1958-03-03 Regular MeetingC'? SPECIAL VENIFtF. JURO1tS llRAWN 2/28/58 - Continued J. C. King,Jr., 12-C Lake Village Mrs. r4ary C. Warren, 512 Chestnut Street Win=fred K. Rice, R. M. Spivey, James Carmen Davis, Lennie Gayle Jolly, Ldm, Paul Starling, 0. D. Fowler, P1rs, Marion P. Hayn = i CONVENTIIiN - PRESLNT 3618 Stratford Blvd., Stringfellow, 2233 Acacia Drive 505 E. Shipyard IIlvd., 905 South 8th Street 80 Pinecrest Plcwy. 202 North 7th Street Flilmington, N. C., March 3, 1958. The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Boa.rd of Commissioners was held tliis day in the Commissiouer's Room at 9:30 A.M. PRESLNT: Chairman 'J. M. Hall, Jr., Corrunissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., E. R. Mayhan, I3erry A. SJilliams and County Attorney John B. 13i11 and County Auditor and Tax Supervisor T. D. Love. INVOCATION OPENTNG - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman caho requested Dr. J. V. Early, Fastor of Grace riethodist Church to open it with a prayer. TIINUTLS APPHOVAL A copy of the minutes of the meeting hel.d 2/24/55 having been previousl.y been mail- ed to each of the Coiumissioners for reading, P1r. Broadhurst offered a motion that they be ap- ' proved if they were corrected to delete the appearance of Alex M. Trask in the paragraPh re- lating to his pi°esentation of the road Petitien, Mr. Williams seconcled the motion which was unanimously adopted. ? PICTtiRES - ; Representatives of the Girl Scouts were recognired and requested. that since Lheir ? Cookie sales would start next weelc they caould like to have some publieity ancl requestecl a ? - picture making a sa].e to the Convnissioners. Itepresentatives of the American Le;ion were recognized and a picture was marle with them and the Commissialer members. . DRI1!C-IN T11L+'ATRE - (?)? Mr. Joseph E. Piner, representing the citizens of Myrtle Grove Sound Coirununi+,y, was recognized ancl stated that it was rwnored in his neighborhood that a used car dealer by the name of L. G. Harris, Jr., had leased a Drive-In Theatre in the vicinity and proposecl to oPen it for colored patrons. Since it is a white neighborhood it was feared that it wou7.d resu].t as a nuisance. They were seeking information on what steps to take to prevent this from hap- pening. They were advised to confer with the SheriPf, discuss the problem iaith the proposed Ussee and lessor but legally the Board was powerless to act. It was final].y referred to the County Attornev John B. Hill for a recoimnendation after acivisemeizt that a delegation go to see the interested parties. Tir. Holton offered the motion which iaas seconded by AIr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. ON'FICIAL ELECTION RESULTS -(COPY OP OFFICIAL F0W0- "The Clerk presented the returns showino the resul.t of the voting on the questions submitted at the Special Election held in the County of Nesa Hanover on February 15, 1958, made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold t,he election. The returns caere read and considered. ? Conunissioner L. E. Broadhurst moved the adoption of the following Hesolution:d?a,?acmv?l WHLREAS, the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the Special Election held in the County on February 15, 1958, have held said election and have made returns slzowing the result of the voting on the questions submitted at said electi wi and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election; and W11L'REAS, it appears from said returns tha,t the polls for sa.id election were open- ed in each precinct at the polling place prescribed therefor at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M., (Eastern Standard Time) and were continuousiy kept open until 6:30 o'cloclz, P. M. (Eastern Standard Time) and that the voters voting at said election caere required to use ballots in the form prescribed for said. election by the Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners; NOW, THEIiEi'aRE, BE IT RESOLVL+'D by the Board of Canmissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 1. It is hereby determined and dec].ared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 31,625. 2?? The nwnber of voters voting at said electien who voted "YES" on Question No.l was 3,819,,and the niunber of such voters who voted "NO" on sa9.d Question was $9,217, and a majority of the voters of sai.d County qualified to vote and voting at said el.ection voted "NO" on said Question. 3. The number o1' voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Question No.2 was 8,061, and the number of such voters who voted "NO" on said Q,uestiori was 4,910, and a majority of the voters of said County q.ualified to vote and voting at said election voted "YES" on said Question. 4. The nwnber of voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Questien No.3 was 3,692, and the numUer of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 8,930, and a majority of the voters of said County qualified to vote and voting at said election voted "NO" on said Question. 5. The number of voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Question No.4 was 9,230, and the nwnUer of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 3,539, and a majority of the voters of said County qua7.ified to vote and voting at said electioii voted "YES" on said Question. 5913 Park Avenue B. C. Brown, 441 Harper Avenue,Car.Bch.NC.-Chas. S. Wilmington, N. C. C. F. Gosaer; 513 Prineess Street Ottis Caldwell, 216 Francis Marion Dr.-Grady ldindham, 2222 Brandon Road Cecil Wise, es, 324 North 19th Street I ? 30 " Meeting of Aiarch 3, 1958 - Continued 6. A statement showing the number of voters who voted "YES" and the number of voters who voted "N0" with respect to each of said questions, and the number of voters guali- fied to vote at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and signed by at least a majority of the members of the Boa.rd of Commissioners and deliver- ed to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance with Laca, Coavnissioner E. R. hiayhan seconded the motion and the motion was unanimousJ.y adopted. •,?",? The members of the Board votino for the adoption of the iast mentioned Resolution thereupon signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the statement so 6?0 signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement, as required by Law, the following copy of the statement so signed is inserted in the Minutes: STATli110T OF RESULT OP SPEGIAL ELECTION HELD IN THL C4UATTY OP NEL?? HANOVEI't ON I+EI3RUARY 15, 1958 WHEItEAS, by direction of the Board of Camnissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of Nort11 Carolina, the follocaing questions were suUmitted to the qualified vot- ers of said County at the special election held in said County on February 15, 1958: QUESTION N0. 1 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover anprove the borid order which was adopted by:the Board of Commissioners on January 6, 1958, and which (1) authorizes bonds of the County of New }Ianover of the maximum aggregate priilcipal amount of 64,500,000 to finance the erecta.on and equi.pment of a new building or buildings to be use:l as a public hosPital, and the acquisiLion of a suitable site therefor, and (2) also authorizes the ' levy of an annual tax sufficient to Pay the principal of and'interest on the bonds authorized thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds7 QUESTIUN N0. 2 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover approve the Uond order cahich was adopted by the Board of Canmissioners on January 6, 1958, and which (1) authorizes bonds of the County of Neza Hanover of the max- imum aggregate principal amowit of $1,550,000 to finance the erection of new School houses, School garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunch rooms and other similar School plant facilities needed for the Schools in said County, and the erection of additions to and the altera- tion or reconstruction of existing buildings used for such purposes, and the acquisition and installation of equipment required for such new buil.dings or additiocis and the acquisition of any land needed for such purposes, and (2) also authurizes the levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on the bonds authorized thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? QUESTION N0. 3 Shall the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover approve the levy of a special tax of i7ot exceeding ten cents, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable proPerty in said County to finance the cost of operating, equipping and maintaininu a public hospital for the use oP the inhabitants of the County? QUESTION N0.4 Shall the qualified voters of New Hanover County approve the annual levy of a special tax not to exceed Pive cents on each $100 of assessed valua- tion of taxable property within said County to assist in financitig the cost of maintaining a Community College located in New Hanover County, said tax to be levied in place of the present five (5) cents tax noca levied for the main- tenance of [dilmington College? and the said Board oP Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold said election ancl has determined the resial.t of said election to be as hereinafter stated: N014, TLILREFOltE, Said Board of Commissioi7ers hereby makes the following statement of the result of said election, pursuant to the Cuianty b'inance Act of North Carolina: (1) The number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said e].ection was 31,625. (2) The nwnber oP voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Ques- tion No. 1 was 3,819, and the number of such voters who voted "NO" on said Q,uestion was 9,217, and a majority of the voters of said County qualified to vote and voting at said election voted "NO" on said Question. (3) The number of voters voting at sa.id el.ection who voted "XES" on Question No. 2 saas 8,061, and the nwnber of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 4,910, and a majority of the voters of said County qualified to vote and voting at said election voted "1'ES" on said Ruestion. (4) The nwnber of voters voting at said election who voted "YES" on Question No.3 was 3,692, and the number of such voters who voted "NO" on said Question was 8,930, and a majority of the voters of said County qua7.i- fied to vote and voting at said election voted "NO" on said Question. (5) The number of voters voting at said election who voted "Y=S" on Question No. 4 was 9,230, and the ntunber of such voters who voted "A'0" on said Question was 3,539, ancl a majority of the voters of said County quali- fied to vote and votino at said el.ection voted "YES" on said Question. ? Ateeting of A4arch 3, 1958 - Continued Statement of Result of Special Election - Continued IN WITNESS WHE1tEOP, we, the undersigiled members of the Board of Commission- ers of the County of RTexa Hanover, have hereunto set our hands, this 3rd day of March, 1958. /s/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Cnairman /s/ Jas. E. Aolton, Jr, commissioner /s/ E. R. Mayhan Commissioner /s/ L. E. Broadhurst t;omnu.ssioner /s/ Berry A. ldill.iams l:ommissioner ?231 1 Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst moved that the staterlent so signed be approved by the Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original state- ment in tlii.s office and to publish a copy of the statement in the ma.nner provided by Law, , adopted." Coimnissioner E. R. Mayhan seconded the moti.on an(l the motion was unanimously AUliIT 1'AI'P1liP:'P - SCHOOL - Pursuant to unfinished business last weelc at which time payment of the invoice E'a(kw for the services of William C. Barfield, CPA, in checlcing the Boarcl oP Education records, amowlting to $1,925., Mr. Broadhurst offered a motiai that the Chairman cmitact the Board of Education with the request that they share in the payment oP tlzis bill as they requested the Audit, and that mbney sufficient to pay it be transferred from the Emer.-en- cy Fund to the Auditing Fund and appropriated to pay the invoice. This motion was sec- onded by Mr. Pfayhan ancl unaiiimously adopted by the Board. AZALL+'A FliSTIVAL - PANII'HLGTS - Mr. Predrick Willetts, Jr., President of the Azalea Festival Committee, was ? recognized arid explained to the Board that it had been the custom in Lhe past to share. with the City in sending out the literature telling the Public aUout our wonderful Coun- ty and City and the beauty oP our Garclens, Parks, Beaches and the Festival activities, ,T? so this year they were printing and mailing 30,000 pieces at a cost of .?1,200 and that the County's share was one half (1/2) or ?p600. Since several inc?ustrial. firms have been?"'"4` brought to our Conmiunity by the P'estival advertising, Mr. Bro.dliurst offered a motion tliat $600 be appropiiated Prom the Advertising Fxnd to pay this cost and that it be re- placed taith a transfer of $600 from the IncLustrial b'and, this motion was seconded by Mr. Hol.ton and unanimously passed. COUIVTY HOP11; AND N'ARPf - Pursuant to an appointmeilt ATovember 18, 1957, a Committee to study the County Home and Farm situation with the view to determine if the present system of handling • was the most practica,l and efficient or if dispensing %.ith the penal departments, and C,;lF leasing the Home to private individuals for operation as a Boarding Home and hiring all other County services required, were more economical and advisable, Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., L. E. Br.oadhurst a.nd Jas. E. Holton, J'r., reported that they had comPleted such a study and recomrtiended that the present method of handling be continued, as their revieca of the entire opei°ation indicated thaL a saving of not less than $30,000.00 was made in cloing it as at present as compared to the other way of llaizdli_iig. Mr. Sdil.liams Lhen ca].led the Board's attention to the downward trend in doing acaay with County Iiomes and repla.cing them with Boarding Homes so tha,t the Welfare Department could contribute to their uplzeeP. Ae also read excerpts from letters of Tir, Alex McPiahon of the Instutite oP Government as well as Mr, I'rank G. Hall, Chairman of the Board. of I3owan Count,y Commissioners cita.ng ' tlieir experiencesand that he fe3t very firmly, based on their experiences tllat it would be better to eliininate the penal department, lease the Home a.nd ofPer the la.nd adjoin- ing for industrial development and that it woul.d resul.t in the following improvements. 1. Provide a place for old people cheaper, with less sti;ma attached to it. 2. Piake greater use of the prison facili.ties now provided. for t.he State's use. 3. Offer County-owned land for ind.ustrial development increasing taxable property. APter some discussion of the different view-points includin; comuneilts from Mrs. Idelen II.O? Sneeden, Superintendent of Publi.c Welfare, Mr. Mayhan ofPered a motion thatthe report and reconunendation of the Coirunittee to Iceep the County Home for the benefit of the taxpaq- ers of New Hanover County be accepted, this motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and rahen the vote was called all voted in the affirmative except Mr. Wil].iams who cast a"no" vote. The Chairman declared the motion carried and adopted. DOG DESTRUCI'IOR AND llAMAGE Mr. Jas. H. Benson, 910 South 6th Street came before the Board and stated that his baby had been chewed up by a dog ocaned by his wife's uncle, ATick Kolilcas, 515 Meares Street. The dog had been ordered chained and penned by the Health Deplrtment but it had never been put up by its owner as ordered. His baby was mutilated in the face rgquir- ing 59 stitches and is in the Hospital but he does not know how he will. pay the bill and get lzer out. He wanted some help from the County. Since the City is a].so involved, the matter was referred to a j?oy?nt Committee composed of City Attorney Cicero P. Yow and County Attorney John B. Hill for conference and recommendations. Mr. Blake claimed he had 23 Goats destroyed by stray dogs. MALPRACTISE INSURAtdCli - '-- County Attorney John B. Iiill reported that he had investigated the possibility of getting Aialpractise Insurance coverage for the Community Hospital but that there wa.s only one Company who would write it - Lloyd's of London, but the premiums were so exhor- bitant he did not recommend that it be required. Mr. Holton moved that this report be accepted and no P4alpractise Insurance be secured. 'I'his was seconded by Tir. Broa,clhurst anfl carried unanimously. -A r 91fW 32 Minutes of rieeting March 3, 1958 - Continued EQUALI[,ATION AND itEVIEW - Tax Supervisor Love informed the Board that he was arrangin- to notify those persons who are requesting a reassessment oP their property by townships wheiz to appear for presenting their grieviences and aslced them to desi.gnate the schedule thqyi.ntended to follow in hearing them, The County Attorney advised that petitions for reassesment could be presented by tax payers any time up to and including the last day they sat as a Board of Equalization and Review between the da.tes of Dfarcli 17, and April. 7 salZen they complete their duties as such. 'i4iey agreed to convene as such March 17th at 10:30 until 12:30 and on March 19 and 21 at 4:30 until and after they had tliis experience they would be better able to judge what times would suit the people. ? GHtlND JU1tY REYO1tT - A report of the February 1958 Criminal Term Grand Jury caas received and aecept- ed upon motion of P1r. Sdilliams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and filed for record and in- ` forivation. _?? WIlibi1NUTUiV COLLliGli TIiUSTE-E5 = Since the last meeting of the Board and by informal agreement the Chairman announced the appointment of T4essrs. E. L. White and II,E; Payne to be the representatives e?of the County to the Board of Trustees of Sdilmington College. Upon motion of rir. Williams, ? seconded by r1r. Broadhurst this appointmeilt was ratified and approved cananimously today, v 40 F'UOT CHANNliliL - The Chairman informed the Boarfl that he had accompanied the Committee to New Yorlt as authoi^ized for an inter-vieta wiLh American Aterchant T4arine Institute, 11 Broad- iaay, New York in regarcls to practicality of and 1'ossible use for a 40 foot channel from South•Port to the Port of Wiluungton. He thought the trip coas a proPitable one and woul.d brixzg results in time. Piayor J.E. L, idade came in at this juncture and annowiced that he had just received a copy of a letter written by the Ameri.can rierehant Marine Llstitu0e to Col. H.C. Rowlancl as a result of their trip informing him that it was their wliole hearted recoumiendation that a study be made of the waterway impi°ovement project to establish the ? determination of the i2eed, feasibility, and economic justification for deepening the Cape Fear River Channel to 40 feet into the Wilmington Port in order to accomod.ate vessels of additional de.pth iohich cail.l be iiz use Por navigation five or ten years from now. This wnuld be a three phzise ,project iP the study develoPs its feasibility and economic justification. 0[dNEH911IP JWPIlH bfr. Charlton A. Pope, President of the Tax Payers Association of ATew tlanover County, caas recognized and stateil that several weeks ago he har.'1 requested Lhat he be advis- eci who ownecl J'ames [+Iall:er Tfemorial Hospital and what relationship the County had to the hospital. County Attorney John B. Flill informed the Board that he had prepa.red a brief re- ? cently and it was filed with the Clerk of Superior Court shoiving no connections between New Hanover County and James Sdalkr.r hTemorial Hospital, and that it iaas an act of the legis- ..? lature and a self perpetuating Board aPpointed to adr.iinistei^ its affairs. AIr. Holt;on oUser- CYiG that it iaas his unofPicial LuZderstarulin; that oriciilally 2/5 beloriged to the City and 3/5 to the Coutrty only so long as it functions as a hospital., the entire L'i_tle and interest was vested in the Board of 1•ianagers. SYiould iL ever fail. to be useci as a Jlospit.al, tlien all ri;;lits, title, and interest woulci revert Lo the County and City on original basis. R113BON TYING - The Board received a letter from the Chairmail oP the Ceremony Conuriittee, Sames C? C. Bowman, of Brunsiaick County Conunissioners invitiilg ttie New Ilanover Board to c,eremoni.es to ma,rk the closinb of the new inlet oi7 Long Beach, occasioned by the wrath of hiu ri.cane Fiazel. The ceremonies will Uegin at 12:00 o'clock noon Alarch 6, 1955, and the IlonoraUle Luther H. 1Iodges, Governor of'North Carolina, will join the riUbons, s,ymbolic of the clos- ing oP the inlet and will. also Ue the pi^it-icipal speaker of the occasioii. Tlze CYiairman urged 1;lle Board to attend as a gesture of good wi_11 ancl cnurLesy to our neighbors. The Boara wil.l - assemble here at the Court House Thursday- 3/6/58 at 10:30 A.M. to pool their•cars and ma]ce 1;lie trip in one car, Comr.iissioners Parlsing spa.ces a,re to be lePt operi that c1ay. Pli'PI 1'IUA' PU R RELICiF - .^Irs. Ifelen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of PuUlic WelPare presenl:ed a Petition for ;?^ ^ Relief of Christiana Alclmon Baker of 206 Gore's Itow as she was paro,lyzed arid needed constant Ci?B7?`ynursiug eare iahieh her husband haci been trying to rencler ancl *aork pa.rt time•hut that it had become impossible for him to coiltinue aild they recami»ended the Cowzty IIome through f'riencls aud former employer iaho called aUout them. T4r. Holton oPfered a mot:EOn that she be placed in tiie County lIome as requested, this caas seconded by P1r. Sdilli.ams and adopted unail- iimously. _ HEPURT ON kiUAll IMP1tOVlihir;NTS / Conmiissioner 33erry A. Williams announcea Lhat lie and the Eaecutive Seci^etary had n nad a discussion with Pir. C. E. Brown, Division Engineer, of the T17ir?1 Hibhway Division of ?"V?d the State Highway Coimuission about the recoirunendations made anci transmitted to him on FeUruary 13Lh, 1958, aizd tliat his oPfice considerecl the Wrightsvi3le Avenue project number one and he had recoimnended it on that basis so it was set up for improvements this spring Prom Gib- son Avenue to Cape Fear liospital as the traffic countiizdicated tliat was the problem stretch of this thorofare. He indicated that work caould begin before July 1, 1958,•and would come of the General Betterment Fund. He considers Kerr Avenue the next most used and in order Diason- boro Loop Road and Greenvil.le Sound Road but they would have to be delayed u?ztil after the next budget period. • 'PILY CULLLCTIONS - • / ? T1r. Sam W. Johnson, Coizsolidated Tax Collector presented the following report: NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 Prior Uncollected Back i Tax Jtu1e 30,1957 $48,533.19 $22,403.35 $13,612.88 $7,354.68 $3,811.34 $9,130.69 $104,846.13 Collected: July thru February $17,079.98 Balance Due ?p?31,453.21 Collections 1957-58 Total to Marcii 1, 1958 $ 60948.82 0 3,081.06 $1,493.31 $ 394.54 $ 289.34 $ 29,287.95 $15,454.53 $10,531.82 $5,861.37 153,416.80 $80841.35 $ 75,559.08 October $426,931.35 Novemher 145,733.36 December ".;r86,065.54 January $179,752.35 Pebruary$ 59,460.04 $8971,942.94 6 ? C) ,6r y_ D r rli.nutes of Meeting March 3, 1958 Continued DISTHICT r1EETING = The annual series of one-day district meetings for county commissioners, accountants, and county attorneys will be held by the Institute oP Government during half of March and early Apr`il. The meeting for District A'o. 3 of which our county is will be held Thursday April 3rd, 1958 at Elizabethtown,<bebinitiing at-10:00 A.M. All ions were urged to attend. ' IiEPORTS - new dues Schedule as follows: Counties having less than 25,000 peo le will pay $25.00; counties having between 25,000 and 50,000 people will pay ?50.00; coun- ties having betcaeen 50,000 and 100,000 iaill pay $75.00 and counties having over 100,400 people will pay $100.00. • county tlle last a part commiss- ? The following reports were submittecl ofr filing and informa,tion: 1. Veterans Service Office - • ? • • 2. Letter to Mr. H.E. Payne accepting and tlianlting Board for confidence in appoint- to Trustees of Tdilminoton College and pledging faithful performance of duties. W0;6?? 3. Letter to Gol. H.C. Rowland, Jr, regretting it was necessary to decline invita- tion to make the New York trip in behalf of 40 foot channel. 4. Letter to Hanold Dlakepeace, Secondary Roards Officer, enclosing.results of traffic count made in New Hanover unpaved roads for future use in choosing priorities for improvements, ? 5. Public liearing to be held in Jacksonville, Florida to discuss vessel traffic on the Tntra-State Waterway between Norfollc and Ttey Sdest on 30 foot or more vessels using it. • • -?? 6. New letter of the North Carolina Association of Cowlty Commi.ssioners announcing AllJ0U1tNTENT - Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Idilliams the Board adjourned unanimously. `?-- ? '? • .. W.G. FIouck, Executive Secretary 4dilmington, N.C March 1-0, 1958 CONVOCATION - The regular vreekly meeting of the Commissioners wzs held in the Corrunissioners Room at 9:30 A.M. this day. PRL5ENT: Chairman J.M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L.E. Broadhurst, Jas. E: Holton Jr., Frnest R. Mayhan, Berry A. 4:illiams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T.D. Love. OPENIIdG - IAn10CATI0N The meeting was called i;o order b,y the Chairman who called on Rev. Adolph Otersen, Pastor of Rocky Point Presbyterian Church who invoked guidance of the Ho1y Spirit through prayer. MINUTFS APPROVAL Air. Holton•offere3 a motion that the minutes be approved'after the following correction is made; In paragraph headed OI+INERSHIP JWMH add to the bottom after the words "originally'2/5 belonged to the City and 3/5 to the County but so long as it was used for hospital purposes and until such time as it was discontinued as a hospital it wou13 belong to and be under the control of the ownership of the Board of i+lanagers, and neither the City or County would have any jurisdiction in the matter of ownership. Mr. IIroadhurst seconda'>.d this motion and it was unanimously adopted: HOSPITAL BOND BILI.= Pursuant to authorization by the Board at their Deceraber 9,1957 D4x'. Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr, presented . ? his ir,voice for his services, as Assistant County Attorney for assisting in the preparation of the Hospital bond issue, amounting to $450.00 for professional services and $17.26. Mr. Mahan offered a motion that it be paid of the Election Fund; this' was seconded by Mr. Aroadhurst and unanimously passed. TERMITI'S - - The Executive reported the presence of swarms for termites in the Iabora'toryof the Consolidated Health Department and in the'Recorders Court Room. The Board agreed for him to handle and have whatever treat- iA ment seemed'advisable. 'Since we have a Pest Contract witli the Taylor Exterminating Company they agreed to thor-' oughly treat the entire building for termites under a five year warranty for the sum of $375.00. 1 DOG DAMAGE County Attorney John B. Hill reported that he had conferred with City Attorney Cicero P. Yow in refer- ence to the report of Mr. Jas. H. Benson last week stating that his daughter had been lacerated by a dog and that Mr. Yow refused to admit any responsibility of the City at all, Mr. Hill said that Mr. Benson was to confer with him lal;er in connection with his problem of paying the hospital bill. I . . , t STENOGRAPIIE;R - P1r, Williams after remarking that he was convinced that some o££ice help was needed in the work o£ the Executive Secretary offera: a motion that the New Hanover County Cicil Service Commission be asked to interview and screen applicants for employment. This motion was secnnded tiy Mr. Holton, Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute notion that the enplo?ment be delayed until next July lst., at budget time. There iaas no second to the substitute moti.on that the employment be delay e1 until nea:t July lst. at budget time, and it was declared dead by the Chair- man. The original motionwas put and resulted in affirmative vote by all except Mr. Broadhurst who voiced a°No" vote. Mr. Mayhan observed that the Executive Sec:etary shoulii be required to keep a weekly itinerary and report each Alonday morning of his flaily'activities, ' ? 41RIGHTSUILLE BRIDGE - ' ' I?ir. Broadhurst offer ed a motion that the Board go on record again recoirmiending that the Wrightsville ?bt-k? Sound Bridge be named the "C. Heide irask Memorial Bridge" and that a letter be sent to Honorable Luther H. Hodges;` ? Governor; Mr. E. L. White and each of the other members of the State Highway Commission at their March 27th meeting here and recommend it in a body to them, this motion was.seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adoptea. DRIVE-IN THEATRE -A