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Minutes of the Meeting MArch 17, 1958 Continued
JUtt7C. (Coatinued)
R. A. Harts 909 South Front Street
Geo. G. Lynch 418 Forest Aills Dr
Fdgar C. Moore 2868 F. Jeffereon 5t.
Jame's S. Boone 2402'Eelvedere Rd
James H. Brown 223 Pinecrest Pkwy
Corum G. Berry 1902 Perry Ave.
Frank P, Byrne 719 Windaor Drine
Ctiarles FI. Block 219 Forest Hilla Dr
D. B. Packard Jr 2216 Oleander Drive
Roscoe Corbett Marshall Realty Co.
L. B. Carter 2120 Gibson Avanue
E. N. Kinlaw 19 Norningside Drive
H. H. Bowles 1923 Woolcott Ave.
Henry V. Chason 2802 Chestnut Street
Dennia 0'Sullivan P.O. Box 643
Marvin Thomas 1116 Park Avenue
C. E. Thompeon, Jr
Eduin McDowell
Thurman Barnhill
Beverley Berkeley Jr
L.M. Jenkina
J. T. Carroll
R.D. Hatcher
R.M. Grissom
Roy D. Voshall
Helen N. Flassell
J.R. Dobaon
L. K. Branch ,
Stacy T. Hollis
Herbert A. armsby
George Tenuts
Alfonzo Butler
2834 South Front S:treet
229 Celhoun Drive
21 Lee Drive
1336 South Live Oak Pkwy
217 Midland Drive
4525 Market Street
2128 Klein Road
402 Central Blvd.
2267 (hmellia IIrive
2815 Park Avenue
2263 Mimosa Place
1106 Cypress Drive
2510 Harrison Street
25 West Drine
816 Windsor Drive
221 Vance Street
The following oath was administered to the members of the.Board of Connty Commissionera:
"I do solemnlq awear (or affirm) that I will faithflillq discharge my duties as e member of the Board
of Fqualization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina; and that I will not allow my, actions
as a member os said Board to be in£luenced by personal or political friendshipa or obligations."
. Signed: /s/ J, M. Hall. Jr
Wilmington, N.C. Chairman
Si.gned: /sl Berrq A= ltilliams
March 17, 1958 Coimnissioner .
Signed: /s/ L. S, Broadhurst
Sworn to and subscribed to Commissioner
before me this the 17th Signed: /s/ Ernest R. Mavhan
day of Marchp 1958 Comnissioner
, Signed: Is/ Jas. E. Holton. Jr
Foster Fdwards , Comisaioner
There being no flurther business before the Board of Coffioi.ssioners Mr. Holton offered a
motion to adjourn as a Board of Commissioners and immediately convene ae a Board of Equalization
and Reviesr for the purpose of hearing requests for resssessments from property o ra; this motion
was seconded by Mr. 1lilliams and unanimously adopted. /
? W. G: Houck, FScecutive Secretarq
Minutes of the Meeting Yarch 24, 1958
The regular ueekly meeting of the New Hanover County+ Board of Coffiuissioners was held thie
dap at 9:30 R. M. in the Commissioners Room. PRFSINT: Chairman'J.M. Hall, Jr. Commiesioners L.E.
Broadhurat, J. E. Holton, Jr. E. R. Nayhan, Berry A. Williams and County 6ttorney John B. Hill
and County Auditor-1gx Supervisor T. D. Love.
The Chairman eslled the meeting to order and asked Rev. T. B. Henry, Pastor of the Pente-
costal Holiness Church to invoke divine tiriadom from on high, and lead in prayer.
Mr. Holton offered a motion that the minutes of the meeting held March 17 be approved as
vritten; this motion seconded by Mr. Mayhan and adopted unanimously.
rnG`? Mr. Lloyd D. Dunn, representing the Winter Park Optimist Club which sponsers the Little League
? in that area, was recognized and explained that the fence around the pl.ayground needed repairing or
replacing in many places? and-said that he had investigated the probable cost for xire and 'posts
which amovnted approximately $150.00. The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has promiaed
them some erosa-arms which can be used as posts. Mr. Williams moved that the matter be plaoed in the
handa of the EScecutive Secretary with instructions to proceed with the erection of the fende'snd
authorized an expenditure not to exceed $150.00 ( I talked to Mr. Farrow later and he says it will
be aeveral weeka before he can do anything about this project. He suggested that when the old barns
were demoliahed at the County Farm sufficient ltunber could'be salvaged to make the top and bottom
of the fence.) The motion was secondeti by Mr. Msyhan and Unanimouely carried.
Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, representing the Eureka Iand Corporation, N. H. Modinos, President;
,Developers of a Subdivision lmown as Green MeadoNS, appear'ed before the Board -.-and was recognized.
He ststed that thep were opening a nerr area in xhich they contemplated selling lots and building
houses which would increase the taxsble valvation in the county. He said that a ditch wae needed to
drain the property and that it would require a dragline operation to cut a camlf"rom the John C. '
,. Leeuenburg Dairy to Smith's Creek.' Mr. Von Oesen promised to have one of his engineers run the
D1w'"44-V" levels and grades if ae would'let him ]mow when it could be done. Mr. Broadhurst observed that it
posaibly could be done uith haad labor since the money set aside for the dragline salary
operation was exhausLed. Mr. Vori Oesen informed him that they had a contractor on the job and that
he had been'held up becauae of inclenent w?ther for fovr monthe and that they hafl quite a?sum of
money involved. Bq coTrnon'consent it was decided to refer it to Dave W. Rivenbark for an inapection
and recomoeridation.
Mr. Richard A. Shew was recognized.and ststed that he did not come with artiy'quarrel or ax{y
idea of Creating any controversy, but recognizing that tiusiness was not as good up town as it Dught to
be he thought some coneideration should..be given to promotion business from the officer's wiveffi from
Camp LeJeune. He auggested a Special Shopping conveyance, either Bus or tcain, for the exclusive use of
b ?? ,
Meeting of the Minutes Msrch 24, 1958 Continued
S:PECIAL SHOPPING (Continued) ^ ? shoppers, It has recently come to hia attention that many of. the officer.'s.will not per-
mit their wives to drive on the dsngerous road from Jackaoriville to Wilmington. He also suggested
•that we encourage shoppers form N(yrtle Beach and Lumberton anfl neighboring counties composing the
"TMback country" of our potential market. Mr. Williams suggeated that:the idea be referred to the ,.
Military Affairs Committee and Mr. Broadhurst suggested it•should be referred to the.Merchants ,
Association.Mr. Love also said it was being discussed by them. 5 DAY WEIIC, CLERK OF SLT1'ERIOR COURT AND REGISTER OF DEED6
Mr. Foster Fdtirards, Clerk of Superior Court was recognized and read a letter from the
Assiatant Attorney General relating•to the proviso oP G.S. 2-24 giving the County Coffinissioners
authority to allow closing of the Clerk of Stiperior Court on Saturdays. He atates that °in the
absence of local legislation authorizing same it is his opinion that G.S. 2-24 does•not authorize
the County Commisaionera to put the office of GSC on a five-daq worlnreek basis."
While Mr. Fdwan3s was addressing the Board on the above he reminded them that on next Sat-
urday March 29 the Azalea Festival Parade would be held and requested them to authorize a holiday ?
£or his office. At this time, the Dcecutive Secretary called attention to Dsster Mondaq which had
been obaerved in the past as a holiday. Mr. Holton offered a motion that both the above requesta be
grantedy this motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimouslp adopted.
The Fbcecutive Secretary reminded the Board that xhile each member of the Board had agreed
on the Board of Directors named for the Couununity Hospital, as authorized on 9/30/579 no official
ratification rras recorded.. . . . . .
The follouing Nunc pro tunc action was taken: December 5, 1957. T1ie Chairman -
the names of the following men as eppointments to ,
serve on,the Board of Directors of the Community
Mr, Beecher P. Adkins 416 North 7th Street
Mr. E. M. Butler 505 North 7th Street '
, Mr. W. M. Cameron, Jr. 187 Pinecrest Parkway
Mr. W. D. Cempbell 1211 Orange Street
Mr, W. Gordan Doran 2715 Columbia Avenue ,
Mr. J. E. Holton, Jr 238 Forest Hilla Drine
, Dr. A. P. Kell,p, Temporary Chairman 2931 Hqdrangea Place
Dr. M.N. Leary 506 Red Cross Street
Mr. T. D. Love 208 South 5th Street
IIpon motion of Mr. Williams, seoonded by Mr. Broadhurat the above appointments were unan-
imously approned by the Board. ,
The following petitions were presented for approval and transmittsl to the State Highway
Commission for improvemente: '
Marvin B. Broxn 107 South "th St., Asphalt Pavement
Leonard J. Johnaon 103 Bell Street - Drain, Rock and pack.
Mr. Broadhurst moved and Mr. Willims seconded the motion that the petitiona be approved and forwarded
to the State Highvay Gbmmission for investigation and approval.
Letter from the Msdical Records Department dated March 18, informed the Board that Willie
Myers, 823 Railroad Street, has been transferred to the TB Sanitorium at McCain, N.C. and a lettes
from the Administrator informing the Board that the recently installed boiler was not operating en-
tirely satisfactoril,y because of electric controls, etoker and front doors. By common consent this
is to be 'referred to the Glnnber-Moore Company and the County Attorney.
Mr. E. L. White, State Highway Commissioner, celled the Board's attention to an aditorisl in the March 17, 1958 issue of the Charlotte Observor stating that the McDonaTd Committee recommenda S
a special adjustment of office be established as a permanent unit of local goroernment, staffed by two
professional appraisera to keep e continual check on real estate values providing year-to-year
appraisals designed.to assure an equitable system of taxation.
A letter f rom the Town Council of Carolina Beach expressing gratefulness for the promise
oP some dragline ditching which they deacribed as "impossible to over-emphsaize the need° in the
near fl.iture was read for the information of the Board. No action was required.
Pursuant to the letter from Attorney Isaac C. Wright in behalf of alleged damage to the L'c7
property of W. W. & Francea M. Allp which w as referred to County Attorneq John B. Hill last veak, 117kff.?..
s committee composed of Chairman Hall and Commissioners Broadhurst and Mffiqhan, was approved by the ly?l*?
Board upon motion of Mr. Holton and seconded by Mr. Williams, to assiat in determining a reccomenda-
tion for handling, and a report back to the Hoard. .
A check No. 1956 dated March 20, 1958 was received from the Wilmington Association of -?--
Insurance Agenta, Inc.: representing unearned premium on the the.boiler insurance which was recently
cancelle3 by the fiartford Steam Boiler Inspection ahd Insurance.Compsr?q through their local 9gent,
Harold W. Wella & Son; amoutiting to $192.12. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, aeconded bp Mr. Mayhan,
the Board unanimouslp accepted the, check and ordered it put into the Hospitali2ation Flund.
Mr. F. A. Downing, Director Buresu of Rates, Industry and Co.mmercet for the Citp of Wil-
mington had requested permission to Petition for leave to Intervene in the Piedmont local Service G?
Area Investigation in the joint name of the County. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, aeconded by
Mr. Williams the permission was granted and the action of the Chairman ratified in the matter.
Mr. Fred W. Eberett of Jacksonville, Fla. requesting that he be alloved to decorate the
Court House £or the Azalea Festival at a cost of $50.00. This has been customary in past years.
IIpon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams this request xas authorized unanimouslg.
r 238
Minutes oP the Meeting March 24, 1958 (Continued)
---'` DRAINAGE -
Mr. J. B. Justice, 113 Newton Isne, was recognized and informed the Board that ditches in
f? his neighborhood were stoppedup ao that it was effecting the septic tanka and the water stande until
it turns green. Neighbora are J.E. Parker, 115 Nexton Isne, F. H. Herring, 117 Newton Lane, Mra.
? D. W. Rackley, 127 Newton Iane, T. M. Ross, 123 Newton.Iane, G.A. Sutton, 119 Newton I,ane, and
A. R. Versaal, 107 Newton Iane and Mr. Justice is speaking for_all of them. Upon motion of Mr.
Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst he was referred to the Health Department for inv,estigation and rec-
Upon motion offered by W. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board adjourned as a Board of
Countq Coamiissioners to convene immediately as a Board of Fqualization and Review for the purpose of
hearing requests for reassessments, from the tax payers of the County.
Ea? '
• .
HdtiiC&. Ekecutive Secretary
Y8nutes of the Meeting Ntarch 31, 1958
The regular xeekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the
Commissionex's Room at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr:, Commissionera L. E. Hroad-
hurst, E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, J. M. Hall Jr. Chairman was detained but came in before the
ad3ournment; and County Attorney John B. Hill and Lounty Auditor T. D. Love.
The Vice Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and requested Rev. S. J.
Starneag Pastor of Sunset Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer for guidance.
IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williama, the minutes of the meeting held on
March 2-4, having previously been mailed each mmiber for reniew, xere unanimously approved.
On March 28, 1958 The State Highway Commission held its regular quarterly meeting in the
Superior Covrt Room. The New Hanover County Board of Commiasioners were recognized by appointment and
presented,as a group, the following request: ?
Mr. Chairman and Gentlenen of the North Carolina State Highwsy Commission:
I am J.M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover Covnty Board of Commissionera,
• and speaking on their behalf.
I know that you have listened to many thousands of words recently, and have
more to go while you are here on this occasion, conaequently we will make
our request just as plain, as concise and as brief as is possible.
Be£ore we get to the business at hand and on behalf of all.the people of New
Hanover County, I want to thank qou for your most recent action in apgroving
s uorka for our County and our State which has long been a crping need. I
want you to know that the recent release of the news that your Comanission
has approved for action the construction of a Q-rray Draw-Bridge at Snows Cut
on 421, and also has approved the construction of a/,-Iane Divid el Highway
from Myrtle Grove Junction (formerly Monkey Junction) to Carolina Beach on
-- 421 - is a piece of news that will infect new li£e into the Southern end
of our County which has been so terribly buffeted in the pest few years. I
• don't beliene that you can fully appreciate the new hope you have given this
large segment of our County. Gentlanen - we apgreciate it deeply.
But the principle thing we have come to you for today is a requeat which will
• not cauae you one single bit of expense. As a County Commissioner I lmow
this renark is uaually accompanied by a pleased grin.
We hane already written your Honorable Body an official letter regarding the
honoring of the memory of a former Member of your Coiruaission, the late C.
Heide Trask. Today We appear.personally to flurther this request.
Mr. Trask aas not only a man aho was honored by having been appointed to one
oY the most i.mportant positions in•our great State, but in our htmble opin-
iona carried honor and prestige to that high position. •
The fact that he occupied that position is not the only reason ve are here
today, Mr. Trask was a man. His mary kindnessea, which qou would never
know about from him, kindnesses to literally hundreds of his fellow citizene,
made hi.m loved by all.
There aas not one speck of animosity in his make-up.
His Nill to adhere to the edicts of his conscience and his best fudgement,
without resentment, made him respected enen by those with whom he might •
have disagreed.
It is uaually only once in a generation that such a man arises in a Commun-
ity. In our time thia man rras Heide Trask.
In order that the memory of hi's life and conduct might be perpetvated as•an
•• inspiration to thoae who come after, we sincerely and earnestly request
that you officially name the new Draw-Bridge•over the Inlsnd.Waterway at
Wrightsville Sound the -
" C. Heide Trsak Menorial Bridge "
Gentlemen, you could never honor a finer man.