1958-03-31 Regular Meetingr 238 Y"N Y Minutes oP the Meeting March 24, 1958 (Continued) ---'` DRAINAGE - Mr. J. B. Justice, 113 Newton Isne, was recognized and informed the Board that ditches in f? his neighborhood were stoppedup ao that it was effecting the septic tanka and the water stande until it turns green. Neighbora are J.E. Parker, 115 Nexton Isne, F. H. Herring, 117 Newton Lane, Mra. ? D. W. Rackley, 127 Newton Iane, T. M. Ross, 123 Newton.Iane, G.A. Sutton, 119 Newton I,ane, and A. R. Versaal, 107 Newton Iane and Mr. Justice is speaking for_all of them. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst he was referred to the Health Department for inv,estigation and rec- ommendation. ADJOURNMFBdT - Upon motion offered by W. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board adjourned as a Board of Countq Coamiissioners to convene immediately as a Board of Fqualization and Review for the purpose of hearing requests for reassessments, from the tax payers of the County. Ea? ' • . HdtiiC&. Ekecutive Secretary Y8nutes of the Meeting Ntarch 31, 1958 ASSEMBLY ?. The regular xeekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the Commissionex's Room at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr:, Commissionera L. E. Hroad- hurst, E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, J. M. Hall Jr. Chairman was detained but came in before the ad3ournment; and County Attorney John B. Hill and Lounty Auditor T. D. Love. OPENING The Vice Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and requested Rev. S. J. Starneag Pastor of Sunset Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer for guidance. MINUTES APPROVED - . , . IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williama, the minutes of the meeting held on March 2-4, having previously been mailed each mmiber for reniew, xere unanimously approved. BRIDGE NAME HIGHWAY COMMISSION - • • I On March 28, 1958 The State Highway Commission held its regular quarterly meeting in the Superior Covrt Room. The New Hanover County Board of Commiasioners were recognized by appointment and presented,as a group, the following request: ? Mr. Chairman and Gentlenen of the North Carolina State Highwsy Commission: I am J.M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover Covnty Board of Commissionera, • and speaking on their behalf. I know that you have listened to many thousands of words recently, and have more to go while you are here on this occasion, conaequently we will make our request just as plain, as concise and as brief as is possible. Be£ore we get to the business at hand and on behalf of all.the people of New Hanover County, I want to thank qou for your most recent action in apgroving s uorka for our County and our State which has long been a crping need. I want you to know that the recent release of the news that your Comanission has approved for action the construction of a Q-rray Draw-Bridge at Snows Cut on 421, and also has approved the construction of a/,-Iane Divid el Highway from Myrtle Grove Junction (formerly Monkey Junction) to Carolina Beach on -- 421 - is a piece of news that will infect new li£e into the Southern end of our County which has been so terribly buffeted in the pest few years. I • don't beliene that you can fully appreciate the new hope you have given this large segment of our County. Gentlanen - we apgreciate it deeply. But the principle thing we have come to you for today is a requeat which will • not cauae you one single bit of expense. As a County Commissioner I lmow this renark is uaually accompanied by a pleased grin. We hane already written your Honorable Body an official letter regarding the honoring of the memory of a former Member of your Coiruaission, the late C. Heide Trask. Today We appear.personally to flurther this request. Mr. Trask aas not only a man aho was honored by having been appointed to one oY the most i.mportant positions in•our great State, but in our htmble opin- iona carried honor and prestige to that high position. • The fact that he occupied that position is not the only reason ve are here today, Mr. Trask was a man. His mary kindnessea, which qou would never know about from him, kindnesses to literally hundreds of his fellow citizene, made hi.m loved by all. There aas not one speck of animosity in his make-up. His Nill to adhere to the edicts of his conscience and his best fudgement, without resentment, made him respected enen by those with whom he might • have disagreed. It is uaually only once in a generation that such a man arises in a Commun- ity. In our time thia man rras Heide Trask. In order that the memory of hi's life and conduct might be perpetvated as•an •• inspiration to thoae who come after, we sincerely and earnestly request that you officially name the new Draw-Bridge•over the Inlsnd.Waterway at Wrightsville Sound the - " C. Heide Trsak Menorial Bridge " Gentlemen, you could never honor a finer man. ? 23Q Minutes of the Meeting March 31, 1958 Continued BRIDGE NAME HIGHLlAY COMMISSION - (Continued) Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seaonded by Mr. Broadhursto unanimoua nunc.pro tunc approval was given to the action for recording in the minutes of this County. STR.FET USE - MAPLE (L? Mrs, Frank W. Cook, 304 North 43rd Street was recognized and said that she wanted to aek one question ^Is it the duty of property owners to maintain roads?" She said that her husband had present- ed their problem to the Board on March 17, 1958 . Since then she had agreed to purchase cinders to re- pair the damage to her drive by the Moore Plumbing Company trucks if'Robert M. Moore, the owner, would hsul them xhich he refused to do. She then aske3 if she can block off the portion of Maple Street which they cleareci and opene3. John Bright Hill, County 8ttorney ruled that she could not obstruct a public road since it was recorded and mapped. 'By common consent of the Board it was agreed that the Ikecutive 3ecretary, along with N`s. Dave W. Hivenbark investigate the matter and bring back a recommendation to the Board. PETITION EO INTEHVENE - .' "'''Mr. F. A. Downing, Director oF Bureau of fiates, Induatry and Commerce, for the City of Wi1- v mington was recogriized and when he requested approval of the'joint intervention petition, the minutea of last ueeks meeting granting approval was read to him. He'then informed the Board that the County's interest in the matter might differ from that of the City inasmuch as the Airport was owned by the County. The Uice Chairman Holton suggested that Mr. J.A. Westbrook was the proper representative oP ? the Countq for the Airport in the matter. He further suggested tYiat the Chamber of Commerce, City of ?.? Wilmington, Committee of 100, and the New Hanover Countp Commissioners call a meeting and discuss the ??'''? different angles of the problem. 5ince Mr. J.M. Aall is Chairman of the Commissioners and the Airport Coumi.ttee, it was auggested that he call the meeting and report the results to the ,Airport Authority for consideratiori. The motion tras made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted hy the Board. ? WILMINGTON COLLEGE BONDS - ( Attornep Lyrus D. Hogue, Jr,, presented a Notice of.Intention to apply to the Locsl Government Cormniesion for the approval of the lfilmington College Bonds. He explained that it was riecessary for thia notice to be published once a week for two weeks and suggested that the first insertion be made in the Morning Star Newspaper April 1, 1958 and again on April 8, 1958. Mr. tiLilliama moved and Mr. Broadhurst aeconded to approne the request be made. It carried unanimously, TA% REEUND Mra Lillian M Bellam Ra • • Y? 7-419 nkin Street,,appeared before the Baord requeating a teac re- ' fund on some property located in Block 466 because a ditch had been cut through it in 1949 and a cor- ner sold to Mrs. Wm. C. Bellamy. No trans£er of the ownership of the property had been recorded on ' the tax books so she has paid tax on it all these years. The discrepancy came to light during the equalization grogram. She was advised that Statute Iaw preaented a refluid,on more than two (2) years taxea, The Tax Stizpervisor is to handle and adjust. INSURANCE DISTRIBUTION - ? Mr. JamesL, Baldwin, appeared and was recognized by the Acting Chairman: He represents k mutual insurance and requested a fair .portion of the countp's insvrance business. Mr, T. D. Love, County Auditor, informed the Board that he would be glad to furnish the spread so on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Ececutive Secretary was unanimously suthorized to get the present record and report to the Soard on Apr31 14, meeting. MASONBORO PRECINCT - , Mr. Henry C..Bost, Chairman of the Board of Elections was recognized and informed the Board y? that his committee had decided to rearrange the Yesonboro Voting Precinct by making the new highway 132 NC ]mown as Castle Hayne - Mqrtle Grove Junction road as the dioiding line and that all the people who lived South of NC 132 must reregister in S'outh Wilmington Precinct in order to"vote in the ccming MgY 31 Primary election. Proper notice must be given publicly as required by the General 3tatutes o4 North Carolina. BRIGHTWOOD RAAD Petition of , Mr. G. L. Austin et al for properly draining and paving a section of road running in a circular direction from a point on the Masonboro Loop Road to another point on the.same road for ? a distance of imiZe, Imown sa Brightwood Road in Wood Acres was upon motion of Mr. Williams, aeconded 47;7 by Mr. Broadhurst, approved for transmitting to the State Highway, lhird Division Office. CHICHEN DAMAGE - S. B. SHIMP - , . Rxrsuant to the December 23, 1957 action of ,the Board in der?ying liability for damage caused bq atray dogs to chickens owned by Mr. S. B. Shimp, he was advised that until every legal avenue of re- •?' dress'was exhausted by him they would not reconsider his claims. He came in to the office on Friday, CI March 28, 1958 and requested the Executive Secretary to reopen the request for him at the.next meeting. It was again presented and the Countp Attorney ruled that exhausting legal means involved a suit against the owners of the dogs, securing judgment and issving an execution which has not been done, thereFore it stands as previously ruled 12/23/59. . , GARBAGE - GREFNVILLE SOUND - Letters were received and reviewed from Drs. David P. Thomss, and Bruce H. Dorman, Who live on Greenville Sound, cmaplaining about the dumping and burning of garbage, trash, refuse, and rubbish near their homes causing a health hazard as well as obnoxious and unplessant odors. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr.-Hall the letters are to be referred to the Consolidated Board of Hea7.th for investigation and correction and report back to the Hoard of Nex Hanover Countp Commissioners the re- sults of their findings and disposition of the matter. NOTICE OF LE4Y - ' ' T'ne Internal Revenue Service:.- U.S..Trea'sury. Department: througli:tbeir agent, Revenue Officer Robert B. Rabon, for P. K. Sanders the Director servel a Notice of Levy amounting*to'$1,358.65 represent- ? Gl?.° -O' a lien for Internal Revenue Taxes, against the Claim of Cwnber-Moore Company, Inc. now being placed on ' the calendar for hearing in the Superior Covrt during the next Civil Term, By common consent the matter was referred to the County Attorney and County Auditor for handling. TMPpRT AND EXPORT RATFS Following our correspondence to Gonernor Hodges on October 18, 1957 opposing the eqvalization of the rates betxeen the North Carolina Ports?and that of Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. R. A. Shew presented ??--q himaelf before the Board and uas recognize3. He said that he had been informed that the IItilities Commiss- ion was about to recommend to the Inter-State Commerce Commi.ssion that the rates between our ports and the Virginia port be equalized. He is of the opinion that we have been "sold down the river". At this time, Messrs A1 E. Jones and H. C. C1ark presented themselves seeking an sudience. ? A rlc4w) 4 () ?0 Minutes o£ the Meeting March 31, 1958 Continued /? IMPORT AND EXPORT RATFS (Continued) "We would like to make it clear that we do not feel that this is an inter-port fight between Wilmington and Morehead City. What we are endeavoring to do is forestall a move which we are convinced rrill ultimately result in an unstabTe condition'in the import and export rate structure to and from all South Atlantic and Gulf Ports. This confusion will ensue because rates to and from these ports are so critically interrelated by a rate-making formula, by clauses of the law and competitive conditions, that realignment at a single or pair of ports will necessitate a genersl readjustment at all ports. This will be amoat vndesirable situation from the viewpoint of all parties concerned, including the shippere, carriers and ports, and in his opinion will most certainly injure the State of North Carolina". There is a meeting scheduled for 9:00 A. M. Wednesdap April 2, 1958 with the Utilities Commission, City Council, and State Ports Authority. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Commissioners appear before that body and oppose any change and that the Ececutive Secretary telephone the ACL & Seaboard Railroads informing them of the meeting and solicit their influence in opposing it; motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted, HIGHWAY PATROL - ' The Board concurred in the feeling that the Azalea Festival Celebration'was a success even though we had no azaleas open. They also remarked about the efficient and courteous manner the law enforcanent of£icers handled the visitors. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that letters of apprecia- , tion be sent to the ltzalea Committee, Col. James R. Smith with copies to Patrolmen 5tewart and Clark, Sheriff's Department, and in the letter to the'Azalea Committee commend them on the Itir Show, particu- larly since it drew the largest crowd and seemed the greatest attraction. Mr. Williams secondad this motion which was unanimously adopted. JURY .- The following good and lawful persons were drAwn'to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the two (2) weeks terms beginning 6pri1 14, end 21st. For the Week of Anril 14. 1958 R. H. Youngblood 1914 Nvn Street Dewey R. Erookshire 233 Oakcrest Drive N. S. Westbrook 1716 Orange Street James W. LTestbrook 3013 Monroe Street F. W. Earnhardt Box # 162 Carolina Bch. Donald R. Marshburn •615 Caetle Hayne Rd. A.L. Register 118 Sumter Drive Charlie N,cIntire Jr. Rt.#]., Box #329 1 • Theod ore McIntire 607 Meares Street Wilson L. Allender . 3235 South Front S E. C. McCarley • 2304 Princess Street Julien Fdward Holleman 74 Spofford Mills L. E. Gilbert 4215 Market Street Jane G. Sidbury 2417 Market Street G.C. Baggett 2008 Perry Avernie Herbert L. Pittman Rt.# 2, Hox 11 A W. E. Starnes Box #1504, Wilm. John G. Thigpen Rt.#l, Box #280 A W, H. Younger 7 Woodlawn Robert B. Dulaney 2208 Klein Road W.R. Zibelin 718 Dock Street Monroe J. Johnson 716 5outh 13th Street L. L. Hanchey 2220P1aza Drive John Wade Roberts 3015 Jefferson Street T. N. Simmons,Jr. Rt./{ 2, Box /{146 , Arthur Newkirk P.O. Box #/1255, Wil. W. L. Jackson,Jr. 164 Spofford Mills •Joseph V. Taylor,Jr. 2415 Harrison Street F. A. Babson 2411 Jefferson St. Robert L. Godwin 3 Hudson Drive W.N. Clardy 2709 Washington St. Deward LeVerne Murphy 17 S. Lake Foreat R. H. Risley 1204 Country Club Rd George Uereen ' 919 North 9th Street L.O. Rlisco 2220 Klein Rosd Clarence Lanier 109 Walnut 5treet For the ideek of Anril 21. 1958 • J. M. Savage 106 Bell Street Alfred MeNe31 100$ South 8th Street H. R. Canady Rt.# 1, Box 188 Burdell Harvey 1010 Hall Street W. T. Rhodes . 3717 Wrightsville Av Pleasant Batson 106 Central Boulevard U. L. Spence Jr, 2416 Oleander Drive Bernard J. Abrams 1320 Chestnut Street Lee Outlar 1319 Glenn Street Robert E. Hewett 1917 Castle Street 41m. Deonton 2709 Van Buren St. Herman Ralfin 2510 Guilford Ave. Reed Snith 1013 South 3rd St. Fugene Dunham 812 Howard Street J. T. Brown 263 Greenville Ave. Clarence E. Hales 5703 Wrightsville 6ve. D. W. Allen 2246 Camelia Drive Robert K. Mills 245 North 25th Street E. R. Blake 222 Kenuood Ave IIliott S. Piver Rt.#3, Box /(644 H. A. Msrks Rt.#2, Box 67 Fdwin N. Small • 'P.O. Box (/1051 Jos. H. Davis 815 South 2nd St. Frlwin Brooke Smith 5320 Wrightsville Ave. Curtis Scott Rt.#2, Box #187 Fdward L. Sloop 312 Calhoun Drive Thedore Kirby 713 South 13th St. Thomas B. Rabon 26 Wrightsville Ane.' J. L. Lyde 513 Hanover St. William H. Tate 1405 Uirginia Ave. • J. R. Bell Rt.# 1p Box #244 AA Linwood L. Bell 102 Queen Street Iacy Tate 1009 Chestnut St, f?ye B. Page Jr. Cfo Stsr News Neuspspers Elijah Carr 710 5outh 7th St. John R. Todd • P.O. Box ,# 5159 Wilm. ADJOIIRNMENT - There being no flurther business before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion to ad3ourn the meeting; aeconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. . ' / , A..?? ` W. G. Houck? Executive S'?ecretarg •• Wilmington, N.C. April 7. 195$ This being Faster Monday and having been declared a Holiday by the Board, no mee g was held. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary , L?