1958-01-20 Regular Meeting2 15, ?!a l 0 ? Wilmington, N. C., Sanuary 20, 1958. PItESL'NT - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover Cowity Board of Commissioners'cras held this d'ate with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr,, and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. riayhan and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love were also present. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chaplain for today, Reverend J. L. Da'vis, Pastor of the Advent Christian Church, the invocation was a prayer by the Executive Secretary. ' APYI?UVAL r1INUfiES Upon motion offered by Mr. Wilhams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the pre- vious meeting having been mailed to each member of the*IIoard, were unanimously approved with corrections in paragraph headed "Drainage Problem", the vote was 4 for.and 1 against tlie mo- tions In the paragraph headed "Probable Tax Rates", the last line should have read "old"val- uations instead of"present" valuations, and "would have been" inserted after "maximum". Xn paragraph headed "Beach Boulevard", the sentence referring to new constructiorfunds should be "practically" no funds in and the motion was seconded b,y Mr. Ma:yhan; t-ien ^"leach Boulevard" instead of"South Front Street""; should have read "'Carolina Beach,Road. GAIiBAGE DISP05AL Messrs. M. W. Merritt and Billy B. Hufham, local commercial garbage haulers, appear--- eii and stated they had received a letter from the Consblidated Board of Heath informing them N?? they they would be required to bury their refuse after February 4, 1958. They said that they did not want to spend money for such expensive equipment when the perpetuation of their business was uncertain so tney wanted to know what the County planned to do about a.t.. After some discussion of the problems involved, Mr. Iiolton offered the following cnoti_on, that the New lianover County Board of Commissioners, the Consolidated Board of Health and the interest- ed Commercial Garbage Flaulers meet in joint sessionrat the earliest practical time. This mo- tion was'seconded by Mr. Piayhan and was unanimously adopted. ' `ROAD PETITZON - ?.r4` Mr. Hugh MacRae presented a petition for a new road to run from Oleander Drive at Hanover Shopping Center southward to Shipward Boulevard which is about half-way between 46th(,U"" ° Street and the projected 17th Street extension.' Upon moti.on of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board accepted the petition and unanimously agreed to send it to the State Highway Commission with recommedations that it'be added to the State Maintained Aoad System. . LIVE OAg PARMdAY ERTENSION Mr. Hugh MacRae informed the Board that some of the State liighway maps show a dotted line from Oleander Drive along Live'Oak Parkway to Shipqard Boulevard but that 2 years ago -?(? the State relinquished any interest thev might have had in it as a right-of-way and at pres-tgr,^?" ent there is an element of uncertainty surrounding such a right-of-way thru the property.;" Iie wanted to get a statement that the County had no such claims or interests in it. He also stated that }ie thought the owners of property on Live Oak Parkway would bitterly protest any extension of that tlioroughfare. The matter was referred to County Attorney John B. Hill to confer with Mr. Marsden Bellamy, the former County Attorney iaho might have had some knowledge of the original intentions when the dotted lines were placed on the State Highway Maps. He is to malze recommendations to tlie Board. BOND MATURITIES - County Auditor, T. D. Love, presented the statements combining the existing debt of Neia Hanover County with the proposed $6,050,000 School Building and Public Hospital Bonds with the projected schedules of maturities over a 31-year period. The interest was com- puted on a 4% rate. The schedules presuppose that all of the bonds might be issued in the ? Spring of 1959, and show the approximate effect issuance of the lionds may have upon the Coun- ? ty's debt structure. They are being considered under G.S. 153-103 whi.ch provides that the bonds shall mature in annual installments in series and t11at no one installment may exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) times the smallest prior installment. Such constant amounts-af principal are deemed more consistent with sound financing and is proper since we may assume that the need for additional financing by bond issue might arise in the next eight to ten years, or even earlier, with the growing School population. This information was given for the ediPication and enlightenment of the interested parties. BONI? ISSUE QITESTIONS Mr. C. A. Pope, who announced that he had been elected President of a recently or- ganized Tax Payers League, reminded the Board that he appsared and presented certain questions wnich the Board promised to answer on January 6 at the Public Hearing on the Bond issue, and requested the answers as Promised. He also requested access to the 1957-1958 County Budget. He was informed that the questions wene in the process of being answered but that there were some of them which could not be answered. He was also advised that copies of the Budget were available to any interested taxpayer. He was furnished with a copy by the Tax Supervisor. CAROLINA BEACH VALUATIONS - C?/AAP-Q?'"?-?- v?'?' Mr. Glenn M. Tucker, Mayor of Carolina Beach and Councilmen Bost, Collins and Goodson were recognized by the Chairman. Mr. Tucker immediately assured the Board that their mission was a peaceful one and that he and his Board apprecia.ted the many complex problems facing the Neza Hanover County Board of Commissioners involved in the Equalization anci Revaluation Program and did not come here to hurt, damage or destroy, but to request another look a t the Caroiina Beadh appraisals. I3e pointed out that the total valuations placed on the City of Wilmington were about 10% above the old valuations assessed for tax purposes while those of Carolina Beach were uybetter than 5elo. If there has been a mistake they request a re-assessment as it hardly seems reasonable to suppose the two municipalities were that far apart in valuations all these years. He pointed to the fact that Loan Companies are hesitant to advance money on Beach property, and always were willing to Aend a much lesser amount thai1 on Wilmington City property. The final request was for another appraisal or an across-the-board adjtzstment, on a percentage basis. • Mr. C. A. Pe was recognized and pointed out that the Ocean and River were inval- uable asseis and that many other Cities would like to have such attractions and therefore it. was necessary to lceep the tax structure as inviting as possible. He was acquainted with peoP2e in Chapel Hill who all go to the South Carolina Beaches instead of our oton North Car- olina Beaches. We must allure them here he said. Tir. Wil.liams pointed out that many of the old properties in the City of Wilmington had been decreased in value and rightly so as they had depreciated over aperiod of years, but remained on the tax books at the former asse'ssed values. Mr. Collins said he thought the appraisers were unqualified and did not know what they were about. -? ? 'A ,?? 16 rleeting of Januarg 20, 1958 - Continued ELECTION - Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections was recog- , nized and informed the Board that he had the Election machinery in motion and Registration -? Books were open. His Board is trying to economize in every way possible to keep down the cost of the election. • CIVIL DEFENSE - Mayor J. E.L. SJade ioas recognized and the Public Operatinnal Survival Plan explain- ed by him. He reconunended that the Board approve and ratify the POSP Plan presented by the Committee headed by'Col. A. 11. Harriss. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board thank / Col. Harrzss and his Committee for a fine public service, approve and ratify the Plans out- lined and request his group to remain as a Committee for consultation and possible future needs, this motion was seconded by AIr. Broa.dhurst, and unanimously adopted. HIGHWAY PETITIOrS - The following Petitions for accepting additions to the State Highway System were rejected because they did not meet the minimum requirements as set forth by the State High- way Comrnission for additions of subdivision roads to the Secondary System: 1. Mr. W. H. Bonham, Jr., llogwood Drive, 2. Sue H. Ledbetter, Hanby Avenue, Ocean View Avenue, Myrtle Avenue,Second Street--and Daw Avenue.' 3. W. C. Loftin, Seaview Road. All sub-standard roads. ENOCH NIXON - ' The Petition of Enoch Nixon, et al forladding .09 mile of road that runs from St. ? Stephens Church to Public Cemetery be added to the Highway System for riaii7tenance was ap- ? proved and ordered sent to the State Highway Commission upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, second- ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. GFLF1Nll JU13Y REYO1tT - ' The Grand Jury Report covering the January 13, Term of Criminal Court received and o`U??"a on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded Uy Mr. Broadhurst, was accepted and ordered filed. U COMViUNITY HOSPITAL - A letter from the Board of Directors of Community Hospital requested the consult- ing services of Mr. Rhodie Farrow an empJ.oye of the County in connection with the Boiler op- eration and other major maintenance proUlems. It is definitely understood i;hat Lhe problems are to be handled thru the office of the Administrator, but the Administrator is not to have any jurisdiction over Mr. Farrow and Mr. Parrow will not have any jurisdiction over the Hos- pital, but will act as an independent advisor. Mr. Williams ofPered a motion that the,re- quest be granted and the motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimouslp adopted. * INSURANCL - The AcLuinistrator at the Community Hospital, P. R. Reese, informed the Board that ? he had received a notice from the Niotor Vehicle Bureau that he would not be able to use his QN? permanent license plates after FeUruary 15, unless he canplied with the compulsory Insurance liata. The matter was referred to the County Attorney for handling. In the past the County carried self Insurance on sll properties operated by tax monies. SIGNS - ? Copy of letter written by the Correspnnding Secretary of the North Caroli.na Soros- is to the City Council was recognized by the Commissioners. A request was made that suit- able signs be erected at strategic points on the mairi Fiighways informing the tourists that this is the"Home of Wilmington College". tde svill cooperate with the City Counci.l in this project. D.A.R. REQUEST - The Stamp Defiance Chapter of tlze llaughters of the American Revolution requested help in the amount of $400.00 to publish a Booklet setting forth the Historical events and ? places in New Hanover County together with information attempting to allure industries into *?,„wS-this area. The Booklet last printed in 1954 and di_stributed at the Azalea Festival reach- ed every State in these United States and some foreign countries, upwards of 10,000 copies will be printed and distriUuted. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhut°st, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, the matter was to Ue taken up with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they might consider the project as coming under their Budget. FIllL'LITY BOND Ct1NCCLLATIOVS - Letters from C. B. Parmele & Company, requesting authorization of the Board to can- ??a cel N'idelity Bonds on the following: Joseph R. Hollis, Lillian P. Tucker, Thomas K. Woody ? by reason of retirement from County employment, was upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Ilolton, given and the Bonds ordered cancelled. faw?l? IiYJUIi MAC kAE PAAii - --a Mrs. Wm. R. Lane of 4727 Long Leaf'Hills Drive called and said that sometime last year, a request was made that some trees be cut down to clear a playground for small chil- ?• dren in Iiugh PtacPae Park, but that nothing had been done'about it exCept the trees were mark- ?D , ed. Shqlalso said that the pine straw in the park was creating a fire hazard, and in fact Va? the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department had been called four (4) different times the past week. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secretary get in touch with the State Forester and the DfeRae interests in the park to see if there is any reason not to aPprove the request. Mrs. Lane told the Secretary that it was the State Forester who marked the trees in company of Mr. Rodie Farrow 'and that the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department sug- gested tlzat she call about the fire hazard. ? REPORTS - Reports from the Consolidated Board of iiealth and Wilmington Colored Library were Q? acknowledged and ordered filed for reference. ' G1 YETIT JURY - • Petit Jurors were drawn for two Civil Terms of Superior Court beginriing, February 10. The names will be inserted in these minutes when they are put into the NLinute-Book. ROUIdTREE & ROUIVIREE - ? The Board acknowleiiged receipt of a letter from Pir. George Rountree proteshng pay- ment of a bill to Cumber-Moore Company for work performed on the Boilers at Community Hospit- - al and other necess:iry repairs and replaeements required by deterioration and replacing a 100 H.P. Boi].er with a 250 H.P. Boiler. The Chairman remarked that he evidently did not have all the facts when the letter was written since a contract was let in good faith but that iL could not Ue perPormed bq the Company receiving the award, and since he had already in good faith re- moved the old Boiler and the only Boiler in operation at the time was burned'out creating an ? emergency necessitating the use of electric heaters and leaving them without hot water ?_. some- thing had to be done to relieve the si.tuation. - J \ / Pfeeting of January 20, 1958 - Continued 217 '1 ?i???'?-- The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for trial of the Civil Term as designated below: Jurors for Civil Term beginning Monday, Fehruary 10, 1958: F. H. P. Rogge J. E. Grady A. J. Hurst E. D. Blake 0. H. Young R. M. Piver J. W. Haley M. R. 4ann • L. M. ICing D. F. Cox W. A. Cobb Charles Spellman Leo Turner James Irvin J. H. Sasser L. L. Kinlaw G. J. Larson C. D. Bowden 3112 South Front Street W. H. Earnhardt, Box 103, Carolina Beach 2859 South Front Street K. P. dacobsen, 3709 Winston Boulevard 28•North 25th Street Mrs. L. E. [doodbury, 1620 Ann Street 2808 Market Street W. R. Williams, 210 Alabama Averiue 2521 North Jefferson W. H. Mitchell, 10-D Oleander Cotm t Apts. 206 Kenwood Avenue J. W. Garrison 2104 South Front Street " Rte. 2- Box 194, City P. A. Shepard 207 Calhoun Drive 2007 Wooleott Avenue J. W. Harvell Rte. 1- Box 271, Castle Hayne,NC 1607 Ann SLreet R. L. Johnson 1-A Lake Village 12-H Lake Village B. K. hierritt RTe.2-Box 11, City Box 188, Wrightsville Beach-W. D. Russell 2717 East Lake Shore Drive Rte.2-Box 141; City C. J. Blanton 1109 South Front Street 428 Rosemont Avenue A. L. Harriss Rte.l-Box 119, Citq Rte.2-Box 371, City R. H. Justice 3622 Stratford Boulevard 3516 South Front Street W. H. Corbett Box 1139,•City • 5011 Oleander Drive F. H. Thomas 309 South 16th Street 316 Greenville Avenue J. B. Watson 4718 Oleander Drive Rte.2 - Sox 205A, City • H. G. Willis 304 Wrightsville Avenue • Jurors for Civil Term beginning Monday, February 17, 1958: Freddie H. Williams Cecil S. Sdilliamson Harold T. Watkins Wm. D. Nichols Billy R. Spoon Joseph P. Russ Bennie C. Watts James E. Miller John J. Weeks ltobert D.-Dixon James W. Bryant Geo.W.Gillette Sidney W. Wilson H.Adrian Williams Martin L. Greer R. H. Wilson Ben Kingoff 0. E. Parker 129 Graham Street Elcaood L. Rivenbark-C 25, Box 283, City 602 North 25.th Street John Douglas Taylor-620 Market Street 3304 Market Street Riehard C. Passmore, Parmele Drive Rte.2-Box 448, City Thomas P. Johnston, Rte.l-Box 108, City 4104 Franklin Street Charles E. Yeager-5006 Wrightsville Avenue 202 Iieaton Avenue G. C. Baltzegar, Jr,-Woodlawn Avenue 2512 Jefferson Street Robert D. Moore 3804 Peachtree Street 4-K Lake Village W. B. Carl Korl, Jr.-141 Lake Forest Pkwy 2002 Metts Avenue Ja,mes F. House 2933 Adams Street 121 Avondale Avenue Carl H. Koester 427 Rosemont Avenue 127 iJilliamson Drive Hubert L. Grissett-704 Greenfield Street 1236 South Live Oak Avenue-Herman W.V.Winkle-1909 Ann Street 31 Woodlawn Avenue John A. Blanton 1007 South 5th Street 2722 Van Buren Street Charles C. Brown-53 Lake Drive 2015 South Front Street James R. Strutton-3020 Adams Street 504 Park Terrace P. E. Wilson 102 Orange Street 10 North Front Street C. E. Sdhite Jp21 Forest Hills Drive 3026 Jefferson Street J. F. Raynor /131 Castle Hayne Road ?? 1 ? • /cu ' ?xe ive b2creUry ? Wilmington, N. C., January 27, 1958. OPEIVING - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this daq at 9:30 A.M. Present - Mr. J. M. Hall.. Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Leon E. Bro.adhurst, Jas. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hil-l, and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The meeting was opened with a prayer of invocation by the Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of St. Johns Episcopal Church. MINUTES APPTiOVAL - The minutes o£ the meeting held January 20, 1958, having previously been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. DOGWOOll llRIVE Mr. Sd. H. Bonham, Jr., a petitioner for having Dogwood Drive accepted bq the State ?? Highwaq Commission presented himself before the Board of Commissioners and requested that since? their original petition for maintenance and paving was refused that the Board re-suUmit the Petition on the basis of having it accepted for maiiitenance only, and not request paving. Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion which was secorided by Dir. Williams and unanimously adopted. TAX COLLGCTOHIS BOND When Mr. Sam W. Johnson was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr. C. R. riorse, resigned as Tax Collector, it was contingent upon his ability to secure and furnish Bond. To- day, Mr. Jokinson presented an acceptable Bond, approved by our County Attorney John B. Hill and the Commissioners. National Surety Corporation of New York has written the Bond in the amount of $37,000 and on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was approved. TAX FOHECLOSUtiE - -? A letter from Attorneys Carr and Swails., requesting re-dress for their client I3eed Smith in the matter of a piece of property which was, thru error in a tax foreclosure suit in the name of Thomas Lossen, Heirs, bid in by the City and County, referred to County Attorney John B. Hiil. He has discussed the matter with City Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and they recom- mend and are in the process of drawing a Quit Claim Deed to remedy the inequities and error. WATI;R SEHVICE INVOICE An invoice from the City of SJilmington covering the installation of and connection at Community Hospi.tal as authorized by the Board on Deoember 9, mount of $1,400 was received and payment deferred to await appropriatien until are received pertaining to the same job of work. the 4" Water, Mete ?? •1957 in the a- other invoices ? , 'A