1958-02-24 Regular MeetingC) 6 _ \ Meeting of Pebruary 17, 1958 - Continued ? ELECTION RETURNS - COST - Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Aanover County Board of Elections made an unoFPicial report of the Eleetion Returns on the results of the votiug last Saturday G_ b'eUruary 15, 1958. The Hospital Bonds were defeated and the School Bonds were carried.?? He also inPormed the Board that the cost of the ?:leetion was.less than ?p10,000., a`n?c'- , requested approval of the Board to pay $9,293.00 which is the administrative expense. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion to pay the above amount, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unan- imously adopted by the Board, The Board complimented Mr. Bost as Chairman of the Election Board for the nice job he and the Board of Elections did on the Election held last Saturday, February 15, 1958. It was a job well done. FAktM AGEN T - D. D. Baggett, New Hanover County b'arm Agent, informed the Board that there was a meeting of the Farm Agents from the surroiulding area Counties being he7.d in our County today and. he asked the Board to meet them at the County b'arm today at 1:30 P.Af., to show them the new barn in the process of being erected for the use of the Stock Shows this Spring. Several Commissioners expressed themselves favorably to this suggestion and thought it would be a good advertisement. BOARD OF THUSTEES - PROPOSED NE14 HOSPZTAL - 44? Since the IIospital Bond issue failed in the Election last Saturday, Mr. Holton offered a niotion that the Board of Trustees of the Proposed New Iiospital be complimented for their fine work and that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Boar3 thru its Chair- inan, Mr: Hargrove Bellamy with the information that as the purpose for which they were appointed has been resolved, it would be in order for them to dissolve the organization. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimousl3r adopted. EA'Il'LOYE CLASSIFICATION - Mr. Williams observed that he thought it was a good time for the Board to con ? "? sider a definite classification of employes and salaries showing a minimiun for each job and a maximum for each particular job classification. He suggested that the Board be thinlcing about it and studying it in their minds. UNEMPLO1fi1LNT Mrs. I3elen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Sdelfare inPormed the Board that slie was having more and more calls For general assistance because of unemployment ana that she was not in a positiorc to help them because of her }3udget limi.tations. AllJOURNMENT - There being no further matters to come before the Board, . Williams offered a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and r/Sr?n imously. . . G. ck,- ?;xecuiive secretary Wilmington, N. C., February 24, 1958. CONVEPITTON - The regular caeeitly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:30 A.M., in the Commissioners' Room at the Court IIouse. PRE5EfdT: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr., Comnu.ssioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, 7r., E. R. Piayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who requested Reverend Plilton J. Boone, Pastor of the Masonboro Baptist Church to open the meeting with prayer of invocation. MINUTES AYPHOVAL - A copy of the minutes of the meeting held last week having previously been mailed to each of the Coinmissioners for their review were, upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved Luianimously. CaOPF,RdTIVE E7iTEN5I0N WORK - t1rs. Rebecca L. Hall, Negro Home Agent, presented the Board with a Schedule of Activities for National 4-A Club Week, March 1 tllru 8, 1958 as follows: • Monday - 3/3/58 - Arranging Exhibits in Schools and Department Stores (Belk-Beery Company, 2nd Street). Writing news stories of 4-H Programs. Tuesday - 3/4/58 -"4-H" Day at W. H. Blount School - Special recognition for out- standing project work with Mr. W. C. Cooper, Assistant State Leader for Negro Club work as guest. . Wednesday 3 5 58 - Project Visitation, Thursday - 38 - Television Program over State TiECT-TV, Channel 6, at 2:15 P.M. Friday - 3/7/58 - Project Visitation. The Board of Conunissioners are especially invited to attend one or more of these Programs. ABNUAL & SICK LEAVE - A letter from the Negro District Agent and the Negro District Home Agent was re _?? viewed and the Executive Secretary authorized to answer Lhe following questions: 1. Does your County have a Retirement System that includes Eetension Worlcers? Yes ; If so, what percent of your County Salary do you pay? 4% . 2, lloes your County have specific regulations governing sick leave? No. . Is it accwnulative? No ; If so, how many days? None . 3. Does your uuunty have specific regulations governi.ng aniiual leave? A'o . Is it accumulative? No ; If so, how: many days? None. 4. Does your c;ounty provi.cle Soeial Seeurity i'or its employes? Yes. ; If so, is your Secretary covered? No . Altho there are no specific regulatioiis as to aiinual or siclz leave, it has been the praetise to give two weeks non-cumulative. • LEGUWENBURG - llITCH Mrs. J. C. Sanderson appeared before the Board with the request that the County ' do some ditchii7g to drain their oronerty between Bonham Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard. `1'he Chairnan observed that this ditch was known as the Leeuwenburg Ditch and that it appeai^ed to him that it should be filled in rather than ditched out because of the low natural nature of the ground in that spot, however, it woiald be referred to Dfr, llave W. Rivenbark for atten- tion. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that it was now on the ditching agenda F3 ?+2 6Meeting of February 24, 1958 - Continued Leeuwenburg llitch - for cleaning out a culvert which seemed to be the major tiouble at this time. The only rea- son that we have not been able to get out there is the priority of previous requests and more needed projects from a health standpoint. ELECTION RETUFtNS:- P1r. Heilry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of E:Lections presented n--1, his report on the Special Election helcl February 15, 1958 as follows: L y}?,"This Llection was coiiducted in compliance with the Election Laws of the State of Nor.th Carolina, and canvass of the precincts this date as required. by Lasa, show the results on the enclosed abstract to be the official vote, and it has been determined that the results as shocan on the enclosed abstract are correct. Copy of this abstract is being placed on file with the Clerk of Sunerior Court and a copy furnished Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr., Attorney-at- Law, for the use of the Bond Attorneys. Question No. 1. "YES" 3819 "NO" 9217 Question ATO. 3. "YES" 3692 "N0: 3930 Qtlestiori NO. 2 "YES" 8061 "NO" 4910 Q.ueStlon No. 4. "YES" 9z3U "NO" 3539 " Upon motion offered by Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, the reports were accepted and approved Por filino wzanimously. SANITATIUN GHADE - JAMES WaLxEi3 rE:iOItIAI, HOSPITAli - Mr. Charlton A. Pope was recognized by the Ciiairtinan, and stated that he had written ? a letter under date of February 21, 1958 to the Board and asked if it had been received. As it had not, he produced a copy for the Board's information renuesting that the Board of County Conmiissioners demand that the Consolidated Board of Health furnish or publish the Sanitarian's / inspection report of January 8, 1958 giving James [dalker Memorial Hospital a Sanitary Rating of 78.6. I3e stated that since a public statement was made in an advertisement appearing in the Wilmington News of' January 24, 1958 in an effbrt to cliscredit James Walker Dlemorial Ifospit- al, and he definitely thought some steps shoul.d be taken to restore the people's confidence. "The citizens in this County are dissatisfied with the ma,naoe!nent of James Walker Afemorial Hos- pital, to put it mildly;he said. Prompt action by the 13oard woizld go a long ways in restoring this confidence because the conditions, if as Lulsanitary as rePorted, should. be immediately cleaned up. The public is entitled to the ii7forntation causing the low rating so he again re- quested tliat the Board take the matter up with the Cmisolidated Board of fIealLlZ and request them to make avail.able the fijldings and recommendations of the Hea,lth Inspectors. Afi.er stating that he did not see hoxa this Board of Conunissi m7ers had any responsibil.ity except to a.-ree that ? tlzey are public records and so fai^ as this Body is concerned the Yublic is certainly entitled to see them, he offered a motion thdt the matter be referred to the Consolidated Board of Hea.lth for handling. This inotioil was seconded by Mr. liilliams and unanimously adopted. 'o"ROAL PETITIUNS - 1. Mr. Fred Iiilletts, Sr., accompanied with several rnembers of tlie Wil.mington Rea,l- ty Board presented a request that the I3oai°d approve and present a request to the 5tat.e Highway ? Conunission that 17th Street be opeized from Dacason to Shipyard Boulevard. This Iaould require removal of graves in portions of Uak Grove Cemetery. Mr. R. A. Sheta and others in attendance ? protested that they would not go along with such a propositiou and then it was agreed that 16th Street would be as serviceaUle to let the puUlic have an outlet from that section of the Coun- ty without going out of their way to either South F'ront or Winter Pariz to get over on that side of the County. After some further consideratioiis, Mr. Zti'illia.ms offered a motion that the 73oard approve the move in principal and that the Executive Secretary secure the proper Forms SR-3 for making a forroal request to the State Highway Commission,, seconded by Mr. Holton ? and unanimously adopted. , ? ?. 2, Mr. R. A. Shew again appeared before the Board and wanted to make his stand ? cTear, altho not for publication, c;hen he spoke to the aUove subject earlier in the meeting. ? He said he was of the opinion t11at the request iaas not solely in the puUlic interest but for personal gain anoinancing control of a,ny developments that might accrue to enhance t he va.lue of the property for County taxation. ? 3. Mr. Alex M. Tra,sk presented a Petition for maintainence of all roai.s in Pine Vall.ey Estates with the exception of Pine Valley llrive which has alread.y been accepted as a part of the Sta,te Highway System. ,ir. Broadhurst offered a moti.on that the Iloard recortunend ??. this to the State Highway Conunission, seconded by'.Mr. Wi].liams and unanimously adopted. A'LALEA GOLI' TOURNAJIE11T - ? Messrs J. B. Fox, Jr., and U. Lee Spence, Jr., representing tlie Wilmington Open Golf Tournament Couunittee of the Azalea Festival Committee were recodnized and explained to the l? 13oard that in 1956 the Tournament had a deficit of $1,700.00.but that in 1957.tliere was a pro- r` fit oP $2,700.00 but that it was necessary for the 1958 iournament to guarantee $15,000.00.as com ared to $12 000.00 in previous p ,, years so they were requesting financial assistance from the County on the grounds that the benefits derived in advertising as well as actual money spent here among our merchants far out-weighed the contribution made by the County. Upon a motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously appropriated $400.00 to be paid `-r from the Advertisi.ng I'und and in the same motion they unanimously transferred $400.00.from the ? Industrial Fund to the Advertising Fund to replenish it. PETITI01i FOR REL'IEF - , r4rs, Helen B. 5needen, Superintendent oP Public Welfare, presented a Petition for admittance to the County Home for Tyree Yaeger, 211 North llth Street, because of extremely ,,? poor beneral condition. He receives $50.00 per month OAA and wil.l pa3? $40.00 per month Por eif'??""- his room and board at the County Home, Mr. Holton offered the motion to anprove the Petition and Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion which resulted in unanimous approval by the Board. BOY SCOUTS - REVERTEll PROPERTY - -?" The Cape Fear Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, thru their Executive Board in reg- 1),oLeOt-F?ar session January 29, 1958 voted to relinqLUSh all its title, ri;hts or claims to the piece of property known as tkie Bridge Tenders tract of land and asked the Board to accept it back. Mr. Holton offered the motion that it be re-deeded by the Boy Scouts back to the County, this motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. SCHOOL AIIDIT - ? Pursuant to authorization of the New Hanover County Commissioners on September 16, -y-,n/, 1967, William C. Barfield, CPA submitted an Audit Report on the accounts and related records ?'/? of the Office of the 73oard of Lducation as they pertained to New Hanover County b?unds as they ,? were appropriated to the Board of Lducation for the fiseal year ending June 30, 1957. He certified that in his opinion, based on an examination of the Balance Sheet and related State- ments of Receipts and Disbursements prepared by William E. Brock, CPA, they appear to present fairly the trans4ctions for County appropriated fiuids. Mr. IIolton offered a motion that the Report be accepted and a copy be retained in the Office of the Executive Secretary for public information, this motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously carried. An invoice t Meeting of February 24, 1958 - Continued Sehool Audit - Continued ? 9 17 accompaizied the Audit Report, but by common consent of the Board it was decided that since the Audit was made at the request of the Board of Education, it shoul.d bear the expense of the work. The Chairman is to discuss it with Lhe Board of Education and report next ,ion- day, March 3, 1958 at which time some disposition caill be made of the matter. \ RU1tAL VOLUNTEER b,IRE DEPAfiTTIENTS - . = The following Volunteer Fire Departments have submitted contracts which have been ?_" signed Uy their respective officers and.whicli were approved by the Board today upon motion of Dir. Holton seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. This completes the actions of November 18 and 25th, 1957 on the above subject: . 1. Castle Hayne Volunteer Pire Department - C. F. Pieyer . 2. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department - T. N. Simmons 3. Ogden Volunteer Fire Department - E. W. Johnson 4. Seagate Volunteer Fzre Department - C. L. Powlas 5. South [dilmington Volunteer Fire Department - W. 0. Davis • 6. Winter Park Volunteer Fire llepartment - J. W. Crawley 7. TJrigJitsboro Volunteer Fire Denartment - Pirs. L. C. Davis , CAROLINA BEACH ROAll - SOUTH IRONT STRN.ET - Mr. Williams offered a motion Lhat the secti ai of South Frout Street lying beyond the City Limits be changed to Carolina Beach Roa,d. Mr. Broadhurst observed that it was his understanding that Mr. R. F. Coleman was to take the matter up with the City Council for that portion of the road within the City Limits and he would furnish cahatever information avail- able of their action. Th?motion was declared dead.by the Chairman when it failed to receive a second. • D.A.R. I30aKT,ET Pursuant to instructions of the Board on January 27, 1958, Messrs. Hall and Mayhan - reported that they had contacted ths Advertising Committee of the Cha.mber of Conunerce and they had agreed to contribute ?100.00 to the Industrial Booklet to be published for the Azalea Festival Edition, therefore, they authorized the trailsfer of $300.00 from the Industrial Fund to the Adverti.sing Fund and a check for it to be given the Dau-hters of the American Revolution Committee headed by Mrs. C. E. Bergamini, as they had pledged ?400.00 to the cause. CIVIL DEFLNSE FILP1 - 0 MW-¢ A letter from the Public Information Officer of the Civil Defense Council informed the County that a film cal.J.ed "The vay Called X" was available thru the local SdECT-TV Station for use in loeal presentations of the Civil Defense Cause. c BUIa'FER 'LONE - FI13h, LANES - Mr. C. L. Snipes, N'ire Chief, Carolina Beach b`Yre Department has renuested the Sunny Point Fire Department to use its available equipment for mal:ing fire lanes on the Carolina Beach side of the.River on the Dow Property because of the Buffer Zone proPerty East of the River. The Board was in comp7.ete agreement to write a letter urging the assi.stance if possible. PHOPFRTY TAX COMMITTGE - • __r? A letter from llallas Alford, Jr., requesting the presence of our Tax Supervisor, T. D. Love at a meeting to discuss proposals for study of the North.Carolina Ta.x Laws, was ? reviewed and Mr. Love informed the Board thaL he had alreaily arra,nged to attend. CaYE FEAIt AMATEUR ilADIO CLUB, INC. - . • By common consent.of the Board the request of the Cape Fear Amateur Radio Club, Inc., for renewal of tneir lease for a two-year period beginni.ng December 7, 1957 was granted pro- vided it met with the approval of Manager J. A. Westbrook as far as r epairs to slight damagest-1 was concerned. Q^"? RL+'YURTS - ?? The following reports iaere received, reviewed and ordered filed: ? 1. Consolidated Board of Health Gf-, _ 2. \orth Carolina Industrial Conimission 3. North Carolina Public WelPare Statistical •• 4. Street Naming Ci.ty-County joint Committee . 5. State Board of Allotments and ApPeal Notice.of formal Hearing 2/24/58 PETIT JtitcY - The following names caere drawn.to serve as Jurors for t3ie Civil Terms of March 10 and Piarch 17, 1955, being good and lawful men: , For March 10,-1958 - U. F. Worthington, Mack I. Harrelson, Henry N11N. Callahan, R. A. Armstrong, , llave Wp Rivenbark, tlcLaurin B. Edtiaards, Frank A. Florence, Steve W. Roberson, Earl C. Andrews, Donald NPZN Harrell, George Shedrick, J. N. Alexius, Sr., Z. C. Bissette, E. 0. }3alkcum, S. T. Diat,hews, Laurin B. Askew, W. T. riiars, Jr., J. L. Coley, ; Por March 17, 1958 - Eduard Ahrens, W. J. Boney, M. V. Coble C. R. Cooper, James FerGer, Hobt.Earl Hinson, 1601 Castle Street 203 Lake Forest Pkwy. 114 Bryan Avenue 108 Castle Street 114 South 7th Street 2710 Harrisen Street 614 Greenfield Street 213 Oaleleaf Drive 21 Summitt ldalk 105 Morninoside llrive 1405 Ann Street . P. 0. Box 1117, City 232 North 26th Street 2107 Brandon Road 611 Central Blvd., 2231 Camellia llrive 452 Castle Haype Road 4009 Oleander llrive 619 Marliet Street . 1106 Magnolia Place Rte.l - ]3ox 200 Castle 3714 [+'rightsville Ave., 4816 Wrightsville Ave., 1617 E. Plara llrive Sdm. P. Garrabrant, Shepard A. Westbrook, Alton D. Rivenbark, P. W. Lavender, T. S. Underwood, Nathan L. Lunsford, Alger P. Johnson, Paul S. hicllaniel, John L. Garbade, Claude NP1N PicDowell, J. H. Fussell, Jr., V. R..Johnson, Jr., D. S. Reynolds, A. H. Johnson, H. M. Solomon, Ossie H. Jones, M. B. Brown, S. S. Lewis, Wi1:Liam Benson, Mildred L. Budd Hayne,NC.-B. B. Cole, G. W. Dobo, Tdalter Harper, Jr., J. C. Innis 2236 Mimosa Place 30 ASorri.n;side Drive 2906 Piarket Street 113 A4agnol.ia Street 2533 Burnett Blvd•. 202 Greenville Avenue 202 Maryland Avenue 2411 Oleander Drive 3914 Wrightsvil.le Avenue 1512 lde st Plaza llrive .2815 Parlc 9venue 12 Jackson Drive P. 0. Box 21, Wri. Bch. 215 Dixie Avenue P. 0. Box 510,.City 2108 Princess Place Drive 107 South 44th•Street 4221 Cedar Avenue 1246 Fairway llrive 4204 Lalce Avenue Jr.,118 Morgan Street Box 6, Wrightsvi7.le Sound Ate. 1 - Box 340 315 South 46th Street 'A ?. ?, ??0 Meeting of F'ebruary 24, 1958 - Coni.inued Jurors Drawn for Week, Piarch 17, 1958 - Continued ldm. Orville 1Cuhn, 0. N. Martin, Robert Norton, A. T. Parker, WPi. E. Powell,. Jr., W. E. Sisson, FY•ench Spicer, Roy Turner, George Walker, ICenneth C. Ward, W. T. Weaks, Alton Wright, AllJOUliNMENT - rioti by B9ardy--., .; 2740 South Front Street Lee Kye, 3025 South i+'ront Street C. A. Nobles, Rte.3 - Box 188 W. R. Pape, 323 Davie Drive J. C. Pigott, P. 0. Box 553, Car.Bch.NC.-K. J. Powers, P.G.Box 1106, City John I. Sondey, RLe.2-Box 262, City Vernon G. Stokes 225 Davie Drive Lorin S. Vick Rte.l-Box 239,Castle Iiayne,N.C.-R.B.Cdallcer,Jr, 210 A4idland Drive Franlzlin G. ida,tson, 702 Central Blvd., W. A. S+lilson, 28 North 26th Street Joseph T. Yopp, 2 Northern Blvd. 248 Aavie Drive 4940 Oleander Dri ve 3615 Plarket Street 2404 Dlarket Street Castle Hayne, N.C. 3605 South rralt Street 1503 Ann Street 707 Central Blvd. 208 Spruce Drive 209 Northern Blvd. Rte.2-Box 518, City was made by Mr. Ho.lton to adjourn which was secorldedby blr. Dltiyhan, approved Executive Secretary SPECIAL VFATIRE FACTAS SUMMOATING JUItORS DRATdN IAMIDAY, b'EBRUARY 28, 1958 CALI,ED POR BY JUllGL W. H. S. }3URGIJYN FOR SUl'E1tI0R COTTHT - CFiIP4INAL TErIr2 - FOIt THE 11EE1HINC. WEilNESllAY, h1AliCFi 5, 1958 Lila Richardson, 1104 Browns Alley R. D. Moore, 917 Rankin Street C. R. ldilliamson, 1114 South 4th Street S. A. Priedman, 252 North 26th Street 0. J. Taylor, 509 Central Blvd, Artelie J. Scott, 913 Orange Street Alvie J. Flilliams, 2708 Jefferson Fred N. Day, III 2013 Perry Avenue Wm. Calvin Register , Jr.,-416 Walnut Street Ida Mytchell, 617 Grace Street E. B. Bugg, Wi].mington,Fiotel, City Abel Lawreizce, Wilmington, N. C. llr. Jas. H. Smith, Southern Bldg., City Eugene M. Allen, Jr .,-204 Dixie Avenue George Caplan, 7 North b'ront Street James R. Shaw, 230 llavie Drive Annie L. CJalton, 611 South 6th Street Cora R. Helms, Rte 2- Box 311, City J. W. Idilliams, 2321 Shirley Drive Celia Jones, 815 South 4th Street lieo E. Sykes, 2204 Chestnut Street John Niurrell, Wilmington, N. C. Lee G. Norman, Gen.Del.Kure Beach,NC. Clarence Blanks, 1122 South 8th SLreet John W. Sellers, 56 llexter Street Robert Sneed, Rte.l-Box 443 Laurie Adger, 113 South bth Street W. Taliaferro Ilughe s,1121 Country Club Road C. S. Everett, 3 Colonial Drive Lawrence Will.iams, 715 Brunswick Robert Lee Turner, 12 Greenville Avenue Bruce Deschamps, 2208 Mimosa Place Glenn Di..Tucker, P.O.Box 661A,Car.Bch.NC. Minnie E. SJilliams, 402 Queen Street Prank E. Grosse, Gen.Delv.Car. Bch,NC. A. B. Walton, 1014 Market Street Mittie Thornton, 912 North 3rd Street Jack Yarboro, 2715 Burnett Blvd., John C. Anderson, 14 North 26th Street Wm. E. Chinnie, Rte.3-Box 451 B. W. Dunham, 1736 Orange Street Marvin Lee Jones 2914 Adams Street Elizabeth M. Grant, 904 Market Street Sherman L. Schulken ,1912 Pender Avenue R. T. Webster, 109 riorningside Drive Y. A. Millinor, 613 Surry Street Mrs, rlinnie L. Capp s,610 South 6th Street Talmadge Pope, 1316 Oranbe Street George L. Gainey, 409 Church Street C. M. Wilbams, 3107 Adams Street J. R. Stillman, 207 North 26th Street C. J. Benson, 3714 South Ieront Street Charlie Samuel Reav es,1105 Walnut Street H. F. Clardy, Jr., 245 Lalce Forest Pkwy. Claude Llbert Howel l,2834D Jefferson Street Ada E. Hartsfield, 709 Dock Street Alan L..Brown, 214 Pine Grove Drive William Walker, 1011 Queen Street Jas. B. McCumber, % A4arshall Reaity Co. H. T. Wilson, 1414 South 4th Street S. M. Edwards, 105 Lee Avenue E. H. Butler, 3904 South Front Street L. T. Thoma.s, 110 Vance Street John K. Galog, Sr., Box 155, Car. Bch. NC. Lila M. Everett, 124 South llth S1;reet Martha C. Stack, 219 North 17th Street G. W. Edwards, 410 Sunset Avenue R. L. Sarbauch, ICure Bch. Diarshall T. Aufham, Dilsia Nixon, W. A. Whitneq, John Prink, A. Sidbury Francis, C. D. Bullard, Frank P. Neiakirk, Peter G. Valli, Eugene King, Bertrice Sdad.dell, Louise H. Vann, C. S. Willoughby, Alf'red Lee Hudieston, Richard Gregg, Jr., W. F. Keith, Frederick Losae, Linwood E. Williams, Henry C. Bethea, Zanis Poulos liazel J. Savage, Lily J. Peterson, Piary W. Davis, F. M. Vance, R. W. Jarrell, Sr., E. 0. Rivers, 1-1m. G. Hodges, 14m. J. Davis, Hazel M. Stefano Thos. Robertshaw, Clara Warshauer, Wm. M. Mangum, Jr., Ruth Simmons, P. J. Watkins,III Mrs. Nell W. Dicksey, Wm. Louis We11s, Clyde McCall, Willie Chadwick, G. E. N'ormy, H. H. Mallette, James Albro, Burt Bryant, William Mitchell, Elliden Davis, Larry G. Marshall, Edward Meneer Butler, Delma A. McGowan, S. L. Wroton, H. L. Leggett, ICatie L. Bass, B. J. Branch, Jame s 13rooks, Thomas Ureen, Ralph S. Callahan, Ralph D. Walton, Sr., Floyd Wilkins, G. L. Hewlett, W. P. Shepard, W. S. Marsh, Mallie H. Holt, M. B. Thomas, P. C. Teachey,- K. 0. Vance, Mary E. Johnson, Mrs. R. P. Anderson, J. W. Tdenberg, Leroy Willetts, M. F. Canady, Robt. B. Haynes, 34072 Wilshire Blvd. 1207 Queen Street 224 North 7th Street 805 Campbell Street 112 Central Blvd. 214-B Williamson Drive 314 MacRae Street 1917 Chestnut Street 1401 South 3rd Street 1309 Orange Street % Gen, llelv, iJri. Bch., NC. 47 Hudson Drive 280212 Chestnut Street 313 North 9th Street 39 Terrace Cda.lk Rte.2 - Box 232,City 2528 Burnett I31vd., 11 South lOth Street 511 South 5th Street Rte.l-Box 90 Castle Hayne,NC. 102 Lake Shore Drive 420 Aiarket Street - 2719 Oleander Drive 60 Spofford 520 Tdoofl Street Hodges Grill, Car. ]3ch. NC. Box 227, Castle IIayne RTE,3 - Box 212, City 5037 Uleander Drive P.0.13ox 523, City % W. C. Barfie]d,CPA,City 310 Campbell Street 604 Colonial Drive 109 Castl.e Street 407 Nortti 13th Street 2833D Jefferson Drive 834 Dawson Street 1109 Dawson Street 314 South 8th Street 305 South 14th 815 Miller Street 1114 Brooklyn Al1ey 406 North 16th Street 124 N. Hinton Avenue 305 North 7th Street Rte.2 - Box 35 - Cit,y ' 314 Nia,rstellar Street Rte.2-Box 427D - City Box 125, Car, Bch, NC. 2023 Klein Road 412 North 13th Street 1106 llock Street 1092 South 7th Street P1cDonald Drive -418 3612 South Front Street Rte 2.=Box 99, City Rte.l-Castle Hayne,NC 116 Keaton Avenue 3223 South LY^ont Street 2532 Harrison Street Rte.2-Box 180A, City 2524 Van Buren Street 504 South 18th Street 1603 Oran;e Street P. 0. Box 693 Echo Farm, Car.Bch.Rd. 414 South 19th Street 3006 Monroe Street L';