1958-02-17 Regular Meetingxw224 Nieeting of February 10, 1958 - Continued 40-FOOT CIiAATAiEL - The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. E. L. White coi.ild not make the trip to New York as a member of the Committee to interview the American Merchant Marine Institute as authorized by this IIoard on January 27, 1958, and asked the Board for further instructions. The other members of the Board suggested that the Chairman accept the assignment iF pos- sible and by common consei7t of the Board, this was ratified. ? RliPURTS - ' The follocaing reports were acknowledged and ordered filed for information: Home Demonstration Narrative Report - Organization and Planning _ Miss Verna Belle Lowery Miss Cornelia Q; Williams Wilmington Public Library - Ratherine Howe].1, Librarian Motion was made by Mr. Holton to adjourn, se/xut by Mt., Wi iants, approved. iye,-sercretar Y Wilmington, N. C., February 17, 1958. CONVENTION - PRLSENT The regular iaeekly meeting of the Neza I3anover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:30 A.H.; PRLSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, 7r., and Catunissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. PIayhan, Berry A. jdilliams and County Attorney John B. Hill aiid County Auditor T. D. Love. OPliNING - INVOCATION - The meeting was call.ed to order by the Vice Chairman in the temporary absence of the Chairman, caho called on Reverend W. B. Lewis, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church to open the meeting iaith a prayer. PiINUTES APYROVAL - A copy of the minutes of the last meeting ha.ving previously Ueen mailed to each Canmissioner who had read them, Mr. lJilliams offered a motion for their anproval mhich iaas seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unaiv.mously adopted. KINGOI+'F' S CliOCIC - Tl1e Board was inforcned of the new electric clock Purnished the Commissioners Room Uy the KingofP's Jecvelers. They were unanimous in joining the Executive Secretary in gratitude which should be expressed thru a letter of thanks to them for th3.s ni.ce service. ROEIll PE'PITION - HAHNETT TOIdNSHIP - A? Mr. H. L. Darden presented a Petition requesting improvement on a fork of the G? Dliddle Sound - Ogden Road beginning a t a point about half-way between Piiddle Sound and Ogdea and running in a Northward direction toward U.S.Highway No.17 for approximately 1056 yards so he can build and operate a large chicken farm as well as provide access to four '(4) i'amilies who live on this road and have twelve School-age children who cannot go to School many times because of this impassible road. Mr. SJilliams offered a motion that this Petition be approved and that a letter urging special attention be sent to Mr. Brown along with iL. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried in the ' af firmative. ? ' IIEAL'PH bIRE;CTOR = CUFtONER - A letter was received from Solicitor John J. Burney of the Eigllth Judicial Dis- ?i trict calling the Board's attention to General Statutes 130-47, 1957 Supplenent designat- ' ing authority to tYie Board of County Conunissioners for placing responsibility for signing death certificates in cases where no medical attendance is present at time of death. By common consent of tkie Board it was referred to the County Attorney for ruling, tdELPA1tE - COtJNTY HOTiL - Mrs. lielen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare preseuted the following Petitions for Relief, requesting approval for care at the New Hanover County I3ome: C+lilliam Preston IIass, 120 Castle Street, Wilmington, N. C. - White Dock llixon, Rte.3-Box 512, ldilmington, N. C. - Colored Julia Piae ,fcKeithan, 121 South 2nd Street, Wilmington, N.C.- White lludley Pridgen, Unknown - Discharged from Goldsboro, N.C. - Colored After disctiissing them with Mrs. Sneeclen, the motion to a ccept them at the County Home was ' made by Mr. Broadhurst a nd seconded by Mr. Holton and the Board unanimously approved them. OAKGROVE ClirIETERY - Nlrs. Helen B. Sneeden, infox^med the Board that the Ftianeral Homes no longer issued a?100.00 burial certificate and requested the Board to approve the limiL for a funeral using the Paupers Graveyard to $150.00 instead of tl:e $100.00 as it now stands. Mr. Williams offere"d a motion that the limit be raised to $150.00, seconded by Mr. AYayhan and unanimously adopted, TRUS.TL'ES - WILMING'fOAT CQLLEGE - Dr. J. T. Hoggard, President of Wilminbton College, appeared before the Board and ? inforned them that it was their responsibility to appoint two Trustees to the Boa.rd of Wil- mington Community College. He advised the Board that the College was at a standstill un- til the new Board was appointed. The Chairuian suggested that each Commissianer study the matter for a week and on next Monday, February 24, they could make the appointments. Dr. Hoggard informed the Board that he had had a ruling from the Attorney G,;neral to tlze effect that serving as a Trustee did not constitute an "Office" so the Commissioners coi.ild appoint themselves to serve on the Board if they saw fit to do so. • L, C) 6 _ \ Meeting of Pebruary 17, 1958 - Continued ? ELECTION RETURNS - COST - Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Aanover County Board of Elections made an unoFPicial report of the Eleetion Returns on the results of the votiug last Saturday G_ b'eUruary 15, 1958. The Hospital Bonds were defeated and the School Bonds were carried.?? He also inPormed the Board that the cost of the ?:leetion was.less than ?p10,000., a`n?c'- , requested approval of the Board to pay $9,293.00 which is the administrative expense. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion to pay the above amount, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unan- imously adopted by the Board, The Board complimented Mr. Bost as Chairman of the Election Board for the nice job he and the Board of Elections did on the Election held last Saturday, February 15, 1958. It was a job well done. FAktM AGEN T - D. D. Baggett, New Hanover County b'arm Agent, informed the Board that there was a meeting of the Farm Agents from the surroiulding area Counties being he7.d in our County today and. he asked the Board to meet them at the County b'arm today at 1:30 P.Af., to show them the new barn in the process of being erected for the use of the Stock Shows this Spring. Several Commissioners expressed themselves favorably to this suggestion and thought it would be a good advertisement. BOARD OF THUSTEES - PROPOSED NE14 HOSPZTAL - 44? Since the IIospital Bond issue failed in the Election last Saturday, Mr. Holton offered a niotion that the Board of Trustees of the Proposed New Iiospital be complimented for their fine work and that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Boar3 thru its Chair- inan, Mr: Hargrove Bellamy with the information that as the purpose for which they were appointed has been resolved, it would be in order for them to dissolve the organization. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimousl3r adopted. EA'Il'LOYE CLASSIFICATION - Mr. Williams observed that he thought it was a good time for the Board to con ? "? sider a definite classification of employes and salaries showing a minimiun for each job and a maximum for each particular job classification. He suggested that the Board be thinlcing about it and studying it in their minds. UNEMPLO1fi1LNT Mrs. I3elen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Sdelfare inPormed the Board that slie was having more and more calls For general assistance because of unemployment ana that she was not in a positiorc to help them because of her }3udget limi.tations. AllJOURNMENT - There being no further matters to come before the Board, . Williams offered a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and r/Sr?n imously. . . G. ck,- ?;xecuiive secretary Wilmington, N. C., February 24, 1958. CONVEPITTON - The regular caeeitly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:30 A.M., in the Commissioners' Room at the Court IIouse. PRE5EfdT: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr., Comnu.ssioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, 7r., E. R. Piayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who requested Reverend Plilton J. Boone, Pastor of the Masonboro Baptist Church to open the meeting with prayer of invocation. MINUTES AYPHOVAL - A copy of the minutes of the meeting held last week having previously been mailed to each of the Coinmissioners for their review were, upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved Luianimously. CaOPF,RdTIVE E7iTEN5I0N WORK - t1rs. Rebecca L. Hall, Negro Home Agent, presented the Board with a Schedule of Activities for National 4-A Club Week, March 1 tllru 8, 1958 as follows: • Monday - 3/3/58 - Arranging Exhibits in Schools and Department Stores (Belk-Beery Company, 2nd Street). Writing news stories of 4-H Programs. Tuesday - 3/4/58 -"4-H" Day at W. H. Blount School - Special recognition for out- standing project work with Mr. W. C. Cooper, Assistant State Leader for Negro Club work as guest. . Wednesday 3 5 58 - Project Visitation, Thursday - 38 - Television Program over State TiECT-TV, Channel 6, at 2:15 P.M. Friday - 3/7/58 - Project Visitation. The Board of Conunissioners are especially invited to attend one or more of these Programs. ABNUAL & SICK LEAVE - A letter from the Negro District Agent and the Negro District Home Agent was re _?? viewed and the Executive Secretary authorized to answer Lhe following questions: 1. Does your County have a Retirement System that includes Eetension Worlcers? Yes ; If so, what percent of your County Salary do you pay? 4% . 2, lloes your County have specific regulations governing sick leave? No. . Is it accwnulative? No ; If so, how many days? None . 3. Does your uuunty have specific regulations governi.ng aniiual leave? A'o . Is it accumulative? No ; If so, how: many days? None. 4. Does your c;ounty provi.cle Soeial Seeurity i'or its employes? Yes. ; If so, is your Secretary covered? No . Altho there are no specific regulatioiis as to aiinual or siclz leave, it has been the praetise to give two weeks non-cumulative. • LEGUWENBURG - llITCH Mrs. J. C. Sanderson appeared before the Board with the request that the County ' do some ditchii7g to drain their oronerty between Bonham Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard. `1'he Chairnan observed that this ditch was known as the Leeuwenburg Ditch and that it appeai^ed to him that it should be filled in rather than ditched out because of the low natural nature of the ground in that spot, however, it woiald be referred to Dfr, llave W. Rivenbark for atten- tion. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that it was now on the ditching agenda