HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-10 Regular Meeting6 ?
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rli.nutes of Meeting March 3, 1958 Continued
The annual series of one-day district meetings for county commissioners,
accountants, and county attorneys will be held by the Institute oP Government during
half of March and early Apr`il. The meeting for District A'o. 3 of which our county is
will be held Thursday April 3rd, 1958 at Elizabethtown,<bebinitiing at-10:00 A.M. All
ions were urged to attend. '
new dues Schedule as follows: Counties having less than 25,000 peo le will pay
$25.00; counties having between 25,000 and 50,000 people will pay ?50.00; coun-
ties having betcaeen 50,000 and 100,000 iaill pay $75.00 and counties having over
100,400 people will pay $100.00. •
tlle last
a part
The following reports were submittecl ofr filing and informa,tion:
1. Veterans Service Office - • ? • •
2. Letter to Mr. H.E. Payne accepting and tlianlting Board for confidence in appoint- to Trustees of Tdilminoton College and pledging faithful performance of duties. W0;6??
3. Letter to Gol. H.C. Rowland, Jr, regretting it was necessary to decline invita-
tion to make the New York trip in behalf of 40 foot channel.
4. Letter to Hanold Dlakepeace, Secondary Roards Officer, enclosing.results of traffic
count made in New Hanover unpaved roads for future use in choosing priorities for
improvements, ?
5. Public liearing to be held in Jacksonville, Florida to discuss vessel traffic on
the Tntra-State Waterway between Norfollc and Ttey Sdest on 30 foot or more vessels
using it. • • -??
6. New letter of the North Carolina Association of Cowlty Commi.ssioners announcing
Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Idilliams the Board adjourned unanimously.
`?-- ? '? • ..
W.G. FIouck, Executive Secretary
4dilmington, N.C March 1-0, 1958
The regular vreekly meeting of the Commissioners wzs held in the Corrunissioners Room at 9:30 A.M. this
day. PRL5ENT: Chairman J.M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L.E. Broadhurst, Jas. E: Holton Jr., Frnest R. Mayhan,
Berry A. 4:illiams and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T.D. Love.
The meeting was called i;o order b,y the Chairman who called on Rev. Adolph Otersen, Pastor of Rocky
Point Presbyterian Church who invoked guidance of the Ho1y Spirit through prayer.
Air. Holton•offere3 a motion that the minutes be approved'after the following correction is made;
In paragraph headed OI+INERSHIP JWMH add to the bottom after the words "originally'2/5 belonged to the City and
3/5 to the County but so long as it was used for hospital purposes and until such time as it was discontinued as
a hospital it wou13 belong to and be under the control of the ownership of the Board of i+lanagers, and neither
the City or County would have any jurisdiction in the matter of ownership. Mr. IIroadhurst seconda'>.d this motion
and it was unanimously adopted:
Pursuant to authorization by the Board at their Deceraber 9,1957 D4x'. Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr, presented . ?
his ir,voice for his services, as Assistant County Attorney for assisting in the preparation of the Hospital bond
issue, amounting to $450.00 for professional services and $17.26. Mr. Mahan offered a motion that it be paid
of the Election Fund; this' was seconded by Mr. Aroadhurst and unanimously passed.
The Executive reported the presence of swarms for termites in the Iabora'toryof the Consolidated
Health Department and in the'Recorders Court Room. The Board agreed for him to handle and have whatever treat- iA
ment seemed'advisable. 'Since we have a Pest Contract witli the Taylor Exterminating Company they agreed to thor-'
oughly treat the entire building for termites under a five year warranty for the sum of $375.00. 1
County Attorney John B. Hill reported that he had conferred with City Attorney Cicero P. Yow in refer-
ence to the report of Mr. Jas. H. Benson last week stating that his daughter had been lacerated by a dog and that
Mr. Yow refused to admit any responsibility of the City at all, Mr. Hill said that Mr. Benson was to confer with
him lal;er in connection with his problem of paying the hospital bill.
I . . , t
P1r, Williams after remarking that he was convinced that some o££ice help was needed in the work o£ the
Executive Secretary offera: a motion that the New Hanover County Cicil Service Commission be asked to interview
and screen applicants for employment. This motion was secnnded tiy Mr. Holton, Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute
notion that the enplo?ment be delayed until next July lst., at budget time. There iaas no second to the substitute
moti.on that the employment be delay e1 until nea:t July lst. at budget time, and it was declared dead by the Chair-
man. The original motionwas put and resulted in affirmative vote by all except Mr. Broadhurst who voiced a°No"
vote. Mr. Mayhan observed that the Executive Sec:etary shoulii be required to keep a weekly itinerary and report
each Alonday morning of his flaily'activities, '
I?ir. Broadhurst offer ed a motion that the Board go on record again recoirmiending that the Wrightsville ?bt-k?
Sound Bridge be named the "C. Heide irask Memorial Bridge" and that a letter be sent to Honorable Luther H. Hodges;` ?
Governor; Mr. E. L. White and each of the other members of the State Highway Commission at their March 27th
meeting here and recommend it in a body to them, this motion was.seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adoptea.
Minutes of the Neeting March 10, 1958 Continued
? Mr. John B. Hill, County Attorney, reported that pursuant to instructions issued at the
meeting on March 3, 1958 he searched the ].aw with reference to the opening of a theatre £or the
use of colored patrons in a white neighborhood but could find nothing that would prevent such happen-
unless after it was opened it proved to be a nuisance and then it coul.d be closed.
Messrs Foster Elwards, C.S.C. and R.L. Black, Register of Deeds appeared before the Board
? and proposed that their offices be allowed to officially close on Saturdays, especially in view of.
C, ?G the recent action of the Banks, Saving & Loan Associations and other county o£fices closing at the
end of the work week on Friday, Mr. Edtaards said that if his office s{ayed open,.,h1r. Black's must
also but since Recorders Court vras not operating on Saturday there was very little business for either
of the offices to handle. The Board decided to study the matter until nex-t week. Mr. Black thinks
the public should be given opportunity to say what should be done.
County Attorney John B. Hill presentefl a letter from I1oyd S. Elkins, Jr, stating that he
had been asked by Attorney Robert R. Bond to associate with him as counsel for Mr, Samuel N. Page,.Jr
Administrator of the Estate of Dorothea Marie Page, in connection crith a claim against the Community
Hospital and i£ the claim is without merit they wanted to abandon it; but i£ it is just they.wished
to settle it*by reasonable agreement to all concerned, rather than to 7.itigate the matter and damage
? the reputations of a11 institutions and parties involve3. Mr. Holton observed that this ques.tion came
? up before the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital and it was given careful scrutiny an3 delibera-
C\ tion and that a£ter 1;his consideration that the Board unanimously voted to deny the claim stating
among other reasons that if it was settled by compromise in this instance there,would be no end to the
claims that would arise £rom the action, in the future. The County .:4ttorney said he thought it could
be settled £or $1000 and it might be compromised for $$750. After some discussion among the menbers of
the Board,Holton offered a motion that it be denied and disallowed, this motion was seconded by Mr.
Williams and unanimously adopted.
, .
The National Association of County Officials have been honored by being named cosponsor of
the Public 0£Ficials Conference o£ P*esident'Eisenhower's Committee for Traffic Sa£ety. The purpose
o£ the conference taas to determine from County Officials, Mayors, and Governors positive steps that
could be taken to reduce loss of life and injury on the highways,
- The State Highway_Commission acknowledged receipt of petition and;Form SRr2 requesting addi-
tion of roads in Fifie Ualley Esi:ates and pledged full consideration.
?p -!d A hiemorandum was received from Harold Makepeace, Secondary Roads 0££icer, attaching a"Gen-
erel Policy for Secondary Roads" approved by the Highway Commission Alarch 3, 1958. This outline will
control the action of the Commission in its future decisions regarding Secondary roads in the county.
k He asks'for any cotnments or recommendations after it has been studied. ''
? The regular mbnthly Narratibe Report of the Home Agent, Miss VernaBelle Lowery and the
? V Assistant Home 7?gent Dliss Cornelia' Q. ?nTilliams, ?
'The Wilmington Public Library submitted its report for the Month of February thraugh the
Librarian Katherine Howe11, showing their activities.
There being no further business Mr. Broadhurst moved adjournnent, seconded by Mr. Holton.and
unanimously adopted by the Board,
Ti7.G. Ho&k/. ?xecutive Secretary _
Y7ilmington, N.C: Nrirch 1.71 1958
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Coinmissioners was held this
day at 9:30 A.M. PRFoEIVT Chairman J.M. Hall, Jr. Cormnissioners L.E. Broadhurst, J.E. Holton Jr., Ernest
R. Nayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorn6y John B. Hill and County Au.ditor T.D. Love.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman calling for order and requesting Rev. E.E. Kirtin ?
Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church to invoke Divine presence through prayer,
The minutes of th'e rueeting held March 10, 1958 having previously been mailed to each member
of the Board £or review; were, upon motion of Ntr. Holton, seconded by Mr. ?illiams, approved with the
following corrections: 1- Paragraph titled "H(aSPITAL BOND BILL" authorizing the ps,yment of an invoice
from Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr., for services.as assistant to the G,lunty Attorney in the preparation and pre-
sentation of the recent bond election, should read appropriation from the Election Flaxid instead of the
Extra Legal Help Fund in the Commissioners budget.° 2-Faragraph headed °STENOGRAPHER" the line reading
"screen applicants for employment"should read"" screen applicants and enploy a stenographer"'.
Messrs Henry Carter and Hugh McPnatter, Rt.#2, Box 185 & 181 respectively came in before the
Board requesting relief from standing water on their properties, On January 9, 1958 these men appeared
and informed the Executive Secretary and Dave W. Rivenbark that water iaas standing 411' deep in their"
yards and gardens. Yie 9mmediately investigated and found that the only standing water at either place
was in a£ew pucidles or lower palces in the yards as it will in any place after a rain. We also found
that if they wi11 ditch their own properties to the water level of the higfiaay ditches, it will greatly
help to drain the excess surface water from their yards and gardens. To drairi tHe ar:ea would require
a dragline and right-0f-rray permission which they are unable to secure to this date and the benefit '
would not justify the cost to the'County. The Chairman suggested we continue to put this on the agenda
and for the interested parties see if they could get the necessary right-o£ way grants £rom property
owners iaho live in Florida.