1958-02-28 Special Meeting?. ?, ??0 Meeting of F'ebruary 24, 1958 - Coni.inued Jurors Drawn for Week, Piarch 17, 1958 - Continued ldm. Orville 1Cuhn, 0. N. Martin, Robert Norton, A. T. Parker, WPi. E. Powell,. Jr., W. E. Sisson, FY•ench Spicer, Roy Turner, George Walker, ICenneth C. Ward, W. T. Weaks, Alton Wright, AllJOUliNMENT - rioti by B9ardy--., .; 2740 South Front Street Lee Kye, 3025 South i+'ront Street C. A. Nobles, Rte.3 - Box 188 W. R. Pape, 323 Davie Drive J. C. Pigott, P. 0. Box 553, Car.Bch.NC.-K. J. Powers, P.G.Box 1106, City John I. Sondey, RLe.2-Box 262, City Vernon G. Stokes 225 Davie Drive Lorin S. Vick Rte.l-Box 239,Castle Iiayne,N.C.-R.B.Cdallcer,Jr, 210 A4idland Drive Franlzlin G. ida,tson, 702 Central Blvd., W. A. S+lilson, 28 North 26th Street Joseph T. Yopp, 2 Northern Blvd. 248 Aavie Drive 4940 Oleander Dri ve 3615 Plarket Street 2404 Dlarket Street Castle Hayne, N.C. 3605 South rralt Street 1503 Ann Street 707 Central Blvd. 208 Spruce Drive 209 Northern Blvd. Rte.2-Box 518, City was made by Mr. Ho.lton to adjourn which was secorldedby blr. Dltiyhan, approved Executive Secretary SPECIAL VFATIRE FACTAS SUMMOATING JUItORS DRATdN IAMIDAY, b'EBRUARY 28, 1958 CALI,ED POR BY JUllGL W. H. S. }3URGIJYN FOR SUl'E1tI0R COTTHT - CFiIP4INAL TErIr2 - FOIt THE 11EE1HINC. WEilNESllAY, h1AliCFi 5, 1958 Lila Richardson, 1104 Browns Alley R. D. Moore, 917 Rankin Street C. R. ldilliamson, 1114 South 4th Street S. A. Priedman, 252 North 26th Street 0. J. Taylor, 509 Central Blvd, Artelie J. Scott, 913 Orange Street Alvie J. Flilliams, 2708 Jefferson Fred N. Day, III 2013 Perry Avenue Wm. Calvin Register , Jr.,-416 Walnut Street Ida Mytchell, 617 Grace Street E. B. Bugg, Wi].mington,Fiotel, City Abel Lawreizce, Wilmington, N. C. llr. Jas. H. Smith, Southern Bldg., City Eugene M. Allen, Jr .,-204 Dixie Avenue George Caplan, 7 North b'ront Street James R. Shaw, 230 llavie Drive Annie L. CJalton, 611 South 6th Street Cora R. Helms, Rte 2- Box 311, City J. W. Idilliams, 2321 Shirley Drive Celia Jones, 815 South 4th Street lieo E. Sykes, 2204 Chestnut Street John Niurrell, Wilmington, N. C. Lee G. Norman, Gen.Del.Kure Beach,NC. Clarence Blanks, 1122 South 8th SLreet John W. Sellers, 56 llexter Street Robert Sneed, Rte.l-Box 443 Laurie Adger, 113 South bth Street W. Taliaferro Ilughe s,1121 Country Club Road C. S. Everett, 3 Colonial Drive Lawrence Will.iams, 715 Brunswick Robert Lee Turner, 12 Greenville Avenue Bruce Deschamps, 2208 Mimosa Place Glenn Di..Tucker, P.O.Box 661A,Car.Bch.NC. Minnie E. SJilliams, 402 Queen Street Prank E. Grosse, Gen.Delv.Car. Bch,NC. A. B. Walton, 1014 Market Street Mittie Thornton, 912 North 3rd Street Jack Yarboro, 2715 Burnett Blvd., John C. Anderson, 14 North 26th Street Wm. E. Chinnie, Rte.3-Box 451 B. W. Dunham, 1736 Orange Street Marvin Lee Jones 2914 Adams Street Elizabeth M. Grant, 904 Market Street Sherman L. Schulken ,1912 Pender Avenue R. T. Webster, 109 riorningside Drive Y. A. Millinor, 613 Surry Street Mrs, rlinnie L. Capp s,610 South 6th Street Talmadge Pope, 1316 Oranbe Street George L. Gainey, 409 Church Street C. M. Wilbams, 3107 Adams Street J. R. Stillman, 207 North 26th Street C. J. Benson, 3714 South Ieront Street Charlie Samuel Reav es,1105 Walnut Street H. F. Clardy, Jr., 245 Lalce Forest Pkwy. Claude Llbert Howel l,2834D Jefferson Street Ada E. Hartsfield, 709 Dock Street Alan L..Brown, 214 Pine Grove Drive William Walker, 1011 Queen Street Jas. B. McCumber, % A4arshall Reaity Co. H. T. Wilson, 1414 South 4th Street S. M. Edwards, 105 Lee Avenue E. H. Butler, 3904 South Front Street L. T. Thoma.s, 110 Vance Street John K. Galog, Sr., Box 155, Car. Bch. NC. Lila M. Everett, 124 South llth S1;reet Martha C. Stack, 219 North 17th Street G. W. Edwards, 410 Sunset Avenue R. L. Sarbauch, ICure Bch. Diarshall T. Aufham, Dilsia Nixon, W. A. Whitneq, John Prink, A. Sidbury Francis, C. D. Bullard, Frank P. Neiakirk, Peter G. Valli, Eugene King, Bertrice Sdad.dell, Louise H. Vann, C. S. Willoughby, Alf'red Lee Hudieston, Richard Gregg, Jr., W. F. Keith, Frederick Losae, Linwood E. Williams, Henry C. Bethea, Zanis Poulos liazel J. Savage, Lily J. Peterson, Piary W. Davis, F. M. Vance, R. W. Jarrell, Sr., E. 0. Rivers, 1-1m. G. Hodges, 14m. J. Davis, Hazel M. Stefano Thos. Robertshaw, Clara Warshauer, Wm. M. Mangum, Jr., Ruth Simmons, P. J. Watkins,III Mrs. Nell W. Dicksey, Wm. Louis We11s, Clyde McCall, Willie Chadwick, G. E. N'ormy, H. H. Mallette, James Albro, Burt Bryant, William Mitchell, Elliden Davis, Larry G. Marshall, Edward Meneer Butler, Delma A. McGowan, S. L. Wroton, H. L. Leggett, ICatie L. Bass, B. J. Branch, Jame s 13rooks, Thomas Ureen, Ralph S. Callahan, Ralph D. Walton, Sr., Floyd Wilkins, G. L. Hewlett, W. P. Shepard, W. S. Marsh, Mallie H. Holt, M. B. Thomas, P. C. Teachey,- K. 0. Vance, Mary E. Johnson, Mrs. R. P. Anderson, J. W. Tdenberg, Leroy Willetts, M. F. Canady, Robt. B. Haynes, 34072 Wilshire Blvd. 1207 Queen Street 224 North 7th Street 805 Campbell Street 112 Central Blvd. 214-B Williamson Drive 314 MacRae Street 1917 Chestnut Street 1401 South 3rd Street 1309 Orange Street % Gen, llelv, iJri. Bch., NC. 47 Hudson Drive 280212 Chestnut Street 313 North 9th Street 39 Terrace Cda.lk Rte.2 - Box 232,City 2528 Burnett I31vd., 11 South lOth Street 511 South 5th Street Rte.l-Box 90 Castle Hayne,NC. 102 Lake Shore Drive 420 Aiarket Street - 2719 Oleander Drive 60 Spofford 520 Tdoofl Street Hodges Grill, Car. ]3ch. NC. Box 227, Castle IIayne RTE,3 - Box 212, City 5037 Uleander Drive P.0.13ox 523, City % W. C. Barfie]d,CPA,City 310 Campbell Street 604 Colonial Drive 109 Castl.e Street 407 Nortti 13th Street 2833D Jefferson Drive 834 Dawson Street 1109 Dawson Street 314 South 8th Street 305 South 14th 815 Miller Street 1114 Brooklyn Al1ey 406 North 16th Street 124 N. Hinton Avenue 305 North 7th Street Rte.2 - Box 35 - Cit,y ' 314 Nia,rstellar Street Rte.2-Box 427D - City Box 125, Car, Bch, NC. 2023 Klein Road 412 North 13th Street 1106 llock Street 1092 South 7th Street P1cDonald Drive -418 3612 South Front Street Rte 2.=Box 99, City Rte.l-Castle Hayne,NC 116 Keaton Avenue 3223 South LY^ont Street 2532 Harrison Street Rte.2-Box 180A, City 2524 Van Buren Street 504 South 18th Street 1603 Oran;e Street P. 0. Box 693 Echo Farm, Car.Bch.Rd. 414 South 19th Street 3006 Monroe Street L'; C'? SPECIAL VENIFtF. JURO1tS llRAWN 2/28/58 - Continued J. C. King,Jr., 12-C Lake Village Mrs. r4ary C. Warren, 512 Chestnut Street Win=fred K. Rice, R. M. Spivey, James Carmen Davis, Lennie Gayle Jolly, Ldm, Paul Starling, 0. D. Fowler, P1rs, Marion P. Hayn = i CONVENTIIiN - PRESLNT 3618 Stratford Blvd., Stringfellow, 2233 Acacia Drive 505 E. Shipyard IIlvd., 905 South 8th Street 80 Pinecrest Plcwy. 202 North 7th Street Flilmington, N. C., March 3, 1958. The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Boa.rd of Commissioners was held tliis day in the Commissiouer's Room at 9:30 A.M. PRESLNT: Chairman 'J. M. Hall, Jr., Corrunissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. Mayhan, I3erry A. SJilliams and County Attorney John B. 13i11 and County Auditor and Tax Supervisor T. D. Love. INVOCATION OPENTNG - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman caho requested Dr. J. V. Early, Fastor of Grace riethodist Church to open it with a prayer. TIINUTLS APPHOVAL A copy of the minutes of the meeting hel.d 2/24/55 having been previousl.y been mail- ed to each of the Coiumissioners for reading, P1r. Broadhurst offered a motion that they be ap- ' proved if they were corrected to delete the appearance of Alex M. Trask in the paragraPh re- lating to his pi°esentation of the road Petitien, Mr. Williams seconcled the motion which was unanimously adopted. ? PICTtiRES - ; Representatives of the Girl Scouts were recognired and requested. that since Lheir ? Cookie sales would start next weelc they caould like to have some publieity ancl requestecl a ? - picture making a sa].e to the Convnissioners. Itepresentatives of the American Le;ion were recognized and a picture was marle with them and the Commissialer members. . DRI1!C-IN T11L+'ATRE - (?)? Mr. Joseph E. Piner, representing the citizens of Myrtle Grove Sound Coirununi+,y, was recognized ancl stated that it was rwnored in his neighborhood that a used car dealer by the name of L. G. Harris, Jr., had leased a Drive-In Theatre in the vicinity and proposecl to oPen it for colored patrons. Since it is a white neighborhood it was feared that it wou7.d resu].t as a nuisance. They were seeking information on what steps to take to prevent this from hap- pening. They were advised to confer with the SheriPf, discuss the problem iaith the proposed Ussee and lessor but legally the Board was powerless to act. It was final].y referred to the County Attornev John B. Hill for a recoimnendation after acivisemeizt that a delegation go to see the interested parties. Tir. Holton offered the motion which iaas seconded by AIr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. ON'FICIAL ELECTION RESULTS -(COPY OP OFFICIAL F0W0- "The Clerk presented the returns showino the resul.t of the voting on the questions submitted at the Special Election held in the County of Nesa Hanover on February 15, 1958, made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold t,he election. The returns caere read and considered. ? Conunissioner L. E. Broadhurst moved the adoption of the following Hesolution:d?a,?acmv?l WHLREAS, the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the Special Election held in the County on February 15, 1958, have held said election and have made returns slzowing the result of the voting on the questions submitted at said electi wi and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election; and W11L'REAS, it appears from said returns tha,t the polls for sa.id election were open- ed in each precinct at the polling place prescribed therefor at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M., (Eastern Standard Time) and were continuousiy kept open until 6:30 o'cloclz, P. M. (Eastern Standard Time) and that the voters voting at said election caere required to use ballots in the form prescribed for said. election by the Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners; NOW, THEIiEi'aRE, BE IT RESOLVL+'D by the Board of Canmissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 1. It is hereby determined and dec].ared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 31,625. 2?? The nwnber of voters voting at said electien who voted "YES" on Question No.l was 3,819,,and the niunber of such voters who voted "NO" on sa9.d Question was $9,217, and a majority of the voters of sai.d County qualified to vote and voting at said el.ection voted "NO" on said Question. 3. The number o1' voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Question No.2 was 8,061, and the number of such voters who voted "NO" on said Q,uestiori was 4,910, and a majority of the voters of said County q.ualified to vote and voting at said election voted "YES" on said Question. 4. The nwnber of voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Questien No.3 was 3,692, and the numUer of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 8,930, and a majority of the voters of said County qualified to vote and voting at said election voted "NO" on said Question. 5. The number of voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Question No.4 was 9,230, and the nwnUer of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 3,539, and a majority of the voters of said County qua7.ified to vote and voting at said electioii voted "YES" on said Question. 5913 Park Avenue B. C. Brown, 441 Harper Avenue,Car.Bch.NC.-Chas. S. Wilmington, N. C. C. F. Gosaer; 513 Prineess Street Ottis Caldwell, 216 Francis Marion Dr.-Grady ldindham, 2222 Brandon Road Cecil Wise, es, 324 North 19th Street I