1958-02-03 Regular MeetingPleeting of January 27, 1958 - Continued MICRO-FILM HECORDS - Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds presented a letten from the State Department of ? Archives and History outlining a prograro by the State has underway whereby they will re- quest the 1959 General Assembly for funds instituting a program of mierofilming publie rec- ords for the County and keeping them filed in a vault in Raleigh so that in event of a fire the records saould be safe and not destroyed. This program is to be carried on at no cost to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the program as out- ' lined was enthusiastically accepted and the Exeeutive Secretary authorized to write a letter so informing the Department. TAX LISTTNG - , Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor informed the Board that last week was considered a good one from the listing standpoint. He inquired'if the Board interided extending the time for listing. By common consent of the Board, it was extended thru Saturday, b'ebruary 1, 1958. The Board requested the newsgapers to publish the fact that listing after Saturday, February 1, 1958 would be penalized 10% of the tax and not 10% of the valuation assessment. . _? STATE ASSOCTATION - Mr. Williams advised the Board that the Board oP Directors of the North Carolina State Association of County Commissioners were scheduled to meet(for a discussion and lay- ing plans for the 1955 State Convention to be held at Carolina Beach),at Chapel Hill on Feb- ruary 7 and 8, and that he and Mr. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce had requested an audience at 4:00 P.Pf., on the 7th to cover the local scene and plans. He suggested that the Executive Secretary should accompany them. This arrangement was approved by common con- sent of the Board. STENOGRAPHER - ?. ' ?? The Executive Secretary was instructed to ascertain the approld mate cost of a Sten- ographer from February 15 to the end of the present fiscal year and report back to the Board. ADJUlk3NMENT - There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Boar rst offered a motion for adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Niayhan and i dopted. , ? ? ec i Secretary Wilmington, N. C., February 3, 1958. OPENING - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioners'Ftoom at the .County Court House at 9:30 A.M. Present: } Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - In the absence of Chairman Hall, the Vice Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and requested Fteverend W. J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church to open the meeting with prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL - The minutes of the meeting held January 27, a copy of which had previously been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, approved. ELEVATOR - COUR`L HOUSE Chairman Aall came in at this time and assumed the Chair. A recommendation from? the Otis Elevator Company that the Court House elevator have Counterweight guards installed ' in the pit for a safeguard against tlie possibility of persons being struck by descending counter-weights was referred to the Executive Secretary on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. ROAD PETITIONS The following Petitions for acceptance and maintenance by the State [iighway Commis- sion,oY Roads described as follows: W. H. Bonham, Jr., Dogwood Drive - Maintenance Rte,3 - Box 462 Wilmington L. C. Kittrell Victory Gardens Drive -" Seagate, Giilmington, N. C. Lee NMni Kye 200 Yds. South Trails End Aoad-Pave-Rte.2-BOx 111A,City E. Moseley Fonvielle Devon Court - Alaintenance 8 North Pront Streety City G. D. Murray North Nfyrtle Avenue-riaintenance-210 Myrtle Avenue, City ? The Board of County Commissioners, after careful investigation, deems the proposed addition of the above said roads to the County System and its maintenance by the State Highsaay Commis- sion necessary to adequately serve the citizens of b'ew Hanover County. Mr. Broadhurst offer- ed the motion to send them to the State Highway Commission fbr thei.r investi;ation and accep- tance. It was seconded by ASr. Holton and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIA'PION - CUTfbiUNITY HOSPITAL EXPENSE ' Invoices were presented by the City of $1,350.00 totalling $2,750 to cover the expense Community Hospital as, per eontract agreement. funds be appropriated from the Emergency Fund to ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ASSISTANCE - COPIMUNITY HOSPITAL Wilmington k 400 and Ideal Plumbing Company "" Q C of furnishing adequate water service at the Mr, Holton offered a motion that sufficient pay them at once. This motion was second- A letter from the Administrator of Conmiunity Hospital explaining that they were able to meet minimum requirements of the 5tate Board of IIealth for a License to operate a Hospital, was received, and the request of the Board of Directors of the Hospital that the be given some assistance in the way of plaStering and painting, especially in the ICitchen Dietary Department before riar6h 31, 1958 which was the date for the next inspection and ra iing of the State Boayd of Examiners, and they felt with.the Corrections they would be abl4 make themselves,along with this assistance by the County grison labor, they would be able pass the tninimum sanitary requirements and retain their License. Mr. tailliams offered th motion, seconded by r4r. Broadhurst that Lhe request be granted before March 31, 1958, and was unanimously adopted hy the Board. / ?^?-?V nd ? to to it ?? ? Meeting of February 3, 1958 - Continued PA.X COLLECTOR BONllS - , Mr. Sam W. Johnson recently appointed Tax Collector as successor-to Mr: C. R. A4orse, presented hi.s Bonds for approval of the Board and filing and recording by i:he Executive Secre- 6n??vtary with the Register of Deede. The Bonds are w ritten by the National Surety Corporation of New York, and the principal amount is-$37,500 with a Public Employes Faithful Performance ` Blanket Position Bond in the amount of $2,500. The Bonds were approved by common consent UjOE?,?Upon the approval of the County Attorney. They are filed with the Register of Deeds. MR. FRr.IMUTH - Mr. John Christopher b'reimuth appeared before the Board and stated that he received a grant of $60.00 assistance and he was paying $25,00 per month out of it for rent so he did not have but $35.00 per month to live on. He found that the County Home proPerty owned a ? small log cabin a few hundred feet from the Home Buildings and he wanted to rent the log cabin C? ithout any County responsihility to him for any damage he might have or injury he might suf- fer because of broken boards, steps or leaks, etc.. He signed a contract that he wou].d pay the County $5.00 per month Por its use. It was saitnessed by Commissioners Broadhurst and Mayhan. STENOGRAPAEF2 - • eg''?`? As requested at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary reported that the cost of - ln""r_ a Stenographer for the remainder of this year, would approxiriate $750.00. No action was taken. STATliP1r',NT OF 1lL:VLNUES AND llISBi7RS'LMENTS - • Dfr. T. D. Love, County Auditor presented the Board with a Statement as of llecember ? 31, 1957, showing the percentages of the Appropriations that had been spent in each Depart- ment and he stressed the fact that some of the items were over the 50°fo mark and that all shoul.d be watched very carefully as 72% of the Revenue had been collected and it was possible to end the year witki such a low Reserve Balance that it eould effect the tax rate. ,. UNANTICIPA'PEll b'UNllS - DRAINAGE - 1 The Board was informed that the Federal Government had sent a remittance amounti.ng --` to 6164.00 covering some Soil Conservation work done at the County Farm with the llra line, L'444'?14?And Mr. Broadhurst•offered the motion and Mr. Holton seconded it, appropriating the 9164.00 . from the Unanticipated Fur?d Account and transfer it to the Drainage Salary Account. All the Commissioners voted "yes", except Mr. Williams who voted "no". The Chairman ruled its adoption. DEPARTiNI;iNT HEADS I BYTDGET - After the above Statement of Revenues and Disbursements was heard, the Board direct- ed that the Executive Secretary e,arry a message of conservation to each of the Department Heads of the County Government and urge them not to spend money just because they have it in the Budget. Mr. [ailliams offered the motion and P1r. Holton seconded it. It carried unani- mously. WORI{PEN'S COTiPENSATION - COTIIMUNITY H05PTTAL - • The Board of llirectors of Community Hospital thru their Administrator informed the Board of County Commissioners that the policy on ilorkmen's Compensation Insurance would ex- pire on Pebruary 24, 1958. Since the Hospital is now County owned, the question arose as to whetYcer or not they should let it lapse and-apply for self-insurance in line with the ? County. It was the common consent of the Board that if the Community Hospital Board of '?119'Q'f Directors want to continue paying the premiwns on the Insurance Policy they should do so. This was recommended by Countq Attorney John B. Hill, but if the9 preferred to be self-in- surers, then they should notify the Board of Commissioners of their recommendations. SENCBA - Mrs. Alice B. Strickland, Executive Secretarq of the SENCBA reported to the Board that she had been informed tk?at new maps being processed at/this time would emphasize the ? New Hanover County Beaches more than had been done in the past by commercial advertisers. ? She stressed,the fact that news of our Beaches had gotten to 24 Sta.tes and two Foreign Coun- tries because she had had inquiries froir, them. She also informed the Board that the Annual Banquet would be held at the Cape rear Hotel next Saturday night and invited each member to be present. REGISTRATYONS - EliECTIONS - Air. Iienry C. Bost, Chairman oP the New Hanover County Board of Elections, informed the Board that he was well pleased with the registrations for the on-coming elections, and that he was holding the expense to a mi.nimum and believed it ultimately would come much un- der the $12,000 figure which had been quoted around town. JOINT MEETING - BOARDS Ob' COMMISSIUNERS E1ND BOt1All OF H1:ALTEd - • • The Chairman informed the Board that it was impossible to get a quorum of the Board of Health at the meeting today,. as many physicians were on that Board who could not neglect their sick patients to attend the meeting today for a discussion of the Garbage Disposal problem as scheduled from last week. He invited the Board of Commissioners to meet with the Consolidated Board of Iiealh next Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock P.M. ?ir. Holton suggested that since it was ilractical to get a joint-Board meeting at this time, the Execu- tive Committee of the Health Board, along with the Commercial Garbage haulers, meet in ses= sion with the Commissioners at a convenient or suitable time even if at night. ?-fPROPERTY VALUATION - ?C"""?'"' The Chairman read a coPy of a letter sent by Carolina Beach Town Clerk to property owner A. C. Todd in Durham questioning his nesa assessment on property owned at Carolina Beach. As it was read for information only, no action was taken or was necessary. . / ELECT$ICAI, INSPECTOH - • - ?__e_y,?,,o Pir. Harry J. Everett, County L+'lectrical Inspector, submitted reports for the year • , s?^"'°f-"°? beginning with April 1957 thru December 1957. He stated that it was unlawful for anyone to do any electrical wiring without proper license, even in own home. He stated that he would submit his reports on a monthly basis in the future. ROTATING Ult STAGGERING BOARD OR SELF-PERPETUATING - EROPOSED:idEW HOSPZTAL - Mr. Williams informed the Board that he had heard considerable discussion with refer-, ence to the method of appointment of the Board of rianagers of the proposed new Hospital in the event it passes in the Bond Election. He thinks the Board should go on record before the E1- ection setting a definite policy on that question. He offered a motion to that effect, but as it received no second,•it was ruled dead. Chairman explained that there were some who wanted a political body to make the appointments and others caho thought it should be kept out of poli- tics altogether. Mr. Holton moved that any action be tabled until next Nionday. Mr. Broadhurst suggested Medical Care Commission be consulted for their experience and opinionson the matter. Meeting of February 3, 1958 - ConLinued COUNTY ATTORNL'Y - " Mr. Williams requested the County Attorney to give in writing next week answers / to the following questions: , 1. Accurate proceedure for selecting a Jury? • .' 2. TJho can excuse a Juror after hi•s• name has been dracan? 3. . . ? f VETERANS ' SBA3VICE January report of the Veterans' Service Officer shosaing Awards of $3,788.40 for the month received and filed for reference. PE TI T JURY - • `- The foll owing good and lawful pe'rsons were drawn to serve as Jiarors in the Super- ? ior Court for the trial of Criminal Cases for the two (2) •weeks term beginning February 24, 1958: T. D. Hall 2109,Pietts Avenue J:'T:_Altobellis P. 0. Box 1348, City E. W. Ball 211 Calhoun Drive J. W. Strickland 16 Kenwood Avenue S. S. Cash 611.Castle Iiayne Road C. C. Burroughs 242 Vance Street L. M. Todd 809 Windsor Drive W. L. Robinson 2727 Burnett Blvd. W. C. idard 2142 Castle Street - A. l+i. Alderman 2705 Jefferson- Street G. D. Young Barnett Avenue 2112 W. G. Brinkley Rte.2-Sox 96, Citq K. A. behto . 1507 riarket Street C. E. Sullivan 2404 Poplar Street H. M. Sykes 502 Central Blvd. P. L. Williams 29 Tvey Circle B. G. White 2512 Van Buren Street J. R. Hamilton • 2424 Aionroe Street B. B. Tyler 4108 Wrightsville Avenue L. C. Marshall 1903 Nun•Street M. C. Baker 125 tidard Street E. E. Copeland 108 Piorningside Drive W. W. Wroton 2510 Harrison Street J. D. Brunjes 79 Lee Drive B. E. Hollis 1102 Grace Street H. C. Shipman G-H Lake Village J. S. Parker 125 Pinecrest Pkwy. • J. J. tdindley • 1519 Perry Avenue W. T. Walker 15 Lake Forest Pk-iay J. W. I3rennan 21 Barnard Drive W. R. Eaic.ins 2001 Pender Avenue W. E. Spooner 1901 IJoolcott Avenue I. W. Willis 1912 Nun Street J. R. Babcock ' 2116 Metts Avenue W. A. Cannon 2509 Adams Street Ralph Zimmerman 3810 Peachtree Street N. J. Boruch 514 Sunset Avenue Linwood Watkins 2206 Metts Avenue J. H. Bowers 303 Central Blvd. Lawrence Leonard Rte.2-Box 507 A. F. McLamb 1619 Grace Street Jacnes PicIntire 1016 North 2nd Street B. J. Willis 2122 Market Street William Hartsfield 709 Dock Street L. C. French 1220 Dock Street Charles Hooser 242 Davie Drive A. C. Mercer 3620 Wrightsville Avenue Iiayward Hulbert 21-L Nesbitt Courts B. R. Burney • 103 South 41st Street Nathan Schwartz 7092 North 4th Street For the Second Wee k - Plonday/riarch 3, 1958: Jas. W. Wadsworth 130 Coloiiial Village Herbert P. Williams 203 Pieares Street Maurice R. William s-5001'Pine Street Robert Lee Wallace °fa Long Leaf Park Soda Shop James R. Wallace •5009 Jenninbs Drive Robert Orrell Wilson 2851-A 3efferson Street John M. Wooten 13 Crt-Q,liake Village Harold G. Wood 6353 Oleander Drive Clifton B. Vann 111 ldayne Drive Charles L. Tienken 4909 Wrightsville Avenue Stuart Wooter Tayl or-87 Lee Drive J. W. Taylor, Sr 4010 Clierry Avenue James C. Seymour . 2736 Colwnbia Avenue Marvin E. Seagroves 112 Frances Marion Drive Carl F. Strwick• P. 0. Box 566, City W. T. Sazayer, Sr., 16 Spofford A. D. Sellers, Jr. ,-1248 Fairway Drive • William S. Slater, Jr., Rte.3-Box 175-A, City J. R. Reaves 1139 Country Club Blvd. Jerry T. Rhew, Jr., 303 Francis Marion Drive Edclie Raynor 402 North 45th Street James R. Raynor 101 Francis Marion Drive Norman D. Padgett 3909 South Front Street Dwight L. Pate, Jr., 111 Dare Street Samuel D. Perkins, 1210 Azalea Drive J. W. Permenter, Jr.,• 2705 Wisteria Drive Ja.mes R. Pierce 331 Williamson Drive R. M. Piver, Jr., 206 Kenwood Avenue Harris M. Newber, Rte.2-Box 49, City Julian M. A1eKeithan 1219 laairway Drive Edward W. Piaddux, Jr.,-509 South 19th Street-SJillian Ozzie Lee • 2415 Monroe Street Harry Lee James 4-X Lake Village James H. Iiankins 142 Colonial Circle Alfred G. Hutton, Jr.,-Rte.3-Box 301 L. D. Gaddy, Jr., 214 Forest Road rlarvin C. Garner 114 Shipyard Blvd., LeRoy W. Garrett 210 North 22nd Street Lawrence E. Fladd 2012-Klein Road • William O. Davis 326 Calhoun Drive Abraham S. Drapkin - 123 Stradleigh Road Charles W. Cannon 134 Mercer Avenue Edward B. Cox 10 Forest Hills Drive Rospy•Crummy 1 211 Kendall- (Keddall) Avenue Robert E. Baker 324 Davie Drive Ldingate J. Baldwin 2512 Princess Place Drive J. Kyle Baniierman 125 Marlcet Street William V. Best' 5 North 23rd Street William Bowers 2727 South Wasilington Street-Clyde E. Brocan 2242 Camellia Drive There being na fur ther busiriess before the Commission, 14r. W' o ffered a motion for adjournment, iahich was seconded by Mr. I3ol.ton,,and y pted. ' . xecutirVt--Secre tary Special Meeting -- jdilmington, N. C., February G, 1'958 PIIRPOSE - A Special Meeting of the New the Chairman to be held at 10:00 A.'r:., approving tlze answer to a Complaint oF Defendant, filed with the Clerk of the them. PRESENT - The Special Meeting was . entire Board present as follows: . J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R: P4ayhan, - Auditor T. D. Love. Hanover County Board of Commissioners wa.s call.ed by today for the pw^pose of correcting, iP required or Cumber-Pioore Company, Plaintiff vs New Hanover County, Superior Court for payment of monies allegedly due called to order by the Chai.rman at 10:00 A.Ti., with the Chairman J. M. 1Iall, Jr., and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. 13i11 and County _ TaAIVER OF N01ZCE - The first order of business requirements of "Notice of Aleeting" be .. mously adopted. C - rvw? was a motion offered Uy Mr. Holton that formal legal waived,which was seconded by Mr. Williams and unani- ,? &?? Special Meeting of February 6, 1958 - Continued . tlNSWER REVIEW - Commissioner Holton was asked to read the Complaint item by item while Countq Attorney John B. Hill read the Answer to each in order. After a review of the Answer by the Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Answer be approved and authority here- by granted for the Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr., to sign the Answer for the entire Board. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and iinanimously adopted. TFtIAL HEARING - M r. Holton observed that creditors of the Cumber-Moore Company had called him C`C?v^iabout the payment of his account because they co.uld not pay their bills until they receiv- ed remittance for the work done for the County, and therefore offered a motion that the County Attorney arrange to have the trial hearing as soon as possible in order that others could receive their remittances and pay their bills. This motion was seconded by Mr. tailliams and car4ried unanimously. APPROPHIATION - The Chairman reminded the Board that they had authorized payment of $7,000 on the above bill and that the $4,900 paid for damage to the first Boiler by the Insurance Company had been appropriated on October 7, 1957 to the Community Hospital Afaintenance llxnd to cov- ? er the repairs to the Boilers, but that they should appropriate sufficient funds to cover the entire ?7,000 that has been paid on the repairs. Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor inform- ed the Board that there was an item in the Cowmunity Hospital Account under Unanticipated ? Nurses Fees sufficient to cover the amount therefore Mr. Holton offered a motion that these funds be transferred from the Unanticipated Nurses Fees to Hospitalization Aiaintenance and Repairs to Building Funds. The raotion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board, . ADJOURNMENT - 17 The purpose for which this meeting was called having be accomplished, it was ad- journec? upon motion of Mr. Holton, secoilded by Mr. Mayhan a imously approved by the Board. /)? ,?, u n n .ff , 5 Wilmington, N. C., Pebrua.ry 10, 1958. PRESENT - OPERNING The regular weekly meeting of the Neca Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioners' room at the County Court IIouse at 9:30 A.M., with the following men PHESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., and Coromissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J.F. Holton, dr,, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hill and Coun- ty Auditor T. D. Love. ' INVOCATYON - The meeting was opened saith a prayer of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. by the Reverend Edward G. Connette, Jr., Pastor MINUTES APPROVAL - A cony of the minutes of the meetings held February 3 and the 6th, 1958 was mail- - ed to each member of tiie Board and on motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded Uy Mr. Broadhurst, the records of Uoth meetings were unanimously approved. . , ? APPROPRIATIUNS- e A leLter from the City of Wilmington reminding the Board that they had not receiv- ed a remittance for ?50.00 due thein on a Luncheon at the Surf Club, March 30, 1957 for the Azalea Festival as per a letter of May 23, 1957; was read and although the Board had made an appropriation for this at the time, it was never used so another appropriation was made to reimburse the City $50.00 . A letter from the Chamber of Commerce enclosed two invoices payable to the Cape i Fear Club,one representing 1/2 the cost of a Dinner on January 1, 1958 for the North Caro- lina Board of Higher Education amounting to $83.60 and the other representing 1/3 the cost of a Dinner for the North Carolina State Ports Authority held on November 17, 1957 amounting to $200.00, or a total of $333.60. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the funds be aPpropriat- ed from the Emergency Fund to cover the various items, this motion was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and carried unanimously. The Chairman then ordered them paid. liIBHAHY - ,AA S'tatistical Report of the Public Libraries, University and Colleee Libraries, Special Libraries taas received and matters perta.ining to New Hanover County Libraries review- ed, noted and ordered filed for information. No action caas necessary or required. r'IREWORI{S - ? The Azalea Festival Committee requested permission and a Permit to allow Fireworks ? during the celebration Plarch 27, 1958. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Permit be grant- ed provided all safety precautions required by regulations are complied with and it be super- vised by the Eire llepartment. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. CUMAiUNSTY HflSPITAL BOILEH DAIIAGE - A check amounting to $807.00 caas received from the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection ? & Insurance Company reimbursing the County for the Boiler damage eaused by saater shortage to ttie last IIoiler which was repaired Uy the Wilmington Iron Works. This check was accepted by the Board and ordered turned over to the County Auditor for replacing funds in the Commun- ity Hospital i•Iaintenance & Plant Repair Account. GIiANllSTAND - The Azalea N'estival Committee requested permission to place a Grandstand in front of the New Hanover County Court House for the duration of the Festival. Mr. Brcrn dhurst 7 moved that permission be granted. ?This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and adoPted unani- `mously. L,