1958-01-13 Regular Meeting,e?12 Cbr?SUNFTY HOSPITAL - IdATEA Meeting of Januar.y 6, 1958 - Continued ?' ? Mr. George A. Moore appeared before the Board and stated that he was reporting on the job he was doing for the Ceunty in the installation of the Boiler at Community Aospital. He explained that the electrical connections co?ntrolling the automatic pumps and pumps forc- • ing the return water into the Boilers were wornho such an extent that they could not be ? used satisfactorilg any longer; that when his plizmbers attempted to.tie in the new water and steam pipe connections which are new with the old that the old pipes were so badly cor- roded that they traisted off and many of the valves were rusted and not usable so that it was necessary to replace them. He also reassured the Board that even tho the cost seemed ex- cessive,it is work that would have had to be done even if a contract had been accepted on a new Boiler, and that the contractor would not have beeu liable for,the extra pipe, etc., ?A that has been required to complete a good satisfactory worlmanshi?'?job there. He stated that he was about thru with the job and invited the entire Board to come out arnl let it be , explained to them where they could see the actual conditions before and after he started. ?/ ASSISTANT SOLICITOR - A letter from John J. Burney, Jr., Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial DistriPCtfof North Carolina, recommending and nominating ljllen Cobb,for the office of Assistant Solic- itor for New Hanover County was considered and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board voted unanimously in favor of his appointment. Mr. Burney has been C' notified. / REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - A letter from Mr. R. C. Cantwell, III, inviting the Board of Commissioners to a meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of lleal Estate Appraisers to be hel@ in the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh on Januarq 8, 1958 was read and the Executive Secretary was authorized to reply with regrets but with appreciation for the thoughtfulness of the invitation. DUPLICA'PION OF S3REET NAr1ES COMMITTEE - At the request of Mr. Chas. T. Burke, Chairman of the Committee to study duplica- tions in names of streets, roads, boulevards, drives, parkways, lanes, alleys or thorough- fares, who suggested that a member of the Wilmington Board of Realtors be appointed to that Committee was discussed and Mr. Williams suggested that the City-County Planning Board be requested to act in that capacity. No further a ction was recommended at this meeting. POLL TAX ABATEMENT - / Mr. Kingsley L. King, 705 South 4th Street, requested abatement of his Poll Tax for the year because of disability. Upon motion of Pir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williaans, the Board voted unanimously to abate his Poll Tax for the year 1958. COUN'TY HODfE STUDY COMMITTEE - A Committee composed of £ommissioners Broadhurst, Hall and Iiolton, to study the ? advisability and the feasibility of disposing of the County Farm and converting the Countq Home into a Nursing Home and requesting the State-:to take all prisoners as suggested by Mr. Williams several weeks ago, reported that theqhad not as yet completed their study, but that they would have a formal meeting soon and come up with recommendations. Mr. Williams suggested that they consult and confer with the Welfare ?epartment, Health,Department and the Court Officers. UDC MEETING - -? Mrs. Addison Hewlett, Sr., extended the Board an invitation to be her guests at a meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to be held at the Temple Baptist Church January 19, 1958 at 3:30 P.M,, The invitation was extended thru Commissioner Berry A. Williams and graciously accepted. STOCK SHOW B.9RN - Mr. Louis W. Latham, with Mr, Arnold D. Peterson representing the Agricultural Committee of the Greater Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board stating that, they had set the dates for the llairy Cattle Show as April 16 and 17, 1958, and before having all their brochures and advertising materials printed, they wanted to ascertain if the cattle ' barn under construction at the County Farm would be completed and ready for use at that time. They also said that it would take considerable time in laying out the different sections or stalls for the different entries so they asked if it would definitelq be com- ./? plete8 by March 15, 1958. They were advised that the preliminary planning of the build- ing had been completed and that the materials were being assembled so that the actual erec- tion could begin February 1. It was estimated that the construction could be done in 30 days, and assured the representatives that f,t would be ready for use by the dates eched- uled for the Show. They then requested to see the blueprints so that their preliminary planning could start, but as they are kept at the County Home, the Board agreed to adjourn or recess if necessary to take them to the County Home next tlonday, January 13 at 11:30 A.M., and show them the entire surrounding area as well as the planned structure. , ADJOURNINN:NT - There being no further business presented to the Board, Mr. Hol n offered a motion to adjourn. Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion and the 13oard declared 'tself adjourned. ve Wiltnington, N. C., January 13, 1958. PFtESENT The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day with the following present: Ckiairman J. M. Hall, Jr.; Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R.'Mayhan, Berry A. Williains, and.County Attorney 7ohn B. Hill, and Coun- ty Auditor T. D. Love. Commissioner Jas. E. Holton, Jr., was absent. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order bq the Chairman who recognized and requested Rev. Hunley A. Elebash, Rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church to open the meeting with prayer. riINUTES Ak'PHO VAL - The Minutes of the last meeting held January 6, 1958, having previously been mailed to earsh of the Cmrunissiouers were, upon motion of Mt. Williams, seconded by Mr. Piaqhan, approved. ? ? GAI3BAGE llISPOSAL - the Secretary reported on his conversation with Dr. G. B. Davis with reference to ? proper handling of garbage at the County Garbage nwnp. Dr. Davis informed tha,t it must be covered and comply with the Regulations adopted by the Consolidated Board of Health as amend- ed. Since Mr. Holton was absent today it was decided that all members of the Board should , be present and so action was uTeferred until next week. - .