1958-03-17 Regular Meeting?34 Minutes of the Neeting March 10, 1958 Continued DRIVE-IN THEATRE - ? Mr. John B. Hill, County Attorney, reported that pursuant to instructions issued at the meeting on March 3, 1958 he searched the ].aw with reference to the opening of a theatre £or the use of colored patrons in a white neighborhood but could find nothing that would prevent such happen- unless after it was opened it proved to be a nuisance and then it coul.d be closed. SATURDAY CLOSII4G - Messrs Foster Elwards, C.S.C. and R.L. Black, Register of Deeds appeared before the Board ? and proposed that their offices be allowed to officially close on Saturdays, especially in view of. C, ?G the recent action of the Banks, Saving & Loan Associations and other county o£fices closing at the end of the work week on Friday, Mr. Edtaards said that if his office s{ayed open,.,h1r. Black's must also but since Recorders Court vras not operating on Saturday there was very little business for either of the offices to handle. The Board decided to study the matter until nex-t week. Mr. Black thinks the public should be given opportunity to say what should be done. COIiHUNITY HOSPITAL - County Attorney John B. Hill presentefl a letter from I1oyd S. Elkins, Jr, stating that he had been asked by Attorney Robert R. Bond to associate with him as counsel for Mr, Samuel N. Page,.Jr Administrator of the Estate of Dorothea Marie Page, in connection crith a claim against the Community Hospital and i£ the claim is without merit they wanted to abandon it; but i£ it is just they.wished to settle it*by reasonable agreement to all concerned, rather than to 7.itigate the matter and damage ? the reputations of a11 institutions and parties involve3. Mr. Holton observed that this ques.tion came ? up before the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital and it was given careful scrutiny an3 delibera- C\ tion and that a£ter 1;his consideration that the Board unanimously voted to deny the claim stating among other reasons that if it was settled by compromise in this instance there,would be no end to the claims that would arise £rom the action, in the future. The County .:4ttorney said he thought it could be settled £or $1000 and it might be compromised for $$750. After some discussion among the menbers of the Board,Holton offered a motion that it be denied and disallowed, this motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. NISCFd,LANFAUS REPORTS - , . The National Association of County Officials have been honored by being named cosponsor of the Public 0£Ficials Conference o£ P*esident'Eisenhower's Committee for Traffic Sa£ety. The purpose o£ the conference taas to determine from County Officials, Mayors, and Governors positive steps that could be taken to reduce loss of life and injury on the highways, - The State Highway_Commission acknowledged receipt of petition and;Form SRr2 requesting addi- tion of roads in Fifie Ualley Esi:ates and pledged full consideration. ?p -!d A hiemorandum was received from Harold Makepeace, Secondary Roads 0££icer, attaching a"Gen- erel Policy for Secondary Roads" approved by the Highway Commission Alarch 3, 1958. This outline will control the action of the Commission in its future decisions regarding Secondary roads in the county. k He asks'for any cotnments or recommendations after it has been studied. '' ? The regular mbnthly Narratibe Report of the Home Agent, Miss VernaBelle Lowery and the ' ? V Assistant Home 7?gent Dliss Cornelia' Q. ?nTilliams, ? 'The Wilmington Public Library submitted its report for the Month of February thraugh the Librarian Katherine Howe11, showing their activities. ADJOURNMM - There being no further business Mr. Broadhurst moved adjournnent, seconded by Mr. Holton.and unanimously adopted by the Board, ? Ti7.G. Ho&k/. ?xecutive Secretary _ Y7ilmington, N.C: Nrirch 1.71 1958 COtNOCATION - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Coinmissioners was held this day at 9:30 A.M. PRFoEIVT Chairman J.M. Hall, Jr. Cormnissioners L.E. Broadhurst, J.E. Holton Jr., Ernest R. Nayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorn6y John B. Hill and County Au.ditor T.D. Love. INVOCATION - ' ' The meeting was opened by the Chairman calling for order and requesting Rev. E.E. Kirtin ? Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church to invoke Divine presence through prayer, MINUTES APPROVAL The minutes of th'e rueeting held March 10, 1958 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board £or review; were, upon motion of Ntr. Holton, seconded by Mr. ?illiams, approved with the following corrections: 1- Paragraph titled "H(aSPITAL BOND BILL" authorizing the ps,yment of an invoice from Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr., for services.as assistant to the G,lunty Attorney in the preparation and pre- sentation of the recent bond election, should read appropriation from the Election Flaxid instead of the Extra Legal Help Fund in the Commissioners budget.° 2-Faragraph headed °STENOGRAPHER" the line reading "screen applicants for employment"should read"" screen applicants and enploy a stenographer"'. DITCHInG - COhPIAINT Messrs Henry Carter and Hugh McPnatter, Rt.#2, Box 185 & 181 respectively came in before the Board requesting relief from standing water on their properties, On January 9, 1958 these men appeared and informed the Executive Secretary and Dave W. Rivenbark that water iaas standing 411' deep in their" yards and gardens. Yie 9mmediately investigated and found that the only standing water at either place was in a£ew pucidles or lower palces in the yards as it will in any place after a rain. We also found that if they wi11 ditch their own properties to the water level of the higfiaay ditches, it will greatly help to drain the excess surface water from their yards and gardens. To drairi tHe ar:ea would require a dragline and right-0f-rray permission which they are unable to secure to this date and the benefit ' would not justify the cost to the'County. The Chairman suggested we continue to put this on the agenda and for the interested parties see if they could get the necessary right-o£ way grants £rom property owners iaho live in Florida. L_ i e e? ?9 • Mimhtea of the Meeting March 17, 1958 Continued STREET USE - • • ' ' ?? Mr. Frank W. Cook, 304 North 43rd St., was recognized and stated that he had•opened Maple Street alongside his property in order to get to the rear of his house. Naple is an undedeloped street, . although it is ahown on a recorded msp. Since he cleared oxily drivewey for his own use•he thinks the (2 aovtrF.,? trucks of the Robert N,.Moore Plwnbing Company should not use it as a public entrance to their place. The County Attornep ruled that ainee it was shown on a recorded-map there was no action the Board could take with reference to cl'sing the street or atopping it from being used by the publics•and reconnnended that he see a lawqer for action on the damage inflicted on his car by the trucks of the plumbing compeqy. AIIDIT PAYMENT - $CHOOL • • It was the intent of the Board ia their action on this aubject March 3rd, 1958'that the in- ° voice of W.C. Barfield for $1,925 in payment of his audit of the county-school funda be paid•regard- less of the possibilities of some remuneration from the Board of Education. It was held pending dis- cussion with the school'?.officisls. It has been approved for payment now. • SATURDAY CLQSING - Clerk of Superior Court . L' ??• C? The County Attorney was not ready to rule on the request of the Clerk of Court and the Regis- ter of Deeds for closing their offices on Saturdays as proposed in the meeting of March 10, 1958. It is to be put on the agenda next week. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT DISTRICT - -„ • = ' .Mr. John Alex N,cMahon requested an answer to his request for.attendance from Nex Hanover county at the Distric& Meeting of the Institute of Government to be held in ELizabethtown at 10:00 A.M. April 3, 1958. He was informed that.there would•be aeven(7) in attendance for meals. II.FJCTION BOARD ADVANCE .- . ' _"? Mr. Henry C. Fost, Chairman of the New Hanover Covnty Board of Elections was recognized and r`'?-?? requested the Board to advance $1,500 for administrative expense incident to the coming May election. ?4?'?'" He explained that there was elrrays some cost to the preparation for such election and the treasury of the Election Board was.depleted. Mr. Broadhurst, after making sure that it was to be a part of the cost of the regular May 31, election, offered a motion that $1,500 advance be made for this purpose; Mr. Will- iams offered the second and.the Board was unanimous in adopting. . Mr. Bost further reminded the Board that if they contemplated presenting the $650,000 tax levy iesue for,Wilmington Community College at the next election it wou7.d be necessary to begin prepara- tions soon because of the legal requirements for advance registrations and too they are planning on split- ting the Masonboro voting precinet and making the Myrtle Grove-Castle Hayne cut-off the dividing line. ' Since all the Trustees are not yet appointed and it will take time to appoint, organize and formally re- quest the Conmissioners td approve such an election he urged that some action be taken. The bcecutive Secretary was suthori2ed to write a letter reminding the Board of Fducation of the limited time for pc- pediting the election machinery. , POLICY N.C. NATIONAL GUARD EhII'LOYEFS - A letter from the Adjutant General's Departmment of the North Carolina National Guard was re- ceivd from Major General Capus Waynick outlining the invaluable part this unit contributes to the Nat- ionsl Defense program of our ATation. A£ present it has a strength of 11,136 officers and men distribut- ed in 140 units strategically located in 102 communities, He observes that it is a dual role reserve conmnded by the President in times of national need and by the Governora-at other times. He solicits the fu11 cooperation of county officials and the National Guard Coromander in each community and particu- larly in the allowance of two weeks leave with pay in addition to the regular vacation periods of all employees xho are a£filiated with the NCNG. Mr, Holton offered a motion that the letter be aclmowledged and this county, coop'erate in the program; Mr. Williams seconde.d the motion and it was unanimously, adopt- ed. . ,. . _ . . , . . DRAINAGE DAMAGE CLAIM - A letter was received from attorney Isaac C. Wright in behalf of his cliants W.W. and Frances M. All alleging $3,500 damage to tYkeir property because of taking part of their land partial]y from both aides of Wallace Avenue for drainage*purposes, and flooding their land and lots with water. Said lands are described in a deed recorded in Book 258, page 503 of the Necr Hanover Countq Registry. This letter was referred to County Attorney John B. Hill for handling. ?.?...,?d.?. e, ?-?l ROAD POLICY CHANGED - ' , . Copies of lettera informing petitioners of aYc'hange in .policy of the Department of Secondary Roada were received relative to the following roads petitions xhich were not added for one reason being the paving requirements were not met. This requirement has now been deleted and 'if other requirements are met then the petition aill not be denied because of the non-standard.pavement. W.H. Bonham Dogwood'Drive Rt. #3, Box 462 N.E. Dixon Siler Avenue Rt. #2, N(yrtle Grove Sound S.B. Ledbetter Hanby, Ocean View,Myrtle & Daw Ane. Wilmington Beach, N.C. W.C. Loftin Seaview Road Rt. #2, Box223 Yqrtle Grove Sound REPORTS AS FOLIDWS Farm Agent' Negro Home Denonstrat on Wilmington Colored Li Allotments and Appeal ? Public Welfare ? ' Corps of Ehg'ineers I1. D. Baggett Statistical R. L. Hall Narrative , E. L. Shober Circulation R. E. Brown termination Alex Lashley allotment Ellen Winston Statistics H. C. Rowland, Jr Reply American Merchant Marine Inatitutet Inc. -? JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for ?un?? the trial bf Criminal cases'for the one (1) week term beginning April 7. 1958 (The liat vill be inserted U when these minutes are put into the permanent record Book) They are'as followa: E.C. Beck 1807 Nun Street C. C. York 2119 Brandon Road J. L. Ring, Jr 1502 arange St. Wm. B. Hi11 Jr 2720 Monroe St. Jas. D. Yopp 9 Northern Blvd. Phillip B. Ross 2025 Klein Road I3ndsay A. Odom 5013 Oleander Dr R. D. Davis 617 Rosemont Ave. C. H. IIlia 105 Stradleigh Rd l, Herbert Bluetlaenthal Jr. Theodore MELvrogianis 0. M. Marshburn Leon Blaustein Robert T. McMillan W.G. ltrining J. C. Bridgers . G. C. McIntire R. R. Driggers 1704 Market Street 701 Ndrthern Blvd. Rt.# 3, Box 358 502 South 17th'St.., Rt.# 3, Box 220 Rt.# 11, Box 195AA 2710 Jackaon Street 4815 Wrightsville Ave. 2215 K7-ein Road I ?6)36 Minutes of the Meeting MArch 17, 1958 Continued JUtt7C. (Coatinued) R. A. Harts 909 South Front Street Geo. G. Lynch 418 Forest Aills Dr Fdgar C. Moore 2868 F. Jeffereon 5t. Jame's S. Boone 2402'Eelvedere Rd James H. Brown 223 Pinecrest Pkwy Corum G. Berry 1902 Perry Ave. Frank P, Byrne 719 Windaor Drine Ctiarles FI. Block 219 Forest Hilla Dr D. B. Packard Jr 2216 Oleander Drive Roscoe Corbett Marshall Realty Co. L. B. Carter 2120 Gibson Avanue E. N. Kinlaw 19 Norningside Drive H. H. Bowles 1923 Woolcott Ave. Henry V. Chason 2802 Chestnut Street Dennia 0'Sullivan P.O. Box 643 Marvin Thomas 1116 Park Avenue C. E. Thompeon, Jr Eduin McDowell Thurman Barnhill Beverley Berkeley Jr L.M. Jenkina J. T. Carroll R.D. Hatcher R.M. Grissom Roy D. Voshall Helen N. Flassell J.R. Dobaon L. K. Branch , Stacy T. Hollis Herbert A. armsby George Tenuts Alfonzo Butler 2834 South Front S:treet 229 Celhoun Drive 21 Lee Drive 1336 South Live Oak Pkwy 217 Midland Drive 4525 Market Street 2128 Klein Road 402 Central Blvd. 2267 (hmellia IIrive 2815 Park Avenue 2263 Mimosa Place 1106 Cypress Drive 2510 Harrison Street 25 West Drine 816 Windsor Drive 221 Vance Street OATH The following oath was administered to the members of the.Board of Connty Commissionera: "I do solemnlq awear (or affirm) that I will faithflillq discharge my duties as e member of the Board of Fqualization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina; and that I will not allow my, actions as a member os said Board to be in£luenced by personal or political friendshipa or obligations." . Signed: /s/ J, M. Hall. Jr Wilmington, N.C. Chairman Si.gned: /sl Berrq A= ltilliams March 17, 1958 Coimnissioner . Signed: /s/ L. S, Broadhurst Sworn to and subscribed to Commissioner before me this the 17th Signed: /s/ Ernest R. Mavhan day of Marchp 1958 Comnissioner , Signed: Is/ Jas. E. Holton. Jr Foster Fdwards , Comisaioner CLERK Si7PERIOR COURT ADJOURNFfENT - There being no flurther business before the Board of Coffioi.ssioners Mr. Holton offered a motion to adjourn as a Board of Commissioners and immediately convene ae a Board of Equalization and Reviesr for the purpose of hearing requests for resssessments from property o ra; this motion was seconded by Mr. 1lilliams and unanimously adopted. / ? W. G: Houck, FScecutive Secretarq Minutes of the Meeting Yarch 24, 1958 CONU IIdTION - The regular ueekly meeting of the New Hanover County+ Board of Coffiuissioners was held thie dap at 9:30 R. M. in the Commissioners Room. PRFSINT: Chairman'J.M. Hall, Jr. Commiesioners L.E. Broadhurat, J. E. Holton, Jr. E. R. Nayhan, Berry A. Williams and County 6ttorney John B. Hill and County Auditor-1gx Supervisor T. D. Love. OPENING - • • The Chairman eslled the meeting to order and asked Rev. T. B. Henry, Pastor of the Pente- costal Holiness Church to invoke divine tiriadom from on high, and lead in prayer. MINUTFB APPROVAL - ' Mr. Holton offered a motion that the minutes of the meeting held March 17 be approved as vritten; this motion seconded by Mr. Mayhan and adopted unanimously. LITTLE LEAGIIE PARK - rnG`? Mr. Lloyd D. Dunn, representing the Winter Park Optimist Club which sponsers the Little League ? in that area, was recognized and explained that the fence around the pl.ayground needed repairing or replacing in many places? and-said that he had investigated the probable cost for xire and 'posts which amovnted approximately $150.00. The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has promiaed them some erosa-arms which can be used as posts. Mr. Williams moved that the matter be plaoed in the handa of the EScecutive Secretary with instructions to proceed with the erection of the fende'snd authorized an expenditure not to exceed $150.00 ( I talked to Mr. Farrow later and he says it will be aeveral weeka before he can do anything about this project. He suggested that when the old barns were demoliahed at the County Farm sufficient ltunber could'be salvaged to make the top and bottom of the fence.) The motion was secondeti by Mr. Msyhan and Unanimouely carried. EUREKA LAND CORPORATION - ' ' Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, representing the Eureka Iand Corporation, N. H. Modinos, President; ,Developers of a Subdivision lmown as Green MeadoNS, appear'ed before the Board -.-and was recognized. He ststed that thep were opening a nerr area in xhich they contemplated selling lots and building houses which would increase the taxsble valvation in the county. He said that a ditch wae needed to drain the property and that it would require a dragline operation to cut a camlf"rom the John C. ' ,. Leeuenburg Dairy to Smith's Creek.' Mr. Von Oesen promised to have one of his engineers run the D1w'"44-V" levels and grades if ae would'let him ]mow when it could be done. Mr. Broadhurst observed that it posaibly could be done uith haad labor since the money set aside for the dragline salary operation was exhausLed. Mr. Vori Oesen informed him that they had a contractor on the job and that he had been'held up becauae of inclenent w?ther for fovr monthe and that they hafl quite a?sum of money involved. Bq coTrnon'consent it was decided to refer it to Dave W. Rivenbark for an inapection and recomoeridation. SPECIAL SHOPPING Mr. Richard A. Shew was recognized.and ststed that he did not come with artiy'quarrel or ax{y idea of Creating any controversy, but recognizing that tiusiness was not as good up town as it Dught to be he thought some coneideration should..be given to promotion business from the officer's wiveffi from Camp LeJeune. He auggested a Special Shopping conveyance, either Bus or tcain, for the exclusive use of ? ,