buildings or additions and the acquisition of any land needed for such purposes, and (2) also authorizes the levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds authorized thereby;and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? QUESTION N0,3 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover approve the levy of a special tax of not exceeding ten cents (10¢), a nnuall.y upon each ?100 of assessed valuation of taxable ,property in said County to finance the cost of operating, equipping and maintaining a, public IIospital for the use of the inhabitants of the County? QUESTION NU.4 Shall the qualified voters of New Hanover County a prove the annual levy of a special tax not to exceed five cents (5¢? on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property within said County to assist in financing the cost of maintaining a Community Colle,-e located in New Hanover County, said tax to be levied in place of the present five cent (5¢) tax now levied for the maintenance of Wilmington College? In the event that a majority of the qual.ified voters voting at such election shall approve either of such two (2) bond orders and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issu- ance of the bonds thereby authorized, bonds of the malcimum amount authorized by such bond order shall be issued for the purpose described in such bond order, and a tax will be lev- ied for the payment thereof. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M., and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, P.M., Eastern Standard Time. The election will be held at the same polling places at which the last election was held in New Hanover County for the election of inembers of the General Assembly. The registration books contaiiiing the lists of registered voters of the County oP New Hanover shall be opened for the registration of voters at 9:00 o'clock A.M., Sat- urday., January 18, 1958, and shall be closed at sunset on Saturday, February 1, 1958. On each day (Sundays excepted) during such period, the Registrar for each election precinct in the County will keep the book for such precinet open tietweeti the hours of 9:00 o'clock, A. M., and sunset for the registration of voters in such election precinct. On each Sat- urday during such period each Registrar will attend at the polling place in his election precinct between the hours of 9:00 o'clock, A.M., and sunset for the registra.tion of voters. Bg order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. Aated, January 6, 1958. /s/ W. G. Houck Clerk oi" tne Hoaru oY" commissioners oY New Hanover County, North Carolina , Meeting of January 6,, 1958 - Continued Said notice of special eleation shall be published three (3) times and there shall be an interval of at least one (1) week between said publications and the f`irst of said publica- tions.shall be not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of such election. (3) The polls for said election shall be opened and closed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and electors shall be registered for said election in the manner stated in said notice. ' . (4) The ballots to be used at said election shall be in substantially the fol- lowing form: (1) To vote "YES" on any question, make a cross (X) mark in the.square to the right of the word "YES", (2) To vote "NO" on any question, make a eross (X) mark in the square to the right of the word "NO".• (3) If you tear or deface or'wrongly mark thi_s hallot, return it and get another. ' QUESTION N0. 1 Shall the qualified voters oP the County of New Hanover, approve the bond order which was adopted bq the Board of Com- ..... missioners on January 6, 1958, and which (1) authorizes bonds . . of the County of New Hanover of the maximwn aggregate princi- YES . . pal amount of $4,500,000 to finance the erection and equip- ..... ment of a new bui.lding or buildings to be used as a public Hospital, and the acquisition of a suitable site therefor, ..... and (2) also autkiorizes the levy?of a.n annual tax sufficient • . . to pay the prineipal of and interest on the bonds authorized NO . . thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the . . . . . issuance of said bonds? • QUESTION N0. 2 • , Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover ..... approve the bond order which was adopted by the Board of Com- . . missioners on Januarq 6, 1958, and which (1) authorizes bonds YES of the County of New lianover of the maximum aggregate princi- ..... pal amount of $1,550,000 to finance the erection of new School Houses, School Garages, Physical Edueation and Vocational Pd- • • ucation buildings, lunch rooms and other similar School plant ..... facilities needed for the Schools in said County, and the er- . . ection of additions to and the alteration or reconstruction of NO . . existing buildings used for such purposes, and the acquisition ..... and installation of equipment required for such new buildings or additions and the acquisition of any land needed for such purposes, and (2) also authorizes the levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of?and interest on the bonds authorized thereby; and approved the indebtedness to be in- curred by the issuanee of said bonds? QiTESTIGN N0, 3• ' . . . . . ' . . Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover YES . . approve the levy of a spedial tax of not exceeding ten cents ..... (10¢), annually, upon each $100 of assessed valuation of tax- ..... able property in said County to financs the cost of operating, . . equipping and maintAining a publie Hospital for the use of the NO . . inhabitants of the Countq? ' . . . . . QUESTION N0. 4 • ..... Shall the qualified voters of New Hanover County approve . , the annual levy of a special tax not to exceed the five cents YES . . (5¢) on each $100 of assessed valuation of tagable property ..... within said County to assist in financing the cost of maintain- ..... ing a Community College located in New Hanover County, said . . tax to be levied in place of the present five cent (5¢) tax NO . . • • . . . . . now levied for the maintenance oF Wilmington College? . . l:nairman oi" l:ounLy ttoara oi" ?''iections of New Hanover Courity, North Carolina 211 i • (5) The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots and to provide the registration books, booths, ballot boxes and other equipment required Por the holding of said election and to conduct and supervise said election. Berry Tiilliams seconded the motion and the motion was una.nimously adopted. ? rF n >k ?h df =f ?k 'A ,e?12 Cbr?SUNFTY HOSPITAL - IdATEA Meeting of Januar.y 6, 1958 - Continued ?' ? Mr. George A. Moore appeared before the Board and stated that he was reporting on the job he was doing for the Ceunty in the installation of the Boiler at Community Aospital. He explained that the electrical connections co?ntrolling the automatic pumps and pumps forc- • ing the return water into the Boilers were wornho such an extent that they could not be ? used satisfactorilg any longer; that when his plizmbers attempted to.tie in the new water and steam pipe connections which are new with the old that the old pipes were so badly cor- roded that they traisted off and many of the valves were rusted and not usable so that it was necessary to replace them. He also reassured the Board that even tho the cost seemed ex- cessive,it is work that would have had to be done even if a contract had been accepted on a new Boiler, and that the contractor would not have beeu liable for,the extra pipe, etc., ?A that has been required to complete a good satisfactory worlmanshi?'?job there. He stated that he was about thru with the job and invited the entire Board to come out arnl let it be , explained to them where they could see the actual conditions before and after he started. ?/ ASSISTANT SOLICITOR - A letter from John J. Burney, Jr., Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial DistriPCtfof North Carolina, recommending and nominating ljllen Cobb,for the office of Assistant Solic- itor for New Hanover County was considered and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board voted unanimously in favor of his appointment. Mr. Burney has been C' notified. / REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - A letter from Mr. R. C. Cantwell, III, inviting the Board of Commissioners to a meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of lleal Estate Appraisers to be hel@ in the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh on Januarq 8, 1958 was read and the Executive Secretary was authorized to reply with regrets but with appreciation for the thoughtfulness of the invitation. DUPLICA'PION OF S3REET NAr1ES COMMITTEE - At the request of Mr. Chas. T. Burke, Chairman of the Committee to study duplica- tions in names of streets, roads, boulevards, drives, parkways, lanes, alleys or thorough- fares, who suggested that a member of the Wilmington Board of Realtors be appointed to that Committee was discussed and Mr. Williams suggested that the City-County Planning Board be requested to act in that capacity. No further a ction was recommended at this meeting. POLL TAX ABATEMENT - / Mr. Kingsley L. King, 705 South 4th Street, requested abatement of his Poll Tax for the year because of disability. Upon motion of Pir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williaans, the Board voted unanimously to abate his Poll Tax for the year 1958. COUN'TY HODfE STUDY COMMITTEE - A Committee composed of £ommissioners Broadhurst, Hall and Iiolton, to study the ? advisability and the feasibility of disposing of the County Farm and converting the Countq Home into a Nursing Home and requesting the State-:to take all prisoners as suggested by Mr. Williams several weeks ago, reported that theqhad not as yet completed their study, but that they would have a formal meeting soon and come up with recommendations. Mr. Williams suggested that they consult and confer with the Welfare ?epartment, Health,Department and the Court Officers. UDC MEETING - -? Mrs. Addison Hewlett, Sr., extended the Board an invitation to be her guests at a meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to be held at the Temple Baptist Church January 19, 1958 at 3:30 P.M,, The invitation was extended thru Commissioner Berry A. Williams and graciously accepted. STOCK SHOW B.9RN - Mr. Louis W. Latham, with Mr, Arnold D. Peterson representing the Agricultural Committee of the Greater Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board stating that, they had set the dates for the llairy Cattle Show as April 16 and 17, 1958, and before having all their brochures and advertising materials printed, they wanted to ascertain if the cattle ' barn under construction at the County Farm would be completed and ready for use at that time. They also said that it would take considerable time in laying out the different sections or stalls for the different entries so they asked if it would definitelq be com- ./? plete8 by March 15, 1958. They were advised that the preliminary planning of the build- ing had been completed and that the materials were being assembled so that the actual erec- tion could begin February 1. It was estimated that the construction could be done in 30 days, and assured the representatives that f,t would be ready for use by the dates eched- uled for the Show. They then requested to see the blueprints so that their preliminary planning could start, but as they are kept at the County Home, the Board agreed to adjourn or recess if necessary to take them to the County Home next tlonday, January 13 at 11:30 A.M., and show them the entire surrounding area as well as the planned structure. , ADJOURNINN:NT - There being no further business presented to the Board, Mr. Hol n offered a motion to adjourn. Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion and the 13oard declared 'tself adjourned. ve Wiltnington, N. C., January 13, 1958. PFtESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day with the following present: Ckiairman J. M. Hall, Jr.; Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R.'Mayhan, Berry A. Williains, and.County Attorney 7ohn B. Hill, and Coun- ty Auditor T. D. Love. Commissioner Jas. E. Holton, Jr., was absent. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order bq the Chairman who recognized and requested Rev. Hunley A. Elebash, Rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church to open the meeting with prayer. riINUTES Ak'PHO VAL - The Minutes of the last meeting held January 6, 1958, having previously been mailed to earsh of the Cmrunissiouers were, upon motion of Mt. Williams, seconded by Mr. Piaqhan, approved. ? ? GAI3BAGE llISPOSAL - the Secretary reported on his conversation with Dr. G. B. Davis with reference to ? proper handling of garbage at the County Garbage nwnp. Dr. Davis informed tha,t it must be covered and comply with the Regulations adopted by the Consolidated Board of Health as amend- ed. Since Mr. Holton was absent today it was decided that all members of the Board should , be present and so action was uTeferred until next week. - .