HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-02-10 Regular MeetingPleeting of January 27, 1958 - Continued
Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds presented a letten from the State Department of ?
Archives and History outlining a prograro by the State has underway whereby they will re-
quest the 1959 General Assembly for funds instituting a program of mierofilming publie rec-
ords for the County and keeping them filed in a vault in Raleigh so that in event of a fire
the records saould be safe and not destroyed. This program is to be carried on at no cost
to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the program as out- '
lined was enthusiastically accepted and the Exeeutive Secretary authorized to write a letter
so informing the Department.
, Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor informed the Board that last week was considered a
good one from the listing standpoint. He inquired'if the Board interided extending the time
for listing. By common consent of the Board, it was extended thru Saturday, b'ebruary 1,
1958. The Board requested the newsgapers to publish the fact that listing after Saturday,
February 1, 1958 would be penalized 10% of the tax and not 10% of the valuation assessment.
. _?
Mr. Williams advised the Board that the Board oP Directors of the North Carolina
State Association of County Commissioners were scheduled to meet(for a discussion and lay-
ing plans for the 1955 State Convention to be held at Carolina Beach),at Chapel Hill on Feb-
ruary 7 and 8, and that he and Mr. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce had requested
an audience at 4:00 P.Pf., on the 7th to cover the local scene and plans. He suggested that
the Executive Secretary should accompany them. This arrangement was approved by common con-
sent of the Board.
The Executive Secretary was instructed to ascertain the approld mate cost of a Sten-
ographer from February 15 to the end of the present fiscal year and report back to the Board.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Boar rst offered a motion
for adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Niayhan and i dopted. ,
? ec i Secretary Wilmington, N. C., February 3, 1958.
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was
held this day in the Commissioners'Ftoom at the .County Court House at 9:30 A.M. Present:
} Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., and Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R.
Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love.
In the absence of Chairman Hall, the Vice Chairman Holton called the meeting to
order and requested Fteverend W. J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church to open
the meeting with prayer.
The minutes of the meeting held January 27, a copy of which had previously been
mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams,
Chairman Aall came in at this time and assumed the Chair. A recommendation from?
the Otis Elevator Company that the Court House elevator have Counterweight guards installed '
in the pit for a safeguard against tlie possibility of persons being struck by descending
counter-weights was referred to the Executive Secretary on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded
by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted.
The following Petitions for acceptance and maintenance by the State [iighway Commis-
sion,oY Roads described as follows:
W. H. Bonham, Jr., Dogwood Drive - Maintenance Rte,3 - Box 462 Wilmington
L. C. Kittrell Victory Gardens Drive -" Seagate, Giilmington, N. C.
Lee NMni Kye 200 Yds. South Trails End Aoad-Pave-Rte.2-BOx 111A,City
E. Moseley Fonvielle Devon Court - Alaintenance 8 North Pront Streety City
G. D. Murray North Nfyrtle Avenue-riaintenance-210 Myrtle Avenue, City ?
The Board of County Commissioners, after careful investigation, deems the proposed addition
of the above said roads to the County System and its maintenance by the State Highsaay Commis-
sion necessary to adequately serve the citizens of b'ew Hanover County. Mr. Broadhurst offer-
ed the motion to send them to the State Highway Commission fbr thei.r investi;ation and accep-
tance. It was seconded by ASr. Holton and unanimously adopted.
' Invoices were presented by the City of
$1,350.00 totalling $2,750 to cover the expense
Community Hospital as, per eontract agreement.
funds be appropriated from the Emergency Fund to
ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
Wilmington k 400 and Ideal Plumbing Company
"" Q
of furnishing adequate water service at the
Mr, Holton offered a motion that sufficient
pay them at once. This motion was second-
A letter from the Administrator of Conmiunity Hospital explaining that they were
able to meet minimum requirements of the 5tate Board of IIealth for a License to operate a
Hospital, was received, and the request of the Board of Directors of the Hospital that the
be given some assistance in the way of plaStering and painting, especially in the ICitchen
Dietary Department before riar6h 31, 1958 which was the date for the next inspection and ra
iing of the State Boayd of Examiners, and they felt with.the Corrections they would be abl4
make themselves,along with this assistance by the County grison labor, they would be able
pass the tninimum sanitary requirements and retain their License. Mr. tailliams offered th
motion, seconded by r4r. Broadhurst that Lhe request be granted before March 31, 1958, and
was unanimously adopted hy the Board.
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Meeting of February 10, 1958 - Continued 23
Jas. T. Jackson, 505 Harnett Street wants to purchase Lot No.l in Block 294,
Parcel No.ll. The property was appraised by the County Tax Assessor at $760.00. The
City has written their a;pproval and acceptance of this proposition. Air. Broadhurst
offered the motion that the County accept the ofPer. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Mayhan and carried unanimously. The Executive Secretary was instructed to have the Deed
drawn and collect the money. ' ?.
The Fifth Avenue
No,104 WNI Lot 6 at a price
appraisal, and he confirms
hurst offered a motion that
of Wilmington was secured.
ed by the Board.
Nlethodist Church is offering to purchase Parcel No.58, Block
of $370.00. This was referred to the County Tax Assessor for
the valuation of $370.00 is a fair and just value. Mr. Broad-
the offer of`$370.00 be accepted provided approval of the City
This motion was seconded by P4r. Holton and unanimously adopt-
r? r
A letter was received from the Chairman of the New Hanover County Eoard of Elec-
tions requesting the County to Purnish voting booths and ballot boxes at the various vot-
ing places in the Couizty. In order to have suPficient time for getting the el.ectrical
connections made they resgectfully ask that it be done not later tT;an rebruary 13, 1958.
Mr. Holton moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be granted and that the Ex-
ecutive Secrel:ary so inform Mr. H. C. Hivenbark, Superintendent of the County IIome and
Farm, and instruct him to provide Lhis service. T11is was unanimously passed by the
Pir. C. A. Pope appeared before the Board and was recognized and asked if he had
any matters to present to the Board. -.He thought the matter was important s'ince it in- ?
volved the safety of School children and Aospital patients. He said that on January 13,
1956 an inspection was made oi all public buildirigs including, School and Hospital, and
that certain recommendatioris were made at that time for the improvement of the facil.i.ties
and particularly as it concerned fire protection, such as fire escapes, automatic fire
extinguishers, etc.;, He asked the question if those recommendations had been carried out
and requested an inspection at this time to assure the Cit,y and County that proper pro-
tection was being afPorded the pupils and patients using those buildings. He also in-
quired if the City anci County did not make certain donations to the Hospital. He was
informed by the Auditor i;hat no donations were being made and that only payment for ser-
vices rendered to indigent patients and approved by the Department of Public Welfare wa.s
paid to the James Walker Plemorial• Hospital. The County Attorney informed Mr. Pope that
legislative enactmerit permitted this expenditure. Mr. Pope said he considered the Board
, of Dlanagers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital, the Agents of the City and County in
perforiiung their funetions. The County has no interest in 3ames Ldalker Piemorial Hospital.
Mr. Sam W. Johnson, Tax Collector rendered the following report on collections:
New Hanover County 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 Prior Total
Uncollected Back •
Tax - June 30,1957 ?J48,533.19-$22,403.35-$13,612.88-$7,354.68-$3,811.34-$8,130.69-$104,846.13
Collected July,Aug. •
Jait. $14,508.89-$ 6,098.44-$ 2,409.04-$1,294.23-$ 315.18=$ 261.52-$ 24,857.30
Balance Due $34,024.30-$16,304.91-$$11,203.84-$6,OFi0.45-$3,456.16-$8,SG9.17-$ 79,958.83
Oct. $426,931.35; Nov, $145,733,36; Dec. $86,065.84; Jan. $179,752.35; Total-$838,482.90
The above report was aecepted by common consent, contents noted and ordered filed for information
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. 0. L. Brown commenting that the Board of the
James Walker Memorial Hospital were all honorable men but that they may not always be that
way, so he is concerned about the management of the proposed new Hospital; hosa it will be
selected and if it will be self-perpetuating, or staggered or rotary terms and what will
happen to the assets of the present Hospital?
County Attorney informed the Board that New Hanover County had been made a party _-.
at interest in a suit which was to be heard before Judge Don Gilliam in Tarboro with Drs.G
Hubert A. Eaton, Samuel Sas. Gray and Daniel C. Roane vs Jacues Walker Memorial Hospital,
The City of Wilmington and Atew Hanover County and suggested that, al.tho he was preparing ?
a motion for dismissal, some Witnesses should accompany him in order to testifq that'the
County had no interest in the suit from any angle. Mr. Holton offered a,motion which wase,',11P7V--
seconded by Mr. Williams that the Executive Secretary and the County Auditor be authnrized
to go with the County Attorney for this purpose. The motion carried unanimously.
GOVERNOR HODGES - ' &yvk-r19-L
The Chairman reminded the Board that they were invited to a Civic Club Banquet to
name the "Pfan of the Year" and hear an address by Governor Hodges. The Dinner ticlcets are
$2.75 each and the time is Tuesday night, Febi°uai°y 11, 1958 at the Cape Fear Hotel Ball
? • D1r. Iiilliams reported on the trip to Chapel Hill by himself, Aavid 0. S. Ruark of
the Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Secretary for the purpose of ineeting with the
Board of Directors of the State Association of County Commissioners and get a general idea
of what they expected in the caay of a Program Prom this County at the Convention to be held
at Carolina Beach in the Royal Palm tIotel, June 22-25, 1958.
xw224 Nieeting of February 10, 1958 - Continued
The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. E. L. White coi.ild not make the trip to
New York as a member of the Committee to interview the American Merchant Marine Institute as
authorized by this IIoard on January 27, 1958, and asked the Board for further instructions.
The other members of the Board suggested that the Chairman accept the assignment iF pos-
sible and by common consei7t of the Board, this was ratified.
? RliPURTS -
' The follocaing reports were acknowledged and ordered filed for information:
Home Demonstration Narrative Report - Organization and Planning
_ Miss Verna Belle Lowery
Miss Cornelia Q; Williams
Wilmington Public Library - Ratherine Howe].1, Librarian
Motion was made by Mr. Holton to adjourn, se/xut by Mt., Wi iants, approved.
Wilmington, N. C., February 17, 1958.
The regular iaeekly meeting of the Neza I3anover County Board of Commissioners was
held this day at 9:30 A.H.; PRLSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, 7r., and Catunissioners L. E.
Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. PIayhan, Berry A. jdilliams and County Attorney John B.
Hill aiid County Auditor T. D. Love.
The meeting was call.ed to order by the Vice Chairman in the temporary absence of
the Chairman, caho called on Reverend W. B. Lewis, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church to open
the meeting iaith a prayer.
A copy of the minutes of the last meeting ha.ving previously Ueen mailed to each
Canmissioner who had read them, Mr. lJilliams offered a motion for their anproval mhich
iaas seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unaiv.mously adopted.
Tl1e Board was inforcned of the new electric clock Purnished the Commissioners
Room Uy the KingofP's Jecvelers. They were unanimous in joining the Executive Secretary
in gratitude which should be expressed thru a letter of thanks to them for th3.s ni.ce service.
A? Mr. H. L. Darden presented a Petition requesting improvement on a fork of the
G? Dliddle Sound - Ogden Road beginning a t a point about half-way between Piiddle Sound and
Ogdea and running in a Northward direction toward U.S.Highway No.17 for approximately 1056
yards so he can build and operate a large chicken farm as well as provide access to four
'(4) i'amilies who live on this road and have twelve School-age children who cannot go to
School many times because of this impassible road. Mr. SJilliams offered a motion that
this Petition be approved and that a letter urging special attention be sent to Mr. Brown
along with iL. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried in the
' af firmative. ?
A letter was received from Solicitor John J. Burney of the Eigllth Judicial Dis-
?i trict calling the Board's attention to General Statutes 130-47, 1957 Supplenent designat-
' ing authority to tYie Board of County Conunissioners for placing responsibility for signing
death certificates in cases where no medical attendance is present at time of death. By
common consent of tkie Board it was referred to the County Attorney for ruling,
Mrs. lielen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare preseuted the following
Petitions for Relief, requesting approval for care at the New Hanover County I3ome:
C+lilliam Preston IIass, 120 Castle Street, Wilmington, N. C. - White
Dock llixon, Rte.3-Box 512, ldilmington, N. C. - Colored
Julia Piae ,fcKeithan, 121 South 2nd Street, Wilmington, N.C.- White
lludley Pridgen, Unknown - Discharged from Goldsboro, N.C. - Colored
After disctiissing them with Mrs. Sneeclen, the motion to a ccept them at the County Home was
' made by Mr. Broadhurst a nd seconded by Mr. Holton and the Board unanimously approved them.
Nlrs. Helen B. Sneeden, infox^med the Board that the Ftianeral Homes no longer issued
a?100.00 burial certificate and requested the Board to approve the limiL for a funeral
using the Paupers Graveyard to $150.00 instead of tl:e $100.00 as it now stands. Mr. Williams
offere"d a motion that the limit be raised to $150.00, seconded by Mr. AYayhan and unanimously
Dr. J. T. Hoggard, President of Wilminbton College, appeared before the Board and
? inforned them that it was their responsibility to appoint two Trustees to the Boa.rd of Wil-
mington Community College. He advised the Board that the College was at a standstill un-
til the new Board was appointed. The Chairuian suggested that each Commissianer study the
matter for a week and on next Monday, February 24, they could make the appointments. Dr.
Hoggard informed the Board that he had had a ruling from the Attorney G,;neral to tlze effect
that serving as a Trustee did not constitute an "Office" so the Commissioners coi.ild appoint
themselves to serve on the Board if they saw fit to do so. •