1958-01-27 Regular MeetingPfeeting of January 20, 1958 - Continued 217 '1 ?i???'?-- The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for trial of the Civil Term as designated below: Jurors for Civil Term beginning Monday, Fehruary 10, 1958: F. H. P. Rogge J. E. Grady A. J. Hurst E. D. Blake 0. H. Young R. M. Piver J. W. Haley M. R. 4ann • L. M. ICing D. F. Cox W. A. Cobb Charles Spellman Leo Turner James Irvin J. H. Sasser L. L. Kinlaw G. J. Larson C. D. Bowden 3112 South Front Street W. H. Earnhardt, Box 103, Carolina Beach 2859 South Front Street K. P. dacobsen, 3709 Winston Boulevard 28•North 25th Street Mrs. L. E. [doodbury, 1620 Ann Street 2808 Market Street W. R. Williams, 210 Alabama Averiue 2521 North Jefferson W. H. Mitchell, 10-D Oleander Cotm t Apts. 206 Kenwood Avenue J. W. Garrison 2104 South Front Street " Rte. 2- Box 194, City P. A. Shepard 207 Calhoun Drive 2007 Wooleott Avenue J. W. Harvell Rte. 1- Box 271, Castle Hayne,NC 1607 Ann SLreet R. L. Johnson 1-A Lake Village 12-H Lake Village B. K. hierritt RTe.2-Box 11, City Box 188, Wrightsville Beach-W. D. Russell 2717 East Lake Shore Drive Rte.2-Box 141; City C. J. Blanton 1109 South Front Street 428 Rosemont Avenue A. L. Harriss Rte.l-Box 119, Citq Rte.2-Box 371, City R. H. Justice 3622 Stratford Boulevard 3516 South Front Street W. H. Corbett Box 1139,•City • 5011 Oleander Drive F. H. Thomas 309 South 16th Street 316 Greenville Avenue J. B. Watson 4718 Oleander Drive Rte.2 - Sox 205A, City • H. G. Willis 304 Wrightsville Avenue • Jurors for Civil Term beginning Monday, February 17, 1958: Freddie H. Williams Cecil S. Sdilliamson Harold T. Watkins Wm. D. Nichols Billy R. Spoon Joseph P. Russ Bennie C. Watts James E. Miller John J. Weeks ltobert D.-Dixon James W. Bryant Geo.W.Gillette Sidney W. Wilson H.Adrian Williams Martin L. Greer R. H. Wilson Ben Kingoff 0. E. Parker 129 Graham Street Elcaood L. Rivenbark-C 25, Box 283, City 602 North 25.th Street John Douglas Taylor-620 Market Street 3304 Market Street Riehard C. Passmore, Parmele Drive Rte.2-Box 448, City Thomas P. Johnston, Rte.l-Box 108, City 4104 Franklin Street Charles E. Yeager-5006 Wrightsville Avenue 202 Iieaton Avenue G. C. Baltzegar, Jr,-Woodlawn Avenue 2512 Jefferson Street Robert D. Moore 3804 Peachtree Street 4-K Lake Village W. B. Carl Korl, Jr.-141 Lake Forest Pkwy 2002 Metts Avenue Ja,mes F. House 2933 Adams Street 121 Avondale Avenue Carl H. Koester 427 Rosemont Avenue 127 iJilliamson Drive Hubert L. Grissett-704 Greenfield Street 1236 South Live Oak Avenue-Herman W.V.Winkle-1909 Ann Street 31 Woodlawn Avenue John A. Blanton 1007 South 5th Street 2722 Van Buren Street Charles C. Brown-53 Lake Drive 2015 South Front Street James R. Strutton-3020 Adams Street 504 Park Terrace P. E. Wilson 102 Orange Street 10 North Front Street C. E. Sdhite Jp21 Forest Hills Drive 3026 Jefferson Street J. F. Raynor /131 Castle Hayne Road ?? 1 ? • /cu ' ?xe ive b2creUry ? Wilmington, N. C., January 27, 1958. OPEIVING - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this daq at 9:30 A.M. Present - Mr. J. M. Hall.. Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Leon E. Bro.adhurst, Jas. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hil-l, and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The meeting was opened with a prayer of invocation by the Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of St. Johns Episcopal Church. MINUTES APPTiOVAL - The minutes o£ the meeting held January 20, 1958, having previously been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. DOGWOOll llRIVE Mr. Sd. H. Bonham, Jr., a petitioner for having Dogwood Drive accepted bq the State ?? Highwaq Commission presented himself before the Board of Commissioners and requested that since? their original petition for maintenance and paving was refused that the Board re-suUmit the Petition on the basis of having it accepted for maiiitenance only, and not request paving. Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion which was secorided by Dir. Williams and unanimously adopted. TAX COLLGCTOHIS BOND When Mr. Sam W. Johnson was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr. C. R. riorse, resigned as Tax Collector, it was contingent upon his ability to secure and furnish Bond. To- day, Mr. Jokinson presented an acceptable Bond, approved by our County Attorney John B. Hill and the Commissioners. National Surety Corporation of New York has written the Bond in the amount of $37,000 and on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was approved. TAX FOHECLOSUtiE - -? A letter from Attorneys Carr and Swails., requesting re-dress for their client I3eed Smith in the matter of a piece of property which was, thru error in a tax foreclosure suit in the name of Thomas Lossen, Heirs, bid in by the City and County, referred to County Attorney John B. Hiil. He has discussed the matter with City Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and they recom- mend and are in the process of drawing a Quit Claim Deed to remedy the inequities and error. WATI;R SEHVICE INVOICE An invoice from the City of SJilmington covering the installation of and connection at Community Hospi.tal as authorized by the Board on Deoember 9, mount of $1,400 was received and payment deferred to await appropriatien until are received pertaining to the same job of work. the 4" Water, Mete ?? •1957 in the a- other invoices ? , 'A Meeting of January 27, 1958 - Continued WOHKMANS CObiPEMSATION - A letter from the North Carolina Industrial Commission to the Community Hoepital re- questing a payroll report in order that the tax for the calendar year 1957 might be computed ? on or before April 15, 1958. The question arose in the minds of the Hospital administrati.on as to whether they should continue carrying Workman's Compensation Insurance or whether they should be self. insured. Mr. Broadhurst oPfered a motion that the matter be referred to the ? County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love for determination and recommenda- tion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. 40-FOOT CHANNL+'L - It has come to the attentiun of the Board that the Federal Budget allocation for Ports and Waterways included funds to be used as a survey for exploration for the deepening of the Cape b'ear River Channel to the Port of Wilmington to a depth of 40 feet. Mr. W. G. Broadfoot explained that he was familiar with the facts and that at present there was little or no interest shown by the present shippers using the Port for a deeper channel, but he was W n sure that if it was 40 feet as suggested, that our Port would receive much benefit from the .w? use of larger vessels which would patronize the facilities. He discussed the possibilities aceruing from a Committee interviewing the American Pierchant Marine Institute, 11 Broadway, New York City, soliciting their advice and suggestions as they concerned the Oil industry particularly. Mrs. Alice Strickland, SENCDA Secretary had discussefl the matter with the City Council who agreed to defray the expenses of one member of a Committee to make the trip and said that the State would pay Col. Harry E. Brown's expenses if the County would cooper-, ate. She suggested a Committee composed of Col. Harry E. Brosan of Raleigh, Mr. E. L. White f? for the County and Col. G. W. Gillette or Dir. F. A. Downing from the City, and since A1r. ey,r>r??arry W. Clark, Industrial Consultant to the Committee of"100" is already in New York and will be glad to assist and serve the Committee in any possible way, that that-group would ? make an excellent representative body.for this project. As this is a probable forerunner of increased industrial development and is a proper item to be charged to the Industrial De- velopment Fund set up in the IIudget., Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to proceed with the organization of such a Committee to go to New York as suggest- ed above and the County would underwrite the expense of one member of that Committee. This motion was approved by common consent of the entire Board. $UGH MACRA.E PANK - PLAYGROUND - The Executive Secretary reported on the action taken after last week's meeting with / reference to the playground at Hugh MacRae Park as requested by Mrs. William R. Lane. She Tnh40 personally c nxl-cted M'r.' Hugki PSacltae and informed the Secretarg that he thought the idea an excellent one and wished that more use by others in the neighborhood was made of the Park. She also reported that the tdinter Park Volunteer Pire Department woul.d take oPficial action at their next regular meeting and writethe Board direct about the fire hazard in thePark area because of the pine straw. The Board urged the Executive Secretary to secure a letter from the PiacRae interests approving the cutting of the trees and building of the Play-grounds. VEGETABLES GROWEHS ASSOCIATION - Mr. DaDie D..Baggett informed the Board that vegetable farmers in this area had been hit hard for the last few years and were in a very unfavcrable position. He informed the Boa'rd that there has been a recent enthusiastic awakening among the farmers and a movement is now under way to pick themselves up by their own boot-straps. To help stimula.te this ?. movement and gain a better knowledge of the handling of their crops, the North Carolina Veg- ? etable Growers Association in cooperation with the A.C.L. and N.C. State College has organ- ized a trip thru the vegetable growing sections of Florida. They will visit the process- ing plants and the quick freeze lockors used to promote and save fresh negetables for the out-of-State markets. Tliere will be five (5) County Farm Agents from the vegetable growi.ng areas of the State accompany,the farmers., Our Agent is among those chosen. The State will pay for the meals and lodgi.ng and the Counties are being aslced to pay the railroad and bus fare. He said he had enough money left in his Budget for the trip except about $75.00. Since vegetaUle growing is one of the agricultural industries of this County, it was agreed that fwnds from the Industrial llevelopment Budget would be proper for this worthy caizse to ? help the farmers of the County. Dir, Broadhurst offered the motion that $75.60 be appropri- ated from tYat Fund for this purpose; this was seconded by.Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. D.A.R. INliUSTRIAL LllITIGN BOOICLET - Messrs. Hall and Mayhan reported that they had contacted rSr. P. M. Camak, llirector of the Greater Chamber of Commerce about using funds from their advertising account to pay for a page advertising in their proposed industrial edition booklet for distribution at the / r Azalea Festival amounting to $400.00 but that Mr. Camak thought the money could be spent in ,'9-a way that woLiid bring larger results so they recommend that the Board a,ppropriate $100 for this cause. At this point Mr. Henry C. Bost was recognized and explained the far reaching r.?siO influence of the D.A.R. in this Cowrtry. Mr. Benj. J. McDonald reiterated how wide-spread the D.A.R. was and tha1; it covered the U.S.A. Prom one end to the other, going into the homes of the most influential financial circles, and that sometimes we can be penny-wise and pound- foolish. Mr. Holton offered a motion that as Messrs. IIall and Diayhan had not actually con- tacted the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Cocnmerce, that this be done and if they could not see their way clear to assist this c ause thai; this Board make avail.able the Ftiuids thru the Industrial llevelopment Budget. This motion was seconded by T1r. Broadhwrst and unan- imously adopted. ? o? TAX PAYERS' ASSOCIATION - Mr. Charlton A. Pope, President of the Taxpayers' Association of Neta Hanover County, was present when a letter dated January 26, 1958 was read to the Board informing them that on January 6, 1958, he propounded nine (9) questions which he respectfully asked the answers to for dissemination to the public. He was recognized and informed the Board that he did re- ceive the answers requested, but that when they were published in the newspaper, the questions were omitted. Pir. Heiterer, a Reporter present informed the Board that they considered the answers were sui'i:'iciently self-explanatory in themselves to warrant the implied questions be- ing elear. Mr. Pope said that he was sure the Board believed in fair play and was certain that it was the intention of the Board to include the questions along with the answers in the paper a.nd again requested the Board to ask the local paper to publish the'questions and an= swers together. "Cap" Morgan, Reporter was present, and stated that it required more space than they had, so if they wanted it published to purchase advertising space in the paper. Mr. Pope stated that he thought the newspaper,should be unbiased on any public issue. He ' also raised some questions about differences in valuation figures put in the paper and figures givery4,he Board. He mentioned 72 million and 92 million which represents the old 1957 as- sessed valuation and the new revaluation assessment for 1958. There is a difference which is caused by the State appraising the Utilities in th8 County. , Pleeting of January 27, 1958 - Continued MICRO-FILM HECORDS - Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds presented a letten from the State Department of ? Archives and History outlining a prograro by the State has underway whereby they will re- quest the 1959 General Assembly for funds instituting a program of mierofilming publie rec- ords for the County and keeping them filed in a vault in Raleigh so that in event of a fire the records saould be safe and not destroyed. This program is to be carried on at no cost to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the program as out- ' lined was enthusiastically accepted and the Exeeutive Secretary authorized to write a letter so informing the Department. TAX LISTTNG - , Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor informed the Board that last week was considered a good one from the listing standpoint. He inquired'if the Board interided extending the time for listing. By common consent of the Board, it was extended thru Saturday, b'ebruary 1, 1958. The Board requested the newsgapers to publish the fact that listing after Saturday, February 1, 1958 would be penalized 10% of the tax and not 10% of the valuation assessment. . _? STATE ASSOCTATION - Mr. Williams advised the Board that the Board oP Directors of the North Carolina State Association of County Commissioners were scheduled to meet(for a discussion and lay- ing plans for the 1955 State Convention to be held at Carolina Beach),at Chapel Hill on Feb- ruary 7 and 8, and that he and Mr. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce had requested an audience at 4:00 P.Pf., on the 7th to cover the local scene and plans. He suggested that the Executive Secretary should accompany them. This arrangement was approved by common con- sent of the Board. STENOGRAPHER - ?. ' ?? The Executive Secretary was instructed to ascertain the approld mate cost of a Sten- ographer from February 15 to the end of the present fiscal year and report back to the Board. ADJUlk3NMENT - There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Boar rst offered a motion for adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Niayhan and i dopted. , ? ? ec i Secretary Wilmington, N. C., February 3, 1958. OPENING - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioners'Ftoom at the .County Court House at 9:30 A.M. Present: } Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - In the absence of Chairman Hall, the Vice Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and requested Fteverend W. J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church to open the meeting with prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL - The minutes of the meeting held January 27, a copy of which had previously been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, approved. ELEVATOR - COUR`L HOUSE Chairman Aall came in at this time and assumed the Chair. A recommendation from? the Otis Elevator Company that the Court House elevator have Counterweight guards installed ' in the pit for a safeguard against tlie possibility of persons being struck by descending counter-weights was referred to the Executive Secretary on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. ROAD PETITIONS The following Petitions for acceptance and maintenance by the State [iighway Commis- sion,oY Roads described as follows: W. H. Bonham, Jr., Dogwood Drive - Maintenance Rte,3 - Box 462 Wilmington L. C. Kittrell Victory Gardens Drive -" Seagate, Giilmington, N. C. Lee NMni Kye 200 Yds. South Trails End Aoad-Pave-Rte.2-BOx 111A,City E. Moseley Fonvielle Devon Court - Alaintenance 8 North Pront Streety City G. D. Murray North Nfyrtle Avenue-riaintenance-210 Myrtle Avenue, City ? The Board of County Commissioners, after careful investigation, deems the proposed addition of the above said roads to the County System and its maintenance by the State Highsaay Commis- sion necessary to adequately serve the citizens of b'ew Hanover County. Mr. Broadhurst offer- ed the motion to send them to the State Highway Commission fbr thei.r investi;ation and accep- tance. It was seconded by ASr. Holton and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIA'PION - CUTfbiUNITY HOSPITAL EXPENSE ' Invoices were presented by the City of $1,350.00 totalling $2,750 to cover the expense Community Hospital as, per eontract agreement. funds be appropriated from the Emergency Fund to ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ASSISTANCE - COPIMUNITY HOSPITAL Wilmington k 400 and Ideal Plumbing Company "" Q C of furnishing adequate water service at the Mr, Holton offered a motion that sufficient pay them at once. This motion was second- A letter from the Administrator of Conmiunity Hospital explaining that they were able to meet minimum requirements of the 5tate Board of IIealth for a License to operate a Hospital, was received, and the request of the Board of Directors of the Hospital that the be given some assistance in the way of plaStering and painting, especially in the ICitchen Dietary Department before riar6h 31, 1958 which was the date for the next inspection and ra iing of the State Boayd of Examiners, and they felt with.the Corrections they would be abl4 make themselves,along with this assistance by the County grison labor, they would be able pass the tninimum sanitary requirements and retain their License. Mr. tailliams offered th motion, seconded by r4r. Broadhurst that Lhe request be granted before March 31, 1958, and was unanimously adopted hy the Board. / ?^?-?V nd ? to to it ?? ?